Wednesday, January 10, 2007

My discovery today..

I have to apologize if the topic today may offend any of u.. but u see.. i have discovered something today…

It has something to do with this..

Yup.. it is a veggie we call..cabbage in english.. kobis in malay and lahana in turkish.

In malaysia, it is an all year round veggie. In 4 season countries however.. in turkey for example, it is the winter veggie.. it is only at this time of the year, u can buy the cabbage from the Pazar or the market. What do turks do with cabbage? ..Well they definitely dont play with it hehehe..yes..they eat it.. they use cabbage for making dolma (stuffed veggie)… like the stuffed dolma u can find in Zaim ladies Recipe book blog (see the side bar)… or they make kapuska out of the cabbage..or other food that i dont know salad? Coleslaw? Hmmm..

I love cabbage…that i discover after i reach this country..But the problem is.. cabbage.. ..after eating it.. i will definitely need to let out my *gas*.. and i am not talking just any gas.. it it that very high volume non stoppable gas hehehehe (u can use ur imagination right?) heheh it can be embarassing many times i felt embarrased for letting out the gas like that..i just cant help it.. and the worst part.. cabbage gives me stomach cramp….i love it.. but i suffer after every cabbage eating… adoi…not something to look forward to eh?

I have always known that ginger is good for gas.. having 3 younger siblings, i remember how my wan (my dad’s mom) used to cook food with ginger for my mom after each birth.. *-buang angin- to clean the gas in the body* she said..but being the ignorant person i am.. .. i never thought that i’d apply it to myself..

Anyway.. it was only a few years ago that i discovered fresh ginger in turkey.. fresh ginger (thanks Carrefour n migros!) is expensive as well.. hence, i never really wanted to burden Halil with buying the ginger.. though i have to say.. now i just buy the fresh ginger ..a lot of them everytime we enter carrefour hehehe ..

Today, i though i’d make an experiment on myself.. the main menu of the day.? Suprise suprise… cabbage of course.. ! cabbage dolması (lahana dolması)..n my fav cabbage dish..(only form e coz i put chilli in it hehe)..

Experiment 1 - I ate that fav dish of mine for lunch (not the dolma’s the other one with chilli).. n i repeat loads of it. Next to it, i had hot water boiled with fresh ginger with a bit of honey added as my drink.. together.. i had a delicious lunch (at least to me).. n guess what? For someone who has got a problem with eating cabbage.. i did not let out air as i normally do!! No cramp at all.. i felt fine!!

Experiment 2 – For dinner, again i ate the same dish..again loads of it.. this time without the ginger drink.. Not suprising, after 5 minutes, i let out a not so ladylike air… my tummy felts weird as well.. almost a cramp..but not so bad.. perhaps it was the effect of the ginger drink i had drank during the day that prevented the bad cramp i am drinking the ginger drink as to prevent any bad i type this entry..

My conclusion: Ginger is good for health..esp if u have *gas* problem….

I surfed the net as well to find a beter more scientific study on ginger n its benefits.. here is what i found..

*Ginger is a culinary spice known to add its pungent taste and aroma to whatever dish it is added to. It has a long history as a culinary spice and medicinal herb for thousands of years in Asia, and has been exported to the West thanks to Eastern traders. Since then it has become a staple in most kitchens around the world.I.

History Of Ginger

Ginger or Zangiber officinale in Latin, is an aromatic underground stem or rhizome. This plant has a long history in Asian cuisine for thousands of years. Indigenous to China, it was used as a culinary spice for more than 4,400 years. Its medicinal value was sought after; for more than 2,000 years it has been recognized as a cure against diarrhea, nausea and stomach upset.

use became widespread in India, under theMuslim rule, when it was used in preparing meat dishes, and even buttermilk and curd products.During the time of Roman Empire, ginger was brought by Eastern traders to Rome for its medicinal properties. Even when the Roman Empire fell, and when Arab merchants controlled the trade of spices and herbs, it was constantly exported to Europe.

By the 16th century the Arabs brought the rhizome to East Africa to plant it there, and introduced it to the Carribean.II.

Culinary Uses Of Ginger

You may be wondering about the taste and smell of ginger. It has phenylpropanoids (gingerol and zingerone) and diarylheptanoids (gingeroles and shoagoles) - compounds that are responsible for its distinct taste.

When cooked, gingerol transforms into zingerone, which has a less pungent, spicy-sweet aroma.Ginger is a common ingredient when meat dishes are cooked, as it acts as a tenderizer to soften the meat.

