Woman n handbag

This is a picture scanned from a local newspaper….the topic? *Women n Handbags* It started off like this..
“Kadınlar neden çanta taşır? Çünkü kadınlar neredeyse tüm eşyalarını yanlarında bulundurmak istiyorlar”
*Why do women carry a bag? Because women want everything next to them when they need something*
I personally think it is true..we do want everything in hand whenever we need it…if u r a make up freak for example.. u cannot leave the house without at least a lipstick in ur bag.. .ur .handphone..ur face mirror..ur mp3..ur keys (to ur house.. to ur Office.. to ur mom’s place…to ur in law’s place..bla bla bla),tissues..bla bla bla bla bla bla..the list is endless…That is of course if u r single.. if u r a woman with a small kid (kids).. u may even have diapers.. socks.. pants n t-shirts inside ur bag….the bag can be really heavy..but we do not complain..
Interestingly, men r happy with just carrying their wallets with them.. n they even complain that the wallets r too heavy!!
So what do u carry in ur handbag?? :0)
“Kadınlar neden çanta taşır? Çünkü kadınlar neredeyse tüm eşyalarını yanlarında bulundurmak istiyorlar”
*Why do women carry a bag? Because women want everything next to them when they need something*
I personally think it is true..we do want everything in hand whenever we need it…if u r a make up freak for example.. u cannot leave the house without at least a lipstick in ur bag.. .ur .handphone..ur face mirror..ur mp3..ur keys (to ur house.. to ur Office.. to ur mom’s place…to ur in law’s place..bla bla bla),tissues..bla bla bla bla bla bla..the list is endless…That is of course if u r single.. if u r a woman with a small kid (kids).. u may even have diapers.. socks.. pants n t-shirts inside ur bag….the bag can be really heavy..but we do not complain..
Interestingly, men r happy with just carrying their wallets with them.. n they even complain that the wallets r too heavy!!
So what do u carry in ur handbag?? :0)
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: Women n Stuffs
simah you've said what I want to say...yes thats why I'm an owner of so many bagsssss....u too have a nice weekend:)
Hahah..Simah, dalam handbag saya mcm2 ada..
pendek cerita macam cerita doremon tu le.. kat dalam tu semua adaaaaa... hehe
Obviously I don't carry handbag :)
I minimize things in my wallet:
- IC
- Driver's liscence
- ATM Card (1)
- Visa Credit Card (1)
- AMEX (sometimes I leave home without it)
- Passport size pics of wife & kids
- Some money enough to pay for petrol and teh tarik.
i've a lot of handbags too.. sini kan murah gila but whenever my hubby sees it, ngamuk dia.. "apa nak melaram ni, bahaya la, a purse in one side of yr pocket, handphone another pocket laa.. bla bla bla.."
tp masa dia takde.. si gonjeng ni mesti bawak handbag la.. byk benda nak taruk laaa.. takpun buat seposen je..
ikutkan saya tak suka langsung handbag. rimas.lebih suka masukkan purse dlm poket baju.
tp, sejak ada hp, saya lbh suka sling bag yg kecil tu, cukup utk letak hp, purse, kunci rumah aje.
pernah ada hbg agak besar, saya letakkan skali diapers anak dlm tu heehe.
my handbag has everyhting in it and if i change handbag, mesti stress punya coz definitely ada something yang i nak which i thought i wont need when i changed the bag...murphy's law ya.
not my hubby! not that he carries a handbag. But i think his bag is heavier than mine whenever we go out.
Some men even 'tumpang' their stuff into their wives' bags/handbags!!
1. No proper wallet or purse - just small coin-purse & simple plastic wallet for cards; notes selit celah2 zipped compartment
2. Hp
3. Keys -car,ofis, hse (kekdg kpg's, kak's)
4. Current fave pencil & pen coz I'm student ma..
5. 1,2 pen drive -they're small
6. Memo pad or small notebook for ideas & reminders
7. Tissues (&p/liners- seriously, someone I know always has an extra panties stash inside)
8. Digicam - in case of any photo opportunities
9. Sweets or choc - in case of the need to bribe any of my nephews & nieces arise & while listening to talks
10. Matrik card with miniature calendar attached
11. Bekal of the day or whatever -heheh!-rad-
kak elle
n we have to have handbags to match the clothing huh?:0)
hehehe dalam bag kalu tak ada apa tak best jughak kan?
perempuan kan doraemon.. kitaorang super people.. dalam beg mesti semua ada.. :0)
sounds like the typical things male specie carry :0)
teh tarik huh? heheheh
si gonjeng? hahahaha lama tak dengar perkataan nih!!
ala dah pompuan tak bawak handbag tak sah la.. buat muka dunno ja bila hubby u bebel :0)
saya pun tak ada bag besar.. saya pun pakai sling bag ja.. tapi next to the sling bag.. saya ada knapsack utk letak spare baju..seluar..stokin.. undies..selipar bla bla bla hatice n baddin esp bila
keşuar dengan depa ! hehehe banyakk benda nak carry tu :0)
mama rock
we women takkan lari dari murphy law punya :0)
mama sarah
ni mesti ur hubby carry dia punya camera materials punya :0)
like mine! heheheh so in the end i beli kat dia pouch bag :0)
banyaknyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa barangggggg!! so how big is ur bag? hehehehe
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