Sapanca-Nisan 2007
We all knew that the decision would drive Mıstık (baba’shelper) crazy. Didnt he keep telling us all to at least give him 2 days warning in advance if we ever plan to go there? Well.. this time,we all can blame this to Selim at least.Hehehehehe …well..i was only told of the plan onThursday at 11pm!!
Like Mıstık said in Turkish...…
*çocukların hatirayla gidiyorum!*
(I am only going because of the Children) hehehehehehhe
well...we all certainly did pay for the last minute warning… Naturally,Mıstık went to Sapanca house (baba’s summer house) on Friday. He did all the necessary cleaning,turned on the central heating system of the house, and left for İstanbul that very night.
The house naturally could not very well aired (3 storeys house within less than a day....When we all reached sapanca on Saturday (we managed to persuade mıstık to come too heheheheeh...çok çok rica ettik biz....), none of us could sleep in the room without coughing badly….selim n family.. Halil n family ..and even safa…the carpet n the not fully aired environment in the rooms were affecting all of us.
But was it worth it?
to be able to escape from bricks n mortar and this kind of traffic ..
into this all flush green..fresh air..naturally cooling road..
to enjoy the view of the untrimmed greenness from the balcony...
or this cherry tree (unedible) flowers which took my breath away...
or the contrastive white cherry flowers (edible cherries) which give contrast to the green surrounding
an apple tree flower
and a flower from at the neighbour's..
a walk with the love ones...
stone throwing as we always do..
with a pose near the lake...

Well.. at least this year is better...last year during one night in Sapanca, my son baddin actually had scooped a frog right from inside the pool with his bare hands! I guess the two men in my life have this weird thing about frogs..... luckily they didnt kiss the frogs!! yikes!..
Like Mıstık said in Turkish...…
*çocukların hatirayla gidiyorum!*
(I am only going because of the Children) hehehehehehhe
well...we all certainly did pay for the last minute warning… Naturally,Mıstık went to Sapanca house (baba’s summer house) on Friday. He did all the necessary cleaning,turned on the central heating system of the house, and left for İstanbul that very night.
The house naturally could not very well aired (3 storeys house within less than a day....When we all reached sapanca on Saturday (we managed to persuade mıstık to come too heheheheeh...çok çok rica ettik biz....), none of us could sleep in the room without coughing badly….selim n family.. Halil n family ..and even safa…the carpet n the not fully aired environment in the rooms were affecting all of us.
But was it worth it?
And a further bonus, the frogs in the pool decided to give us a special concert!!They were”singing” and singing to their hearts’ desire at nights.… and guess what??
My dear all grown up very loveable very cute yet a child hubby decided to play with the frogs!!!!! Hahahahahahaha Well.. what he did was he took a stick from somewhere... he let half of the stick to be in the pool water and moved around the pool... trying to get a frog to catch the stick.. he managed to a few times as well...luckily he didnt decide to kiss the frog… !!! hmmm... here is my halil with the frog hhehehe
I came home from Sapanca feeling as if my throat was held by a blade tip... swallowing was very very painful...that i had to resort to just living on soup... nights were worst... i couldnt sleep properly due too much coughing...I am feeling better Alhamdulillah.. Funda also had her back in pain the last few hours before we were to leave sapanca..she hasnt fuly recovered from it... the latest stat..elo's temperature was at 39 degree celcius yesterday
Was it worth going to Sapanca? the green..the BBQ....the fresh air... Yup! u bet it was all worth it.....every moment of it..i really do miss Sapanca...
For more pictures, click here.....
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: Sapanca
simah.. a breathtaking scenery.. i LUV it!
EeeeKKK!!! Katak tuuuu .... hijaunya! Macam Kermit. I can imagine them singing Ong.. Ang.. Ong.. Ang (kan katak kat Msia bunyi macam tu bila hujan?).
The place is lovely - all those greenery and flowers, and the lake! You're very lucky to have access to such a holiday home, Simah.
Amboi, last minute pun sakan jugak ya?:p
Beautiful pix.
Balik nanti I share gambar daun teh ya?:)
mummy rizq
memang best..yg best sekali apa dşia hang tau..semua daun baru keluar (early spring) kaler hijau dia tu kaler hijau muda..memang tangkap cintan aku hang tau tak... selalunya masa ni kitaorang jarang pi sapanca... so tak pernah aku tengok daun sebanyak dan sehijauni..
