My mumbling on New Year and Kurban Bayram
(one of the victims happened to be halil's student..Al fatihah)
Anne n Baba dia apa lagi... posing jangan tak posing
Yup.. a simple family outing we had last weekend.a simple lunch coz i decided that i was lazy to cook hehehehe...
We dont celebrate Christmas here in turkey..there is no public holiday for christmas here.. the reason would be..around 98 percent of the population are muslims. The rest r either christians, jews or others..
But one interesting culture i observe here is the New Year.. For the new year, it is as if.. they celebrate Christmas and thanksgiving on that day.. Why do i say that? on the new year's eve.. people will exchange gifts...have santa clause somewhere...decorate the pine tree (christmas tree)..and for dinner...they have turkey...I have no idea where this mixture of culture derive from.. but the general population does that...
We dont do that of course.. The Zaim family, every year, we do have the family dinner..everyone will be at baba's..The kids will get small gifts..something symbolic..we dont have christmas tree.. we dont have santa definitely.. and as for dinner....we rarely have turkey on the table (halil disagrees with the culture)....only rarely we eat turkey on new year's eve..
What i simplY LOVE about the TüRKs are.. The Kurban Bayram.. Yup..the kurban Eid Celebration...U can feel the spirit of Kurban here.. Everywhere... many organizations are out in the open so that the people will give the money for kurban to their organization.. The BESt part of it all is... Many many people do give their hare for the times.. when they can afford it.. even both the husband n wife give the kurban..Many many centers are opened at the kurban centers.. for those who decide not to give their money to organizations for the kurban, they can go to the kurban centers on the bayram the cow or the sheep of their choice, and pay for the person in charge at the center to cut the animal accordingly..
The kurban meat particularly organized by organizations (mostly private)..will the be distributed both locally and world wide.. anywhere where the meat is most needed...
Halil told me that..usually on the kurban day.. normally it will rain.. Maybe it is because of the rahmat of the day.. and it is also Allah's way of washing the blood of the kurban ..Whatever it is.. what i am so happy about is.. U can feel the spirit of kurban bayram here.. people r not stingy and they usually try to be a part of those who pay the money for a kurban...
And this is the latest mode this year... u can even pay bit by bit the kurban price...(taksit = bayaran ansuran)
For example..let say the price of one part of kurban is 300YTL.. some organizations allow the people to pay the amount for 3 months.. meaning 100YTL for 3 months.. ..
This year, the weather is cold here in turkey.. bayram this year may have the possibility of snow..i dunno..
I am taking a break for a while.. will be back with a new entry on the bayram day...

From the bottom of our hearts..
Happy New Year...Salam Aidil Adha.. Hayırlı Bayram Kutlu Olsun
to all of you
With all our love.. All the way from istanbul
Maaf Zahir dan Batin
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: Turkish Culture
I love that picture of the family with snows in turkey eh?
Selamat tahun baru to you and family Simah.
Simah...maybe the culture of having santa clause & pine trees are from the Christmas celebration...kat sini memang dah biasalah kita tengok semua bangsa mcm happy aje apa bila tiba hari2 perayaan...bukan happy apa...happy sebab masa tulah semua shopping complex dihias....sales sana sini...bandar2 seolah2 bermandi cahaya....lebih2 lagi bila Krismas...sana sini ade pokok krismas dan anak2 pun suka sebab dapat coklat & gula-gula dari mereka....
Salam Aidil Adha buat Simah sekeluarga & SELAMAT TAHUN BARU...
Tak lupa juga Al-Fatihah buat yg telah pergi.....
Kak lady ni suka tengok anak2 simah...comel....
selamat hari raya 'aidil adha juga buat simah..maaf zahir batin atas segalanya
hehe..suka tgk posing romantik simah n suami.
takziah pd keluarga arwah. al fatihah
p.s. saya baru sent entri terbaru, tgk2 simah dah masuk blog dulu :D
simah, selamat menyambut aidil adha.. tak der plan nak balik mesia ker? AND happy new year to you and family too...
salam aidil adha dari kami sekeluarga..
selamat hari raya to ur lovely family..thanx so much and its a great thing knowing u :-)
Salam. Selamat menyambut aidiladha di sana - kira bkorban jugak le tak? Jgn sedih ha.. Asalkan suami dan anak2 disisi pun dah syukur ye tak? Klu balik sini pun, dgn banjir lagi, much more internet access gonna be disrupted/limited for at least 2 weeks (harunya!!) -kenot bloghopping much la...Apa2pun syukur. Poso tak?
i sejak dok UK baru tau bnyk cara boleh bersedekah. lagilah dgn teknologi internet ni, i send duit ikutlah pd mana2 orgAnisation yg i rs layak.
simah, raya nanti make sure jgn mkn kat mcD pulak :)
kak elle
******* snows here.. not much.. but still... the weather is freezing now..back to wool things nowadays..eeeeee tak sukanya pakai woolly stuffs..
