This n that..
Finally.. i am free to really sit down n check my blog.. it has been i think a few days since i really mumble here..Not for long..i just hope i can finish typing this entry at least...
A few minutes ago.. i recieved an SMS from shida.. remember my 4 friends who came to istanbul a month ago? There were Dydy...Vim.. Shida n KC...Well it turns out that KC (the chinese friend) has converted to İslam at 9am this morning Malaysia time.. Alhamdulillah..Her new name will be decided after Shida's mom come back from hajj...i am so happy for her! i am actually grinning ear to ear :0) .. Turkey, people r worried.. it is winter but this year we see very less rain.. almost no snow n the rivers which supply the water all over turkey have a very high risk of drying in summer... draught is expected this summer.. fruits n veggies will be expensive too in summer (summer is usually the cheapest time for fruits n veggies)...difficult life ahead over here after a few months i think..
Contrastively to certain states in malaysia huh? We have terrible floods there now.. houses damaged..i dunno which is worse? flood or draught? Both r definitely not pleasant...
I still remember clearly many many years ago.. i was still a student then.. i was staying with my bro in PJ for 3 months due to my teaching practical.. it was also at the time where malaysia had among its worst draught ever..
My brother was renting a flat then.. i remember after every school..i would wait for the lorries to bring water. I remember waiting in line ith 2 pails in my hands.. the guy would fill in the brownish water from the loory tank (probably the water was taken from a lake somewhere) n i would fill the bathroom tubs with the water ( 2 bathrooms)... then again.. into the line till the tubs were full.. countless trips everyday! I was lucky then coz my bro rented the ground floor flat... can u imagine those living at the upper levels flats.. n perhaps elderly n sickly..???
I think we were all affected by the draught then.. after the 3 months, i went back to university.. i rented with my friends a double storey house in bangi section 2.. it was better there.. i think the population there was of the upper class i think that they managed to push the authority to at least let the water flow into their houses at least at nights... i used to wash my clothing every night..ahghhhh... those old days.. i just hope it wont be as bad as that here in istanbul this summer... Rain rain please do come... if u dont wanna come.. let the snow come...Come please...
Yesterday morning, Baddin saw these kids making butter cup cakes in fimbles on tv.. ..i sensed that he wanted to do the same.. so after my pazar.. despite the terrible mess in the kitchen.. i called him into the kitchen n let him prepare his own chocolate cup cakes.. mind u .. we always have chocolate chips in our cup cakes..Yesterday however.. we ran out of the choc chips.. Still here is my son in action..
İt was hatice with her tuna sandwich.. now it is baddin's turn with his Chocolate cup cakes..
Oh boy!! hatice will be so jelous when she sees these pics!! *chuckles*.. The recipe is of course at the usual recipe blog..
Time to crack the eggs
Be careful with the electric beater!!
Cleaning up time..(lick lick)
A few minutes ago.. i recieved an SMS from shida.. remember my 4 friends who came to istanbul a month ago? There were Dydy...Vim.. Shida n KC...Well it turns out that KC (the chinese friend) has converted to İslam at 9am this morning Malaysia time.. Alhamdulillah..Her new name will be decided after Shida's mom come back from hajj...i am so happy for her! i am actually grinning ear to ear :0) .. Turkey, people r worried.. it is winter but this year we see very less rain.. almost no snow n the rivers which supply the water all over turkey have a very high risk of drying in summer... draught is expected this summer.. fruits n veggies will be expensive too in summer (summer is usually the cheapest time for fruits n veggies)...difficult life ahead over here after a few months i think..
Contrastively to certain states in malaysia huh? We have terrible floods there now.. houses damaged..i dunno which is worse? flood or draught? Both r definitely not pleasant...
I still remember clearly many many years ago.. i was still a student then.. i was staying with my bro in PJ for 3 months due to my teaching practical.. it was also at the time where malaysia had among its worst draught ever..
