Kurban bayram 2006-my conclusion.
Sweet baba, he always make sure that this group come on the day where mıstık will be around..usually on the third or fourth day of every bayram..be it the ramazan bayram or the kurban bayram.. i managed to escape this group a few bayrams heheheh (well..they r so many!!)... at times.. meşe would be the victim hehehe but this year...mıstık, halil n i joined forces to serve them tea, the borek n bakla n tea and tea and tea and tea..... we barely could cope..n by the end of the day..i was ............puffed out! :0)
The thing is... when anne was still around, our family bayram was usually celebrated in sapanca..at baba's sapanca summer house.... anne loved it there... but after anne... baba celebrates his bayram at his home in istanbul... and thus, we too stay here....we r whereever baba is...as simple as that :0)
What i conclude from all the bayrams so far...there r regulars who always..without fail who come to baba.They r the ones we can predict which day they would come...for how long... bla bla bla.. of course there r unexpected visitors....and the phone just rarely stop ringing...
one of the visitors really remind me of saddam hussein.. hehehe this year.. suprise suprise..he had his beard n moustache on hehehehe totallyyyy saddam look..if u can see him..u will totally agree with me....hehehe
The highlight of this bayram is always the siblings visiting.. as usual..4 zaim siblings stay in the 2 zaim blocks... only meşe stays at baba's apartment block.. So on the third day when meşe started her visits to one of the siblings... the rest of the siblings, and their wives n kids follow suit..
Normally, our home would be the last place to be visited coz halil is the youngest.. but this year.. on the third day of bayram..meşe, mesut, merve n safa started with our apartment first.. together, we all (meşelar n halillar)went to halimlar... later, we (meşelar n halillar) went to muyessa yenge... later, everyone (meşelar, halimlar n halillar) went to selimlar... then..we all hopped to another door (kerim's).. and later meşelar went home. Selimlar went to halimlar while halillar (that means us) went back to our place coz i needed to feed my kids..and finally... halimlar n selimlar came to us for their bayram visit .. is this confusing enough for u??hehehehe ..the end conclusion is.. *this is the siblings visiting of the zaim siblings* hehehe
While doing the bayram visiting at our place, keremcan (halim's son) wrote this poem.. it is about basketball...i cant translate the thing.. i will have to ask özlem (his mom) to translate it for me...so özlem..bu şiir tercume yapar mısın? sağol..:0)

And this is the translation of keremcan's poem..
I wake up and play,
I break baskets,
I am the best,
I beat Iverson.
SAturday and sunday I loose myself,
I jump into entertainment,
I beat every body,
I sweat and come back.
This is a poem written by Zeynep (Selim's daughter)..The poem is talking about fruits.. in order not to destroy the beauty of the poems.. again..i will have to ask her mom- funda to translate this for me... so funda.. bu şiir tercuma yapar mısın? sağol..:0)
And here is the translation of the poem..as written by funda:
How nice are the fruits,
I eat delicious fruits.
I take vitamins by eating fruits.
I like fruits very much.
How nice are the fruits,
I eat oranges for instance.
I like all the fruits
Also eating the fruits.
The 2 younger generation of the Zaim family...keremcan and zeynep..
how talented they r... :0)
And before i close this blog for the week..here r my angels posing this bayram..
Have a nice weekend everyone! :0)
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: Kurban Bayram 2006
saya pertama yek?
itulah simah, kalau jd pendidik yg bagus ni, mmg sampai bila2 org kenang n ziarah,selagi ada hayatnya. beruntung fil simah disayangi n dihormati sebegitu ramai orang.
eh, ada ziarah menziarah gak time raya haji ni kat sana ya. kat sini org tak ziarah mana sbb sibuk ngan korban rayakan.nak tgk gambar korban dtglah blog saya hehe
eh meriahnya aidil adha within keluarga simah, seronok tu berkumpul reramai :)
Simah, meriah sungguh your Bayram celebrations ...... lagi seronok sebab ziarah-menziarah among the family members. Tapi the Zaim brothers tak balik rumah in-laws ke? Or memang the Turkish culture macam tu?
kak long
eh awak rupanya syikin..tadi saya ingat siapa la kak long nih hehehe
kat sini selalunya kalau raya kurban yg pertama ..kalau ada visiting pun among close family members ja dulu..ie..auties..uncles..the closest of the elder generation..
dah tengok dah gambar tu..ee syikin...gerun saya heheheh except of course gambar duku langsat..:0)
mama rock
seronok memang seronok... tapi penatttttttttttttttt......... esp bila budak budak tu bila dah berjam jam main sama sama dan diaorang letih..mula la nak bergaduh sana sini.. tapi memang best la sembang.. topik diaorang tak pernah habis! heheh
Queen of the House
the zaim brothers semua in laws diaorang..2 orang tu.. selim n meşe..in laws diaorang kat istanbul..as in dalam 15 minutes drive to their in laws.. diaorang
selalunya balik ruymah in laws waktu malam for dinner..
yg lain tu in laws diaorang jauh jauh.. so kalau nak balik sana pun dia orang tunggu summer holiday..cuti panjang so boleh la diaorang duduk lama lama sikit kat sana..kira sapa yg kawin orang jauh..memang boleh balik kampung setahun sekali aja la.. (kecuali saya la.. heheh entah bila nak boleh balik jumpa family kat mesia.....)..kalau balik pun like the rest of the brides.. kena tunggu summer holiday sebab hatice sekolah :=)
simah ooii.. selamat tawun barlu. terbelit2 lidah sambil baca entry ni. nak jugak baca & faham salah silah kelorga halil, esp tang2 visit menvisit tu etc..
baba's a great person, no wonder he's cherished by so many people..
apa nak buat kata nak jadi anak menatu mithali kena lah ikut merayakan bersama....wah they really celebrate like we do during idil fitri.
Lawa rambut si Hattice ngan bunga2
hehehehe terbelit ka* heheh..ala senang ja..sulung meşe..lepas tu selim..lepas tu kerim..lepas tu halim..last sekali si halil tu :0)
yeah...baba is respected.. masyaAllah..
kak elle
kat sini raya kurban lagi meriah dari raya haji..
waaa akak tak nak jadi menantu mithali..bole tak saya jadi menantu hantu? hehehe
thanks..penat saya ulik.. andam rambut hatice..nasib baik nampak lawa..berbaloi la jugak...:0)
what a wonderful experience kan simah..i like it when people gather ramai2 mcm tu..tapi time nak mencuci pinggan yg leceh :-)
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