The Sema Hastane where baba is staying, i was told was on red alert yesterday. Everybody panicked. Were they being ambushed by terrorists??A few men with gun came to the hospital,did a thorough security check..interrogated the staffs...... 45 minutes later..... official cars....with more men with guns..... entered the hospital compound. One of the guys looked very familiar, the people thought.... Ah...
isnt that Sayin Recep Tayyip Erdoğan..the Prime Minister of Turkey?
Yup... The one and only... one very charismatic guy indeed (i wasnt there to see him in person)... at Sema hastanesi.. to visit baba...a hoca (educator)... and
who says educators are not precious, eh?
even the prime minister came to visit... i wonder when the president will come....
And today, another of my article has been printed on Today'z Zaman...Yup.. this unpaid mumbler is mumbling again... please note... i wrongly wrote *spouse*...dunno why i made that mistake.. i guess deep down i wanted anne to be here at this time of need i suppose... anyway....

u can click on the picture to read the article... or u can go to the link below..... ur choice..
n if u have missed my previous articles of my life in turkey.... feel free to click to these two links below......
Developing potential- will gladly take the back seat, thank you!
baba's update:
He doesnt look good today. he couldnt sleep last, the doc gave him medication and he slept during the day....he looks fragile... i can barely understand his speech nowadays... i am planning to go to the hospital monday till friday from 7.35am (after i kick the kids off to school) and leave the hospital by 2.30pm...(to catch the kids before they reach home from school at 4.35pm)... i dunno why... today.. alone with baba in his room... i simply love watching him sleep.. it felt difficult to leave the room...
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
yeah simah the writer:)I notice that u use past tense about baba's admission to hospital....the newspaper ni takde proof reader ke?
My doa's for baba always...simah u bolih jadi anak menantu mithali:)
semuga baba cepat sembuh..
dah semakin kerap penulisan masuk paper.. tahniah..
you are a good 'menantu' simah.. bravo. they are lucky to have you!
tak sangka plak aku kawan aku sorang ni dah jadi writer! bravo again...
If one can afford it, good comfort and medical service do cheer up a patient.
wah wah,makin rancak penulis itu menulis ek,syabas!
wish i can be as brave as u r,sis...
uishh...cuak jer baca org bw senapang gi spital,kalut sat tadi..hehe.
sesungguhnye Dia telah menentukan menantu yg baik bersama keluarga yg baik....ameen :)
Halil tak salah pilih isteri :D.
moga baba cepat sembuh. hebat baba di mata pimpinan negara. beruntung u simah dpt tgk pimpinan negara datang:)
tahniah atas artikel2 u yg keluar. blh masuk dlm profile nanti ni :D
saya pun mohon maaf ya tak dpt selalu ke blog awak.
cute anak dara awak tu sejak kecil sampai la ni :D
kak elle
ada proof reading..tapi i am afraid the mistake is mine..masa tulis that article.. that was 2 weeks ago, baba was supposed to go out of the hospital already... i mean masa the article is to be printed.. i assumed dia dah ada kat rumah dah... tak sangka lak dia tak akan keluar... n they gave me only a day notice ckp article nak di print yesterday...tak sempat nal correct them.. the article dah dlm printing dah...
terima kasih..ala zino..anyone can mumble... saya cuma bertuah *terprint* ja my piece hehehe
mummy rizq
aku bukan writer la..aku mumbler who stumbles in her words hehehehe
eh sejak bila lak aku jadş menantu yg baik? wei kang kembang aku kang! jgn puji sangat wei...
when one is very sick.. all one can think up is fast medical response from the staff...i do agree with u...
aminnnnnn... saya memang bertuah dapat *kawin* dengan keluarga yg baik..Alhamdulillah
heheheh saja nak bagi orang suspece jap.... tapi mesti boring kan jadi PM.. kemana saja kena ada guard..tak boleh rileks nak pi anywhere on impulse...
Alhamdulillah saya tak salah pilih suami... memang sah sembahyang istikharah saya memang Allah tunjuk jln pilihan yg benar.. :0)
eh saya tak ader kat situ la syikin.. masa tu saya kat rumah layan anak anak... weekends saya *cuti* jaga baba sebab anak anak ada kat rumah
terima kasih la awak puji saya.. jgn puji sangat syikin..kembang saya nanti meletup kang! sah my best buddy ever mona tu dah roll her eyes dah! hahahah! hehehe..
simah siapkan camera who knows bila the president dtg you ada kat situ bolih bergambar sama...haha
Baba is such an honoured person to have the PM coming to visit him...alhamdulillah...
