Baba in Memory - Day two (funeral)
Baba is finally at his resting place.
The funeral was BEAUTİFUL! Just look at the pics above. Turkish flag can only cover the coffin only on honorary occasions and baba was certainly honoured.
Look at the second picture. Yesterday,these were the only crowd. I was wrong. The inside of the big Fatih Camii (mosque) too was totally full to the maximum with people. total thousands of them!! All came to pay their last respect to a man very well known, very much loved ... as an "hocanın hocası" (the educator of educators)... as an economist... as the core alongside Fethullah Gulen and his movement ...the hoca towards islamic development in turkey.
His body was bathed by professionals...sent specially by the governer of istanbul. He was escorted to the mosque by police....we were givena special bus to go to the mosque...Security was tight yesterday as people flocked there.... and we as the closest relatives were put at a special stand (see the red roof near the crowd) those who could not go to the jenazah prayer.... they watched the whole thing on tv live...
Baba was given a National Funeral.
I cried a thousand tears yesterday....never caring that people would stare at me...
Everybody cried cried for the loss of a man who had done so much.
The moment i saw the coffin entered the mosque area, i sobbed. It was so heartbreakingly sad to know that this is goodbye... the evidence in front of me...
We were later escorted to the special stand with loads of security where in line, we waited as flocks of people in the public qued to shake our hands and convey their condolences..too many of them...*başına sağ olsun* they said... that i mostly too sad to speak just nodded my head...people of various posts...
Then, the Prime minister (Erdoğan) and the President of Turkey (Gül) came together....they chatted with mehveş as their security flocked around them.... was the final prayer...and it was people pushing in trying to grab a hold of the coffin to bring it to the transportation..of course not many could as Erdoğan nd Gül were there till the end alongside with his security... Halil however managed to carry the coffin too..his final service to his dad...

THe burial part was the hardest for actually see him being rested.. Soil from the holy land (mekah n madinah) were used to cover the top part of the grave. Again..i couldnt stop myself from was too heartbreaking to see baba go..but i needed to do see him say goodbye.
All the zaim kids r still very devastated to lose their dede... Hatice n baddin r heavily affected. Time will ease the pain i guess...
And if u r wondering if i did get to chat with either erdoğan or Gül?
I saw them up close and personal.
Erdoğan? no chat.
As he were heading towards the praying area, Ahmet Davutoğlu,an aide to Gül pointed out that i am baba's Malaysian bride. Gül was about to pass and he made the turn and came to me and said...
*biliyorum..biliyorum... hocam size çok bahsetti*
(i know... i know.. my teacher meaning baba)...had told me about you so many times)
of course at that time.. the tv channel focussed on my face directly...yup..i was on tv too for a few seconds hehehe
I didnt feel honoured that i get to see the Pm n president close...i didnt feel honoured that i get to meet ministers and people from various posts.... whom suprisingly recognised and know about me (maybe coz for every eid..i was always there at baba serving his guests or baba had mentioned about me to them...)......If i meet them again (xcept for Gül n Erdoğan of course)... i would probably not recognise them or care who they are...
But i DO feel honoured
to be baba's daughter in law.
i do feel honoured to be able to share his love.
I do fel honoured to have borne him 2 grandchildren (next to th rest 8 by his other children)
I do feel honoured that at last till that last morning of his concious life...
i had managed to serve him as best as i could as a daugher should.
Baba... the honour is mine to be with the honoured one.
In my emotionally draught state..i am sorry if i cannot blog hop to ur blog.
and THANK YOU for all ur condolences... it helps me a lotto go thru these days..
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: baba in memory
Sedihnya bila baca. He was truly loved by many, and he truly loved you and was proud of you too, his Malaysian daughter-in-law. What a crowd ... and like what you told me, it would have great affected the children. Bila semua dah reda, they can visit the grave .... that's a very good move.
Simah... you became famous on TV for a few seconds!
wow simah to be given a state funeral is such an honour...I can picture the scenario...anywhere I can watch the tv ... nak tengok simah bicara ngan Mr President..
