Şubat tatil geldi :0)
2 weeks holiday for the school children n university students all over turkey.. I remember when i was in school years ago.. holiday means holiday.. no homework.. late nights.. late mornings.. freedom.. no restains..
The system here however is different..2 weeks of holiday.. and hatice came home with these..

The report card
This is the main report card... there r report cards for each subject in the school such as chess lesson.. art lesson.. folk games lesson.. drama.. computer..etc..etc..etc.. The report cards r in hatice's blog.... i told u.. the teachers here r sooooo hardworking that they will even conduct 3 hours lessons (as to recap all the lessons) on monday n tuesday!
i suppose i will send her in the morning n i will ask mıstık's help to pick her up from school coz to go to her school using the public mini bus can take almost one hour in the traffic jam..another one hour to return home.. it wont be fair to subject baddin to 4 hours journey on monday n another 4 hours journey on tuesday..hence mıstıkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk hehehehe (besides..i am not feeling well..remember???)
I hereby officially announce this *The Quill of My Heart Blog* on holiday for these 2 weeks..
i will only update Nur Hatice ve Okul blog (www.haticeveokul.blogspot.com) n perhaps The Zaim Ladies Recipe Book blog (www.simahzaim1.blogspot.com) for these two weeks....
i think i owe it to her to give all the attention she needs.. not to mention the homework we would be doing!! tolonggggggggg malasnyaaaaaa....cuti pun banyak kerja rumah kaa??
p.s - if u r interested on how the turkish bubur asyura looks like.. i will try to include the recipe within these 2 weeks..
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: Nur Hatice ve Okul
poor simah anak holiday tapi kena buat homework...ok you take care and drop by when you are free.....happy holiday
Simah...okay...take a rest...we will be waiting for your bubur asyurah recipe
Enjoy your holiday....
siannya simah. moga cepat sembuh ok.
sukanya saya tgk kreativiti cikgu2 sekolah tu, very colourful instructionkan..kat msia ni mana ada camtu sekali..(setakat yg saya taulah)
happy 'holiday' to you. hehehehe. have lots of 'rest' too :)
laa...cian dia. enjoylaaa...
Ala, takkan baru 2 minggu nak kena ganti jadi cikgu dah pening kot? Heheh...imagine a future of going to school everyday til retirement?
1.Jgn lupa makan ubat.
2.Jgn minum air sejuk or carbonated (air suam je).
3.Jgn lupa pastikan one-activity per day is done everyday.
4.Jgn lupa act as a good mother - coz you're one!
5.Jgn lupa njoy every second of the day with ur loved ones and thanks to ALlah.
(tgh pikir sampai no.48 ni!) -rad-
kak elle
tak sempat nak blog hop lagi...penat kemas rumah..dalam batuk batuk n selesema hehehe
kak lady
thanks..:0) nanti bila sempat saya letak resepi.. saya buah bubur asyura hari isnin..dengan deria bau dan rasa saya hilang masa tu hehehe akak dapat la bayangkan betapa tak bagusnya bubur asyura saya.. :0)
nak buat sekali lagi once i have my sense of smell n taste..everything tastes so bland right now
kak long
terima kasih.. cikgu sekolah hatice memang creative dan comel... masalahnya diaorang terlebih rajin sampai mak budak pun nak kena kerja :0)
comelkan daily activity budak budak tu? saya dah start dah dengan the first task.. buat pudding.. ada kat blog hatice..
mama sarah
ada orang nak kena keletek nih hehehehe
mak lang
dok tengah enjoy la ni mak lang.. rasa mcm nak hempuk ja kat dinding buku homework dia hehehe
laaa dah cuti otak ingat tak yah la nak buat homework.. huwaaaaaaaa lagi banyakkk..
laaa dah kena buat role sebagai mak takkan nak kena jadi cikgu kot??jawapan kepada ur list..
1. ubat dah dipaksa makan semalam oleh halil.. hari ni dia tak berjaya paksa i heheheh..
