Hey 2008!
It had been a long time since the four of us went out as a family....just the 4 of us.... ....our little happy family. ..we had things to do there....at carrefour....we all got hungry...but we had difficulty finding a place to sit at the food court. Baddin demanded Burger King...while the rest of us were thinking of KFC .... My beloved bought baddinz food first....2 burgers, coke and chips....my beloved then went to kfc..
Baddin started eating....I saw how famished hatice was.... i asked baddin whether he could share his fries with his sister.... he said yes...
They started to eat quietly... suddenly....baddin said...
"abla...sen bunu alabilirsın"
(u can take this)
while he pointed at his second burger...
of course...his sister immediately gobbled the burger quickly..
later her kfc came... and she too shared her chicken with the lil bro....
There was an undescribable warmth inside of me as i saw how they were sharing...
Alhamdulillah..my kids r decent kids... though they fight occasionally.....they r not like cats n dogs.... Hatice particularly is a very responsible- selfless and decent kid... baddin being the youngest...though he is a decent kid, i have some worries..
today he proved to me that deep down he has a good conscience...that is wonderful sign for me... ..i think he will be ok....
Yup..Hoşcakal 2007...Hoşgeldiniz 2008!
How time flies very fast eh? Well.... where did i go missing for a few days? Itz a longgggg storyyy.....
I said my farewell to the 2007 with my article being printed in the local english newspaper...
I think i better say something nice about Türks soon before they disown me! hahahahahahah
We all had a big family dinner at baba's place that new year's eve.... Our first formal siblings gathering as a big family after baba's death. It went well i think...the siblings chatting ....all of us getting on with our lives....
It was on that 1st of Janary..at 6 am..i was soundly sleeping when my beloved woke me up and said..
"bilgisayar çokmuş"
(the pc crashed)
we went to techno SA to check out the price of a new cpu later that day.... the price is not cheap... halil consulted halim and halim said he will scout for a better priced pc for us....
and on the next day....he gave us this for us to use till we get a new cpu...
a can u guess what it is? it does look like a lact ptop isnt it? well...it is actually heheheh a laptop without a monitor... halim has this unused monitor free laptop... so for now we r using it...using our lcd monitor screen attached to it hehehehe
But getting connected to the inernet was another matter of course...we coulnt get connected...again...we had to ask halim's help to get connected..and finally...yippie!!! i am the happiest girl on earth!! hahahahaha..thanks halim..u just saved my sanity!!
i am having difficulty adjusting myself to the use of this semi laptop...i keep pressing something i shouldnt! hahahah
Anyway... a new year with a new beginning... today we have our first snow this year (in istanbul)..
Here r some pic snapped during the family dinner at the new year's eve...
pehli....a turkish dish..made by afife teyze...made from ribs...
the cold food... pot luck style...made by the ladies
funny faces by keremcan-zynep-hatice-safa
mother n son
funda n selim
iclal-minik mustafa-kerim
how r my kids? obviously..they r still sad.... but hatice no longer sobs herself to sleep...yes..she still cries but gnerally she s better... time is indeed a big factor...and the listening of yaasin on th mp3 before bedtime actually works Alhamdulillah... nowadays both hatice n baddin are trying to follow the yasin reading bit by bit...it has become a subconscious effort for them to memorize it....hatice after every reading will make a doa..for example...
*ya Allah..please send a big bouquet of flower to my dede wth this yassin* etc..etc
she can actually somehow read the first 5 lines of yasin..and baddin.. i heard him reciting some parts too....they are in general soo much better....Alhamdulillah... over time.they will turn to normal....insyaAllah...
p.s...forgive my typing..i still cant get used to typing using this semi laptop!
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: A New Beginning
uzun zamandir Halim le guzel bir fotografimiz yoktu, tesekkurler.
Happy New Year, Simah :o) I hope the new year brings you & your family happiness & prosperity :o)
Beautiful pictures in this entry ... the food look so delicious! :o) yum!
The PC crashed? on the 1st of Jan 08? What a way to start the new year ... I hope you'll get back your PC soon. I know I'd go crazy without my notebook & the internet hehehe
Alhamdulillah Hatice & Baddin can recite the Yassin, eventho just a few lines :o)
Take care, Simah :o)
p/s: I accidently deleted my blog, starting a new one now :o)
Salam Simah...Happy New Year...
semoga apa yang terjadi di tahun 2007 akan lebih mematangkan kita dan kita akan lebih bersedia menghadapi tahun 2008....
