This first week of school holiday
They call it 2 weeks of school holiday. I call it 2 weeks of pure torture. least one week of that two weeks are over....
In my effort for my kids to be able to enjoy at least a bit of their holiday - homework free... i had made them worked and worked non stop for one week... i was their least loved mom...a dominant mom who ruled/s her reigns with an iron clad discipline...It was a week which involved a week of tears and headache (n did i mention screaming n shouting??) from both parts..the kids and i... but yes...!!
My son had finished his 48 pages holiday workbook last Thursday...he has only the activities left (ie...making pudding..etc..etc like Hatice did last year...)..that..i havent decide whether i will let him do or for my daughter?...
As much as i sympathized with her as i pressed her to work harder......she had finished her 80 pages work book today (Sunday)...which left her

with her story books (with comprehension excercise)! Thatz the easy part... she had read 6 of them... that is 9 more left...
Yup...this turkish-turkish dictionary will be with me..i suspect for many many years to come.....wish me luck!!!
4 happy kids
2 tired moms
chatting with each other..
This trip..baddin decided to be xtremely naughty...and with that elo decided to follow him too is interesting how kids changed when they get together... normally baddin never let go of my hand everytime we go there on our own..
In my effort for my kids to be able to enjoy at least a bit of their holiday - homework free... i had made them worked and worked non stop for one week... i was their least loved mom...a dominant mom who ruled/s her reigns with an iron clad discipline...It was a week which involved a week of tears and headache (n did i mention screaming n shouting??) from both parts..the kids and i... but yes...!!
with her story books (with comprehension excercise)! Thatz the easy part... she had read 6 of them... that is 9 more left...
I have also realised one thing versince 2 weeks ago.... my Turkish is no longer enough...As Hatice starts to read and encounter new words....i can no longer explain to her the meaning of turkish words properly... n not wanting to be the one responsible for my daughter to have a limited vocabulary.... i had found this dictionary at my favourite bookstore in Kanyon...
i still havent updated the kids' blogs yet...i am yet to update on their performance before the holiday...etc...etc....i owe them big... sorry kids...will try to at the earliest possible time...
D kids' school surely means that i can no longer do my morning walks..which result in my weight challenge to be on hold AGAİN!!...Having the kids at home.... well.... normally, i need to only prepare their breakfast and dinner alone....the moment they left for school...i was free to do as i pleased...but is lunch too...which is always difficult really coz last week, we were rushing to finish the work book..(of 2 kids) and in between hatice n baddin..i was trying to cook!I know...i know..i should have cooked during the night...but i was always dead on my feet by 10 pm!
But life isnt always about learning, eh? it is als about fun (which i still need to learn about..i am such a boring person)....and so....last Saturday.... the kids n i decided to tag along the dad... selim n halil had some ork to do at FÜSEM... and so we invited Funda n kids as well to join the kids n i for a window shopping at Kanyon n Metrocity...and on Sunday...we joined Meşe n her kids for a shopping spree in officially new fav shopping place (if i can drag halil there! :0) )
There was one more shopping complex more to go but the kids decided to go to FÜSEM...and visited my beloved's office room..
baddin directly went straight to mudur bey's chair hehehe
They prefered this..playing in the lecture room instead of window shopping to the third shopping complex...!!! Kids!! and on Sunday.... a shopping spree with meşelar....
i went crazy! everywhere shops went on xtra sale!! i bought a red winter coat for 29.90YTL..the original price was... 192.50YTL!
The shopping bags (n i still need to find jeans for hatice!) .can u believe it? hatice no longer wear clothing for kids ages 9-10...she now wears clothing for kids ages 10-11 (and she is only 7 years old!)!!MasyaAllah...baddin... he is sticking to his age size... he wears clothing for kids of 6 years old...
I have got 3 of her books..this is my 4th...i like her coz her books r sooooo light to read :=) i think i spent around an hour or so to finish the i amrereading it the 2nd time (i can read one book a zillion times... just like i had read all my harry potter books! hahahah)
when asked... what do u wanna be when u grow up?
Zeynep: Doctor and teacher
Hatice: doctor and teacher
baddin: University teacher
Elo: Non decided
Doctor coz their auntie Mehveş is a doctor (as well as an educator)... Educator coz... well... the family is full with educators! hahaha
İn Kanyon... i also bought this...
