A day together
This missing u..
It is burning a hole in my heart..
Making me want to rebel…
Making me wanna say..*stay*
(As if it is possible..)
This missing u..
What is the benefit for me to scream?
Will it lessen this feeling?
This missing u..?
Maybe this missing u is not as bad as it seems?
Maybe it made u look cuter in my eyes?
For whatever precious time we have together…
Made me want to poses u more…
It is burning a hole in my heart..
Making me want to rebel…
Making me wanna say..*stay*
(As if it is possible..)
This missing u..
What is the benefit for me to scream?
Will it lessen this feeling?
This missing u..?
Maybe this missing u is not as bad as it seems?
Maybe it made u look cuter in my eyes?
For whatever precious time we have together…
Made me want to poses u more…
I am happy most
When i am not missing u..
But then…
The clock turns round n round…
This missing u…
Starts all over again..
I miss u….
It was those rare days yesterday when Halil was at home.We decided to pick hatice up early from school n went to our beloved shopping place (Carrefour where else! Hahahah)..i needed to buy loads of stuffs from there anyway…
I entered the pre school building with baddin while Halil waited in the car… She was in the art classes… she would finish in 15 minutes’ time.I sensed this excitement in baddin… that feeling i get everytime he goes there… he gets excited inside.. knowing not too long from now… in a couple of months…insyaAllah, he will be a part of that building as well.. a pre school student..just like his abla right now..
Nilgün Hanim ( hatice’s class teacher) wanted to talk to me about something… I asked her permission for him to join his sister in the class for a few minutes… permission granted…he rushed to find the red doorof his sister’s classroom…
A few minutes later, baddin came out with his sister.. Hatice saying… *anne..baddin burada* (Anne.. baddin is here).. i told her he would join her for a few minutes…again they went into the classroom…
Baddin came out of the classroom..happy… ..he watched the sister n her friends did the paintings of the trees (they planted the trees earlier of the day)..i discovered that hatice’s girlfriends found baddin cute (hahahaha girls will always be girls n look at boys)… n one wanted to kiss baddin on his cheeks..but was shy even with hatice’s permission… (hahahahahaahahahahah)…
It was also a celebration of phase one of our diet program..in which Halil lost 4 kilograms in 10 days n i had lost only one kilogram in the same period hehehehehe
Well.. Halil followed the diet… but as for me…*chuckles*.. i sort of deviated (loads) from the list hehehehe (see www.refcobass4.blogspot.com)..u see..i have no discipline whatsoever when it comes to food!!!
We took one day break from any diet list yesterday…
Anyway..phase 2 starting today..but Halil has decided to *relax* the list a little bit more hehehhe a relaxed diet… but we both agreed on afew things…
When i am not missing u..
But then…
The clock turns round n round…
This missing u…
Starts all over again..
I miss u….
It was those rare days yesterday when Halil was at home.We decided to pick hatice up early from school n went to our beloved shopping place (Carrefour where else! Hahahah)..i needed to buy loads of stuffs from there anyway…
I entered the pre school building with baddin while Halil waited in the car… She was in the art classes… she would finish in 15 minutes’ time.I sensed this excitement in baddin… that feeling i get everytime he goes there… he gets excited inside.. knowing not too long from now… in a couple of months…insyaAllah, he will be a part of that building as well.. a pre school student..just like his abla right now..
