Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Genç (Wink) Hanımlar Gunu

How would u feel when u saw a notice pasted at the entrance door of the apartment saying that the next day between 9am till 1pm, there wouldnt be any electricity due to some work in the area? Would u be smiling knowing that by 10.30am max on that day, u were expecting around 7 gorgeous ladies to ur home for a breakfast get together..and at that time, there would be no electricity? No electricity would also mean that there would be no water. Wonderful,huh?

Luckily the electricity went off only after we were all seated at the dining table. It didnt matter much then. We all had our breakfast, chatted in glee and by 12.15 noon, everyone parted.

Such a gathering is actually a tradition in the turkish community. While Anne (my mom in law) was alive,she used to have these kind of gathering for the ladies at her home. Her date was always the 15th of each month. Her friends would come and she would cook and prepared so many food, enough to feel a whole batallion of armies. All her children used to come to her in the evening to eat all her wonderful food.

I remember how as a new bride, i used to dread when i was invited to a *gunu* (day) like this. First of all, i didnt understand a word they were saying. No. 2… I didnt know really anne’s friends. No 3… socialization was not my strongest point. I got bored so fast and so easily. And these gatherings could stretch for hours. as the bride u cannot be u totally. so...for those long hours u have to be at ur best manner which was really tiring since i am not a very well mannered person...

We didnt have such a gathering among the brides then. Mainly because, for years, Funda was working. Özlem was in the US and Meşe was joining the gatherings with anne and teyze.

After Anne died, almost 4 years after her death, Funda (who gave up working to look after her younger child elo) one day invited all the ladies for a get together since we rarely see each other much. Then, 2 weeks after that we gathered at İclal’s.. and today, it was my place.

What i gather is this… these kinds of gathering is only fun only if it is being held with the people u get well on.. someone near ur age. If u include an older person…of the older generation, then everybody would be acting differently. From what i see, we shared loads of laugh n stories… and it was indeed fun… so the *gunu* i used to dread for is not really a dreadful thing if it isheld with the right crowd...

Thank u for coming! Ayağınıza sağlık!

Özlem, Pınar, İclal, Mehveş, Yeşim, Funda

some of the stuffs on the table

breakfast without ekmek is not a breakfast
pancake topped with mushroom n vegetables topping

One cake from özlem, one from iclal n the apple pie made by me

Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..



Blogger Queen Of The House said...

Whoa, my kind of day - an all ladies get-together. Cuma kat sini tak ada chancelah nak buat macam ni - habis semua anak-pinak nak ikut. I keluar shopping2 dengan my sisters-in-law pun budak2 dah bising :P

The food (what else) looks good!

April 18, 2007 at 8:11:00 AM GMT+2  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

heheheh bubuh ja budak budak tu semua dalam sangkar akak...:0)

eh dah besar panjang pun asyik dok nak melekat kat mak depa ka akak?

kitaorang budak budak semua baling masuk bilik hatice n baddin...angkut segala toy box masuk sana.. nak sepah korang sepahla puas puas... jangan kacau mak mak sembang sudah :0)

jom mai sini akak.. nanti saya masak kat akak (akak lalu telan ker tidak tu lain hal la kan hehehe)

April 18, 2007 at 8:33:00 AM GMT+2  
Blogger Queen Of The House said...

hahaha lawak .. lawak. I think Turkish food I sukerrrrr. Kat sini selalu juga I pergi kat Tarbush - Turkish restaurant lah tu kot. Cheese, sour cream, kofte semua tu I sukalah.

Kalau ada rezeki insyaallah sampailah Istanbul. Malangnya belum ada rezeki now or in the near future :( I think you have a better chance of coming back to M'sia than I have of going to Turkiye.

April 18, 2007 at 10:10:00 AM GMT+2  
Blogger Mulan said...

ahaaaa... apple pie!!! mesti share recipe ni.. betul tu, nak hu ha hu ha kena dgn group yg betol.. nanti keluar yg tak senonoh.. he he..

April 18, 2007 at 11:16:00 AM GMT+2  
Blogger Mummy Rizq said...

waa.. terer hang masak simah! apsal aku tak dpt jemputan???

