Büyük Ada Outing
The moment she woke up, she found me sleeping on baddin's bed, and quickly she woke me up. She peeped thru the curtain. She knewexactly what she saw but with great anticipation she had to hear the answer from mymouth.
"Anne, hava nasıl?"
(Anne, how is the weather?)
When i told her that YES, the weather wouldl permit her to go to the expected place, she jumped in joy! But then her face was suddenly clouded with worry.
"Ama Anne, baddin nasıl? iyileşti mı?"
(But Anne, how is baddin? Is he fully recovered?)
She turned to baddin and hugged him.
"baddin merak etme. sen gidemezsa, ben seni unutmam"
(baddin dont worry. if u cannot go, i wont forget u)
I checked baddin's temperature. Though he had not any fever left from last night, he looked tired. The mother instinct in me warned me not to bring him to the place, but he looked soo sad when he heard of the possibility of him not being able to ctag along.
I woke halil up to ask for his opinion. He then called Meşe (who is a doctor) for her opinion. She said, he could come, as long as we gave him tylolhot beforehand.
And yes.. this little girl..my dearest hatice....
was smiling with joy... and this little boy... baddin..
Though he looked sickly, he was satisfied inside because he was allowed to come too...and join the rest of the cousins....
baddin, hatice,keremcan,zeynep,elo
and ekrem n ediz
Fried mussels with a special sauce
Green Salad
Not so green salad
"Anne, hava nasıl?"
(Anne, how is the weather?)
When i told her that YES, the weather wouldl permit her to go to the expected place, she jumped in joy! But then her face was suddenly clouded with worry.
"Ama Anne, baddin nasıl? iyileşti mı?"
(But Anne, how is baddin? Is he fully recovered?)
She turned to baddin and hugged him.
"baddin merak etme. sen gidemezsa, ben seni unutmam"
(baddin dont worry. if u cannot go, i wont forget u)
I checked baddin's temperature. Though he had not any fever left from last night, he looked tired. The mother instinct in me warned me not to bring him to the place, but he looked soo sad when he heard of the possibility of him not being able to ctag along.
I woke halil up to ask for his opinion. He then called Meşe (who is a doctor) for her opinion. She said, he could come, as long as we gave him tylolhot beforehand.
And yes.. this little girl..my dearest hatice....
It all started a few days ago when every single of us recieved a call from Halil's auntie (Anne's youngest sister), Lutfiye Teyze who invited us all for a trip to the büyük ada...totally sponsored by her.
Of course Afife teyze (the elder teyze) also came along. She was the main bargainer of prices :0)
The ada (island) visiting is basically a tradition among us all.Every year we would all go to one of the islands in istanbul. Last year, we went there when my sister yana was here. Halil at that time was doing his military service in izmir. Last year, Afife Teyze was our sponsor.
I remember my first Ada experience. It was an all ladies day. Anne was still alive at that time. Hatice was just a little girl. I didn't even have baddin at that time. We all went to the büyük ada, ate our lunch there and then went for a sit down somewhere at a green place on the island itself. Merih fed İlayda her soup there, while the rest of the ladies chatted in glee...
There is nothing much u can do actually on the island. U basically go there to eat something, perhaps take a horse carriage or probably walk around the island. No cars except for official cars are allowed. It is either u walk, u cycle or u rent a horse carriage.But when u go there together, the fun part is the fact u r all together, spending time together...and the view is simply gorgeous :0)
This time Lutfiye Teyze chose a nice expensive looking seafood restaurant for us to eat. We had...
and which price made my mouth opened in shock...
Afife Teyze, Lutfiye Teyze, Merve and Pınar
I was truly in shock. That 2 fish had cost Teyze around 250 US dollar. And that was not all what we ate... All younger kids had rice with fries and köfte (meatball). I cant imagine the total cost of the food in total... and that was not all. Teyze also paid for all the horse carriages (around 6) and the ice cream etc..etc. The total cost of everything could have gone up to around 1500 YTL that day.
