It has been ages since i actually snap their photos... not that i love them less... simply because we r so busy dealing with stuffs around us..that i forgot to look at them thru the lenses of my camera..
Hatice has not been wearing her headcover for months now as well... and out of nowhere, today when we were going to yenge for the doa reading for burhanettin amca (he died the year hatice was born)...she asked me whether she could wear the headcover... n here they r... my life precious..... my hayatım......

Hatice has not been wearing her headcover for months now as well... and out of nowhere, today when we were going to yenge for the doa reading for burhanettin amca (he died the year hatice was born)...she asked me whether she could wear the headcover... n here they r... my life precious..... my hayatım......
Labels: They r My Life
cantik Hattice bertudong:)simah u a beautiful family.
Cute betul your kids tu. And you nampak ceria aje, Simah. Halil pulak .... it looks like the diet is taking effect :-)
Yr little princess looks so matured:)
comelnya budak ber2 tu....baddin tu anak bapak lah :D
the last picture tu hatice jadi photographer ke?
Cudn't help but noticing - Hatice looks like Jackie O - 60s' style with the dress, legging & scarf! Only the big-spec missing.Heheheh.rad
HAng pakai baju kurung ke Simah? waaaaaaahhhh...
p/s: hatice so exotic.
Masha-Allah, they look so grown up and gorgeous May Allah SWT protect them from the evil eyes, ameen!
Hi Simah,
Love all the photos. You all look so happy and wonderful. Oh those two cute heartbreakers...ahh..hugs and kisses for them gorgeous kids of yours.
Hello Simah, you have beautiful kids. And the handsome gentleman...I can see he enjoys your cooking.
Nice photos, Simah.
Best regards, UL.
Masya-Allah Simah. Geram I tengok mata anak-anak you...mengancam...
Semoga sentiiasa dilindungi Allah.
cute nya hatice... hensemnya baddin.. mak ayahnya sungguh bahagia..
p/s: simah.. mak & ayah in turkish apa yek? kena buat dictionary eng-turki la pulak.. nak belajar sket2..
kak elle
thanks for the compliment... beauty is always best if it is from within..i pray my kids will be beautiful inside :0)
Queen of the House
thanks :0) i just wish mamat tu tak rosakkan diet dia .. susah betul nak suruh dia masuk phase 2 (mcm la saya pun buat la kan hehehe)
***** that good or bad?
baddin mcm bapak dia dari jauh ja akak hehehe tapi dalam gambar ni saya perati... rambut depa mcm sama pulak..cuma bapak dia is balding in front! hehehe
mama rock
yup.. minah tu jadi photographer.. i nak tangkap 2 orang saja dengan halil..tapi si baddin tu sibuk jer nak join hehehe jeles la tu..:0)
hahahahah otak u ni time i will remember the big glasses hahahaha..:0)
mama sarah
eh jangan terperanjat u... simah pakai baju very feminine! hahaha
budak pompuan ni biasa la kan.. bab dressing up ni.... iskh...kalah super model.. :0)
aminnn.. :0)
Ruby Ahmad
dah cium n peluk dah on ur behalf..:0)
Unlce lee
nice tummy huh? hahahah..i always ask him.. * r u carrying our third baby?* haha
aminnnnnnnnn...simah baca segala surah Qul..jauhkan nazar :0)
ok will do..
anne - mom
baba - dad
Seronok tengok yr family..anak2 u sungguh old is Hatice and Baddin?
hehehe...comel2 anak u simah..kalau kak lady jumpa memang kak lady cubit pipi diorang tu... :p
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