Diş Buğday
Just listen to the song... to live with someone but in love with someone else.. how sad is that? anyway..i just hope none of us will have to go thru that.. the song is sad indeed..i just love the tune of it..:0)....
Back to the topic... can u guess what the picture below is??
Yup.. that is *buğday*.. or wheat we call it in English.. *diş* means tooth.. so *diş buğday* means *wheat tooth*..It is a tradition in the türkish community to have this day for the baby after the sighting of the baby's first tooth.. The rule is.. whoever first sight the tooth will owe the baby a gift..and then diş buğday will be held among the family members to celebrate the event...why wheat? why not rice..from what Afife teyze told me.. in the olden days.. wheat was cheap.. it could be found everywhere which is understandable of course since bread is the staple food of türks...teeth and wheat..i think it represents the connection of the teeth n eating the solid food for the baby..Food will be served for diş buğday day and the one menu will be served as well... yup! the picture above suggest it already...already boiled wheat normally sprinkled with salt..It is also normal for a piece of gold to be put inside the wheat bowl so that the person who spoons the wheat onto his plate and find the gold in his or her wheat gets to keep the gold ...
True enough..we had one yesterday.. this time it was for the youngest baby in the family.. minik mustafa....We had cookies...cake... rice stuffed in vine leaves..and a few others (forgot to snap the photo).. and also we had a birthday cake for Kerim..the dad of the diş buğday child...(Doğum gunu kutlu olsun kerim!)..It was held at baba's with all the members of the family present.. Boiled wheat was there of course.. instead of eating it just plainly with salt.. halit n i had eaten it with rus salatası (a salad with mayonaise).. it was definitely better tasting!!...Let us feast out eyes on the photos.....and by the way..NO one GOT the Gold!! hehehehe
The boy of the Day
Back to the topic... can u guess what the picture below is??
True enough..we had one yesterday.. this time it was for the youngest baby in the family.. minik mustafa....We had cookies...cake... rice stuffed in vine leaves..and a few others (forgot to snap the photo).. and also we had a birthday cake for Kerim..the dad of the diş buğday child...(Doğum gunu kutlu olsun kerim!)..It was held at baba's with all the members of the family present.. Boiled wheat was there of course.. instead of eating it just plainly with salt.. halit n i had eaten it with rus salatası (a salad with mayonaise).. it was definitely better tasting!!...Let us feast out eyes on the photos.....and by the way..NO one GOT the Gold!! hehehehe
Labels: Turkish Culture
salam kenalan..datang dr blog kak syikin..
comel la budak kecik tu..tetambah lagi gambar dia ngan atok dia..
sedap ke??? mannn...
but grandfather and grandson picture nampak memang sedap ;)
simah, thanks for sharing the story..this is so beautiful. getting glimpses of other people's culture through blogs.
you are surely loving your new toy eh simah?
he is adorable..kena tengok gambar2 tu lama-lama.org cakap kalau nak anak cute kena tengok org yg cute juga..?
********** terima kasih kerana sudi mengunjungi blog saya.. budak ni memang comel..cuma dia tak nak kat orang..tak boleh la nak cium dia puas puas.. kalau dapat pegang pun menag bertuah.. :0)
amin.. dis buğday is something common in the turkish culture..i am suprised u have not heard of this..
****tengok la budak kecik tu pegang janggut atok dia..heheh comel kan?
eh ko hidup lagi? sihat?
kak teh
yeah..the beauty of blogging..u get to know people u never expect to know..share things u never expect to share.. this is fun, isnt it?
mama sarah
my new toy Alhamdulillah keeps me happy.. just tolng my bro in law..dia tak ada camera to snap photos of his only son.. dia cuma ada handycam.. jadi apa salahnya snap gambar anak dia for his memory sake kan? :0)
hehehe ni petua orang tua ka sue? apa salahnya tenung..kalau anak ikut budak comel..u tak rugi..
i remember my mak long la kan.. anak dia lahir rambut kaler purple..tapi sayangnya dia meninggal masa birth (lahir kat bendang sawah)...how r u towards the end of ur pregnancy ni?
simah, kalau ada orang nampak first tooth tu pastu dia buat diam je, camna yek?? awat tak amik gambar gigi tu??
INTERESTING different people different culture..that cutie tak senyum lansung..
tq share budaya org turki ni ngan kami :D
hensem giler apa budak kecik tu..
dia tak de adik beradik lain ke?
ha..insyaAllah nak cuba resepi2 yg disiarkan tu hehe
eh, halil ok ke ngan riuh rendah rumah tu kejap? hehe..
simah, saya ada resepi buat mee laksa tau..nantilah saya akan blog pasalnya dan masukkan gambar sekali..senang sangat2..u pun blh buat sendiri..
alaa..simah.. comelnya si budak itu. rasa nak kupicit picit mulutnya itu...
Cute sungguh your nephew tu, Simah. Thanks for sharing, it is interesting to read about this Turkish culture. You pulak ... looks like you have no problem absorbing and practising their culture. Memang adaptable SImah ni :-)
The song that's playing - anak2 I memang suka :-)
*****tu namanya tipu sunat hehehe..selalunya the mom or the dad yg first nampak the first tooth ni..tapi kekadang depa tipu jugak bagi atok dia ka..nenek dia ka nampak dulu..utk dapat hadiah *chuckles*..:0)
kak elle
*******that cutie yg penting tak nangis udah akak ...nak tengok dia senyum tu memang orang yg bertuah ja dapat tengok :0)
******nak nak..nak resepi.. mesti ramai yg interested nih..:0)
budak ni is the only child..mak dia ada kidney problem..memang beranak this one baby pun dah hampir mencabut nyawa dia..a very precious baby for them..
sharing is good.. apa gunyanya ada blog kalu tak nak share experience kan?
halil tak tahan riuh pikuk pun kena tahan la heheheeh..they r coming and stay at our house till they leave on the 15th..so for 2 nights our house will be crowded :0)
hatice pun suka sangat lagu ni..dia dah hampir separuh hafal dah lagu ni...but rasa akward pulak when i have to explain the content of the song..
i am married to a turkish guy..nak tak nak memang kena adapt la kan akak :0).. but i have to say that inter culture marriage is not for the faint heart..loads of adaptation while trying to keep one's own culture intact..
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