At home..
U would be annoyed of course if….. there u were....….in position…the dvd player was on for u to watch..a new cd which was newly bought a day earlier…at their insistence..
And then… that two voices started to explain the whole story….in fact telling u the ending…of the story within a few minutes…n all thruout the movie…. They kept telling u what would happen in the next plot….that though it was/is a very funny movie…n one would have enjoyed the movie very much…..the *storytellers* wouldnt let u enjoy the film in peace…..
U couldnt help but to want to say to them…*can we all just keep quiet? Can i watch this movie in peace without having to know the plot beforehand?*…
Yes… u naturally would get annoyed.. u naturally would want to tell the story tellers to be silent…. But then… when u looked at them.. when u saw at how eager they were trying to tell u the gist of the story… complete with their big eyes staring at u with smiles u’d die for….ur lips froze…
And there i was chuckling to myself looking at ur tortured face…enjoying myself at this new live movie before my eyes…
So next time my dearest tem....if we buy any new cd for the kids.... do join us the first time we started to watch it!! :0)
Weekends…. Yes…how nice isnt it to finally be able to join the 2 couches together… hold each other (despite the small space)…tickle each other…life is just far too busy during weekdays….n i definitely love the *Brother Bear 2* ! It is simply hillarious!
… home sweet home…. There’s no place i’d rather be…(except ….shopping! hehehehehehehe…. İ just love the book stores at kanyon..remzi n d&r.. their english books choices r woah… love it! :0))
These r the pictures we snapped during this weekend... i know u all nak termuntah dah tengok gambar kitaorang ..tapi i tak kira.. i nak tunjuk jugak hahahah

And then… that two voices started to explain the whole story….in fact telling u the ending…of the story within a few minutes…n all thruout the movie…. They kept telling u what would happen in the next plot….that though it was/is a very funny movie…n one would have enjoyed the movie very much…..the *storytellers* wouldnt let u enjoy the film in peace…..
U couldnt help but to want to say to them…*can we all just keep quiet? Can i watch this movie in peace without having to know the plot beforehand?*…
Yes… u naturally would get annoyed.. u naturally would want to tell the story tellers to be silent…. But then… when u looked at them.. when u saw at how eager they were trying to tell u the gist of the story… complete with their big eyes staring at u with smiles u’d die for….ur lips froze…
And there i was chuckling to myself looking at ur tortured face…enjoying myself at this new live movie before my eyes…
So next time my dearest tem....if we buy any new cd for the kids.... do join us the first time we started to watch it!! :0)
Weekends…. Yes…how nice isnt it to finally be able to join the 2 couches together… hold each other (despite the small space)…tickle each other…life is just far too busy during weekdays….n i definitely love the *Brother Bear 2* ! It is simply hillarious!
… home sweet home…. There’s no place i’d rather be…(except ….shopping! hehehehehehehe…. İ just love the book stores at kanyon..remzi n d&r.. their english books choices r woah… love it! :0))
These r the pictures we snapped during this weekend... i know u all nak termuntah dah tengok gambar kitaorang ..tapi i tak kira.. i nak tunjuk jugak hahahah
Labels: They r My Life
Simah,Omur boyu mutluluklar dilerim.
Love all the photos.Cok guzel siniz!
more and more pictures please.. daku tak bosan menatap wajah2 kalian.. happy bangat gitu. bikin hari2 daku jugak happy begituk..
Hello Simah, I put a panjang 'broken heart' comment re your 'how do u" post below, re my broken heart(s) as well my breaking hearts too, not mine. Have a look.
Okay, re this new post. Wa, I love your kids la! so cute! And hey! Both you and hubby look really good in the gambar. You are a very charming lady, Simah. Wa, if in old days I tentu send in my application, arhaa ha ha. Just kidding, ya.
I love your photographs, very well taken.
You have a nice day, Simah.
By the way, re your comment in my blog, I am South of 65. Ha ha. You have a nice day, Simah. Lee.
p/s Simah, out of curiousity, which Malaysian State were you from? No nid mention town, State boleh. L.
Simah...tickle-tickle ye...
Sapa tickle sapa lah tu agaknya....hihihi
Bermanja-manjaan sesama isi keluarga membuakkan lagi rasa cinta di hati...kikiki
Love the pictures....very very beautiful family:)
tumpang lalu eh simah....k.d faham2 lah sape tickle sape tu....hehe
erm... bestnya wiken kalo dapat selalu macam tu kan. As for me Rizq is too small to understand. Dia cuma suka bila we all bawak dia pi swimming, main slide etc. Tak paham lagi kalo nak gi bookstore. And the other thing is that the mummy and daddy are also not into reading! Abih camno...!
hahaha - the little bears wanted to share the stories ya? layan je la :)
nora abla
aminn... teşekkur ederim.. size de ömur boyu mutluluklar dilerim :0)
kitaorang dah tak ada kerja lain..tak habis habis tangkap gambar hehe
jangan dalam hati cakap *weii dah la oii* udah la hahahah :0)
uncle lee
dear uncle...dah baca dah ur comment dalam *how do u*..thanks.. banyak sedih la uncleeee..
thanks 4 ur compliments :0)
wa uncle..u sudah tua laaaaaaa :0) u umur my ayah :0) u ada grandchildren tak??
my parents orang negeri sembilan tapi all the children except 2 lahir kat penang... i grew up speaking the northern accent....lepas my primary school, we all pindah ke langkawi... bila my dad retired from his job (i was in my final year kat uni), we all moved back to penang sebab semua anak vote balik penang ... :0)
u uncle orang mana?
hehehehe mcm kata kak elle... paham paham la kan sapa tickle sapa heheheheheh...
i ada 2 life savers of course! hahahah
kak elle
*gigles*...pandai akak ni :0)
thanks 4 d compliment.....:0)
mummy rizq
buat apa pun tak kisah..asalkan anak happy..kita dapat bersama satu keluarga..tu pun cukup la...(tapi of course kalau dapat shopping lagila best heheheh)
cuti ni hang tak buat apa apa ka?
mama rock
memang dia layannn hehehe kelakar tengok halil..tapi sapa suruh selalu tak ada rumah la kan...padan muka kena *attack* dengan anak anak heheh
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