Yes time will heal and it will be a while before things will be back to normal...this raya haji will be sad for everyone as the big guy won't be there...
take care simah and my hugs to all the Zaims.
maklang nangis baca this entry and with the Yassin being recited here by Imam Sudaish...lagilah airmata ni mengalir je...
I have read a lot about your baba here and its as if I have known him too although from far. May Allah bless him for all his good deeds to the Turkish people..
Al Fatihah buat arwah..
My hugs to you and the rest of Zaim's clan.
Take care...
Dari Allah dia datang, dan kepada Allah jua dia pulang...
AlFatihah to arwah!
Masya-Allah Simah...
Takziah and Al-Fatihah to baba.
Semoga you and your family sabar and teguh di hati. Semoga rohnya di tempatkan di kalangan orang beriman.
You've been a great daughter-in-law and I'm sure baba appreciate your kindness and love for him.
me too can feel yor sorrow...! sabar ok...
i can feel the sorrow...memang sedih, walaupun tak kenal..hanya dari blog saja,..u are a very good daughter in law..
Take care Simah, send my regards to Halil and family
Salam Simah,
I've been a silent reader all these while - normally bloghop from Ibu's.
My condolences and my prayers are with you and the family.
It is evident that Arwah was so much loved by everyone. All his good deeds to his beloved country, to the people, will certainly be rewarded by the Almighty, insya Allah. Amin.
It is a very sad time for Turkey...but, it is sadder for the ones who loved him, and the ones he had loved - his family.
Take care.
I may be nobody to you but I was crying and still crying along yr writing. Proud of you -being more like a Malaysian ambassador in yr unique way.
Stay strong and sweet.
Sorry, I came too late to convey my condolences to you and your family. May your Baba rest in peace. He must have been a very great and famous man.
I was busy with so many medical appointments myself. My church friend is hospitalized now with brain cancer. She has been struggling with the cancer for a year. I couldn't help crying cos she is my dear friend and I fear for her but have to keep on praying and have faith no matter what happens.
Simah dear,
I read you posting in Today's Zaman. It was beautifully written.
I'm sure Baba was happy that he had you as a daughter in law.
Take care!
Simah Hanim,
I am sorry that I am late in responding to your mail. I was travelling and I did not have access to the net.
I am glad that Hocam left in a good month and being sent home in the best of way. May Allah bless him and give him comfort in his resting place and place him among the solihin.
I will write of my interesting encounter with him in my next blog entry. Insha Allah.
Inna lillahi wa inna ilahi raaji'un.
Takziah Simah..Banyakkan berdoa dan sedekah untuk Baba. Take Care
sorry i never could get myself to leave a comment here. my du'as are for your late Baba...
Masyallah! To get that colossal crowd paying last respect when you die is something everyone should hope for. And having them pray solat jenazah for you ...subhanallah...
Simah you are blessed to have been bestowed with such a great figure as a father in law...even though he is now in your memory.
Cant wait to read Keng's encounter with arwah
Inna lillahi wa inna ilahi raaji'un.
It has brought tears to my eyes reading all these. The passing is inevitable but the LOVE that is. Only the ones that full of love in his or her lifetime are honoured by people, and surely it demonstrates the point in your Baba's funeral. And that's not over yet, all those love shown by the ones closest to him made put a lump in my throat.
Of course on top of it, once a complete stranger but then made into the family and showed what love is all about and can hardly be destinguished from any other loves around, that is you, from you.
God Bless.
salam simah,
Subhanallah! betapa ramainya yg hadir. dan bayangkan ribuan al fatihah disedekahkan pada arwah. Sesungguhnya arwah org yg beruntung. Moga roh arwah dan roh arwah mak mertua bertemu di sana :).
Rezeki arwah dpt penghormatan sebegitu.
moga kebaikannya sentiasa dalam kenangan. amin
Al Fatehah for arwah.