Alhadulillah anak2 dah reda sedikit dari kesedihan kerana kehilangan dede mereka...
Terbaca tentang pc simah yang crash...alahai kalau akak lah ...mau meraung tau...rasa macam tertutup jendela dunia luar buat akak...hehehhe
Tapi nasib baik dpt juga guna internet dengan semi laptop tu ye...semi pun semi lah..asalkan dpt surf...hahahha
Hahaha canggih sungguh your *new* PC, Shimah. PC bidan terjun, macamana pun tak apa, asal boleh pakai, kan?
Glad that things are getting easier on the kids. Such losses are never easy especially on the kids.
Happy new year ..... apa azam baru?
Happy new year simah wah laptop model baru 2008 tu:)
wow bagi sikit snow tu ... just love to be in ur place now....hahaha
alhamdulillah hatice and baddin are more or less coming to term with the recent loss.
take care and hugs
Happy new year to you and family.
May 2008 brings lots of happiness and blessings to you and your family. BTW, maybe the Turks take the Christmas tree for a new year tree. Could it be that perhaps some of them are Armenian Turks? Why don't you send your article to The Star and you might get paid for it?
salam rindu,
I'm back...
Akak akan catch up surf your blog... take care !!!
I think the article was well written and more importantly it has a big message: it's wrong to celebrate the celebrations of other religions as our own, fullstop.
Yes, probably the next time you write it should be more positive issues,:p. We dont want you to get deported! hehe
happy happy 2008 to u.. nanti post recipe pehli tu.. mengancam je nengok..
:) hmmm dulu masa kat US pun aku dgn kenkawan suka tukar2 hadiah masa mlm new yar... tapi hadiah cikai2 la... beli kat one dollar shop ha ha ha... skrg ni kat M'sia Kedai 2 Ringgit semua barang2 made in China
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salam kak simah..have a wonderful year 2008, may Allah bless u n family
biz bu semi laptop için çok teşekkur ederiz....siz benim hayat kurtardık! hahaha
nanti bila saya sempat saya masuk blog awak yea...
hahaha awak pun mcm saya ka? memang la bila internet tak ada..rasanya mcm tertutup jendela luar... :0)
syana hopefully this new year pun akan membawa berjuta keberkatan dan keahagiaan kat awak..sama sam la kita mendoakan each other kn...
kak lady
saya pun mengaminkan doa akak tu :0)
memang akak..ila tak daat bertenet..memang rasa..alahai.........internet addicts mcm ni la kot? hehehhe
alhamdulillah..time slowly heals their pain... :0)
Queen of the House
my *new* pc memang canggih hehehe rasanya dia lagi bagus dari our crashed pc..sebab memang cpu kitorang dulu memang tunggu masa nak ajal....hehehe
azam? 60 kg akak! heheheh akak lak??
kak elle
akak..ni top model pc of 2008 ni akak..jgn mare hehehehe
how r u akak? best tak tempat kerja baru?
tengok la entry atas...snow tu baddin siapkan utk aunty elle dia :0)
Anggerik Merah
the same wishes for u n ur family too... take care! :0)
alice... i dont think so la sebab diorang letak santa clause sekali kat pokok tu.. dan bukak lgu christmas... rasanya diaorang terikut tanpa ambil peduli asl usul kot?
eh..thatz a good idea..boleh tak i dapatkan addy utk hantar atricle? kot kot la published..boleh la i belikan ice cream utk hatice n baddin hehehe
akak'!!! welcome back!! rindu!! nanti saya lompat blog akak bla sempat....u must have loads to tell!!
hehehehe yes... i must not get deported.....
this semi laptop tak ader word lagi.. so any articles kena tunggu lepas i letakkan word program :0)
thnks 4 the compliment...i am not as good as u but i try to make my message clear...
akak sihat?
rasanya main campak campak ja kot...the ribs tu yg mahal..nanti i tanya afife teyze resepi dia...
awak sihat tak??
hahah masa zaman zaman budget ek?
aku suka beli setokin utk budak budak..murah heheheheh
hang sihat?lama betul aku tak sms hang...
a happy new year to u too adik... may this year bawak lagiii banyak senyuman utk adik... :0)
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