The Very Much Awaited Meeting
We decided to go by bus today since my bro in law needed to use the was soon after when the double decker bus came.... we took our seats andguess what my beloved do?
That is why i always have my emadur, my dramamine and my minoset (medicine) with me at all times. And guess what happenned? The zip of my handbag where i put the medicine wouldnt open! hahahahah *simah..think of the suprises waiting for u in taksim*...i consoled myself... luckily in the part of my handbag which can open... i found some chewing gums...that helped.. and to distract my mind, i started sms-ing this kind lady who had spent a lot of money and energy so that i could have a taste of home...
When we reached the hotel, Rudi... the cute messenger of the kind auntie was already waiting at the lobby. He quickly showed me the suprises... i was soooooo happy inside....wanting to cry... but hey! i have to keep my reputation intact, eh? No crying in front of Rudi! hahahah...and so i laughed happily...Halil suggested that Rudi put the package we brought for him n the auntie (n Doc Adah of course) his room... of course, with Rudi missing, i quickly excitedly..smilingly showed and explained to halil what was actually inside the suprise package sent to me... Rudi came back.. and i again... controlled my *macho-ness* hahahahaha Sorry Kak Elle..!! No teary show in front of Rudi! hahaha what happened after i got home... THAT is a Different MATTER! hahahah tears r for when i am in private...Pandai tak i control macho? hahahah sebenarnya i nak melompat masa tengokall the kuih raya-s.. tapi kang halil ketuk kepala i kang ... kan dia ni jenis sopan hahahaha
We had sort of brunch at Taksim Square... Rudi n Halil had doner while i ate like a pig ( pls dont ask how much i weigh today! is a holiday...who can go on diet when u have wonderful stuffs around??)...I think Rudi had lost weight... he looked chubbier the last time i saw him...we chatted and chatted and after a while.... we all part ways... Rudi would go sight seeing...
I couldnt entertain a thought of going on a bus again... Luckily Halil understood my plight and agreed to take a Dolmuş (see the pic below) is some sort of a van with only 8 seats for the is more expensive than a normal bus fare of course but the way is cut is as if u r driving in a car..very comfortable...yeah...i know..i know... i am such a spoilt brat...but it is not my fault... i was independent..but my life in turkey... halil spoilt me rotten :0)
KAK ELLE ( ThAnK You for EVERYthing... i hope u will like the ole ole i sent u thru Rudi... they r not much...but they r from the heart...Since u cant remember what u sent me.. here r the pictures of the things that reached my arms (and my mouth) today :0) Mintak dihalalkan yea akak?
The hotel is behind the trees.. can u see the building?
and if u try frying shallots at home, it wont turn out as nice as me..
Ready made malay food sauces
some more spices
jelly moulds..
some more spices
more spices :0)
Spices r good! hehehe
My beloved asam mo far ko...satu botol sudah habissss..
fridge magnet...the kids love them
ketupat...a malay dish esp eaten during eid, eaten with either kuah kacang or rendang...
instant noodles
Just Perfect to put their money for their canteen day...
From Doc Adah (Kak Elle's friend)..just in case i wanna change my style :0)
The BİG SUPRİSE!! kuih raya(eid) biscuits..
u can guess which belongs to who, right??
Kak Elle.. it fits hatice perfectly... baddin had put the keychain to his wallet..
From hatice n baddin.. Teşekkur Ederim!!
Well.. baddin basiccally almost demolish the chocolate ones...hatice love the choc one as well..but her fav is the one wth the peanut butter (i tak tau nama apa)...mine is the keropok inti ikan and the pineapple tart...the sugee according to halil is similar to the *un kurabiye* (flour biscuit in turkey.....i tibai makan semua secara selow selow hahahaha
kak elle.. ni nak sabotaj my weight challenge ker? hehehe
When i was unpacking the stuffs to see what kak elle had sent me ..Halil said to me....
*i know u r very happy and all.... can u not open the spices here? i cant stand the smell*
hahahaha after being married to me for 8 years, he still cannot stand our food smell...but of course... once i cook the beriani rice using the spice kak elle sent me... he will be the one to grab the rice... he just simply love it! What a funny guy he is...
Kak Elle and Rudi...
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: Friends in Turkey
I guess that one happy person is still smiling awayyyyyy eh tak aci nangis in private....hahaha
Enjoy the food whilst it lasts Simah.
btw the choc almond london is made by Rudi's mom.
aku tau...hang la ni tidoq pun sengih sakan... ke ke ke oklah tu boleh la makan sakan, alah sekali sekala cuti diet :)
Kak Simah,
Untung kan dapat kawan cam Kak Elle... Stok rempah ratus tu can last for a year...