April 18, 2007 at 11:30:00 AM GMT+2  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Queen of the House

tak pa tak pa...sama ada saya balik malaysia ka or akak ker yg mai sini... nanti saya masak utk akak yea.. dan utk sesapa yg teringin nak makan masakan orang turki..

tapi like i said..boleh telan ka tidak itu lain hal heheheh tapi orang malaysia ni selalunya versatile..apa apa pun dia boleh telan asalkan ada cili sos depan mata hahahaha

laaa apple pie punya resepi memang ada la kat my zaim ladies recipe book.. cuba hang click kat link yg kat side bar blog ni... cuba la u scrooooooooollllll sampai bawah sikit kat blog i ni.. jumpa la u link dia.. (i tak ingat addy dia sebenarnya!!) hahaha

hehehe memang syok huhahuha...:0)


mummy rizq
*simah bagijemputan kaler pink berbunga bunga*..

meh meh aku masak kat hang.. laki aku cakap aku pandai masak..tapi dia memang kena cakap macam tu la kan..kalau aku mengamuk kang aku masak makanan malaysia kang dia jugak yg tak boleh telan! hahahaha

ala.. hang pun terrer masak apa..aku suka tengok blog resepi hang tu :0)

April 18, 2007 at 12:13:00 PM GMT+2  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simah,nasib baik b'fast je,kalau altin gunu(hari kumpul emas!!) lagilah banyak nak kena masak.Lepas tu cay,cay,cay!Seronok ye sesekali berkumpul macam ni,bilalah nak sampai kat Istanbul boleh join Simah punya 'gunu'....Take care.

April 18, 2007 at 3:06:00 PM GMT+2  
Blogger Kiah Kardashian said...

lama dah tak buat camni. anak kecik lagi leceh sket. Selalu kalau nak berho-ha cam ni kena tinggal anak dengan husband. Lepas tu tak ingat nak balik umah. oh yes...selalunya kalau ada invitation camni kena satu kapla semua..baru beshhhh

April 18, 2007 at 3:09:00 PM GMT+2  
Blogger Kak Elle said...

wah simah females gathering ni best juga kan....wah hebat you masak tu semua:)tak sangka adik akak ni terrer .... hehe..

April 18, 2007 at 3:29:00 PM GMT+2  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ohh Simah..I hate those gathering.. I hate it, hate it, hate it alot lol. I remembered when I first got married my MIL used to drag me along to her gathering..it's mentally & phsically tiring!!!! Alhamdullilah now she leave me alone..

April 19, 2007 at 4:19:00 AM GMT+2  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Turkish food looks interesting, pelik but enticing, hehe...
Simah, buatlah entry pasal yr first cooking experience:P. I can't believe that u tak tahu masak b4 moving to Turki..hahaha..Sekarang, dah pandai buat apple pie lagi.

April 19, 2007 at 5:46:00 AM GMT+2  
Blogger silversarina said...

ladies day ....best !!

betul you cakap kalau gathering tu gang yang sama interest / age lebih happening sebab tak terasa nak kena 'tersopan over' hehehe.

April 19, 2007 at 7:50:00 AM GMT+2  
Blogger simah said...

kak nora

jom join my gunu..memang selalunya gunu ni waktu tea..tapi kitaorang semua anak balik sekolah masa tu..so we all buat waktu pagi..lagipun tak payah nak masak banyak heheh
kalau satu kepala memang semua best..

weiii awak tu pntang pun tak habis lagi..duduk rumah wei heheheh

kak elle
akak..saya bukan pandai masak..saya cuma pandai main campak campak..lepas tu..tup tup terjadi lauk! hahahaha

hahahaha i used to HATE it too..tapi with these ladies... semua satu kepala.. no more hate..u should try it too.. tapi dengan member satu otak la.. :0)


ala apple pie tu la kan antara yg paling senang u nak buat..dalam 5 minit boleh siap the dough.. dalam 15 minit dah boleh masuk oven...

maisini nanti i tunjuk kat u..

nanti nanti la i cerita my cooking experience yek.. next week probably.. :0)


bila tak payah bersopan langsung tu yg best... u r urselves.. tibaiiii :0)


April 19, 2007 at 7:56:00 AM GMT+2  
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