But teyze was right about one thing though... she said in turkish...*if i dont treat u all to this fish, u wont be eating it*...
For that price, naturally we wouldnt of course. It was simply a waste of money in my opinion. But who would dare to argue with teyze?
On the horse Carriage
İlayda (merih's daughter) and halil
Arent these guys handsome?
i managed to marry one of them hehehe
Funda,Simah,Özlem and Mehveş
This is a proper way to eat the turkish ice cream (from mado) as presented by merih.
Nasib baik mak mentua dah meninggal dan pak mentua tak ikut sama hehehe
For the whole outing however, baddin got worse. He started coughing terribly the whole time we were there due to allergic. We bought a medicine for allergic for him, but too much coughing, plus the fever last night had left him drained up. By the time we were heading towards home, he started to get a fever again which lasted thruout that night. It was quite scary really since it went up till 39.3 degree celcius. Halil even skipped from going to work today due to that. Alhamdulillah he seems better today. As i am writing this ..it is 12.40 midnight already. He hasnt got any fever yet. Hopefully, it will continue on the whole night coz we r expecting lady guests tomorrow... and his cousins would be here as well. F Allah is willing, i think he will recover by tomorrow.
It was a nice outing. Thank You Teyze for sponsoring us! And all the kids were actually suprisingly quite well behaved that day.
More photos will be uploaded to my photo blog soon......çok yorgunum şuanda... üykum çokkkkkk var.. iyi geceler herkese..iyi geceler annem..babam..kardeşlerim.. size çok çok özledim..... bir daha ne zaman göreceğiz acaba....
p.s -forgive me if i cant blog hop yet...my energy level n time r quite low at the moment...
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time.
Labels: Zaim Family Outing
best nya jalan2 sama keluarga eh?
kesiannya baddin. dua-dua anak i pun demam panas recently. risau sungguh kalau anak tak sihat.
get well soon baddin
for baddin-get well soon
for simah-amboiii.. kemain lagi hang jalan jalan makan angin erk! yang tak tahan tu part tengok ikan besaq goreng! sedapppnyaaaaa....
wah, seronoknya tengok outing cam tu. hope baddin is feeling better already.
best family outing kat pulau, sure cantik ...seafood tu wowwww.... sian tengok muka baddin tu ,nampak tak berapa sihat, harap dia dah sembuh..take care !!!
Hope Baddin's feeling better already.
Ikan apa tu, SImah?
Nice family outing. We've never done that - cuma kumpul ramai2 kat rumah & makan, makan, makan ..... except for one time when my brothers and I & our families rented a bungalow in PD and baked ourselves in the sun and had barbeques. Syok. On KOTH's side kalau nak go somewhere, sure havoc sebab ramai sangat.
Moga baddin cepat sihat...
Seronok jalan2.. Kami plan nak buat bbq next week..hihihi
great outing.. baiknya teyze u. murah rezeki dia. besaq nya ikan!! u sumbat sume ice cream tu dlm mulut kaaaa??? ish ish iiisshhh..
how's baddin now? hope he's getting better..
Hope he gets better soon.
Gecmis Olsun untuk Baddin,kesiannya diaaa!Tengok gambar diapun rasa nak peluk2,kesiannya dia tak sihat.
Cuaca kat Istanbul masih sejuk lagi ye,kat sini dah ok dah sikit,minggu ni nampaknya akan panas max 20 C.Bolehlah buat manggal partisi!(BBQ)
Ikan apa yg besar tu Simah?Kalau ada cicah air assam kan sedap ye?Makan macam tu tak ada nasi rasa tak kenyanglah kan!Affiyet Olsun!
p/s 1500 YTL tu,one billion and five hundred million turkish lira ke?
Get well soon Baddin!!
syok kan kalau orang belanja... :)
hang take care. Jangan lepaih ni hang demam udah ler.
Baddin tu memang nampak tak sihat...tapi bila dpt jenjalan...wajah dia berseri2...