selamat tahun baru utk akak jugak.. have fun!
kak lady
kita kat mesia ni memang dah biasa sambut semua perayaan.. being multi racial and all..kat sini bila semua raya satu perayaan aja.. terasa pelik pulak bila ada terselit perayaan agama lain..
hmmm sale... mesti best shopping masa ni kat sana! :0)
Salam aidilAdha utk akak dan keluarga.. saya rasa mcm teringin nak cubit pipi anak anak akak tu..gerammmnyaaaaaaaaaa
saya pun sama la yea syikin.. maaf zahir dan batin...saya ni kan kuat membebel..mesti ada punya saya buat salah.. :0)
hehehe bertuah saya dapat tangkap gambar mcm tu.. suami saya ni open affection ni tak berapa suka sangat :0) bila dia nak pose mcm ni..mesti saya tak lepas punya :0)
marlina baharom
sama la saya pon.. selamat hari raya maaf zahir dan batin..
plan balik mesia memang sentiasa ada.. cuma pulus cukup dengan tak cukup ja :0).. so far memang tak cukup... so sabar je la yek? :0)
salam aidiladha utk zino dan family jugak...:0)...dok tunggu gambaq cameron highland nih..
salam aidiladha to u too.. the feeling is likewise.. it is wonderful to know u.. semoga persahabatan kita akan berkekalan.. kirim salam kat shami kalau u ada jumpa dia.. n please remind him that i am *NOT* one of those girls yg minat kat dia hahahahahaah..i am just the girl yg selalu berlekat kat uraini..
salam aidiladha utk awak jugak..maaf zahir dan batin..
memang dok syukur ada anak anak dan suami disisi.. boleh buli depa..
kalau nak balik pun kena tunggu summer house when my daughter summer holiday.. tengok la 2007 ka 2008 ka..
balik malaysia tak main la main internet heheheh nak tenung pokok puas puas.. pokok betik.. pokok pisang.. pokok getah..pokok sawit.. pokok segala pokok :0)..rumah segala rumah..rumput segala rumput....:0)
hehehe ada orang nih tengah tensen internet connection tengah limited ka? sabaq..sabaq.. :0) biar limited asalkan jangan terputus terus ..
tak poso... orang pompuan..cuti :0)
mama sarah
memang teknologi semua dah mcm mcm kan?
kitaorang kat sini memang gilaaaaaaaaaaaa banyak gila organisation diaorang... rasa mcm raya berkurban betul..memang raya kurban lagi meriah dari raya posa... :0)
anak u dah sihat ker?
I was there during Christmas last year. Sejuk giler!!! Wish you a meaningful kurban bayram.
Hi Simah,
Thank you for the link. That's nice of you.
Gosh! Two people died that way? So sad. The escalator must have been so jam packed with people. How dangerous it can be. Al-Fatihah to them.
I agree that pix of you and family in the snow is so endearing. Wonderful.
Something new I learn about New Year's in Turkey with exchanging of gifts and all. Interesting that.
Salam Aidil-Adha to you and family.
Salam AidilAdha....and Happy new year to simah and family.
Happy jer i nampak u all celebrate raya...and the QURan reciting kat sini syahdu....thanks for sharing it!
Alfatihah to yang telah pergi...
accident happens when we least expect.
ps : yES --- pls la link kan blog i tu hehehehe
ms istanbul
the same goes to u.. wishing u a wonderul bayram n new year.. may next year be better than this :0)
i thank u for ur link :0)
yeah..accident can happen where u least expect it to be. That student of halil.. he fell from the top of the escalator downwards. The sad thing is.. only after half an hour the ambulance came. he died in the arms of his sister.
The next death happened at the same very escalator a week later..this time a girl.. Al fatihah to them..
at the mall where i snapped the pics above, a boy in front of me got his shoe lace stuck to the escalator. luckily the shoelace went out of the stuck place...but it scared the hell out of me.. we should be careful with shoe laces as well when on the escalator..
salam aidliadha to u n ur love ones :0)
why do i sense that big grin on ur face bila i mintak permission nak link kan u kat sini? hehehe and i am not *hanged* yet by him heheheheh
kat sini raya haji lagi meriah dari raya posa... kesian pulak kat biri biri dan lembu yg kena tumbang.. apa nak buat kan? dah nasib dia..
and salam aidiladha to u n ur family.. :0)
assalamualaikum, simah...
Eid Mubarak! pagi2 eid di sini disaji dgn video Saddam Hussein digantung on BBC 24.
Simah - McD kat sana halal ke? Syok je tengok your lil' boy yummy yummy...
**** kat sini masalah daging halal tak ada..
happy eid mubarak to u too!! kiss ur lil princess for me!
memang diaorang sengaja gantung saddam mara hari raya..saja la tu nak clashkan geng suni n shiit.. dunia dunia..bila la nak aman yea?
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