Nilgün Hanim ( hatice’s class teacher) wanted to talk to me about something… I asked her permission for him to join his sister in the class for a few minutes… permission granted…he rushed to find the red doorof his sister’s classroom…
A few minutes later, baddin came out with his sister.. Hatice saying… *anne..baddin burada* (Anne.. baddin is here).. i told her he would join her for a few minutes…again they went into the classroom…
Baddin came out of the classroom..happy… ..he watched the sister n her friends did the paintings of the trees (they planted the trees earlier of the day)..i discovered that hatice’s girlfriends found baddin cute (hahahaha girls will always be girls n look at boys)… n one wanted to kiss baddin on his cheeks..but was shy even with hatice’s permission… (hahahahahaahahahahah)…
It was also a celebration of phase one of our diet program..in which Halil lost 4 kilograms in 10 days n i had lost only one kilogram in the same period hehehehehe
Well.. Halil followed the diet… but as for me…*chuckles*.. i sort of deviated (loads) from the list hehehehe (see www.refcobass4.blogspot.com)..u see..i have no discipline whatsoever when it comes to food!!!
We took one day break from any diet list yesterday…
Anyway..phase 2 starting today..but Halil has decided to *relax* the list a little bit more hehehhe a relaxed diet… but we both agreed on afew things…
no midnight snacking (esp for Halil)
a significant decrease on carbonated drinks (if we cant stand it..light coke is possible)
very less or none at all usage of oil in the cooking..
We both generally agree to start eating healthily coz we both know that we wont be able to stick to a strict diet…it is a good start in my opinion….we desperately need to lose some more kilos but we both desperately love our food! Hahahaha we r indeed a hopeless case… :0)
These r what we had forced ourselves to eat.. in the first phase of our diet..
This time i decided to steam fresh peas n cauliflower till they r half cooked..
n fruit portions... for supper
And hear yee hear yee… Hatice n baddin r both promoting trident splash! (Chewing gum) ..see? u dont need to be beautiful n handsome to promote a product :0) A cute promotional technique indeed… inside carreffour, the promotor asked every kids whether they wanna get their pictures snapped…. ….n each kid gets these stickers of themselves in grapic characters like these to bring home…here r Hatice n baddin! Enjoy!

(ouch.. these r a bit too sexyfor my taste)

Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: Hatice n Baddin
dari sarapan sampai dinner roti je... kalau zino alamat gigil badan tu hehe
betul kata zino tu...tapikan zino kita mesti ada will power nak buat ni semua.Simah nape nak diet you gemok ke....hahaha
orang mesia tetap nak nasik kan? hehehe kalau satu roti zino boleh makan 3 camca nasik hehehe mesti zino kenyang (NOT)! hehe
kak elle
eh akak..takkan akak tak nampak badan saya se slim si *beyonce* tu *wink* hahahahaahahha
Simah,oklah menu u ni,tapi salad tu tak boleh letak minyak zaitun sikit ke?macammana dgn garam +lemon?4kg in 10 days bagus tu,1 kg in 10 days tak bestlah,tapi kalau duduk rumah asyik lapar je ye!nak cubalah,ikut Simah punya menu.Selamat menguruskan badan!Kolay gelsin!
Hi Simah, love what you posted and the cute pics.
Your diet foods looks interesting.
Simah, check out about drinking Chinese green tea. Its very good for the health, lots of benefits too. Very good for reducing fats.
Incase you not sure which ones, here's two you might want to try:
1/ Lung Ching (Dragon well).
2/ Temple of Heaven, (Special gun powder.) No, you won't explode drinking this. The tea pellets look like gun powder and thus so named by an English man, "gunpowder".
3 or 4 cups a day is good.
You have a nice day, UL.
akak..with ur weight.. u dont need to lose any kg at all!! kalau akak nak kg saya..be my guest hahahaha
benim etim çokkkkkk ...istedin zaman alabilirsın bendan hahaha
akak..kalau sepatutnya within 10 days tu u should lose 4 kgs (mcm halil)..saya ni diet deviant ..kat rumah duduk depan makanan..mana tahan..esp ari tu masak pizza...adoiiii....dah la pizza my fav.. hahahahahha u can guess what i did!! (it is definitely NOT in the menu at all):0)
garam boleh letak tapi jangan pakai banyak sangat garam sebab garam dia serap air..i think something about the more salt u use.. the harder u will loose weight...lemon tu kalau pakai sikit boleh kot..