Masya Allah he was loved and honoured by many. May their prayers put him at an even higher position in they eye of Allah.
Alhamdullilah your family is raised by a wonderful man.
hang buat aku menangis :( mak bapa hang sure bangga ada anak macam hang, dan pastinya 'baba' bangga dengan hang juga sebab tu dia pernah cerita pasal hang dekat orang2 penting ... dan aku bangga dapat kenal hang :)
Very nice & significant entry, Simah. Will be read for years to come.
I'm still in Bangkok.
salam simah,
maaf, akak terlambat untk mengucapkan takziah pada simah sekeluarga...moga simah dan keluarga tabah menghadapi ujian ini.
al-fatihah untk arwah.
take care.
kak ogy
Queen of the House
u could feel the love if u were was soo beautiful despite the ache u feel inside...
we havent got the chance to bring any of the kids to the graveyard yet... perhaps soon...
kak elle
this raya haji will be sooo empty..every raya i usually lepak kat baba n serve his guests... from now on..who will i serve now?
mak lang
dan kepada Allah dia telah kembali...
thanks mak lang :0)
baba is sorely missed...
amiiin... thank..
aminnn..thanks dear :0)
what i did was something any daughter in law would do.. i didnt do anything special..
mummy rizq
sabar separuh dari iman kan?..insyaAllah...menangis tetap nangis gak hehehe
Waalaikumussalam.. and thanks..u take care too :0)
aminnn.. and thank you for ur condolences..
yes... people was well loved..masyaAllah...
laaa jangnan menangşs!1 kang banjir lak malaysia nanti :0)
thank you for support and condolences...i really appreciate it.
dear alice... thank u for ur condolences...
i am sorry to hear about ur friend. May she be strong to face this challenge of hers... and with u by her side.. she is one lucky lady... :0)
ms istanbul
what i wrote in today's zaman is nothing new to the reader of this blog.. just a simple mumbling from me to doesnt matter to him anyway... hez gone... insyaAllah happy in alam barzakh..
ku keng
keng bey..its ok... i guessed u were away somewhere...
will be waiting for ur entry...
aminn... and thanks :0)
u sent me a sms.. i didnt expect any comment from u here... it must difficult to readabout death in people's blogs when u r still raw with the pain of losing ur beloved... *hugs*..u take care ok?
yeah..not many will be so lucky as baba kan? masyaAllah..
yes..i am lucky to have him as my dad in law...alhamdulillah
thanks...baba was truly lucky to be so much loved...
and i am lucky to be able to have a part of his love...
aminnnnnnn... laaa baba kan tengah dating dengan anne sekarang hehehe.. tapi masa dating tu... mak n pak mentua dia pun ada sama sebab depa kena tanam satu kubur! hehehe
tu la halil cakap.. the kubur next to baba is empty... jom kita beli.. so that bila kita mati n kita insyaAllah dapat tanam sekali..tak yah share dengan pak mentua! hahahaha (apa apa la saya merapu yek?)
aminnnn... yes..we r lucky to have a man like that as a *ibu* had mentioned in her blog... halil is a gentleman in all sense...
aku pun bangga dapat kenai hang.. wei jgn nangis! nanti KK banjir!! takkan la hang nak bertanggungjawab kot??
mak ayah aku bangga ngan aku? hehe tu aku tak sure la..tak pulak depa cakap mcm tu kat aku.. baba lak.. aku rasa dia tak menyesal kot bagi anak dia kawin dengan aku sebab kiri kanan dia dok cerita yg aku ni menantu dia yg paling baik... nasib baik kak ipaq aku yg lain tak dengaq... kalau tak mati aku kena boikot.. tu yg aku redha dia pi sebab aku dah buat sedaya upaya aku utk jaga dia... aku relakan dia pi walau hati aku adoi....
hope u r having a swell time kat holiday tu!
kak ogy
aminnn.. dan thanks akak.. i really appreciate it..:0)
Al Fatihah buat arwah. My du'as are for your late Baba...
Take Care Simah...
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