Hope baba is coping well these few days.
You must be tired eh simah?takpe lah semua untuk baba ... btw anak menantu lain ada tolong tak atau u buat sorang?...pahla simah menjaga org tua:)
simah, congrats with d new article. i've read all articles of yours & i like it, they were written in a very easy-going style.. hm.. u r one good writer!! and one loving menantu!! :0) u weren't there when Mr Erdogan was at the hospital?? Alamak.. rugi la.. kot-kot boleh masuk tv ka.. he!he!.. (hm.. press tak buat coverage ke masa the PM visit baba.. klu kat M'sia ni rasanye tentu dah penuh press kat 'spital).. as always my prayers is with baba...
Simah dear,
I sent the link to my friend and he said it was a good article!
Keep writing!
Take care yeah.
hi Simah :o)
I hope Baba gets well soon.
Take care.
Good observations in your articles, Simah. Tak lama nanti jadi famous expat lah you!
It is admirable what you are doing for Baba. Hopefully he is not in too much pain - although that is not a very clever thing for me to say. But you know what I mean lah, Simah.
Dear Simah ( & Halil )
May Allah ease the pain & suffering Baba is going thru now. Hope he will get well soon.
Syabas to Simah...the professional writer in the making...
Semoga baba akan sembuh...Ameen...
yupp.. hope that baba will get better soon.. canggih la kamu, dalam pada sibok2 kat spital tu, boleh menulis lagi.. keep it up simah.. nanti kasi compile & publish sumer tu, sure ramai nak beli..!! u are such an angel la dear..
Wah,PM lagi,a big tribute.
Nampaknya u can make journalism your profession la lepas ni:)
Cute nya Hatice. Biography tu in colour ke?
we always remember your warm big smile..and that smile will surely makes baba have a menantu like u...
tahniah simah..keep on writting..'the versatile simah..'
kak elle
my camera is always with me... hehehe
Alhamdulillah.... baba is a respected educator... he has achieved so much in his life masyAllah..
selalunya... mıstık datang dari pagi sampai malam jaga baba... but due to baba's condition these days... it is best if there r 2 people in consistent position... so... i keluar rumah pukul 7.40am...dan take over from orang yg babaysit baba during the nite... so with mıstık.. we work during the day to look after baba (for me till 2.30pm weekdays)...after that...sesapa among the sibings akan dtang take my place (mıstık tak ke mana...)..n the mae siblings take turn to babysit baba during the nite...
anak menantu lain ada anak yg belum sekolah lagi.. so diaorang tak boleh datang consistently mcm i...diaorang datang pun datang melawat ajer la...disebabkan baba tak biasa dengan diaorang jaga depa...jadi..dia tak kasi sangat diaorang tolong apa apa bila diaorang datang......dia cuma kasi orang yg biasa jaga dia aja tolong dia...ehem diantaranya menantu dia yg dari malaysia ni la... heheh
thanks 4 ur doas...thanks 4 ur support ...sukanya saya ada orang suka my mumbling :0)
heheh tak nak la saya ada kat situ masa pm tu datang.. mesti boring... tapi bila pikirkan balik..mesti best kan tengokorang kat hpital tu kalut? heheh
miss i
thanks :0)
thanks.. aminnn :0)
queen of the House
yeah..i know ha u mean ..he is not in too much pain... but his whole body system is very fragile... so anything can happen anytime...
tak sangka by observing n mumbling boleh masuk paper saya hehe
thanks...:0) aminnnnnnn...
kitaoranghanya berdoa dia akan comfortable ajer...
kak lady
thanks akak :0)
*****idea banyak tapi dah tak ader tenaga dah...memang plan nak compile bagi hatice n baddin tengok hehehe mesti nanti dia tanya..anneeeeeeeeee apasal article tu salah spelling? kenapa salah grammar? udah... i nak jawab apa nanti? heheh
i mumbler kaki lima ajer :0) tak mcm u..siap dah ada buku lagi :0)
buku tu? ntah la...but i know for sure..its in turkish..
if only i can read his mind and read what he was thinking everytime he watched me when i was not looking...
thanks :0)
i versatile? hahaha the last time i heard that word describing me was 7 and a half years ago....i am far from one..but thanks 4 the vote of confidence :0)
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