Wah, I can see that Kak Elle went through a lot of trouble to handpick every item. Bestnya si Rudi tu dapat gi Turki kerap2.. tapi luggage berat la, hehe...
Wah, I can see that Kak Elle went through a lot of trouble to handpick every item. Bestnya si Rudi tu dapat gi Turki kerap2.. tapi luggage berat la, hehe...
Lupa lak nak cakap. U look great in that pic:D Make-up banyak2 ke?:p Hehe..
kak elle
hahahha.. mesti kena control macho... tak main la banjirkan hotel tu hahahaha
pandai mak rudi buat choc almond tu.. my kids serbu...bak kata orang turki.. *eline sağlık*...(semoga tangan sihat kalau di direct translatekan..but u can guess what it means la kan :0)
am planning to enjoy them..slowly...kena make them last till summer :0) lepas tuuuuuuuuu...
aku memang cuti diet! hahaha hari ni aku tengok berat badan aku? mak ai!! naik hahaha..tak per..exerciseeeeeeeee...*aku still dok sengih gila ni hehehe*
cat cat
a year? rasanya kalau ikutkan hati sebulan pun boleh habis hehehe tapi akak tengah cuba makan pelan pelan till summer...
Alhamdulillah.. kawan kawan yg akak kenal kat blog ni semuanya MasyaAllah baik...persahabatan ni yg penting kan Hati..bukannya material yg kita bagi each other (tapi of course bila dapat rempah mcm ni memang lagi la advantage persahabatan kan kan? :0)
kak elle is a nice and kind lady..ramai dah dapat *merasa* persahabatan dia (ie..mulan..etc..etc)..hanya Allah ajer la yg dapat membalas jasa dia...
Rudi pun mcm auntie dia... baik...gamaknya it runs in the family kot?
thanks 4 the compliment... make up? hahah mana ada... i tak suka pakai make up pun... i pakai pun only on special events...
kat picture tu pun i cuma put a very light touch of was fading actually sebab i suka makan lipstick kat bibir i! hahaha
You are one lucky lady!!!
Halil is so cute when he said he cant stand the smell.
Oh yeah, the "kuah masak lemak" tastes even nicer if you add one piece of dried tamarind and a few thai chillies. Yummy! (I'm an expert when it comes to instant cooking! hehhehe..)
Kak Elle,
Thank you for making Simah happy! :P
tumpang lalu simah...
puan dith making simah happy is a pleasure and probbably its fate that my nephew roster is stopping to Dubai/Istanbul...waiting for his NY stop so nak tumpang beli bag COACH....hahaha
Tumpang lalu Simah,
Kak Elle,
Wah, so coincident! Saya pon sekarang sedang mengidam bag Coach! hehe. Ingat nak cari yang immitation kat Petaling Street jek! huhu
wahhh what a treasure! makes me think, we always take those simple things for granted cos kat sini kat maner2 boleh dapat, belambak! tapi kalau susah nak cari, macam wang emas, so precious hehehe. enjoy those things simah, afiyet olsun! hehehe.
eh yer ker turks tak suka bau rempah? my mamat punyer favourite dish is beyin salatasi. masa first time dengar, terpikir jugak, boleh ker aku makan benda tu?? hehehe. maklumlah i cuma makan daging jer, "spare part" i tak sentuh pon. dah tu dia cakap i kena belajar buat tu benda dari anne dia (pengsan!).
anyway, you're so lucky to have such good friends like kak elle. kalau i pegi istanbul satu hari nanti (insya Allah!), you kasi tau i apa you nak, nanti i bawakkan. hehe!
ms istanbul
***********bila u datng istanbul nanti one day i akan straightly show u the apron then? hahahahahahahhah
yes.... kak elle is very kind..semalam buat rendang! yippie! ketupat nak buat for raya :0)
kak elle n dith
hehehe dua dua hantu bag coach.... beli jgn tak beli! hahaha
ala..jgn risau la.. makanan org turki main campak campak ajer...tak susah..i kan ada... nanti i tunjuk kat u... tapi memang u kena belajar kat mak mentua sikit larn exactly how he likes his food to be cooked..thatz important at the beginning.. the rest tanya la cook simah! hahaha
wei.. jgn main offer offer nak bawak..kang menyesal offer kang! hahaha but i nak askone thing from u definitely... hatice nak inaikan tangan dia with the lovely patterns u r so skilled of ehem hehehehe
simah, tu offer ikhlas, while stocks last. hehehe! ok set, kalau memang ada jodoh i dgn dia, hari2 i telepon you ajar i masak makanan org turki k? menyesal tak you offer nak ajar i masak? hehe!
ooh pasal henna tu, utk hatice yang comel (dan anne dia sekali) no problem. just call my name and i'll be there! hehehe!
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