Another talk on Color
The issue of color was again raised in the people around me when the pregnancy tester tested positive..
How will the baby look like? Like the father? or the mother? or a combination of both? Will the baby look totally like a Malaysian?
Or maybe totally like the father's bloodline?
That kind of speculations i am sure were in everybody's mind..both in malaysia n turkey..i am sure my mom n dad were hoping that there would be some whiteness in the baby..or they may have hoped that the baby would not have a nose so flat ..i think they too may have shared the thinking where being white is superior than being colored.. My family in turkey were all no doubt busy speculating as well.. though i dont think color was an issue to them much.. looks.. who will follow who was more important..

Both r growing up to be their own unique selves...bringing us love, joy, sadness, madness n everything u can think of.. no matter the color of their matter how they look like..they r my pride n joy... and nothing can take my love away from them...
On that first night at the hospital... when anne looking at me... seeing how i couldnt take my eyes off my daughter... she asked me...
How will the baby look like? Like the father? or the mother? or a combination of both? Will the baby look totally like a Malaysian?

What about Halil n i? well..we were so excited for the arrival for our first baby.. ..we tried to imagine how the baby may have looked like..halil didnt really care whether the baby look like me or him.. all he wanted was for our baby to be born strong, safe n healthy... me?.. if i am to confess..i was kindda hoping that the baby wouldnt have so flat a nose! heheheheh..
So when hatice was born...n then our second child was born.... well.. u know the rest... both have flat noses :0) .. hatice definitely has my skin.. baddin his skin is neither white not brown...both r born with special features of their own...a bit here n there.. u can see patches of features of halil n i..characterwise is the same too..both have a little bit of halil n me.. n they definitely have their own unique identities...

*Anne olmak guzel mı?*
(is it good to be a mother?)
Full with emotion... i didnt ..couldnt trust myself to answer her verbally.. i just nodded...
But i would have said to her if i could..
*Yes anne... the best feeling in the world!*
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: Once Upon a Thought
Flat nose ka...pointed nose ka janji dapat bernafas dengan sempurna. Sihat sejahtera itula yang kita harap untuk anak anak kita
p/s: the wedding pic sungguh klasik gitu. Tahun baper tu ek
Suspense je, ingatkan another bun in the oven? Fuh!! Masinlah mulut makcik hendaknya...
Ada ubatnya flat nose tu - masa kecik2 lagi kenalah rajin2 picit/urut spy mancung! heheheh.
Wedding pic tu tak puas tengok coz yg Mesia punya kecik je orgnya.
Jgn rasa rendah diri, setiap org tu adalah istimewa dijadikan Allah.
BTW, you're tagged!! Heheheh.pls refer to my latest entry.
i have three kids with all different features and people always woncder is they are siblings!LOL!
so simah, it's the joy they bring us...the features just add colours to conversation :)
Kebahgiaan ketika menyambut mereka tidak pernah membuat kita melihat macam macam wajah mereka...asalkan sempurna sifat...segalanya indah...
Tapi anak2 u memang cantik2 simah...kak lady suka tunjukkan pic anak2 u pada Huda...she loves to see your daughter and son...
Anak kak lady masa lahir semua putih2...tapi bila dah bersekolah, bersukan...semua dah gelap...hahahah
Simah ... Simah ... of all the things to be concerned about, hidung flat ke tidak!! Your kids are both lovely and I am sure they will develop to be great kids with great personalities. Orang kata mixed kids ni selalunya interesting. You'll see :-)
Walaupun we all ua-dua Melayu, my children punya colours pun have invited lots of comments ... my girls are darker, but my boys are fairer. The youngest especially ... agaknya terkenan dengan neighbour Mat Salleh (masa pregnant kat dia our neighbours were Americans with a cute baby)!! And orang tanya whether I makan/minum banyak soya bean when pregnant to him. Betul lah kot theory tu. Tapi I tak bolehlah nak harap anak hidung tinggi, hehehe!!
saya setuju n alhamdulillah la.. anak sihat :0)
ala tu gambar wedding masa tahun 1999...:0)
hahahaha bun in the oven tu i tunggu u dulu *wink*.. jodoh tak kemana rad... :0)
i suruh u tengok muka malaysian gambar budak compang la... bukan nya gambar mempelai :0) ... nanti nanti la i make an entry on my kenduri kawin :0)
iskh.. kena tagged? ingat dah terlepas dah!!...nanti i jawab yek? jenuh nak pikşr ni.. :0)
dah picit dah..tak pun tinggi heheheheh
mama rock
maksudnya anak anak mama tu...sorang anak tu mama beli dari mamak jual roti.. sorang dari cina jual sayur dan sorang lagi makcik jual nasik lemak?? *wink*
memang kalau tak ada anak memang rasa sunyi kan?
kak lady
sesapa pun kalau dah duduk kat mesia mesti gerenti gelap punya.. :0) kalau hatice duduk mesia dia pun kulit mesti piaw kulit melayu..baddin ni saya tak sure ..:0)
betul cakap akak ni..kalau anak tak sempurna sifat pun la kan ..bila dia tersenyum..saya rasa memang dunia ni indah
Queen of the House
hehehe ala tu masa saya masih terfascinated dengan hidung mancung hehehe
dah tak terfascinated dah.. dah sedar diri heheh
tu la kan..anak ni dah Allah nak bagi mcm tu.. memang akan keluar mcm tu.. tapi bab terkenan tu.. interesting betul.. memang ur yyoungest nampak cerah betul... :0)
aku tengok anak hang dua dua cam halil.. tak nampak pun ghupa hang! muaahaahaaa...!!
Simah, i agree wt marlina - takde rupa melayu laa:)
Walamak gambar pengantin! Macam pinang dibelah 2, sama cantik, sama padan. Wah, Halil masa tu so handsome ya (bukan la sekarang ni tak handsome, haha...)
Planning / expecting 3rd child ke?;)
simah as long as the child is normal in every way....cantik ke hodoh tu semua pemberian dari yg maha kuasa kita terpaksa menerima nya.
aiyo simah... so touching lah. especially the last line. i pulak yang 'miss' your anne. so motherly.
Simah...kak lady tagged u...pegi lah ke blog akak...
Cuba buat tau...
janji sihat walafiat.. syukur habis dah tu. study dia, ugama dia, kita la kena tekan kan. color2 & design2 kat muka tu belakang cite la. simah, my kids bercolor2 tau. mcm rainbow gelap. kejap dark purple, kejap dark brown.. he he.. awat tak nya, bapak dia dok bawak sunbathing je. prrgghh..
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