In the West, ginger acts as a flavoring in baked goodies like ginger cake, ginger biscuits, and in drinks like ginger ale.

II. Health Benefits Of Ginger

Modern medical science has proven its efficacy in treating nausea and motion sickness. In one study, for example, 80 novice sailors prone to motion sickness were made to take powdered ginger. The subjects showed significant reduction in cold sweating and in vomiting.

It is also seen as a more effective aid for pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting compared to placebo. In one large study composed of 70 pregnant women with severe vomiting and nausea, those who took 1 g of ginger each day had reported less vomiting and being less nauseous, against those who took placebo.

Ginger contains antioxidants. Antioxidants are found in certain food like garlic, green tea, coffee, red wine and apples.These are responsible for fighting free radicals which naturally occur inside the body, and which contribute to the development of health problems such as heart disease and cancer.

Aside from that, it acts as a natural anti inflammatory in health problems like arthritis, ulcerative colitis, bursitis and bronchitis.While no major side effects are associated with taking ginger as a medicinal herb, caution is advised to those with gallstones. Consult your physician first before taking it.*

Benefits of Ginger Root

Ginger has been revered in Indian and Chinese civilizations for over 5000 years for its powerful health imparting properties. In fact, Indian ginger is said to have the most potent medicinal properties.
Due to such a prolonged belief, research on ginger benefits was natural. Sure enough, the results were on expected lines:

Danish researchers found that ginger can block the effects of prostaglandin - a substance that cause inflammation of the blood vessels in the brain and can lead to migraines.

Ginger was found to be effective for relieving the severity of nausea even in cases of pregnancy.
Many women claim that ginger tea helps rid them of menstrual cramps.

It has anti-inflammatory properties that can lessen the pain of rheumatoid arthritis.
Respiratory infections - it is well known for its warming action on the upper respiratory tract, so it has been used to treat colds and flu.

It has been found to be effective in cramps caused by stomach gas. Ginger also stimulates digestion.

It has a wholesome effect on the circulatory system as it makes the platelets less sticky and is of great benefit in case of circulatory disorders.

As a mood enhancer, ginger's cineole content may help contribute to stress relief.
It is a great mouth freshener and ginger tea has vastly refreshing properties.

In all, incorporating a ginger intake in your daily routine can lead to definite wholesome effects

Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..



Blogger Idham said...

ginger.....reminds me of my favourite...
"mamak teh tareek halia satu! kao kao punya"

have a good day simah.



January 11, 2007 at 2:19:00 AM GMT+2  
Blogger ~ GAB ~ said...

First thing strikes me when about the ginger is when I was staying in Indonesia, every night, a man with his two-wheeler would hit on his instrument made out of bamboo. It echoes all over the housing area. His voice was som familiar to me when he yelled "Bandrek...Bandrek..." That means "teh halia".
And, I'd go out and have a cup every night without fail.

January 11, 2007 at 2:50:00 AM GMT+2  
Blogger Mama Rock said...

ahhh...i put ginger in my hubby's tea every night :)

January 11, 2007 at 4:36:00 AM GMT+2  
Blogger Mummy Rizq said...

wei!.. banyak sungguh angin hang naa......

January 11, 2007 at 11:05:00 AM GMT+2  
Blogger Kak Elle said...

I agree with the cabbage stuff I know whenever I had cabbage I felt very bloated one way if u don't want the gas to leak simah drink coke it will instead let out from the top....hehe....true ginger is a good remedy to lots of problems.

January 11, 2007 at 2:51:00 PM GMT+2  
Blogger Mama Sarah said...

oh no wonder cabbage was banned when i was on pantang...

January 11, 2007 at 3:11:00 PM GMT+2  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

am using my imagination when u say those words..mesti cute giler :0)

thanks..u have a nice day too :0)


old memories can be so sweet huh?

do u still drink ginger tea?


mama rock
mesti papa rock sayang gila kat mama.. :0)

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,mama sarah

n now u know :0)
banyak anginnnnnnnnnnn :0)

Marlina Baharom
memang banyak... ni dah makin naik usia lagi la.. la ni aku dok promote air teh halia kat laki n kak ipaq aku hehehe :0)

hang minum tak?

kak elle
coke?? hmm.. first time saya dengar.. nice option for me there akak :0) kan saya ni hantu coke hehehe

mama sarah
so now u know la kan :0)
eh u tak ada cita cita nak tambah satu lagi ka?

January 11, 2007 at 10:05:00 PM GMT+2  
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