Rudi Yang Comel
Rudi's favourite Auntie is now also one of my favourite kakaks......Not because she had sent this sweet looking bag thru Rudi yg comel....

or that because she made my daughter happy with the pencil case and cute baby princesses t-shirt...
or that she made my son happy with his spiderman stuffs..
or that she sent me agar agar powder complete with 3 sets of cute moulds
or that she sent me varieties of asam (preserved fruits) in which one of the packets i had demolished within less than 5 minutes..
I was actually dreading the journey to hatice's school.... at least 40 minutes on the mini bus.. 10 minutes walk to her school.. picking up hatice....another 10 minutes walk to the mini bus...then change of bus to taksim....and on top of was raining at that time!! We left our home at 130pm...
Alhamdulillah... Allah had sent me an angel under the name of Kerim (my bro in law)... we bumped into him as we were coming out of the apartment block...he offered to send us to Hatice's school.. he was also the one who offered to bring us to the minibus (dolmuş) stop for taksim......u bet i was relieved!!one dreaded journey saved...
The traffic to taksim.... to cross the bridge was horrifying....but we made it there in the end around 4.20pm...still raining...we walked around under the rain..but the kids were hungry... i fed them food at one of the restaurants.... we later walked and walked under the rain....freezing....

And what do u know? Halil got stuck in the traffic jam ...and instead of 5pm...he reached taksim by 6!! huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ....the kids were getting restless... they were cold...we ran out of shops to go into..i bribed them sundaes at burger king later even...they were getting exhausted n bored...
The kids were full..i was hungry... i told halil to pick rudi up from the hotel while the kids n i waited at a restaurant called *Pehlivan*. And later... one good looking sweet smiling guy came to us.....Yup! Rudi was finally here.....!!!
We didnt bring Rudi to a Kebap shop coz we thought that his stomach may not be able to take turkish food yet.. and so Pehlivan (upon Selim's reccomendation-our first time there too) was the obvious choice coz they have varieties of turkish food for Rudi to choose from which he may be able to stomach...We ate.... chatted and later we parted ways.........rudi will be here today n fly to dubai tomorrow morning. He is lucky today coz the weather is quite sunny....
Halil explaining the turkish food for rudi to choose from..
Rudi n his food... suprise suprise.. he liked Ayran (a turkish drink made from yogurt, water and salt)
Arent they cute together?
or that she sent me agar agar powder complete with 3 sets of cute moulds
of CouRse I am grateful for all these stuffs :0)...
but i love her now coz the thoughts of even sending me anything (a total stranger) whom she has never known or met except for my blog in which i can lie n people wont even know ...right?)...
THAT made her so priceless!!
and Thank You Rudi!
Jasamu dikenang
So many things had threatened this meeting with Rudi.It all started when Halil said that he needed to go to the university on wednesday (he said he would be free). Then,his knee was acting up again on tuesday evening, resulting him to limp painfully with the walking stick in one hand...But upon "discussions n persuasions", we decided to meet at the Taksim Square at 5pm coz Rudi's staying hotel was near there. ...Meaning.... Halil would come from the uni (in europe)... and i...... i would have to go to hatice's school,pick her up early and head to taksim with the kids..we live in asia by the way...
And guess what??? I woke up on wednesday morning with the sky all cloudy n the road all wet... an indication that the weather forecast was right... huwaaaaaaaaaaa...when i asked halil thru YM of the weather at the other side of the bridge.. he said... it was raining cats n dogs....
I was actually dreading the journey to hatice's school.... at least 40 minutes on the mini bus.. 10 minutes walk to her school.. picking up hatice....another 10 minutes walk to the mini bus...then change of bus to taksim....and on top of was raining at that time!! We left our home at 130pm...
Alhamdulillah... Allah had sent me an angel under the name of Kerim (my bro in law)... we bumped into him as we were coming out of the apartment block...he offered to send us to Hatice's school.. he was also the one who offered to bring us to the minibus (dolmuş) stop for taksim......u bet i was relieved!!one dreaded journey saved...
