Thee, a child no more..

The moment she saw that big boquet of flowers, she burst into tears… The realization that her little girl is not so little anymore struck her like thunder..That little girl whom she used to cuddle…..the one she used to hold as a now…
(Merve's 18th birthday)
This young lady will face the university exam entry this year.. and in a few more years ..who knows? She may find the man of her dream.. have her dream*gothic* wedding…have 6 pairs of little feet running around the apartment that will left her screaming for help ? hehehe..Yes… Meşe, the mom…n Merve, the daughter…..but i suppose, in Meşe’ eyes.. Merve will always be her little girl…a child never really grow in a mother’s eyes…
Just like i keep telling this to my own angels…
*Ne kadar büyük olursan ol… ne kadar yaşlanırsan yaşlan…siz.. her zaman benim bebeğim olacaksınız…*
(No matter how big u get… no matter how old u have become.. both of u will always be my babies)
All photos r courtesy of Funda… The Zaim Family Official Photographer :0)
Elo,Ediz,Ekrem n Baddin
*Ne kadar büyük olursan ol… ne kadar yaşlanırsan yaşlan…siz.. her zaman benim bebeğim olacaksınız…*
(No matter how big u get… no matter how old u have become.. both of u will always be my babies)
All photos r courtesy of Funda… The Zaim Family Official Photographer :0)
Labels: Wishes
Simah dear,
Don't u worry. Hatice will be a beutiful woman and Baddin is going to be as handsome as he is now. Yet even if they grow up to be adults, they will always be your babies till the end.
My babies are 25 and 24 this year!
Nong @ Dhaka.
Kak nong
ur babies r 25 n 24..n u still cant stop worrying....we moms r so typical huh?
Yeah...they will always be my babies...
enjoy ur dhaka trip akak :0)
Simah, are Zeynep and Merve sisters? Hidung depa mancung sungguh ... kalau cuck pipi kita tembus tak?
Love the pics of all the cousins together - one big happy family.
tak..zeynep anak selim n funda...
hehehe hidung depa semua memang mancung pun... akak patut tengok hidung muyessa yenge (auntie halil)..hidung dia..kalau akak tengok la..mcm pinochio! memang tajam mcm pinochio n sebelum datang turki ni..i thought hidung mcm tu cuma dibuat buat...rupanya memang ada orang hidung mcm tu... heheh
kalau hidung penyek kita vs hidung tajam depa... hidung kita buat nose fight mesti menang punya coz hidung depa kalau bertembung dinding sakit... kita no problem sebab isi aja..tulang sikit! heheheheehehe
" Hullo MAS? Reservations? I would like a ticket to Istanbul ASAP....bila? Okay, besok boleh? Fully booked? Alamak! Duduk tepi Captain boleh tidak?".
Wa Simah....its 5.30am, I couldn't sleep, so minum my Maxwell House, light my pipe and thought I'll sibok over to your place.
I thought I masuk Hollywood blogs by mistake, ha ha.
Gosh! The girls are gorgeous! Exotic! Nice family too.
By the way Simah, x'cuse minta ma'af my ignorance, but what lingo you guys speak there?
Here in Toronto, Canada we have more than 120 different nationalities, and lots of Gypsies and Middle Eastern peoples, Istanbul, quite a big population of Persians or Iranians and I know a couple of families here, they are really beautiful people too.
Must do some thinking about going to Istanbul for holidays, ha ha.
You're a good photographer, Simah. Nice pictures. Best regards, UL.
I ve been having difficulties to leave comments here.
Anyway, in the previous entry, you looked so petite standing next to Halil.
mese still looks young. Halil's Baba pun still looks young and healthy. awet muda diorang ni.
uncle lee
hahahahaha...tak tahan i baca ur comment...
la tengok gambaq girls aja ka? bahaya nih..auntieeeeeeeeeeeeee
i didnt snap the photos la.... all compliment should be for my sister in law funda..she snapped the photos..i lupa nak bawak camera that nite... yeah..the girls look sooo gorgeous kan? worth waking up at 5.30am n see the pic of these girls huh?
come la uncle to istanbul..bring auntie also..
türks speak turkish...:0)
Allah Allah..i wonder what's wrong sampai sekarang u have difficulty leaving a message...akak..kalau susah sangat..akak tinggalkan aja message kat chat box saya kat right right side of my blog (yg kat bawah tu..if u r using explorer)...
heheheh tu tangkap gambar dari atas katil..tu yg nampak kurus tu..sebenarnya kitaorang memang LeBAR selebar lebarnya...hehehehe
mama sarah
memang.. meşe tu cantikkan? i suka sangat tengok dia... she reminds me of my along (my kakak sulung)
Lovely young lady..Merve
happy 18th birthday to merve:)
simah ramai juga cucu baba ye?
is merve baba's eldest grandchild? tak lama lagi ada cicit la tu. semoga baba dikurniakan kesihatan yg berkekalan..
i dok imagine kalau merve tu kawin nanti, sure semua cousin sisters dok jadi dayang2/flower girls.. oh cantiknya mereka nanti..
happy birthday merve!!
cantiknya dia sebab itulah parents lagi risau dah masuk dewasa.. .
bukan main pandai lagi budak2 tu posing, cutenya.. :D
Cantik merve tu ye...betul kata queen...idung diorang tu...mancung sungguh...heheheh...
