Kurban Bayram-The first day
(this one is meat)
Half of the kurban in the family were given to organizations. The rest..7 sheep were bought n slaughtered at the slaughtered house....it is more expensive than giving to organizations..coz for example.. one organization charged around 225YTL for a kurban.. today for example, the zaim men paid around 330YTL for one sheep and 20 YTL for the fee of the guy who did the slaughtering.. anyway.. like the people would say in turkish..*Allah kabul etsin* (may Allah accept ur deeds)...The meat were distributed to the kurban owners by our Zaim men... so that the meat could be distributed to the needy..and for certain parts of the meat to be used by the kurban owners.... and by 11.30am... 2 of the sheeps' meat reached baba's apartment..
Eversince Anne died... it was usually mıstık, kerim n meşe who did the meat cutting of the kurban meat. I didnt used to help coz at that time my kids were still quite small. This year however, we did help... selim, halil n i went to baba to help out...
It was a good decision coz this year, we had extra meat to cut....The kitchen was in havoc as the 4 siblings, one bride and mıstık chatted away...We finished cutting the meat by almost 2pm...and the kavurma was cooking by then.. we were scheduled to eat the beloved kavurma by 3.3.0pm or by 4pm..but only at 5pm hmm... or was it5.30pm?.....everyone..hungry as one could imagine (it was supposed to be lunch!!)..were able to tuck in!! Yummy!! Eline sağlık everyone..!! Of course, before the eating, we all did form a line according to age and kissed each other and said*iyi bayramlar* to each other...we skipped the chocolate offering coz everyone was famished... we snapped the family photo n then..hum hum hum!!..n not forgetting.. eline sağlık to meşe, özlem and funda for the delicious cold dishes... :0)
We were there at baba till 11.30pm.. tomorrow and the third day of bayram..we will be there as well..to serve the guests at baba's house..as we always do every bayram...i am tired n sleepy now.. i will leave u with the photos i snapped today
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: Kurban Bayram 2006
simah a very interesting going ons there in the Zaim's family.Oh you all get the meat I thought all will be given to the poor.Lovely group family photos.
Suka tgk photo you all. Nice family photo. Salam Adiladha dari kami sekeluarga.
Selamat menyambut Hari Raya Qurban & Happy New Year to you & family.
Hugs, take care...
simah, you ni lawaklah cakap your hubs cute from neck up!
p/s: sedaplah nama ulya tu. and nice photos. bukan main kencang lagi bergambar sekarang ya!
sedapnya masakan2 ni.
eh, bolehlah share resepinya dlm blog masakan awak ni
mesti terasakan tiap kali raya akan ketiadaan Anne.
eh, saya kagumlah ngan kerjasama erat adik bradik halil, depa tak balik rmh mertua ka?
simah...laaaaam dah mama tak masuk blog. baru habis baca all your updates. hope it's still not too late to wish you eid mubarak and happy new year :)
Simah...hahaha...nak tergolek kak lady ketawa bila simah kata your hubby is cute dari leher ke atas....adoi simah...you ni lawak tol...
Seronok masak & makan ramai bersama keluarga di hari korban ni ye...
sedap nampak daging kat dalam periuk tu...macam masak sup aje.
Selamat Aidil Adha dan Tahun baru...
selamat hari raya Aidiladha and happy new year to simah and family..may this year brings you joy and happiness
kak elle
i think a certain percentage of the kurban meat ..orang yg buat kurban tu ada hak ambik daging tu.. dalam hanafi (kat turki) i think the rule is the same ....nanti saya cuba semak balik this thing somewhere... :0)
thanks.. salam aidiladha utk ajzie too..mcm mana raya..best?
kak nong
the same to u too :0)
salam aidiladha..dan salam tahun baru :0)
mama sarah
ulya tu kan nama arwah my mom in law.. so lepas anne meninggal n a year later elo lahir, to honor my mom in law, selim n funda named their second child ulya elif....i agree with u...it is a nice name :0)
insyaAllah syikin.. nanti saya masukkan resepi kavurma dalam recipe book saya this weekend..senang sangat nak masak dia... yg special pasal dia ialah..daging dia fresh..dan daging dia daging kurban :0)
memang diaorang rapat.. the brides dalam family ni semua kampung jauh..outside istanbul..cuma sorang ja..funda yg rumah kat istanbul..diaorang siang ziarat belah suami dia..malam sebelah isteri dia..so no hal :0)
mama rock
salam aidiladha n happy new year too utk mama...sibuk dengan tugas ker mama?
kak lady
hehehehe laaa betul la akak..dia memang comel dari neck up jer hehehehe..bahagian perut tu mcm dia mengandung ja hahahahahahaü
oppps... termengata kejap hahahah
memang seronok makan ramai ramai.. sembang habisss :0)
mak lang
daging tu dimasak selembut lembutnya..bila masuk ja dalam mulut...terlerai daging tu dalam mulut...memang sedap.. tu yg berkuah sangat tu sebab baru nak mendidih.. nanti saya letak resepi dia dalam blog zaim ladies recipe book..kena tunggu this weekend kot...tak sempat lagi..
salam aidiladha utk mak lang dan keluarga... :0)
the same goes to u too :0)debaran makin hebat tak?
Mistik is very handsome.. and i'm sure his cooking is exotic too. Your hayatim is cute, and not just neck-up. It is in the age.. as one ages.. one accumulates.. nothing to bleme.. nobody should worry as long as it is within health limit Sim.. so go give him a kiss. I like your family and the academic friends there, Sim.. very austere
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