And so... the kids r at home... Hatice will have her birthday this Wednesday...I gave birth to her 7 years seems just like yesterday...Hatice n Baddin... u will always be my babies...!
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time....
Labels: My kids
aduhhh.. hang punya shopping spree lagi sakan kan simah? bestnyaaa.. aku kalo shopping mesti tinggalkan rizq kat playland dengan tina, or else mulut, tangan & kaki aku akan penat melayan rizq. At last, I will get nothing... cuma penat saja!
Simah dear,
I have read tour article...A good one...I salute you!ANd proud of you for stating your opinion about this issue.
Mudah-mudahan cita-cita kids tu tercapai...Insyaallah..
Shoppinngggg.....if I were there...tempting to join you..Shopiing is tehraupathic for ladies..hehehe...especially for me..hehehe
thanks for the ucapan takziah ye simah...
i kalau nak po shopping for myself i would rather pergi sendiri, kalau pegi dgn hubby and my son alamatnya semua nak cepat, kita nak try2 baju pun susah...i teringin nak pegi turkey lagi sekali (dulu pegi masa student days) inshaAllah..dulu hanya sempat pegi istanbul dgn cannakale (spelling?) je...
oh ye, my multiply address is:
take care
Kak lady suka pergi dengan least dpt opinion dari diorang...kalau ngan hubby...tak banyak respon...& taste dia berlainan dengan akak...
Banyaknya membeli...betul2 punya sale ye simah...?
Dah berapa kali belek2 buku Sophie Kinsella tu tapi tk beli2 jugak...heheheh
Salam perkenalan... Lompat dari blog Kak Lady..
Lepas ni boleh baca 'Shopaholic and Baby' pulak! Best!!
simah nak itot gi shoppinggggg....
wah byk nya you beli....
well at least you know you going to have educators and doctors in the next generations:)
hi simah
i love sophie kinsella too... ;-D
ooooo school holiday! Good luck ;)
Kalau you macam I lah, baca 1 Sophie Kinsella book, mesti nak baca yang lain. Easy reading with lots of laughs! Enjoy!!
happy birthday hatice..!!! dah besar anak dara simah ni..
yeah, besar mana pun kids ni, they'll forever our babies kan.. rasa macam biarlah depa tak besar2 pon..
bila sales kat sana paling gempak? syok eh soping sekali sekala kan..
wow..byknyer shopping..best2..i loike shopping too!..
OO..happy birthday to Hatice..mak dia masak apa yer..sure best..
mummy rizq
aku shopping tu pun bukannya utk aku la..utk laki aku..anak anak aku...dalam tu sempat la terselit satu dua benda utk diri sendiri heheheh
ala apa guna ada maid kalşau hang tak boleh tinggalkan anak hang kat dia masa nak shopping yek?
anggerik merah
dear AM... kalau pompuan tak suka shopping..boleh dipertikaikan betul ka dia ni pompuan ni hehehehehe
bahaya kan bila kita shopping?
and thanks 4 ur compliment on my article.. mumbling biasa biasa aja...i cant write as good as u n the rest of the bloggers... :0)
datang la sini....:0)
i kena bawak budak budak n hubby shopping sekali sebab duit kat dia... n anak anak tak ader org nak ditinggalkan... family shopping ni best jugak (though i dont think my hubby will ever agree! hahaha)
hope u r coping well post ur mom's death *hugs*
kak lady
beli akak..jgn tak beli buku tu... ramai jugak yg minat minah tu :0)
akak anak akak dah besar...memang best kalau dapat mintak opinion depa... saya dulu anak masa kecik tak suka heret diaorang (tapi memang kena heret jugak sebab tak ada orang nak ditinggalkan)... bila anak dah besar sikit memang okkkkk...
anak akak dah mcm kawan dah :0)
dah ada dah buku tu... i lompat lompat buku dia..ntah yg mana tak ada tak sure.. :0)
a fellow kinselle :0)
kak elle
jom akak shopping! utk lepaskan stress:=)
miss Rad
her books r sooo light... thats loads of people suka kat dia kot?
Queen of the House
akak..i agree!! tapi i kena beli slow... turkey ni nak jumpa buku english susahhhhhhh..semua depa translatekan!! bali mesia nak borong bukuuuuuuu :0)
auntie mulan... thanks for the birthday wish :0)
ala sopping sekali sekala memang a gempak... ampun tak buat selalu... :0)
shopping memang bestkan? :0)
thanks 4 d birthday wish :0)
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