Looking into the future....
There i was walking with baddin when i decided to enter this one shop... a respectable beyaz eşya selling product...i took their products catalogue...what was staring at me was something of a shock...well..at least to me... especially since i never really bothered to look at the prices of these things....One Us dollar is equavalent to 1.4 YTL (New Turkish Lira)
Vacuum Cleaner
(or else...How to keep the house almost dust free?)
Cheapest price:125YTL
Highest price: 545 YTL
Dish Washer (The cute cat not included heheh)
Cheapest price: 702YTL
Highest Price: 1.672YTL
Stove n Oven
(u do want to win ur husband's heart thru ur cooking, right?)
Cheapest price: 711YTL
Highest price: 1.710YTL
Living room set?

( we cant wear a clothhing once n throw it into the rubbish bin can we?)
Cheapest price:648YTL
Highest price: 3.087

(or else...How to keep the house almost dust free?)
Cheapest price:125YTL
Highest price: 545 YTL

Cheapest price: 702YTL
Highest Price: 1.672YTL

(Else how to get my ice for my coke?)
Cheapest price: 650YTL
Highest price: 3.692YTL

(u do want to win ur husband's heart thru ur cooking, right?)
Cheapest price: 711YTL
Highest price: 1.710YTL

Dining room set??
bedroom set?
(for the prices..u may have to ask bellona..istikbal or deco... n many other furniture shops for the prices :0)
I mean if u wanna have a fully furnished home, these r just among the basic things u will need for ur new home....n these things..u dont buy all the time.... u will probably buy once (or maybe twice? or thrice? heheh) in ur lifetime... so u may wantit to be as sophisticated n yet simple as possible la kan?
That made me wonder... by the time hatice n baddin will be ready to get married (insyaAllah) one day... the pricess of these things will be at least triple (n most probably more) the price it is now...
So hatice n baddin have only a few options...
For hatice:
She can either be very successful in her life... save loads of money n use that money for her new home...
or she work.. the hubby can work..together they can both save up to buy the contents of their new home..
or she can just simply find a young..cute...wonderful hearted husband (n RicH) to cater her taste in the new home..
or her anne n baba will have to sponsor her (ouch!)
For baddin:
He's a guy..so he doesnt really have a choice... he has to study hard... find a really lucrative job n earns loads of money..
both he n his wife can work...save up the money together n buy whatever they need together
his anne n baba can sponsor him (more ouch!)
hahahhhah just listen to me.... my haticem is only 6! n my baddin is only 5!! hahaha they have a longgg way to go before they will even get married!
but just think...
Wouldnt it be simpler to just live
on a tree hut (sure..right...with snakes n insects crawling around? ..no thanks... besides..where got tree ?? all chopped up)
or use this hand sweeper instead of the vacuum cleaner
(hand sweeper doesnt collect dust i think..)
or like these ladies... carry the laundry..
(oit... sakit pinggang la..my backbone is not so strong)
and use the banana leaves as the plate
It may be possible to go to the basics... but i think we all r too lazy to do so...once u have the taste of technology....u cant imagine urself going back to the old ways of doing things...we r too pampered..
Take myself for instance.. all my life, i was brought up to wash the dishes by hand... in fact, i first see a dishwasher for real after i came here to istanbul.. but after 7 n a half years here.. i become tooo pampered... the only time i have to wash the dishes by hands or wash the clothing by hands is when we go to sapanca during summer...to start all over again to the basics si quite difficult.. but of course..once u get the hang of it... u can do it...
money money money... everything is all about money these days.. true..money cant buy love..but money can surely speed up the comfort for the love built to stay comfortable...if i am to choose between going to the basics n living in comfort... i will definitely choose comfort... :0)
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..

(for the prices..u may have to ask bellona..istikbal or deco... n many other furniture shops for the prices :0)
I mean if u wanna have a fully furnished home, these r just among the basic things u will need for ur new home....n these things..u dont buy all the time.... u will probably buy once (or maybe twice? or thrice? heheh) in ur lifetime... so u may wantit to be as sophisticated n yet simple as possible la kan?
That made me wonder... by the time hatice n baddin will be ready to get married (insyaAllah) one day... the pricess of these things will be at least triple (n most probably more) the price it is now...
So hatice n baddin have only a few options...
For hatice:
She can either be very successful in her life... save loads of money n use that money for her new home...
or she work.. the hubby can work..together they can both save up to buy the contents of their new home..
or she can just simply find a young..cute...wonderful hearted husband (n RicH) to cater her taste in the new home..
or her anne n baba will have to sponsor her (ouch!)
For baddin:
He's a guy..so he doesnt really have a choice... he has to study hard... find a really lucrative job n earns loads of money..
both he n his wife can work...save up the money together n buy whatever they need together
his anne n baba can sponsor him (more ouch!)
hahahhhah just listen to me.... my haticem is only 6! n my baddin is only 5!! hahaha they have a longgg way to go before they will even get married!
but just think...
Wouldnt it be simpler to just live

(hand sweeper doesnt collect dust i think..)