Amboi mak!! Mahalnya ikan...nampak macam ikan pari kan? Ikan aper tu...
kak elle
memang best.... budak budak la yg selalunya happy. they can nver get enough of each other :0)
mama sarah
memang risau.. baddin is still not that well.. kesian tengok dia..dok demam ja... lepas tu batuk la... mula la nanti tak lama lagi i pakai mesin tu lagi.. iskh tak sukanyaaaaa
mummy rizq
jalan memang best...makan pun memang cunn...tapi yg penat dia tu...tak boleh nak cakap la.. tapi memang berbaloi :0)
thanks akak..anak muda i tu tak baik lagi.. la ni mak dia pulak dah start tak sihat...:0(
Queen of the House
memang best kalau kumpul ramai ramai mcm ni akak..open air...open space for kids to run free..
hehe saya dapat bayangkan kalau KOTH punya family semua berkumpul...mesti the ladies nak pengsan melayan tetamu sebab ramai..tapi bab sembang tu memang tak boleh lawan la kan akak... hiruk pikuk hehe
ikan tu ker? first time saya tengok dia..nama pun saya tak tau..tapi bentuk dia mcm ikan bawal..cuma dia giant size n it has black spots n it... very milky taste...kerim lagi la best..dengan tuang tulang sekali dia tibai!! hahah
thanks...wah..BBQ..mesti best ni..boleh join? :0)
baddin was quite ok during the day yesterday..but again he got fever...still with fever...
aminnnnnnn...utk doa murah rezeki tu...
hahahaha ais krim tu.. masa tu dah nak habis dah.. lepas tu baddin suruh i tutup zip winter jacket dia.. so i tak ada tempat nak letak ais krim tu..i letak la semua dalam mulut.. masa kat dalam mulut tu the cone terpecah lerai lak... so u see what happened la kan hahahahahaha
simah yg tak senonoh!
Kak Nora
baddin masih taksihat..dengan mak dia sekali.. rasa nak pengsan dah.tiap malam kesian baddin.. badan panas..dahaga....pucat jer mamat tu...
saya rasa saya dah terbiasa dah tak makan nasik... lagipun after eating the kalamar... the midye.. salatalar...teyze order benda tu banyak gilaaaaaaaaaa....
sekarang dah pakai new turkish currency akak (YTL).. satu milyon (old surrency ) is equals to 1YTL... milyon milyon tu dah tak pakai dah... :0)
aku dah selesema..badans eram sejuk..kerja rumah melungguk..iron segunung.. huwaaaaaaaaaaaa...
kak lady
mula mula muka baddin letih..lepas tu berseri sebab jumpa semua cousins..lepas tu lentok pucat balik... kesian kat dia.. well.at least dapat jugak dia pi..
ikan tu saya pun tak tau la akak..nak katamcm ikan pari..saya pun tak tau ikan pari tu ikan apa hehehe (maklum ajer la saya kan tak pandai masak masa kat malaysia..ikan pun tak kenal except ikan sardin n ikan termemnung n ikan bawal :0))
Hahaha Simah ... takkan ikan pari pun tak kenal! Orang pulau apa ni? hehehehe
ikan pari tu saya kenal akak..yg dah siap masak hahahahahah..
Hi Simah,
Sorry that Baddin was not well. Glad to hear he's fine now. Enjoyed your photos. Cantik nya the people and the permandangan to.
Btw, saya dah melawat Buyuk Ada dulu. I was intrigued this island has no cars but horsecarriages only. I must say it is such a beautiful island. The funny thing is when we, my hubby and twins, were in the horsecarriages, ada sedikit bau horse dung..ha ha! But all in all what a great island.
Kak Ruby
hehehehe it cant smell of anything but the cow dung akak! hahah ada satu kali tu..last year kot, masa kitaorang naak kereta kuda tu sambil kuda tu jalan dia buatprojek besar dia.. hahahahahahahah nak kata geli nak gelak nak kata nak termuntah..dah gelak tu.. sambil tutup hidung ja la hhahha
hope u can make t in dec :0)
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