My brother was renting a flat then.. i remember after every school..i would wait for the lorries to bring water. I remember waiting in line ith 2 pails in my hands.. the guy would fill in the brownish water from the loory tank (probably the water was taken from a lake somewhere) n i would fill the bathroom tubs with the water ( 2 bathrooms)... then again.. into the line till the tubs were full.. countless trips everyday! I was lucky then coz my bro rented the ground floor flat... can u imagine those living at the upper levels flats.. n perhaps elderly n sickly..???
I think we were all affected by the draught then.. after the 3 months, i went back to university.. i rented with my friends a double storey house in bangi section 2.. it was better there.. i think the population there was of the upper class i think that they managed to push the authority to at least let the water flow into their houses at least at nights... i used to wash my clothing every night..ahghhhh... those old days.. i just hope it wont be as bad as that here in istanbul this summer... Rain rain please do come... if u dont wanna come.. let the snow come...Come please...
Yesterday morning, Baddin saw these kids making butter cup cakes in fimbles on tv.. ..i sensed that he wanted to do the same.. so after my pazar.. despite the terrible mess in the kitchen.. i called him into the kitchen n let him prepare his own chocolate cup cakes.. mind u .. we always have chocolate chips in our cup cakes..Yesterday however.. we ran out of the choc chips.. Still here is my son in action..
İt was hatice with her tuna sandwich.. now it is baddin's turn with his Chocolate cup cakes..
Oh boy!! hatice will be so jelous when she sees these pics!! *chuckles*.. The recipe is of course at the usual recipe blog..
Labels: Mixed mumbling..
Alhamdulillah, welcome KC! I am very happy too to hear this.
the weather? well, here it has been very2 windy. yesterday was 99mph.
salam simah,
Allahuakbar..gembira utk KC..bolehlah korek rahsia camner dia boleh sukakan ISlam...
saya doakan sana hujan ya.
Simah..alhamdullilah for ur friend convertion!
We have very bad drought in Melbourne too, dah nak dekat stage 4, tak boleh water the garden at all and we are encourage to use re-cycle water. We have lots of forest fire too so the quality of the air here is really bad. A few days ago the temperature hit 40 degree and most of the melburnian switch on the air-conditioners to the extend it overload the electric supply..dah semua trains, tram and traffic lights semua tak work coz tak cukup was so chaos that day!
Anyway the muffins look yummy! thumbs up to baddin laa!
salam buat KC..
nampaknya ada chef baru.. hehe
asm pada kc dapat lagi satu sedara islam.Bolih pinjam Baddin nak buat muffin juga he can teach me....hehe
Alhamdulillah bertambah lagi saudara baru kita....tahniah untuk KC, segala kebaikan yang telah dia buat semasa hayatnya sebelum islam, dulu akan diambil kira disisi Allah, yang sebaliknya terhapus begitu saja..begitulah antara istimewanya saudara baru kita.....semoga KC gigih berusaha mendalami ilmu agama nanti..
hemmm rajinnya anak bujang sorang ni....boleh tolong mama kat isteri besok.....
kak teh
99mph? phew... nasib baik dengan akak sekali tak melayang :0)
yesterday we had strong wind as well.. but not as bad as ur place of course..
kak long
Alhamdulillah..gamaknya berkat doa awak kot syikin semalam hujan rintik rintik..mintak mintak la dia hujan lagi.. biar tambah sikit air takungan air tu..
nanti saya tanya kc mcm mana dia minat islam..minah ni susah sikit nak contact..
setahu saya KC dan Shida go a long way..diaorang sama study dulu masa kat UK..lepas balik mesia..bila kena posting kerja..diaorang dapat mak shida ajak KC duduk sekali rumah mcm kc ni part of shida's family dah la...maybe from there kot.. tu yg diaorang tunggu mak shida balik dari haji baru nak pilih nama..mak shida tu memang dah jadi mcm mak KC dah pun..masyaAllah ..
