
That is the thing about it isnt it? it smells... but being a malaysian who is used to the concept of jering..petai..kodiang... those smelly must eat stuffs..we have in malaysia... this işkembe is just another of those things i dont mind eating...:0) ..
In turkey, i think they most definitely make one thing with işkembe.. and that would be işkembe çorbası.. the soup..it looks like this.. (see Zaim Ladies Recipe Book blog ) for the full recipe.. my way of course :0)
I think my fondest memory of eating this soup was years ago.. it was our first time going for a holiday outside of sapanca.. it was the first year baba's edremit tatil mulk was ready.. Anne.. baba.. halil.. hatice( a baby with 2 teeth heheheh) n i..i was pregnant with baddin (3 or 4 months pregnant i think)....we were on the way towards istanbul.. taking the long way.. along the way, we stopped at a restaurant for lunch (for hatice)..the adults had işkembe çorbası..it was delicious!! but we all didnt dare to eat a second helping since we were scheduled to stop for lunch at funda's parents' summer house.. that was among the best işkembe çorbası i had tasted.. it was also our first n last holiday outside istanbul with anne... She died the next year..
n simah being simah.. missing home again.. what not with my supply of my asam mo far kor is over..finished.. zero....my mind worked overtime to find something malaysian..
I have 4 lime in my fridge (bought from carrefour..mahal gilaaaaaaaa)..
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: Cultural Differences (Food)
Kerabu perut ... yummyyyy!!
My simple version:
Lime juice
Cili padi (or red chillies, tak payahlah masukkan all kinds of chillies!)
Beras (roasted/goreng and then grind)
Coriander leaves
Bawang (besar/merah)
cun.... akak boleh pinjam resepi kerabu akak ni letak kat blog masakan saya? kalau tak ada lime nanti saya pakai lemon bole kan?
thanks 4 the recipe
lama dah aku tak melawat hang.. bz sungguh! kerabu perut..ermmm sodap tu! lagi satu aku suka satay perut.. to be specific... satay perut haji samuri! hee..hee..
Had that soup during my Istanbul trip. Ok laa. But I prefer the mouth watering kerabu perut.
Your pictures are hazardous! Nasib baik tak meleleh air liur. :P
well done you Simah! Hari tu kawan kita yang kat Notts tu rebus perut. Sarah sampai mabuk-mabuk nak termuntah sebab bau dia kuat. kebetulan masa tu I selsema, so tak bau langsung! kih kih.
You've spent your 2 weeks very well too. Jealous betul baca how you spent your time with your children.
sorry to say simah perut tu bukan minat I....ayam any time:)
ms istanbul
kerabu perut mana bole lawan sup perut.. tekak malaysia tetap tekak malaysia jugak :0)
mama sarah
memang bau perut bila kena rebus memang loya kalau tak biasa.. tapi sedappppppppppppppppp..
ala.. u pun buat jugak activities dengan anak u.. i kena paksa dengan pihak sekolah heheh
kak elle
padan la u asyik makan kfc..now i know :0)
Simah, terlupa lah .... letak serai juga dalam kerabu tu. Eh, lemongrass ada ke kat Turkey?
I think mesti ada tip untuk bersihkan perut tu sampai tak berbau bila dimasak. Cuci dengan limau? Cuci dengan tepung? Anyone ada ideas?
marlina baharom
aku pun lama tak update blog ni..cuti la kononnya.. :0)
anak hang dah sihat?
queen of the house
kat sini tak dak lemon grass.. kena make do without that la kot..
tapi bau serai tak ada tak piaw lak yek?
akak..beras tu yg kena goreng tu apa function dia?
Simah, beras goreng tu bagi bau 'wangi' and rasa kelat2 sikit :-)
Serai tak ada? Ganti dgn ginger tapi rasa lain sikit la....
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