i tak pakai both salt n lemon for my salad..what i did was.. i mixed the yogurt in my salad (1 cup yoğurt for lunch... half a cup for dinner). jadi rasa dia sedap la....esp when u add in loads of cucumber..rasa mcm makan cacik lak..
uncle lee
hahahahaahaha the names of the tea brands tu memang power la uncle!! takut saya dengar!! siapa la yg bagi nama dia tu :0)
will do that.. right now i am drinking tea with fresh ginger..... green tea i dah cuba minum...rasa dia i tak tahan..maybe i should kena tahan jugak kot? i am too fat for my own good... :0(..
thanks 4 d advice..u have a nice day too :0)
I dont think we have the brands u mentioned here.. just lipton green tea n a few local brands...
Sure tak sabar tunggu Badin masuk sekolah ni:P. Then u can enjoy single life a few hours daily. LOL!
Is it my imagination only or does healthy Turkish food look appetising? LOL!
Hey, good start. I didn't adopt a special diet, rigidity doesn't work for me. I only minimalise sugar, fat & oily food intake and take fresh fruits for snacks. Starting to see result - I'm losing 2 kgs in 3 weeks (instead of only 1kg)..hehe..
simah....:) i ada tulis pasal 'foods has to be of various colours' ...and looking at ur food photos - wow! so very colourful.
boleh tahan ka tu diet mcm gitu? mcm susah je nak sustain..hehehee..
that red things in ur unlimited greens salad...itu biji saga ka?
simah saying to herself..
*si haiza dok menyakat..tak terasa pon.**wink*..
eh sapa cakap salad mesti boring looking...:0) jom selalu makan salad..mesti u akan hilang 10 kilo dalam sebulan :0)i pun tak suka rigidity.. i ni kan free rebellious type sket..
my head is making plans once i reach my freedom..plan ja..buat ker tidak tu lain kira hahahahha..
oit...... :0) u cuba dulu laaa...lepas tu ckp kat i apa jadi....eh kan u pun nak kena healthy living sebab nak tengok anak cucu *wink*..
laaaa buah saga mananya i nak carik kat turki ni mr idham.... tu buah delima laaa... natural awet muda punya secret :0)
Roti..hihihi..Disini semua org makan roti. Rasanya kami rakyat Msia di Weingarten nih aje yg tukang perlakukan jualan beras disupermarket disini agaknya...kihkihkih..
saya boleh tahan makan roti. tapi kena dgn choc spread la!!! breakfast to dinner yg tu je pon boleh. simah eat while u can tapi berpada2. cewah nasihat orang konon (blink blink blink..). but i drink green tea everyday. yuks.. terpaksa!!
me & hubby tak pernah berhasil untuk diet..NEVER! cemana pun nak makan nasik jugak. kalo sket tak per.. ni bertambah tambah!
nak diet jugaklah...... actually dah berapa puluh kali kata nak diet,tapi tak penah menjadi.
Tak pe kali ni nak try diet balik.
i pun memang lama nak kiss baddin tu, comel sangat :D
orang mesia kalau tak makan nasik sampai boleh meleleh air liur tu heheheh
u tahan nafas tak bila minum green tea? kenapa la bau dia teruk sikit yea? saya pun nak kena jugak minum kot..huwaaaa
eleh..u kan kurus..
mummy rizq
hang makan banyak pon hang tak la gemuk mcm aku..ok la tu..aku ni..adoiiiii gemuk gila sioussssssss... genetik aku senang nak naik..tapi susah nak turun...tensen tensen
akak mai la sini... boleh kiss baddin as much as u like (tu pun kalau dia tak lari la heheh)
kalau tak ada masalah berat as long as jaga pemakanan tu..ok la..saya ni masalahnya dah terlebih termakan hehehe layannnnnnn nafsu :0)(tapi kalau masak takkan tak makan kot kan?)
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