Baba in the hospital
(pls carefully note the first 3 names...u cant believe the confusions caused by the almost similarities)
All of us drinking n eating something at the hospital cafe...
THANK YOU for all of ur prayers.
Alhamdulillah, the operation was successful. They had removed the tumor from baba's thing, which lessened the pressure and the pain n had sent the sample to the pathologist in which the result will be certain - max on monday.
On Thursday morning, the hospital had sent a chauffeur to pick baba up from his home. Baba and meşe went there together while the rest of us went there separately.
The surgery was supposed to be at 10am. But the management had postponed the time to 2 p.m at the last minute notice which made all of us mad coz baba was totally terrible looking while waiting for the time to come for the surgery. While halil and kerim and i read yassin separately in his room before the operation, we also hooked the mp3 player to baba's ears for him to listen to Yassin and surah Ar rahman.(p.s..i told halil that if i am dying.. please hook the mp3 to my ears too)
The room where baba stayed won the first day was nice. 1 bed for one room where the room is complete with a big bathroom, flat screen tv, fridge, drawers, closet, couches.... and from the room window, u get to see these..
Baba decided to stay some more at the hospital coz he found the service there wonderful...he could have been discharged the next day if he wanted to. But he didnt. I suppose he was captivated by the Sweet smiling nurses...wonderful staff all over....
It was on the second day, that they transfered him to the room where he was meant to stay in the first place(it was under work the day earlier).... it was a suit...a vip room.... The moment i saw the suit.. i was saying... woah! wow! huha! The suit... it seems is much bigger than the room baba previously occupied.... and the room is connected to another room (to be used as a place to lepak lepak when too many people come to visit baba) which is the size of the room baba previously occupied. On top of that, the total room has 2 flat screen tvs, two bathrooms,2 fridges,.....well... double in everything!!Such comfort! No wonder baba refuses to go home! hehehe
his moral and spirit have improved a lot eversince. Today, when i was looking after him in the afternoon, he was walking unassisted and he was not enduring much pain (they give him 2 pain killers daily)... he looked much much better. happy in fact.... the thing is.... until the doctors tell him exactly what is wrong with him directly, i think he believes that after the surgery, everything is ok now. whatever that plagues him is gone....... but we all know that it is not so....i just hope that he will be morally strong to recieve the results of the tests....
Between hatice n baddin, baddin is being affected more by his dede's illness than his sister. This one week.. he had been acting soo very unlike my son. Distressed somehow. I asked his class teacher too and she agreed that baddin looked somehow with a heavy burden. But she told me not to do anything except to offer him my compassion n love. This is a stage where he is learning some facts of life. He will overcome this, she confidently told me.....
And last nite, as i hugged him on his bed for his nite sleep... he finally admitted the truth and he said in turkish...
*anne, ben dede ölmeye istemiyorum. ben dede ya çok seviyorum.benr ruyarlarda, dede öldu gördum*
(anne, i dont want dede to die. i love dede very much. ı saw him die in my dreams*)
my kids basically spent almost all their lives with dede in the picture... we even spent the summer with dede in sapanca most days... and because he is Sabahaddin Jr, i think the effect is very strong on him ...until now, i didnt realize how much he loves his dede...i guess having a name as his dede somehow created a bond unexplained by words...*hugs baddin*
Today, i tried not to fight with baddin (i have been fighting with him everyday). i treated both hatice n baddin extremely nice. Halil played with them too (while i was at the hospital to stay with baba for a few hours in the afternoon). They had fun today... and on top of everything, i brought the kids to nezih n bribed them with a toy of their choice each.... hatice chose barbie while baddin chose a car.... alhamdulillah, they look normal again today....
I may be a bit slow in updating n blog hopping these days. I wont keep writing gloomy stuffs of course... life is too precious to be gloomy.... forgive me if these few entries r far too dark for one's reading.... my blog is after all to dictate what my heart will quill and for now... the quill is not very cheerful...
i managed to catch 2 lunches meal (while babysitting baba at the hospital).. the food is delicious except for the salt... but then for me, i was given xtra salt in a small packet which i offered to baba hhehehe
Thank u for the update was wondering how come my sms gets no answer....hehehe
Glad baba feeling better than b4 the surgery but then till the biopsy result is out no one can tell rite simah?
My doas remain and my hugs to baddin esp now for the worry he's been keeping to himself and ofcourse to anne dia juga:)
Selamu elaykum,
Do convey me selam to your Baba. May he have a speedy recovery and ever in the protection of Allah SWT. If you do see Nevzat Bey, do send my selam as well.
Pray that your baba will recover soon from surgery.
Alhamdulillah!, thanks for Allah for the successful operation
Hope Baba will have a full recovery soon.
and what a nice hospital you have there
That is a grand hospital . Is it a private institution?
May Allah swt ease him.
Your baba is staying in a 6 stars "hotel" and that will help to cheer him up cos it wouldn't make him feel like a patient. Must be very expensive though. Take care, Simah and may your baba have a speedy recovery.
Geçmiş olsun to baba! alhamdulillah good to know that the surgery went well. my prayers goes out to baba and your family. yes in times like these, the kiddos will be confused and lost but baddin is lucky to have his caring anne and whole family there to comfort him :-).
btw, yes the hospital looks great! good to know that staying there cheered baba up somehow. take care simah!
Alhamdullilah, semua ok. Amboi, ada chaffeur, bilik pun grand:)Berapa ratus semalam ni, Simah?;)
Simah :o)
Alhamdulillah the surgery went well.
We pray for his speedy recovery.
You take care too :o)
kak elle
thank u n aminn... sori akak tak dengar sms akak tu.. masa tu saya tengah tido kot.. heheh :0)
keng bey
Anggerik merah
aminnn n thanks...
aminnn n thanks 4 ur well wishes... is a simple and nice hospital..i have to agree on that :0)
aminn.... is a private institution...
yeah.. the hospital is excellent in the customer service...thanks 4 ur well wishes.... the price? hmm....
aminnnnnn n thanks... esok the kiddos will go n visit their dede kat hospital dengan thier class teachers... we will see what happen... :0)
maybe that will cheer the dede up more..
Alhamdulillah.. the operation was ok.. now the results... chemo or not....
the chauffer n the grand room... actually all his life, baba has served the people in various orgnisations... he has done more than enough... it is time for the people to serve him kot... i tak tau la the price of the room...i suppose baba can afford the price ...i dont keep tab of his financial stuffs..
amin... n thanks... :0)
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