Dikaulah Ratu
No..it is not our anniversary...just refer to my previous entry n the comment section to understand why...*wink*
True..u can say that i am at the top of my lively spirit now especially now that my work in tidying up the apt is finally showingoff (though istill have to deal with the rest of the place...ouch!)..i am definitely relieved of half of the burden..
But then, when i blog around... i am reminded that not everyone is happy... If u remember, only last week, the mother of my tesl mate died... 40 days ago, our Queen of the House's mom left this world... prior to that... Mama sarah's grandma left her body to meet her creator...n the trip to Malaysia for Adjzie...left her drained as she had returned to Germany with the pain of losing the lady who had given birth to her... n mama rock.. the death of her beloved dad... sooo many years ago.. still left her with an emptiness not so easy to forget...n kak elle.. her mom basically *dropped d**d* in front of her n her sibling even though they had tried to revive her...n they were so young then...
I may not know some of u... but i am sure...someone.. somewhere...must have lost someone... someone u love so deeply..
The living r left with the memories n pictures (if there r any) of their deceased to comfort them... I cannot say i know how it feels...the feeling of loss..all i can only offer u is a hug (even though virtually)... i can offer u my sympathy...i can offer u my empathy...i can offer u my hands of friendship...
This is a song lyrics written by my tesl mate dedicated to her mom when the call of death was not far from the door step.. u may have heard it... it is sung by a famous singer in malaysia.. It describes the pain.. the longing... the hope of a daughter... for adear mother... who will always be the Queen of her fragile heart...
Dewasa sekilas pandangan
airmata bertali arus
ku melangkah pergi
dari dambaanmu
walau getir
di hati kau selami
yang pedih kau jajahi
jalinan terlerai sudah
The living r left with the memories n pictures (if there r any) of their deceased to comfort them... I cannot say i know how it feels...the feeling of loss..all i can only offer u is a hug (even though virtually)... i can offer u my sympathy...i can offer u my empathy...i can offer u my hands of friendship...
This is a song lyrics written by my tesl mate dedicated to her mom when the call of death was not far from the door step.. u may have heard it... it is sung by a famous singer in malaysia.. It describes the pain.. the longing... the hope of a daughter... for adear mother... who will always be the Queen of her fragile heart...
Dewasa sekilas pandangan
airmata bertali arus
ku melangkah pergi
dari dambaanmu
walau getir
di hati kau selami
yang pedih kau jajahi
jalinan terlerai sudah
Pelayaran sepi
diulang sendiri
kau tiada di sisi
diriku tak lagi berkemudi
ku junjung kasihmu
dikaulah ratuku
diulang sendiri
kau tiada di sisi
diriku tak lagi berkemudi
ku junjung kasihmu
dikaulah ratuku
sampaikan kasihku
pada ibuku
hambamu merintih pilu
sampaikan rinduku
oh Tuhanku
sampaikan rinduku
oh Tuhanku
Kau melangkah pergi dari dambaanku
walau getir
di hati ku selami
yang pedih ku jajahi
jalinan terlerai sudah
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
siapa penyanyinya? any links!
Terjumpa your blog, sewaktu tgh blog hopping ....
Seronok gak baca kisah kat rantau org ...
Simah, you have a very caring heart :)
Lepas ni nak tackle project apa pulak kat apartment tu? Sure Halil happy je tengok rumah dah macam mula2 kawin dulu. But I tell you, with kids around, memang kita kena kerja dua kali ganda!
Oh, Simah ... dah lama I nak tanya .... veil atas kepala you tu berat tak? Nampak macam 3 kilo beratnya!
sweetnya gambar kawin tu :)
Betul tu simah. dalam kita bergembira ada insan yang bermuram durja....
Rehat dulu baru start project baru tau , take care :D
hang dok tenung bakul tembikai tu pasai apa...hahahhaha.
Sapa penyanyi lagu ni?? dah outdated dah dengan penyanyi mesia ni.
mama sarah
funny that u r the one whos asking the name of the singer... heheh penyanyi dia..
*Siti Sarah!* :0)
En. Ghazali
terima kasih kerana sudi berkunjung di sini..:0) semoga encik datang lagi :0)
Queen of the House
lepas ni nak kena attack the clothng wardrobe...
saya banyakkkkkkkk sangat baju yg*kecik* (hahaha sapa suruh gemuk) .. atau yg besar tapi tak minat nak pakai..yg saya pakai ialah seluar short n t-shirt lusuh halil setiap hari kat rumah.. halil pun mcm tu.. banyak baju dia dah tak muat..
saya nak selongkar segala almari baju kat master bedroom n hatice's bedroom..
lepas tu..........nak lap dan reshuffle segala barang -pinggan mangkuk,gelas, etc kat dalam dapur tu... banyakkkkkkkkkkk lagiiiiiiiiiiii kerja saya.. tapi the good thing is.. sekarang the main areas in the apt dah clear..so kalau dulu it would take me one hourto tidy n vacuum everyday...sekarang dah cut by half sebab semua barang r in their proper places...:0)
n not to mention the balcony... tu kena tunggu cuaca panas sikit..sekarang kat situ sejukkkk
viel tu? memang beratttttttt..tapi masa tu i was more thinking of.. *cepat la habissss..panasssssssssssssssss*
kenapa la orang kawin pakai baju songket atau baju baldu? kan mesia tu panassssssssss...tak paham saya..
la ni manusia manusia dalam rumah ni kena flu n sore throat.. bila diaorang dah baik saya start the new project kot..
hehehe gambar masa zaman zaman dulu.. sekarang memang no connection dengan dulu... dah double in size! heheheheh
tenung tembikaisebab rabun! hahahah nak cantik konon tak mau pakai spek..dah terus apa pun tak nampak hahahahhaha
siti sarah yg nanyi..saya pun dah outdated..ni my friend yg hantar the song pakai ym..
simah your veil macam nak terbang the flying nun:)betul tu nape mesti pakai songket eh?panas tapi you nampak cool aje....hehe
timaceh eh kawan...
i feel your love woman.
Let me just echo my daughter's constant prayer for her Wan
O Please Allah, Put Wan in a safe and comfortable place, Amin.
simah, thanks for the mention. ok, next project still take before and after pix ya!
I'm thankful that I still have both my parents.
However, d most painful lost that I've experienced was losing my best friend from varsity. D saddest thing was we had a fall out & weren't talking to each other then.
She passed away from colon cancer (only 3 months after 1st check up). I only found out 3 weeks after she died.
I didn't even know she had cancer. Pls click link to read full story.
dunia ini bulat. begitulah kehidupan jua
gambar wedding you beesssstttt
kak elle
masa tu rasa nak pengsan tahan panas! heheheh
masa nak bukak semua tu (esp yg kat atas kepala tu..) adoiiiiii... banyaknyaaaaaaaaaaa pinnnnnn..macam nak nangis saya cuba bukak heheh
aminn.. u take care eh?
mama rock
hehehe adoi.. gambar before tuyg lemah sikit mama... bersepah gilaaaaaaaaaaaa..
hugs... it must really painful for u even till now....take care ok?
i mcm opera cina masa tu..iskh...
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True..u can say that i am at the top of my lively spirit now especially now that my work in tidying up the apt is finally showingoff (though istill have to deal with the rest of the place...ouch!)..i am definitely relieved of half of the burden..
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