The Bed nThe Book shelves
It was 4.30pm..Monday. The bell rang. I wasnt expecting her to come home so soon.. she usually reaches home by 4.45pm..Suprised as i was, i was also excited. So was everyone else in the house. ..Kerim, mıstık, n the 2 carpenters…Eagerly waiting for that little one’s expression… Not really realizing how torturous it was for everyone else to wait for her to take off her shoes,her winter jacket n what not…i finally managed to nudge her into her own room with everyone else tailing behind us….waiting for her to judge…
She smiled…n then she hid her face into my clothing once she realized that everyone was watching her….
Kerim the uncle: *Hatice, beyendin mı?* (Hatice, do u like it?)
She nodded her head in conformation… Then, one of the carpenters suggested that she went up the stairs…up to where she would be sleeping the night… she did..careful with her steps…up up n she sat n smiled at everyone…her eyes sparkling in excitement n somehow disbelief that her bed had finally come! She was the princess and all everybody else wanted at that moment was to see her happy…n she was! ..Still is!..
It is a gorgeous bed…one she is so lucky to poses..masyaAllah….Çiçeğim, u deserve this bed.. :0).. Thank u Kerim for choosing the sweet color n the carpenters (4 of them..but 2 dealt with her bed personally) for making the bed as firm as a bed possibly can :0)
The carpenters started working at 1.30pm ( 4 of them)….i think only by 7pm they finished installing both the bed n the bookshelves…with tea n coffee breaks in between of course…Mısıtık was there thruout as well…(well i need a guy i can trust around)… kerim came n went.. while Halil had to go to kadiköy to deal with…..(i will show u at the end of this entry)….He brought baddin along…so that baddin didnt have to be in the dust…
Monday was quite easy.. i basically spent the day preparing the tea, n the türkish coffee non stop…i only did some cleaning up towards the end of the day..
Tuesday on the other hand… was a different matter altogether…After saying bye bye to Hatice… from 7.50am till 5pm.. i was working non stop… hauling the boxes…lifting the boxes… wiping all the books… climbing the chair in the process to arrange all the books n papers n files n what not….(even halil’s subbuteo! –his fav toys Heheh)..all into masyaAllah our new bookshelves…guess where i put all my story books? At the bottom part of course *chuckles*…MasyaAllah.. i am soooo *tall* (NOT!)….I basically had cleared all the boxes out of the way..except the 3 boxes where they contain students’ assignments n questionaires.. if it is up to me, i would throw them all… but Halil said he needs to look at them first…so those 3 boxes will have to wait for the *royal majesty Halil* hehhe to look into them.. (gee..hate this unfinished work)..n guess what? İ managed to empty out the living room’s bufe (long closet) as well!!
Only yesterday, i think i had filled out 6 jumbo size rubbish plastics with things i didnt want (mainly papers n papers n papers)..1 box full of everything else (rubbish)…n many many empty boxes (flattened out)… our apartment caretaker Cemal abi must have been shocked to see our rubbish yesterday!! Hahahahaha..but then he should get used to it by now coz up till now..ever since i started my tidying up activities a few weeks ago, i had put i think at least 30 jumbo size rubbish plastics outside our door for cemal abi to throw at the rubbish bin!!..poor him.. :0)..maybe he is happy with my rubbish.. the boxes n papers he can sell ..thus, he can have an extra income from our rubbish ..
How do i feel? İ feel happy. Finally, our apt is finally in order. I have been dreaming of this moment…the moment for a proper book shelves to come…the moment for Hatice to have a new bed… the moment for both my kids to stay in separate rooms they can call their own.. the moment for my place to be tidy ..because for the last 6 years, this place has been in a total neglect.. i just didnt have the will power to take care of the house while trying to raise Hatice n Baddin…so i had turned a blind eye till now
Well… true, the walls in the apt need a total repaint…. true, the couch in the living room needs to be puffed up…another major redo..true, ..true, my kitchen is in pathetic stage.. (need to save Money for that)….
This is also true… I had worked hard fo so many many weeks to tidy up the apt.. i had worked hard to put everything in order..true, this place is far from tidy compared to…let say.. mahture or muyesse yenge’s apts.. but i worked my A** off to make this place the way it is now.. n i am sooo proud of myself….all the painful leg experience forgotten …n the best compliment i had recieved yesterday was from Halil… he said..
*This place reminds me of the time when we first got married.. before we had kids*
Though our place was much tidier than this when we first got married (due to less furniture..hey! we didnt have tv for the first few months!) me that is the best compliment ever…making all the hard work all these while worth it..