Queen of the House
heheh kermit yg kat sapanca ni semua masih muda trang trang tang... semua hijau dia lain dari yg lain.. masa siang depa masuk kat depo of the pool (practise concert)..malam diaaaaaaaaa..amboi...... kalau kitaorang duduk kat balcony nak kena jerit baru dengar heheh..saya ada record suara katak bagi concert..nanti saya masukkan dlm u tube hehe
yeah..i am so lucky Alhamdulillah for such an access to such a house.. atleast bila rasa nak termuntah duduk rumah apartment n tengok batu dan bangunan..bole la lari pi sapanca sehari dua..back to nature...tapi adik saya yana kena kacau dengan jin kat rumah tu heheheh
heheh will be waiting for daun teh u.. hope u will have a swell time there :0)
simha, that was a very nice getaway...worth every moment as you said it :)
Simah, rumah tu kosong most of the time kan? Ooooooo sebab tu ada jin .... thinking of which, alamak, apa nak jadi kat rumah I di Alor Setar tu?
B4 I forget, I cudn't comment in ur fren's Hazia (Helo hazia! nama kita almost serupa lah)coz kena ada friendster's a/c. But, I've been following & waiting for the updates ever since..
Hm..jeles jugak tengok kehijauan nun di sana. Tapi takpa coz I've got own BIG PLAN(S)! Muahahahahahaha.
Ada unsur2 'Panggilan Pulau', bukan takat air masin tapi air tawaq pun ada!!
1.Sapanca ni jauh mana? Jam perjlnan? Tak boleh ulangalik ke everyday? Ur hubby commute ke?
2. I nak mandi dgn katak2 tu bole? Sure ada yg sangkut! (juz kidding!)
3. Tq for the pic that u'v send me & explanation btw pink & white cherry.
4. Bila boleh mandi kat laut tu? I guess since masih pakai central heating, sure air sejuk beku?
seronok bercuti sama kelurga kan?lovley summer house surroundings.
what do you do when no one stay at the summer house?
Glad u feeling better:)
Take care Simah
Take honey and lemon for the sore throat. Have it looked at...coz maybe need antibiotics...
Have a good rest and soon you'll be up and about.
I'm sure your Mistik said... "that's why I needed notice before you all come over" ...hehehe... :)
mama rock
memang worth every moment.... cuba lepas tu yg tak sihat tu yg teruk tu.... rumah pun tak terkemas sejak balik...huwaaaaa...
Queen of the House
habis la akak.. bukan berjin dah..tapi berhantu dah rumah akak kat AS tu... heheh..
ala biasa la akak..lepas 44 hari rumah kosong mesti jin masuk punya rumah... ooo..akak lepas retire ni akan bermaustatin balik AS ker akak?
selalunya what we all do la kan...masa first night datang situ everytime.. halil akan baca yasin kat dalam bilik.. saya pun mcm biasa baca segala ayat Qul...kursi..etc sebagai protection utk anak anak... kalau tidak diaorang suka kacau hatice sebab dia ni benda halus prone jugak... tapi lepas baca ayat Quran tu... diaorang selalunya tak kacau la...:0) adik saya yana masa mai dulu dia kena *lock* tak boleh gerak heheheh seram minah tu .
ala kalau ur big plans involving POKOK GETAH...have fun!! hahahahaha
jawapan kepada soalan u tu..
1. sapanca tu satu jam setengah journey dari apt i kat istanbul. memang tak boleh commute hari hari sebab...dari apt kitaorang..halil pi tempat kerja dia mengambil masa sejam setengah (kalau tak ada traffic).. kalau ada traffic tu boleh extend sampai 3 jam pun ada... so kalau tiap hari commute dari sapanca ke tempat kerja dia.... matiiiiiiiii laaaaaaaaaa pengsan mamat tu ..not to mention pokai nak bayar gas kereta...
2. kalau u mandi dengan katak tu kat pool tu.. gerenti u akan tersangkut dengan katak tu.. (maybe kalau u kiss the katak dia akan jadi prince charming ker..u mana tau?? hahah
3. no problem..:0)
4. kat sana tarak laut la cik kak..cuma ada tasik yg besar gila tu... pool memang sejuk la ni.. dalam bulan june kot baru nak cuci pool tu ...iskh tak sabar la nak terjun ni cuaca still sejuk ...
kak elle
kalau ramai ramai memang best...tapi bab nak masak utk semua tu...mak aiiiiiiiii.... tapi memang worth it la esp the children r the ones most happy ..
selalunya rumah tu tinggal kosong ja...jin jin duduk :0)
thanks... am indeed feeling better...cuma still takut nak telan makanan keras...