The traffic to taksim.... to cross the bridge was horrifying....but we made it there in the end around 4.20pm...still raining...we walked around under the rain..but the kids were hungry... i fed them food at one of the restaurants.... we later walked and walked under the rain....freezing....
And what do u know? Halil got stuck in the traffic jam ...and instead of 5pm...he reached taksim by 6!! huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ....the kids were getting restless... they were cold...we ran out of shops to go into..i bribed them sundaes at burger king later even...they were getting exhausted n bored...
The kids were full..i was hungry... i told halil to pick rudi up from the hotel while the kids n i waited at a restaurant called *Pehlivan*. And later... one good looking sweet smiling guy came to us.....Yup! Rudi was finally here.....!!!
We didnt bring Rudi to a Kebap shop coz we thought that his stomach may not be able to take turkish food yet.. and so Pehlivan (upon Selim's reccomendation-our first time there too) was the obvious choice coz they have varieties of turkish food for Rudi to choose from which he may be able to stomach...We ate.... chatted and later we parted ways.........rudi will be here today n fly to dubai tomorrow morning. He is lucky today coz the weather is quite sunny....
dear Rudi.. hatice is pronounced (hatije) hehehe baddin he could pronounce..
Rudi with halil, hatice and baddin
From the bottom of our hearts.... we thank Rudi for wanting to meet us... kalau ada terkurang layanan tu... harap dimaafkan...i am also grateful to my kids for being able to endure the long hours even though they were exhausted at that time...
I dragged them all that way to see Rudi..not because i wanna show off my only sincere intention is for them to get acquainted to the people from my roots...and this chance comes sooo rarely
and Kak Elle....words cannot describe my feelings as i munch on my asam hehehehe
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time.
Labels: Friends in Turkey
Simah, I read this entry with a smile. It is amazing how blogging can foster friendships. It is also endearing and very nice of Kak Elle and Rudi to go to all the trouble to make your and your family happy with that nice gesture of friendship (I know you must have been very happy to get your asam). Your kids were sweet too, tahan pulak tu endure the cold and rain. And Halil was nice too, putting up with the traffic jam and all so that Simah can meet with someone "from her roots".
Moments like these are to be treasured.
Bila pulak Kak Elle nak ke sana? Dan entah bilalah I boleh ada peluang sampai ke tempat Simah??
Queen of the House
this kşnd of gesture of friendship is priceless kan? i am still at awe of how friendship can be formed thru blogging..i mean i am feeling its warmth (as well as tasting it thru my asam hahaha)...
like i said..THANK YOUUUUUUUU kak elle n Rudi... !! and all my blogging friends lşke u akak coz u all really make my day with ur simple comments in my blog.. (lagi panjang lagi la best heheheh)..
moments like this should definitely be treasured.. n memang i bribe halil topi nike for being sweet to me yesterday :0) ... the kids punya bride.. tak cakap la.. diaorang ambik kesempatan! hehehe
insyaallah u pun mai la sini.. boleh makcik makcik jalan jalan kat istanbul :0)
Ni yang buat I lagi teringin nak jalan2 to Turki & jumpa u ni:) Very tempting la, hehe...
itulah kehendak n keizinan ALlah. kalau DIa izinkan, apa jua halangan cuaca, insyaallah boleh bertemu juga. thanks to halil sbb dia supportive nak jumpa kengkawan SImah ya..dulu nak jumpa bro. ID, skrg Rudi.
weii la...sejuk2 bagi anak2 makan sundae hahaha..
ya Allah, moga murah rezeki kak Elle ni. mcm2 dia bagi...
tak sangka awak hantu asam ya SImah hahaha.
ha, segala bahan masakan mentah yg kak Elle bagi tu, masak n masukkan gambornya dlm blog tau...
err..dun worry, kanak2 tak de gigi depan, senyum pun lawa tau, jgn kita org tua..haru biru huhu.
simah its my pleasue to send those stuff yg tak seberapa harga nya.I know u mention abt asam2 in your entries so why not get some for you and since I have a SPECIAL AGENT going too....haha...thanks for taking Rudi out for dinner and getting to meet the ZAIMS..
