Thursday, April 12, 2007

This Week's observation

Minus the long neck and slim tall body, I am beginning to feel like Aunt Petunia…. Harry Potter’s aunt who likes to peep and see what the neighbours r doing from her window…

I can imagine our couch yelling…
“Hey! Stop choking me with ur 74 kgs stepping on me!!”

But what can i say?? İ am so very truly curious of my bride…. !! Has she produced the eggs? Has she got the eggs hatched??

Well, from the way i see it, she is there.. at the same spot everyday..unmoving. I assume my future grandchildren r already being laid…my bride left not her side as to heat them up…how do i know? İ checked her position so very often hehehe….

And what dou know?? The groom comes n goes to feed his beloved wife!! How so very sweet!! That is what i call a real gentleman!! I am so proud of u my dearest groom.. Hopefully ur children will follow the mom’s look and ur strong character!

And guess what? The future grandpa is as excited as the future grandma!! He kept telling the future grandma to snap the photos of the bride and the grandchildren if possible… Gee…they r well hidden… i can only see the head of the bride even after stepping on the couch n the window sil….

I cant imagine what the neighbours will say if they discover this thing though..they r soooo very complaining….. u can keep my secret, right? :0)

On another lighter matter, .. let us talk about my real children.. Hatice n baddin :0)

Despite the fact that i love to hear music.. Halil loves music.. the kids r attracted to the music, our home is not a home where u listen turkish songs. Halil for example has his beloved types of music that he loves (mostly Turkish)… the types that lul me to sleep if i have to hear them… my types of music (English songs mostly –well..u can hear them in my blog anyway) r the types that drives Halil crazy! So we both cant really mix each other’s songs….i secretly turn on my mtv whenever no one is around (which is very rare) n Halil mostly listens to his songs at his Office room at the university…

And yet… my daughter seems to know many new Turkish songs!! She was singing this song and that song at home..mostly turkish..… and when she sings, the brother listens too and he too learns. their latest craze..a song entitled “Shake it up Şekerim” ..

When i asked her where she learned the songs.. was it from her friends? Her answer was…

“Ramazan abi serviste radio açıyor*
(Ramazan brother-the school bus chauffer turns on the radio in the school bus service)

Despite my taste and halil’s taste in music, apparently it seems that my kids will know the hip hop n whatever it is that Türks r listening… this is really interesting…


While u were in school… how do u remember ur classmates’ names? Do u remember them by their short name? Or do u remember them by their full name?

There i was talking to Hatice. She was asking me about Thursday’s *Lezzet Gunu* (delicious day) where today, a friend in her class will be in charge of bringing some food (normally cookies, cakes etc etc) for tea today. I mentioned a name..(Damla) and she asked me..

“İs it Damla Kayıkçı?”

i am impressed at how well she can remember every of her friends’ names… the surnames of some of her friends can be very long too.. and yet, she can remember them all!! I am at awe!

I think this is NOT my last entry for this week -sebab tadi i cakap this will bemy last entry for this week.. (ADA GAMBAR TERBARU I NAK TUNJUK KAT U ALL -i've got new photos to show u all).. have a nice weekend everyone! See ya all next week! :0)

Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..



Blogger sue said...

hello simah,
dah lama tak singgah sini, am busy with new life, tgh adjust few things...

about the music..guess what, i've been listening to tamil song during my confinement kat penang..just imagine Tamil-rap song

have a nice weekend

April 12, 2007 at 5:19:00 PM GMT+2  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK. Your last entry noted. What about the pics you were going to load on "Life as presented..." from Baddin's birthday? :))

April 12, 2007 at 8:20:00 PM GMT+2  
Blogger Kak Elle said...

grandma stop peeping will you....haha....
I still prefer songs from my era the evergreen not this hip hop and noisy meaningless songs.

have a nice weekend too.

April 13, 2007 at 1:13:00 AM GMT+2  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simah, kita masa sekolah dulu pun ingat nama penuh kawan2 kan? hahaha..cuma bahasa aje yg lain:D

April 13, 2007 at 3:42:00 AM GMT+2  
Blogger Mummy Rizq said...

elo simah... tengah dok buat apa? tengok MTV kaa?? aku normally ingat member sekolah by the short name ajer.. surname kureeennnggg sket!

April 13, 2007 at 4:21:00 AM GMT+2  
Blogger Mulan said...

ingat nickname cukup la.. janji ingat.. kids have great memory tau!! mana gambar baru????? cubit kang..

April 13, 2007 at 4:52:00 AM GMT+2  
Blogger simah said...

u r back!! *hugs*.. r u guys thinking of teaching ur baby tamil? mesti interesting ..boleh la u nanti belajar dengan ur baby sekali :0)

dah masuk dah.. pi la tengok :0) tak ada yg special pon..just the normal people :) dok kena virus malas niiii

kak elle
heheh akak satu geng dengan halil la :0) saya pun suka evergreen tapi kalau ada lagu yg boleh lompat lompat..mesti saya dengar lagu lompat dulu :0)

u ingat full name? i tak kuasa nak ingat.. lebih lebih lagi sekarang nama anak orang malaysia bubuh panjangggggggggg gilaaa...kekadang tu satu anak ada sampai 3 nama..tu tak campur binti lagi.. :0)


mummy rizq
heheh sama la aku... semua aku ingat nama pendek.. aku dok tengah busy usyha mainan baru hang tu..ala yg kaler hitam yg hang bary TERbeli tu *wink*


betul betul..asalkan ingat cukup la yek?

gambar baru? ada la tu kat photo blog tu.. pi la tengok.. link dia ada kat zaimladies recipe blog (i pun tak ingat addy dia! ) hahah


April 13, 2007 at 8:46:00 AM GMT+2  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simah dear,

Once again, your "grandchild" posting makes my day! Keep us posted yeah.

My girl learns new songs from school (from the kakaks and abangs). What amazes me is that she remembers the lyric! At least the whole chorus. Compare to me who is so clueless.

ps: Congrats on your new family member!

April 13, 2007 at 11:29:00 AM GMT+2  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Simah,

Kids learn faster than an aunty like me, a head with holes like those of a watering can!

April 15, 2007 at 1:09:00 PM GMT+2  
Blogger simah said...

ms istanbul
will do :o)

hehe u tak terasa ker betapa makin tuanya otak kita comparedto our kids....*wink*


hahahah i setuju dengan u!! ur imagery is sooo cute hehehe

April 17, 2007 at 12:02:00 AM GMT+2  

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