Kadang2...takut rasanya bila terfikir siapakah jodoh anak dara kak lady yang sorang ni...jauh ke...dekat ke?....camaner agaknya nanti....
Hi Simah, ya laa! Capital of Istanbul..Turkey! Cheh! Nama ayam pun lupa. Ask me capital of Kelantan? Ahh.. Kota Bahru. Perak? Ipoh. Istanbul? Ha ha. Bang my forehead, cheh! Ya la, Turkey and lingo 'Turkish'.
I think da tengok the exotic young ladies in your posting, this uncle da lah kelang kabote! Isap pipe like KTM sampai station.
I think if I go to Turkey, I let my Isteri go on to London shopping, arhaaa ha ha.
Tolong hantar telegram bila ada lagi gambars, **wink wink**. Ha ha. UL.
Iyiki dogdun Merve!Merve ni kalau tak salah maknanya buah,buah hati kot!Org2 Turki ni nama diaorang semua ada makna,ada makna daunlah,laut,hujan,sungai,bulan,matahari,bunga2 dll!!Macam nama anak saya,maknanya bulan mengambang(kelakar ye!),ambil nama makcik dia!Tulah anak dara seorang tu pun tahun depan nak ambil GCSE,cepatnya diaorang besar ya!
To uncle Lee,capital of Turkey is Ankara,not Istanbul,love your blog aswell.
simah, apa umur they all biasa kawin kat sana? 18yr dah bole ka? So then you should start worrying abt hatice in 10yrs time - hahaha. BTW, ada apa dgn hidung mancung? Hidung melayu jugak yg best!rad
uisk...baru 18 tahun ka? gaya dia mcm dah 20-an ke ke ke bleh imagine ka umur kita masa 18 tu...muda cet cet...pakai tudung pun herot petot lagi kui kui kui.
Hullo Simah, minta tumpang your space to thank Nora.
Nora, terima kaseh seribu. Alamak, baik pun ini blog ta'nampak my muka, da merah malu...Capital of Turkey is Ankara. You are right. Geography was never one of my strong subjects.
Baik pun MAS fully booked, otherwise terbang to wrong city, ha ha.
Best regards to you and simah, UL.
Simah she is so pretty..boleh I introduce her to my single BIL, lol
What's written in the law of nature, it eventually will be there. She'll grow up anyway but she will remain as a baby in your heart.
You have cute kids SIMAH... Baddin & Hatice. Errr... D'ya prefer them to marry Turkish or Malays when they grow up? Apart from the answer like "terserah pada jodoh mereka laa..."
~ Smile ~
thanks..i will tell merve that :0)
kak elle
akak.. baba da 10 orang cucu...rasanya tak tambah dah kotunless menantu yg paling bongsu tu teringin nak beranak hehehe
hahahahah u have one very cute imagination...flower girl tu kitaorang tak buat la..tu orang kristian kawin kot buat :0)
merve cucu sulung baba...insyaAllah baba sempat tengok cicit dia... :0)
uncle lee
u r one very very cheeky uncle! heheh auntieeee... mai la cubit uncle ni!! :0)
kak nora
sağol... nanti saya tanya merve apa maksud nama dia..tapi rasanya anne n baba dia namakan dia sempena puncak marwa dan safa kat tanah suci tu..
ntah..boleh kot..woit.. anak i kalau ada rezeki biar la dapat degree dulu baru kawin...23 ka..24 ka... kawin awal awal tak sempat nak membesar :0)
biasa la minah turki kat sini.. semua pandai bergaya...kita nak compare masa umur kita dulu memangkalah la lyn...
uncle lee
hehehehehe must be due to age la uncle hahhahahahah
*lol* ..i cant imagine merve living anywhere else but istanbul...minah tu nak berenggang dengan mak dia? lawakkk :0)
woaH... u sure do ask a tricky question.. :0)
how do i answer this without offending anyone? hmm..
sincerely speaking...
Unlike me..... hatice n baddin (in fact the rest of the zaim kids) r brought up in a very protected environment..sort of pampered environment somehow too...
despite their mix blood,they grow up in a turkish culture..turkish language n turkish way of life...
as a mother...i want what is easy for my kids...knowing exactly how it feels to marry someone from another culture, if possible i want to protect my kids from having to go thru all those...the challenges i had faced..hence, i would prefer them to marry someone from their growing up culture...
but if fate decides that they marry someone NOT from a turkish culture... be it Malay or other races as well..i wont go against it..that is their fate...
the advantage will be... they will have me...someone who can understand the changes they may have to face upon marrying someone from another culture...n the *steel* in me..may have tranferred genetically into them... insyaAllah they will be ok...with hope n prayers...
Beautiful girl, dah ada suitor/s ke?;)
tak ader..u nak recommend ker? heheh
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