Next Project: The kitchen n the clothing cabinets!..though i think i will give at least a week or two break before i start the new tidying up project
And hear yeee…. Hear yeee… from Monday (12th), Halil n i have started a diet program… see this blog for details…n …so far so good….we sort of modified the diet a bit here n there ..everything is going well i think…
Most importantly, i do apologize to baddin for the lack of attention esp these past 2 days.. i promise i will make it up to u…thank u for understanding my position….at least u can say now.. *bu benim odam… bu benim yatağım… bu benim çalışma masam…* (This is my room… this is my bed..this is my study table) u r the master of that one room…just like ur sister……she is the master of her own bedroom. Though sharing is a tribute we all shall not forget, eh?
p.s.. am still busy… forgive me if i dont blog hop much this week…
Labels: reshuffling..
Wah! Well done, Simah!
I love Hatice's bedroom. Smart usage of space, cute too, very little girl-ish:D
Eh, bilik Badin besar sikit ke? Hehe...
lega dah kemas ye.... good job simah :D
wah lamanya proses nak dapatkan that marriage book... are now husband and wife....hehehe :)
I like the idea of having the bookshelves under the bed..!! Job well done simah....
simah, i am so proud of you! *pat on your back*
Well done dear!! After this, make sure you get a break, yeah?!? Get yourself a turkish bath.
hugs n kisses..
Simah,you betul2 SUPER WOMEN!Mana dapat masa nak berkemas,bersihkan habuk,buat cay,kahve,masak,lepas tu siap tulis panjang2 macam ni,dua blog pula tu!MashAllah!Katil Hatice cute,bilik Baddinpun nampak kemas saja,my favourite is Halil's study.By the way,Selamat Pengantin Baru Simah!!!
"selamat pengantin baru" from Nora is funny!!
I LOVE makeover programmes! Best baca and tengok gambar dalam entry nih.
WELL DONE you SIMAH (and everyone else) Big step eh nak buat semua2 tu, esp nak buang2 barang. Ada orang sentimental sikit nak buang2 benda kan?
I love the new makeover nice rooms and poor simah mesti penat kan?Dan tak lupa untuk mengucapkan 'selamat pengantin baru'juga.....haha
bestnyer bilik hatice. Purple kaler lagik.
Berbaloi la penat penat tuh kan. COngratulations dah dapat kad nikah...hehehhe
Waaaa..... cantiknya! kemasnya! well done!!! now this put me in the box. bila la nak kemas rumah ni? huaaa...
O.M.G. I pun nak bili itu and all the sets. nicenyaaaaaa
aik dah lama kahwin baru dapat. lambatlah pulak ya. normal ke or sebab lain nationality?
Wah..lawa..lawa...Privacy for the little princess yek.
Well done.
Ni buat terasa nak kena kemas rumah nie...
ops... eh iyea ker bilik baddin lagi besar...hmmm *wink*
bila bilik semua kecik..terpaksa la buat katil mcm ni to save some space :0)
thanks :0)
..memang legaaaaaaaaaaa... :0)
mummy rizq
thanks..penat oo aku kerja walaupun bila semua dah siap nampak simple ja.. :0)
ms istanbul
thanks...*hugs back*... ithink i'llsttle for the bed for now :0)
kak Nora
bila terpaksa..semua wanita akan menjadi superwoman hehehe
hahahhahaha yeah... selamat pengantin baru utk kami... check out my latest entry :0)
mama sarah
ni u mesti duduk depan tv tengok changing rooms n what not everyday nih :0) i ni kalau ikutkan hati semua nak dibuang... halil ja yg tak kasi.. boring boring.. :0)
kak elle
thanks... saya dah pengsan dah *chuckles*
heheh thanks.. kad nikah mahal nih .....sekarang i tak ada alasan tak mau pakai nama surname hubby i..iskh..
cepat ibu..kemas rumah heheh ala mintak la tolong anak anak u yg hensem hensem tu tolong sama :0)
belila.. memang space saving gila...(price tu jgn tanya la...tercekik i bersimpan hehe)
it took us a year to getourselves registered to the marriage registry office inturkey... cuma buku ni...walaupun dalam setengah jam aja boleh siap.. si mamat tu (siapa lagi la kalu halil) malas nak pergi buat.. sebab tu sampai sekarang kalau ada package ka..i suruh my family hantar atas nama halil sebab takut nanti i tak boleh claim package kat post office :0)
kemas jangan tak u dah baik dah ker dari demam?
berbaloi bila rumah dah hampir clear dari sarang heheh tu pun i ada lagi banyakkkkk nak clear... adoiiiii...
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