bila2 if Rudi is going that way again can always c/o stuff for you:)
jom..mai la... boleh kita jalan jalan...:0)
kak long
syikin..awak perasan tak perkataan *discussions n persuasions* kat dalam entry tu? saya lupa add...rayuan heheheh
selalunya saya tau si halil tu takkan sampai hati menghampakan saya... ala..dalam setahun berapa kali sangat la i heret dia jumpa kawan blogger i kan? :0)
memang..kalau Allah tak mengizinkan..memang tak jumpa kan? gamaknya Allah kesian kat saya kot sebab lapaq asam :0)
sejuk tetap sejuk..sundae tetap sundae hahahaha ..saya ni kan mak sewel hahah kalau orang turki la kan... memang lama depa tak kasi hahaha
the first bahan mentah tu is in the process...a special request from hatice... tungguuu nanti masuk blog .0)
pasal gigi tu.. memang la..budak budak nampak lawa... kita... eh awak dah pernah cuba tak tak ada gigi syikin? hehe
Kak elle
ur special agent ni memang berguna yek? dah la tu comelllllll (ops.. nasib baik halil tak tau bahasa melayu hehe)..
dah la comel... beradab.. lepas tu walau jauh kat negara orang dia tetap solat..bertuah girlfriend rudi :0)
Very nice post, tahnk you, have a good day
Very nice of Kak Elle..semoga persahabtan ini akan terus berkekalan..
Tak sampai 5 minit.. Adooiii awak nih mmg betul-betul hantu asam lah...
Kak elle memang best...walaupun cuma kenal dalam dunia blog...but she's like a kak long to me...baru sekali jumpa tapi dah mesra...
Moga silaturahim akan berkekalan....
baiknyer kak elle nih. kak elle, Rudi tak nak datang dubai ker?? hahahah. Kidding.
Aku jeles bab agar agar powder tu. dan konyaku jelly. bak mai sket sini.
p/s: aku asam kat umah ni sampai berkulat tau! ni hang abih 5 minit ajer.
simah tumpang lalu eh...zakiah salam dr kak elle...actually did go to Dubai b4 Istanbul and back to Dubai again....hehe sori eh tak atau u kat Dubai maybe next time ok?
david santos
thank you...:0)
aminn...diharap persahabatan akan tetap kekal ke akhir hayat :0)
hang tak minat asam ka?
kak lady
seronok la ada kakak kakak mcm kakelle n kak lady dalam blogging world ni... semoga akak akak semua terus berblogging :0)
heheheh ala hang dah nak balik dah.. balik malaysia nanti tbai la segala agaq agaq tupuas puas..
weiii asam boleh ka hang bagi sampai berkulat... sedih aku dengaq..dah la aku ni hantu asam heheh
kak elle
hehehe rudi..kalau u baca ni... jgn lupa ingatkan kak elle bila u nak pi dubai :0)...boleh jumpa kak zakiah kita :0)
Wah, tak ingat dunia dah bila dah pekena asam dia! Pssst! Asam boi dari Cina? Hehehehe...takde la, dpt mcm2 info dlm email tatau boleh pakai ke tak lagipun taknak rosakkan nikmat you makan asam tu sume.
Eh, muka rudi a/buah k.elle ni mengingatkan saya pada arwah Hani Mohsin la - sori. Ada kena mngena ka?
Ur hubby tu ada gout ka? Jgn biarkan sakit lutut tu berlanjutan - sampai kena total knee replacement mcm my mak - susah nanti.
BTW, hatice looks cute with or without her teeth! (sure you kata, tengoklah mak dia sapa kan?)Heheheh
tumpang eh simah for 2nd time
....rad the asam2 tu are locally packed in singapore and I check b4 I buy:)
U r 2nd person to say he has arwah Hani Mohsin resemblance unfortunately no blood relation at all but if Imran Ajamian(singer/song writer) yes he is also my nephew.Qoth also mention that in my blog.
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