malbourne memang cuaca dia selalu panas kan lah? iskh..i terlupa la my geography..
hopefully things will be better over there.. how is the pregnancy? u bila due?
eh tu bukan muffin la lah.. tu cup cakes.. masa prepare muffin u cannot pakai electric whiskers.. tapi masa masak kek.. boleh pakai benda tu..
tadi saya buat something kat dapur pakai electric beaters.. mamat tu dengan terus serbu dapur nak tolong hehehe..saya tak kasi pun.. nak cepat.. dah la kakak dia tak sihat..
next time yea baddin.. kesian lak kat dia..
kak Elle
tu cup cake la akak..bukan muffin.. buat muffin lagi la senang :0)
hehehe boleh saya bayangkan baddin cuba ajar akak dalam bahasa turki heheh it should be fun! :=)
mintak mintak la anak anak kita ringan tulang kan? tapi saya memang forbid dan tak suka orang lelaki kat dapur.. esp my halil heheheh bukannya apa.. dia memang boleh masak ker.. buat itu ker buat ini ker.. tapi bila dia tinggalkan dapur... alahai mak aiiiiiiiiiiii BERSELERAKNYAAAAAA dapur!! ni satu kerja lagi nak kemas after his mess hehehe.. let see bila baddin dah besar dia akan ikut bapak dia ke tidak.. :0)
ooopsss sorry cupcakes bukan muffin....decorate lah dgn icing sugar lagi cantik
perghh syok la hang nooo nak makan sandwich bleh minta Hatice buat, nak makan cupcakes minat hero kecik buat...mak dia bleh buat derkkkk ha ha ha....bravo simah :) Salam Maal Hijrah
:) welcome KC...SubhaNALLAH!
Happy New Year & Maal Hijrah. May this year be more meaning. I just got back from Mecca:)
kak elle
i tak boleh decorate.. baddin ni makanan dia memilih sangat.. but thatnks for the suggestion.. maybe one day i will try my luck with the icing sugar..mungkin dia makan kot :0)
salam maal hijrah to u too..
mak dia aja sekarang nanti bila diaorang dah besar mak dia boleh goyang kai hehehe kena look to the future kan? lagipun hatice dah janji..dia cakap..* anne nanti bila anne dah tua..kalau anne sakit nanti dia akan masak dan hantar lauk utk anne*.. sejukkkkkkkkk hati dengar :0)
anak ja boleh masuk dapur.. bapak dia tak bolehhhhhhhhhhh..tapi dia masuk jugak buat sepah hehehehe
welcome back! u said u'll be back on the 10th.. tapi tengok tak update jugak blog u.. i was getting worried.. semoga Allah menerima amalan haji u.. masyaAllah.. :0)
Alhamdulillah & tahniah pada saudara kc kita...Allah is Great! Boleh tak risik2 sikit pengalaman dia? Boleh jadi pengajaran utk mendekatkan kita pd Yang Esa.Bertuahnya dia...
Part licking the bowl clean - sure best eh Baddin? That's why I love baking with my nephews and nieces helping - then eat everything with a gusto! Apa2pun jadi best..
Maknya sabo jelah ye -part cleaning up tu. Ikhlas kan? Heheheh
nanti bila i boleh korek i cerita kat sini.. dia jarang main internet.. biasa la..sibuk dengan kelas..
bukan khlas..tapi terpaksa heheheheeheh
tapi memang bila tengok the pleasure on his face bila dia lick the bowl...undescribable.. !!
oooo u ni mesti maksu kesayangan anak buah nih... comel comel.. i can imagine u in the kitchen :0)
Neither flood nor drought can be pleasant, it has a set of misery of its own.
Back then in KL when our reservoirs were running low, water was being rationed up, lucky the place I was staying was not affected. Many staff came early in office for shower :-)
Baddin sure is a charming li'l one!
emmmmm...the cup cake looks yummy!
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