Respect thy....

This picture was published in at least 2 local newspapers here last sunday...
2 men. One younger. One older. The older one (on the left) giving the younger one (on the right) a plate (plaket) of honour in a formal ceremony. The younger one, accepting the plate and kissing the older man's hand...resulting the people in the audience to give them a standing ovation....clap clap clap....
The younger man is Abdullah Gül..Once the temporary prime minister of turkey while waiting for Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to take his place as the prime minister.. and presently the minister of Foreign affairs of Turkey. The older man... my dad in law.. a *hoca* educator..
Baba gave the plate to a total of5 people...when Abdullah Gül's turn came...he did not shake baba's hand. He did more.. he kissed baba's hand..put his forehead onto baba's hand....thus making one of the headlines in the local newspaper... 3 other plate recievers followed suit his action.. they too kissed babab's hand.
He did not do that for fame.. he doesnt need that.. he is a minister as it is..but what made him kissed baba's hand was the respect he has for baba... baba being one of his educators in his learning year...
What a nice scenario, isnt it.. no matter how high u get in matter how rich u have become....if u forget ur roots... the people who helped u to be who u r today... never looking down....then u cannot be humble.....
Gü the position he is now.. in that ceremony, he did not forget to be humble in front of his hoca because the respect he has for his hoca made him bent down to kiss his hoca's hand regardless where he front of his hoca.. he is his student..and the respect he had showed deserved the standing ovation he had gotten from everybody..
And in the hoca's place..i think nothing can be more rewarding than to see his student showing his respect for is one of those things that made the educationg job a worthwhile experience....
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: Baba
Very precious moment! We have good leaders.. but rarely great leaders.. This guy is a gem.
a powerful photo. it brings one to their height of emotion. I can feel your baba feeling proud.
menitis air mata membaca nya simah..this should be the way!!Mutual respect must remain and hope everyone will do the same.
That's a good gesture of showing the respect regardless of what position you're currently at. What more when it comes to someone that used to impart knowledge to us. Love to read the way it turned out to be.
That is the greatness of a great "teacher". It just makes me think of how respected teachers/educators are ... or were. Good ones, that is. Their anak murid will always hold them in high esteem. Your baba must be one great man!
ms istanbul
i believe if there is such a leader in a country...then that country has hope...
the funny thing is... all his children n grandchildren were at his place when he got back from the ceremony.. he mentioned about the ceremony bla bla bla.. but not this one thing.. we only discovered it thru the newspaper heheh but he looked happy that day...on sunday we discovered why... :0)
kak elle
life without respect is such an empty life, isnt it? hopefully respect will not die within each of us..respect for ur mothers..teachers...friends... even ur cat ..n esp respect for one's own self...
yeah.. it is nice isnt it? especially to see it on the newspaper :0)hopefully the younger generations can learn something from that picture :0)
Queen of the House
my dad in law is a respected man in his field..dah 80 tahun lebih dah umur dia... he has achieved so much...
the thing is though.. he is one of those very high quality hocas of the older generation.. he has the respect of is not so easy to find this kind of hoca quality least u wont find it often to have ur anak murid to kiss ur hand in such a ceremony...
good teachers will always have a great impact on our lives kan? :0)
I did attended a few lectures given by your dad-in-law, and that would made me his student as well.
And I would not only kissed his hands but would put my forehead to it.
Çok Çok selam söyle.
ku keng
nevzat bey and baba r among the jewel among hocas.. and u r among those in Abdullah gül's group where respect for their hocas run high..regardless of the success u have in life..
may more people like u roam among us in this world :0)
Aleykumussalam.. i will tell baba of ur selam :0)
MasyaAllah, spot on la Simah! Make me more motivated to be an educator...a good that is!-rad-
itulah dia seronoknya menjadi seorang pendidik..sampai bila2 akan diingati oleh anak murid, apatah lagi jika pendidik tu seorang yg hebat.
p.s. komen saya kat entri sblm ni tak masuk rupanya..sabar ajelah.
dpt bayangkan keseronokan simah berjumpa dgn org kampung dan bergaul mesra beberapa hari bersama, blh cakap bahasa kita lagi :D
siannya kat hatice, mesti dia dah seronok sbb ada 4 aunties kat rmhnya beberapa hari ni.
My full respect to your FIL. SEmoga memberi semangat dan menjadi contoh yang baik kepada generasinya yang seterusnya.
Halil is in the same field right?
nice pic simah
tapi kan simah, sekali kita jadi cikgu selamanya org hormat kita
u r mia!! busy dengan thesis ka?
betul tu syikin.. awak pun mesti faham sebab suami syikin pun perdidik :0)
mama sarah
menjadi pendidik memang bagus..u pun sebagai anak pendidik mesti dapat merasai betapa respectnya anak murid ur dad esp masa dia nak retire dulu..
yup..same field...used to be in the same room too..tapi now he is more towards human resource management... moving further than his father's focus :0)
memang IV.. lagipun kerja jadi cikgu amal dia boleh bawak mati..tapi kalau jadi cikgu yg baik la..kalau yg tak baik...adoi...
I've been a silent reader for many months. And now I just got to say something. It really brought tears to my eyes.
At this moment, I have a hoca, who deserves the same respect as ur FIL. He is a Prof Emeritus and despite being retired, he does not stop. I'm honoured he asked me to carry on with his research.
Thank you for visiting my blog all these while..i am glad to have made ur acquaintance :o)
u must be one of ur professor's protegee.. it is always nice to work with someone with whom u have learned a lot kan?
salam aidilAdha..maaf Zahir batin to u n ur little ones :0)
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