Long time no see
I woke up a bit earlier than the usual. Eyes all red from sleepiness coz i slept at two that night. Woke the kids up...bla bla bla.. we said bye bye to hatice n my little guy and i got ready to leave for our destination...I am not used to going out on a bus this early. Managed to catch the 8.45am vapür (ferry)..It was quite foggy. I decided to sit at the seats at the exterior part of the vapür so that we could enjoy the beauty of the morning..(with the risk of the sea water splashing on us heheheeh)..i decided to snap a few snaps using my new toy.. it doesnt look that foggy in these snaps but it was...with technology u can do many things, huh?..
I promised her that we would be there by 10am.. We found the place quite easily. I was all excited inside...but i kept cool.Found the place! Found the room! Found the old friend!! And i also made friend with my friend's 3 other friends! :0)
Yup.. my friend DYdy is in istanbul indeed..!!!She is with her friends from the master programme..Shida, Vim and Casey.....Semua satu otak..semua gila gila..maybe our age gap is not that much ..that was..is the reason we could get along well in the first place..Of course, i was the only odd one there.. though dydy n i r the youngest.. i am the only one married with kids!! hehehe
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Yup.. my friend DYdy is in istanbul indeed..!!!She is with her friends from the master programme..Shida, Vim and Casey.....Semua satu otak..semua gila gila..maybe our age gap is not that much ..that was..is the reason we could get along well in the first place..Of course, i was the only odd one there.. though dydy n i r the youngest.. i am the only one married with kids!! hehehe
Eh korang tak nampak ka hantu kat belakang tuuu???
Showed them around the basic streets in the area.. baddin tagging along me.. at times crying wanting to go home coz he didnt know my friends..but in the end.. he was a *bit* friendly to them..he even said *i love u too* before we were all to part..
kesian mamat ni..habis hidung dia merah sebab sejuk
I have invited them for lunch this thursday..We will see what happens..I hope they wont get lost while walking around.....
Ahhhhh..it is wonderful to be able to see old friends again.. the last time i saw dydy was on my wedding day.. n at that time i could not really anyone coz i was not wearing my spectacles!! (ala..konon kononnya nak nampak cantik tak pakai spec hehehehe)..i couldnt really chat with her coz my *hero* was with me with his tantrums..hopefully we can chat more when they come over for lunch..I just cant wait!
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: Friends
simah its nice to meet up with old friends eh? Buat lah roti jala when they come give them a surprise.Ok enjoy your lunch on thursday.
are we supposed to give you suggestions what to cook on thursday? I suggest Turkish food if they are in Turkey for a short visit. But Malay dish if they are on a long holiday/ studying there.
For Malay dish, i suggest laksa penang. Ok ka? Hey my friends are coming over this weekend. I ingat nak buat laksa gak. hehe.
p/s: you tak citer in detail lah pasal your new toy. Camera apa you guna sekarang ni? I just love the colour that camera produce. Very vibrant indeed.
kak elle
roti jala nak kena tunggu saya practise dulu...malu la saya kalau masak roti jala tapi tak jadi.. nak practise sorang sorang dulu..dah jadi expert baru nak show off kat orang..i plan utk menjala bulan ramazan tahun depan for halil's friends..i have got almost one year to practise..
mama sarah
they r here for a short visit..lagipun i though i'd cook them strictly turkish food..lagipun i malaysian food tak reti masak plus the fact that tak ada ingredients kat sini utk masak..
mama sarah..mintak resepi laksa penang u bole? kot kot la u dah termodiy resepi tu n i boleh jumpa bahan kat sini..
my new toy tak fancy pon.. digital camera biasa ja.. it is nikkon coolpix L2 ..6 megapixel..
i was actualy eyeing at that orange color thin olympus 8.0 megapixel.. tapi mahal sangat..kalau i pujuk halil akan beli punya tapi tak nak la menyusahkan dia kan? ni dapat camera ni pun boleh kira bertuah ni Alhamdulillah.... u lak pakai apa?i tengok urs mcm fancy betul..
the good thing about this one is that..gambar yg i tangkap ni.. lepas transfer gambar to the pc.. i can adjust the brightness..the sharpness of the pic.. so kalau tangkap gambar gelap pun..i can make it lighter..so lepas dah adjust gambar tu..baru i save kat cd..
mak saya mengait guna benang halus tu, benang tebal pun ya gak..tpkan, my mil pun tau mengait gak, siap buatkan topi utk anak2 saya..:D
bestnya dpt berkumpul ngan kengkawan lama..
saya dah invite awak tau pasal smiley tu..cuba check email ya..
I'll come back and read. The minute I open up this, they call me for s'thing...
wow simah, cool choice. itu hari you kata camera biasa-biasa je. tapi tgk gambar, boleh agak bukan calang2 camera ni.
nikon is always a good choice. Apart from Canon range. Nikon somehow is better in colour saturation. cheh mcm bagus je aku nih! Of course olympus tu sesuai cute and very handy for us ladies kan? I pun teringin satu.
Masa sarah lahir dulu, we bought sony cybershot 3.2MP camera. Memang puas guna camera cilik tu.
SEptember/October, Babah bought DSLR Canon 350D.
Resepi Laksa PEnang
Malu lah nak beritahu resepi, rasanya orang lain buat lagi best kot. tapi cubalah ni. (Nak resepi roti jala tak?)
1. Rebus (atau bakar) ikan mackerel hingga lembut kemudian Blender/tumbuk isi ikan.
2. Blend bawang besar dgn cili kering.
3. Masukkan blended bawang + cili kering, bunga kantan (kalau ada), serai, daun kesum, cili padi (kalau nak tambah pedas), asam gelugur/asam keping, otak udang (optional) & air ke dalam periuk. Biarkan mendidih.