2.air tanpa ais?? hidupku takkan bermakna :0)
3. many activities a day tu day buat.. for example kena buat pudding... nak tengok gambar pi la blog hatice ve okul...
4. i do not wanna be a good mom..but i dont want them to be bad children as well.. adoi.. :0)
5. i will.. alhamdulillah to Allah for letting me have them in my life..to hold.. to cherish.. to get angry at.. to kiss... to hug..bla bla bla..
mcm mana nak baik mcm ni yek? heheheheeh
Hi Simah,
Thanks for dropping by the other day. I am taking a break from blogging and wish to thank you for being a great and supportive blogging buddy.
You have a good two weeks break too and gee..the homework..aduh! Well, no point grumbling, just do it lah. At least you are interacting with the kids. Take care dear.
enjoy ur time together with the family...and make every moments a bonding moment.
nie nak bagitau...i will be going to istanbul end feb...27th to 1st march. kalau ada peluang nanti kita hello hello la ye...
will be on business trip.
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Enjoy your deserved break Sim.. and the children too. Wow.. such colorful homework.. If it was mine.. i'd colour all the pages too just to keep up with the instruction leaflets..
Enjoy the break..
Those homeworks can be just a part of a family entertainment I supposed.
Enjoy your holidays with you kids Simah for all you know you you should capitalize the time like this when they are still young, hence, you won't have time like that when they are older.
Happy day!
simah, have a great break...jgn lupa buat homework ya :)
Simah..take a rest..and a good care of urself.
ha ha.. your turn pulak dah.. winter break hari tu i dah kena. tak perasan pulak tu. balik cuti baru buat. gelabah gila. apa taknya, kena tulis diary (more to journal). bukan setakat tulis, nak ada gambar la, apa2 yg berkaitan la..
lepak la, buat slow2.. buat time table cuti. selalu after dinner 1 hour tu i duduk dgn budak2 utk keje rumah etc..
Simah dear,
Kat sini, homework is given every Friday. Just 2-3 pages. SInce i'm so used of Malaysian way of homework, I decided to give extra to my kid. Beli byk2 buku and she does her OWN homework, a page a day.
I know. I'm a mean mom. hehehhehe...
Take care lots! I was down with a very bad bug while in Germany. Demam rindu kot.
selamat bercoti simah....
ruby ahmad
i tengah buat la ni.. cuba u check blog hatice.. penattttttt i layan anak i nih :0)
have a nice holiday to u too :0)
hope we can meet for that kuppa of coffee ..insyallah..:0)
count byron
the school punya motto.. *to provide colourful learning experience*.. tu yg kertas semua kaler kaler tuh :0)
i suka tengok kertas tu ja.. nak buat yg apa tertulis kat kertas tu yg i lemah tu :0)
oh we r soo happy now :0)
i suppose u r right there.. but when u see that u have to do this.. u have to do that.. on a piece of paper.. i feel so rebellious.. wanting to do the reverse.. mcm la i ada chance nak lari dari kerja ni kan?:0)
mama rock
mama .. u buatkan utk i boleh? heheheh
thanks.. :0)
rest? tak pernah dengar pun perkataan tu hehehe
memang my turn.. cisssss..:0)
ms istanbul
i hope u r well now..in the arms of ur liltle princess
ouch dear.. i wouldnt wanna be in ur daughter's place.. i ni the reverse type.. i hate homework.. bila i nak kena suruh my daughter buat homework tu.. tak sukanyaaaaaaaaa.. tapi halil is worst than i hehehe so i jugak la kena buat semua tu..
marlina baharom
thanks.. hang pon selamat shopping :0)
semuga cepat sembuh...
Enjoy the school holiday.
Take care!
p/s email me yr address. If film CINTA DVD is already on sale, I will sent it to you.
my email: anggerik2005@yahoo.com
mak oii cantiknya homework
ni dah two weeks ke from your entry. quick! quick! come back
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