(oit... sakit pinggang la..my backbone is not so strong)
(sure...sure...n get myself all wet by the river water n faint under the sun))
or cook using the old type of stove

(dunno how to..may burn the house down)

It may be possible to go to the basics... but i think we all r too lazy to do so...once u have the taste of technology....u cant imagine urself going back to the old ways of doing things...we r too pampered..
Take myself for instance.. all my life, i was brought up to wash the dishes by hand... in fact, i first see a dishwasher for real after i came here to istanbul.. but after 7 n a half years here.. i become tooo pampered... the only time i have to wash the dishes by hands or wash the clothing by hands is when we go to sapanca during summer...to start all over again to the basics si quite difficult.. but of course..once u get the hang of it... u can do it...
money money money... everything is all about money these days.. true..money cant buy love..but money can surely speed up the comfort for the love built to stay comfortable...if i am to choose between going to the basics n living in comfort... i will definitely choose comfort... :0)
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: Mixed mumbling..
Simah, what I really want to get right now is a dishwasher and a clothes dryer. And ... oh, a big house so I can put in all the gadgets that will make my life easier, hehehe.
Queen of the House
hahahahahah ..i'd say a dishwasher is the first thing u should beli..memang senang jaa... tekan button tu... siappppppppppp..an hour or two later..suruh ja anak anak dara akak susun kat rak...
kalau tidak... pinggan mangkuk tak habis habis nak basuh..esp bila ramai mcm akak...
masa kat sapanca bila semua orang datang la kan..saya dengan mıstık rasa mcm nak pengsan nak basuh pinggan pakai tangan...mcm nak pengsan!
kalau bolih semua nak lah simah tapi issit a necessity?
kak elle
with limited budget i suppose one cant help but to buy only the necessity... though it is not wrong to dream kan?
i think moderation is always best.. :0)
mmg betul dream is all we can do kan...haha....but that bedroom set cantik juga.
Simah azi suka washing machine yg besar-besar...up to 18kgs kalau ada pun best. mcm2 boleh masuk dan cuci...hihihi
Selam Simahcigim,
Dapur kampung tu teringat dapur nenek saya kat N9 30 tahun dulu,dapur macam tulah yg sodap masak lomak ikan koli ehh!
Zaman tech ni dah ada dish washer,malas pula nak masukkan pinggan mangkuk yg dah bersih dlm kitchen cabinet...bila pula dia org nak cipta robot yg boleh susun pinggan mangkuk ye,heheh!Sekarang ni dah ada vacuum cleaner yg boleh vacuum sendiri2,tak payah kita nak berhempas pulas lagi!Semakin hari semakin malaslah kita ni!Take care.
Hello Simah, I love your infectious sense of humour. I read your this new post senyum like kerang nak masuk kwali, ha ha. And love those old pics especially of the mak cik in the old kitchen, washing clothes by the river
Brings back memories of the times I stayed at friend's homes in Kelantan and Trengganu (fishermen friends) and falling in love with nasi dagang, ayam, ikan percik, ohhh and a couple of nice Kelantanese girls too, ha ha.
Enjoy your blog very much, Simah and your humour.
You have a great day, Simah. UL.
simah, like they always said - money is not everything...but in reality everything is money :)
macam-macam planning...bagus....
alat yang akak paling nakkkk sangat tapi sampai sekarang tak dapat...MESIN LIPAT KAIN..ada tak kat turkey?? Berapa harganya simah ??
kalau anne and baba sponsor baddin...adakah boleh mimi 'tumpang duduk ' bersama ???
:) saya nak mesin yg buleh urut urut tu...hehehe...
Entah kenapa tak terbuka pintu hati nak beli dishwasher. (Cewah!) TApi washing machine and a good cooker - wajib kot. Lain-lain boleh sabar.
I bet my hubby pulak, mesti nak computer and internet connection. Without which, mati kutulah jawabnya.
kak elle
so letz dream :0)
saya pun suka jugak..saya tengok my sister in law punya...dia sekali basuh baju...dua kali ganda mesin dia boleh basuh kalau pakai mesin saya..tapi masalahnya bila rumah pun kecik... basuh banyak banyak pun tak ok jugak sebab tak ada ruang nak gantung heheheh
big machines for big spaces :0)
memang...kita dah makin malas..tapi bila dah ada mesin kenapa lak kita nak buat kan? hehehe
dapur lamamemang kalau masak dia punya kelazatan memang lain kan akak? aiiiiiiii... janganla ingatkan pasal masak lemak ikan keli tu akak..meleleh saya huwaaaaaaa mak masak jugak yg sedap...:0)
uncle lee
uncle..i am only funny in the blog..in real life..i am dead boring :0)
eh uncle.. u tak selalu ka balik malaysia?
mama rock
no money nothing la akak these days... duit monopoly boleh pakai tak? *wink*
akak ni lawak la... hahahah mesin lipat kain kan saya rasa akak tunggu la setahun dua lagi... si mimi boleh buatkan..
i want mesin iron baju!! :0)
mimi anytime *boleh duduk bersama* hahahha baddin tengok budak cute mesti terjegil mata dia ...u r one cheeky cheeky mom hahaha
tak per..ur real tukang urut dah nak sampai dah :0)
mama sarah
i rasa u ngan hubby u sama sama kalu tak der internet mati kutu nih heheheh
bestkan kalau dalam rumah semua lengkap? tapi bak kata akak queen kita... banyak barangkena adarumah besar la nak letak segala mesin :0)
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