4. Kemudian masukkan isi ikan, garam & masak lagi selama 10 minit.
Saladnya: timun, daun salad, bawang besar, telur rebus.
p/s: serai tu pun optional! (hehe pecah rekod lagi nampak nya aku ni!)
simah I pun using nikon coolpix but4.0 megapixel old model,kalau ade rezeki nak uograde to 6.0megapixel punya....
bestnya tour sana. kalau i pi sana, u bawak i jalan2 tak? nanti u tinggal i tepi ferry tu!!! huwaaaa...
Cantiknya gambar! Amazing!
BTW, orang lain tu umur berapa?;) Hehe...
memang tak sabar saya nak jumpa kawan lama esok g:0)
saya dah check email saya..terima kasih.. nanti saya akan cuba main main dengan smily tu.. terima kasih yea :0)
Take ur time.. this blog isnt going anywhere :0)
mama sarah
thanks 4 the recipe.. kalau i cuba buat laksa la kan.. bahan yg ada kat sini cuma ikan, cabai dan garam.. mee laksa tu pun akan diganti dengan speghetti hehehe barang lain semua tarak kat sini... waaaaaa.. lapaq laksa penang...iskh..teringat lak laksa kuala kedah..depa memang buat piaw.. eh depa pakai belut kot buat kuah laksa tu??
waaa... memang mynn ni one day boleh masuk photography competition ni..minat betul *abang* u ni tangkp gambar..
my camera biasa ja.. tapi bila comparekan dengan camera handphone yg 1.3MP tu..memang my new toy ni memang jauhhhh sangat beza kualiti gambar.. actually for me i tak kisah apa brand apa camera tu..atau berapa MP..asalkan i can snap my kids punya gambar dan i can record short video clips of them.. that is enough for me..tapi bila nak beli masa tu.. i had a choice samada brand sony atau nikon ..my instincts cakap nikkon.. so tu yg i suruh halil beli tu..lagipun like u said.. nikkon is a good camera brand.. i am just soo in love with this one toy.. :0) ..Alhamdulillah..
i suka comment panjang panjang nih ..cepat pecah lagi rekod hang tu :0)
kak elle
akak..upgrade akak bila ada peluang.. i am happy with my toy..akak pon boleh tengok sendiri betapa vibrantnya kaler gambar dia.. masyaAllah..
i pasti akan tinggalkan u kat tepi feri tu hahahahaahahah
wei.. awak ingat awak tu muda lagi ka cik kak oii? tapi bayangkan la.. umur sama pun..bila status dah jadi mak gedebab mcm ni.. jalan dengan orang single single ni..terasa weird jugak..:0)
by the way... kawan kawanku semua single.. sama yg ada niat nak tackle depa silakannnn hehehe (mesti kalu depa baca comment ni habih aku kena sekeh nih hehehe)..
such sweet girls they r (promote kawan sendiri heheh)
Wahhh ada kawan nak datang yea...Karipap dah buat belum?..Laksa Penang MamaSarah pun bunyi mcm sedappp aje...hihihi
Terror lah awak mamasarah..
Azie: (simah, tumpang lalu sket)
Awak lagi hebat. Saya ni, bagi resepi kat dalam blog memanglah berani. Cubalah buat kasi orang makan. Sure hancus punya. And selalunya memang dugaan tu datang time orang datang ramai2. Mulalah kuah tu masin sgt lah. hanguslah dsb.
wah ada kawan nak pi makan2...masak je apa yang patut berkumpul ramai2 tu makan jadi no 2, bersembang jadi no 1 :)
(Simah tumpang lalu gak eik... jgn mara hugsss 3x)
Mana ada sehebat awak MamaSarah. Saya suka laksa, specially laksa Johor, tp saya tak pernah masak laksa sebab tak berani cuba. Bahan2 pun susah nak cari disini.
Azie (simah sorry blog awak jadi mangsa lagi!)
Nama je saya ni lahir di Johor. Tapi saya tahu kewujudan Laksa Johor di UK. Saya try buat sendiri laksa johor tu 2 kali. JADI! (well saya perasan jadi lah) Third time buat, jemput kawan2 datang. Tapi tak jadi sebab CAIR!
Ikut logic - rebus jelah lama sikit lagi bagi pekat. Tapi masa tu garam pulak dah terlebih. Nak tak nak terpaksalah tebal muka hidang laksa Johor kuah cair!
simah..tumpang lalu ya..
msarah, saya naklah resepi kuah laksa tu..halal ya..hehe
hahahahahaha.. seronok jugak ada ramai tetamu walaupun semuanya datang utk menumpang hahahah..
feel free..jangan menumpang cakap bab lucah udah la.. bab masak masak ni no hal :0)
(ampun ya simah)
resepi laksa johor ke penang?
laksa penang dah bagi kat comment di atas.
simah this is getting very interesting...no problem now mama sarah,ajzie and simah takde ingrdients now you can buy readymade rempah -frozen sold at supermart just ask your family members to send whoever passing by your area.Kalau nak tunggu kakelle ntah bila ek.Simah can u get serai in turkey?or even serai powder...u can make laksa johor..u need udang kering,curry powder,big onions,garlic and serai for main ingredients blend them then add fish meat...use dessicated coconut(steam it first and blend with main ingredients) and it will make yr gravy thick and ofcourse packet santan.Try lah ok my recipe always campak2 and alhamdulillah turn out good.If u have oriental shop look for thick bee hoon and after soaking it s just like laksa and I did this when I visited my sis in states and she couldn't believe that it can be done....try lah ladies...
ladies I'm sorry in a hurry forget to type add cili paste or powder and kalau nak sedap lagi add powder ketumbar and jintan sikit.I think u can get all these under mcCormick labels.
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