**** :0)
i waited a few days ..kot kot la baik sendiri..tapi i gave up... it got worse n now i am on antibiotics... cepat pulak the effect...
hehe i sakit ker tidak.. i stillhave to be up n about...biasa la kan.. kerja seorang surirumah mana nak habis? :0)
hehehehe mıstık kalau dia marah pun kitaorang bukannya dengar pun heheheh.. selalunya dia takkan say no to us... terlampau baik sangat mamat tu.. lurus gila orang nya..
cantiknya pemandangan .....
katak-katak tu pun gembira sambut you all sambil nyanyi mission impossible , dia pun tak jangka ramai yang datang dan 'serang ' habitat dia.. hehehe :D
btw, I bagitau anak I maya yang ur hubby looks so charming dan dia sibuk nak tengok ur blog...., intai je tak pe kan.. :P
haha....rinajordan dah terpikat ngan halil tu simah:)jgn mara eh rina gurau aje...
simah kesian tekak sakit eh ... takpe next wk dapat jelly buat senang nak telan nanti....waiting for Rudi to come back from Taipeh then will know the hotel name
tekak sakit kita amik lemon+honey dalam air minum..kalau nak dasat lagi letak aoe vera. Insyaallah...
kalau tak baik jugak...
pi mandi bunga dalam kolam dengan katak tu...konpem baik
Simah the flowers r beautiful and I love the green view. Btw we r planning to go to Turkey end of this year between Oct to Dec, cuaca macamana ehh? Insha-allah we will be able to meet up ehh..*wink*
seronok dapat bercuti bersama2 keluarga.. Moga ceria selalu simah... Happy sokmo...
jeles tengok simah ni, asyik gi jalan aje...
i love springtime...
3 tingkat rumah? padanlah si Mistik suruh bagi tau 2 hari lebih awal..besor benor rumahnya nak bestlah kawasan tu, nyaman rasanya
mmg tradisi keluarga turki ni ada rumah percutian sendiri ke? atau mrk yg mampu aje ada?
akak rina..gamaknya katak katak tu ingat it is impossible for their sarang nak kena serang..tengok tengok hehehe ada jugak orang yg crazy enough nak serang sarang depa hahaha saya masatu memang dah menjerit dah cakap kat halil jangan kacau katak tu hehehe
hehehe halil charmimg? hehehe wait till i tell him this..*chuckles*..
maya..feel free to tengok... jangan tackle buah hati i udah heheh
kak elle
akak tu kak rina tak tengok halil sekarang.. masa kat sapanca tu rambut dia panjang tak la comel ni dah pendek.. comelllllll..(kalau tak tengok bahagian perut boroi tu la heheh)
will be waiting for news pasal rudi tu...mintak mintak la tak clash date dengan lecture halil...
kalau tidak saya akan gerenti menangis.. huwaa nak asammmmmmm
thanks 4 the suggestion... pasal lemon tu.. alor vera kat sini mana mau jumpa cik kak oii :0)
nasib baik dah better sikit.. kalau tidak..i suruh u jer la masuk pool dengan katak tu heheheehehheh
eh yea ker? oct-dec...masa tu i rasa u kena mai sini pakai winter jacket kot... sejuk jugak...
eh mai la in oct..boleh kita tiup tiup birthday cake sekali...buat 2 in one ker.. :0) u nak mai istanbul ker? or other cities?
happy happy sokmo (Alhamdulillah)..
mak lang
mak lang mai la sini :0) masa spring memang best..lagi lagi..dalam sebulan dua ni mula la keluar fresh strawberry, green plum, cherries...
kak long
memang rumah tu 3 tingkat tapi ground flour tu we all tak pakai... kat situ ada bilik mıstık n tempat stırage segala mainan.. frankly speaking.. tak cukup bilik utk semua orang (siblings) nak bermalam all in one go...kena tambah at least 2 bilik lagi baru cukup..
rasanya kalau yg mampu memang orang turki ada summer house sendiri..mcm baba ni dia ada banyak summer house..tapi banyak yg tak furnish we all tak pergi la.. lagipun tempat jauh..mcm sapanca ni dah la rumah atas bukit..boleh kata dekat la dengan istanbul...tu yg we all love it so much...
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