Wednesday, March 7, 2007

10 minutes break

My head is spinning.. ..i feel like vomitting... again breathing too much dust i assume..have been feeling this way for everyday for many many days....n no.. i am NOT pregnant *chuckles*..mesti otak korang direct ke situ bila cakap pasal pening n mual.. :0)

today's mission.. ? The toys!

Halil left us at Bahause today on the way to work.. First stop? My beloved Dunkin Donuts :0) .. home made donuts r definitely better..i mean my mom used to make such fluffy soft doughnut as i was growing up....hmmm...i really miss her donuts...One thing for sure though... u will see a happy smiling hatice today once she sees her donuts...n sweet baddin.. as much as he loves the donuts.. he is waiting for his abla to come home from school to eat the donuts sweet...

Yum yum..

Anyway.. baddin n i finally entered Bahaus.. went straight to the boxes section n bought these..

One big sized plastic toy container

2 sets of medium sized containers n 2 sets of small sized containers

All work n no play...there r so many toys..i had thrown the crooked ones... divided each toy according to groups (big toys,small vehicles, barbie dolls..etc..etc... ) ..i wiped them all...i think i need one or two more of these containers..that will have to wait for later... but phewwwww......toy mission is almost completed...more work to do...n my 10 minutes break is over... simah over n out..!

P.s - i siap ikat rambut tocang dua lagi (mcm budak budak sekolah) sebab nak bekerja kutip toys hahahaha

Anak dara anne cepat la balik.. anne lapaq nak makan dunkin donut!iskh.. i should have bought more..tadi malas nak beli banyak sebab tahu nanti nak kena carry banyak containers..kan padan muka sendiri..dah terliur tunggu anak balik :0)

Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simah sure comel..ikat tocang 2...

Simah ada email add tak?
Saya nak email resepi....


March 7, 2007 at 4:05:00 PM GMT+2  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

aha....i baru nak cakap....u ikat toncang dua pasti cute.....dpt bayangkan....:) hehehehe
nampak mcm nakal gitu ek.


March 7, 2007 at 4:54:00 PM GMT+2  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cuba la buat donut macam yr mother:p

March 7, 2007 at 5:12:00 PM GMT+2  
Blogger aNIe said...

Donut...kak lady tak minat sangat

Mesti you comel je kan...buat camtu tocang 2...kak lady pun suka...

March 7, 2007 at 8:15:00 PM GMT+2  
Blogger k.d said...

Spring cleaning eh? I need to do that soon...need to take few days off though to do that... Em... looking forward to it? I look forward to the end result though..good,organized, clean house. But to get there yang parah sikit tu!

March 7, 2007 at 11:49:00 PM GMT+2  
Blogger Kak Elle said...

belum habis mengemas lagi?nanti bila dah beres semua cantik lah rumah simah kan?

March 8, 2007 at 1:23:00 AM GMT+2  
Blogger Queen Of The House said...

Simah, apsal you beli donuts tu semua yang chocolate covered? Tsk tsk tsk .... dah sah ni hantu cokelat! Next time buy more, taklah terliur, hehehe. I usually get the "buy 9, free 3" pack ... hah, sampai muak nak habiskan! And I prefer the jelly-filled ones :-)

March 8, 2007 at 4:26:00 AM GMT+2  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Simah,

Ha ha ha..I pun ingat apa2 tadi? With beautiful kids like yours I hope you'd think of 4 or 5 at least..*chuckle*

Amazing these Dunkin' Doughnuts. It is just like McD, to be found everywhere. Common landscape all over the world. You take care dear.

Happy International Women's Day.

March 8, 2007 at 8:56:00 AM GMT+2  
Blogger simah said...

*****halil gelak kat saya sebab ikat tocang dua hahahahah

saya siap tangkap gambar lagi hehehe nak tengok??

thanks 4 the recipe :0)

kalau budak budak ikat tocang 2 memang comel.. tapi dah tua mcm ni hehehe orang tua buat perangan budak budak memang hodoh hahahah tapi brutalllllllllll.. :0)


pernah buat tapi tak selembut my mom...nak kena tuntut ilmu nikat my mom.. :0)


kak lady
ikat tocang dua senang sket nak buat kerja..

akak pun mesti comelpunya :0)


memang parah... tapi worth it :0)

eh u dah baik ker? take care..


kak elle
cantik tu tidak la..tapi at least tidy... terlampau bersepah sangattttttt...tensen saya..


Queen of theHouse
memang hantu coklat hehehe
sampai banyak tu akak beli? hehehe akak pun suka yek?

saya pun suka yg jelly filled tu tapi ntah kat turki ni diaorang buat tak selembut yg kat malaysia... i love the strawberry filled one.. akak lak?

Ruby ahmad
memang la..lagi bucks...everywhere! padahal jual kopi ja :0)

happy women's day to u too! gooooo women! :0)

kalau u sponsor satu rumah besar kat i i akan buat anak sampai 8 hehehehe

rezeki Allah kalau nak bagi i tak tolak... tapi dua pun rumah tak cukup space..adoii... home management ni boleh i pi course belajar dari u.. i am desperately in need of one :0)

March 8, 2007 at 9:53:00 AM GMT+2  
Blogger Queen Of The House said...

Haha, memang my fav is the strawberry-filled one. Kalau tidak pun, the pineapple, apple, blueberry, or custard filled ones. Yang salut2 frosting or chocolate tu I tak suka sangat. And Simah, I have to buy 12, anak I kan double yours!!!

March 8, 2007 at 10:53:00 AM GMT+2  
Blogger simah said...

queen of the House
hheehhe betul jugak kan.. anak akak double.. lebih lebih lagi ada 2 orang hero...mesti diaorang makan lebih banyak dari the girls (for example..yesterday baddin pelahap 3 donut!!)..

iskh akak ni menterliurkan saya lak..must buy some more of these donuts before i termimpi mimpi hehehe

March 8, 2007 at 12:07:00 PM GMT+2  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

belum habis mengemas lagi?nanti bila dah beres semua cantik lah rumah simah kan?

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April 11, 2022 at 8:42:00 AM GMT+2  

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