Sunday, October 28, 2007


"Batik is renowned for its universal appeal and affordability. And in Malaysia, it is synonymous with local arts and crafts.
To make batik, patterned areas are first covered with wax so that they will not recieve the colour of the dyes. Multicoloured and blended effects are obtained by repeating the dyeing process several times, with the initial pattern of wax boiled off (only with cotton fabric) and another design applied before re-dyeing.
A cracked effect, caused by fissures in the wax, can also be achieved by crumpling the wax before dyeing. Finally, after the desired colours and effect are realised, the fabric is boiled one last time to wash away the wax. Finished batik comes in many various forms-from sarongs to scarves, shirts to shorts,blouses to dresses, as well as collectible items."
When Alinlai sms - ed me asking whether i wanted some *kain* (kumaş) or not since she was doing her shopping for raya, it never crossed my mind that she meant batik...and a handmade at that! Just look at this....

isnt it gorgeous? (scanned pic of course)

I was practically jumping when i opened the package and saw that lovely pattern...i was smiling ears to ears.....there r also ties for halil n t-shirts for the kids... but hatice was eyeing my kain with envy... normally, if anything nice comes my way for me, i will directly give that thing to her...but sorry dear... this time, ur anne is not sharing *chuckles* still thinking what kind of fashion i will i turn the cloth into...i will probably follow alinlai's advice n turn in into skirt n on top..probably ..a blouse?am still thinking... THANKS ALİNLAİ! U made my day that day! (though i am still feeling guilty about the price... i thought she was asking whether i want kain biasa ajer... if i had known she was thinking of the handmade batik... i wouldnt have said yes)..alinlai.. halal yea?

These r several photos i took from the net...of batik clothing...Personally, i love batik Malaysia coz i think the patterns r soooo cheerful, sunny and colourful...simply gorgeous!

Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..



Anonymous Anonymous said...


Eh! Aisey... ingat kot the one in blue top with matching loose pants was you. Tapi takde kepala pulak! Hehehe .....

I salute you for your weight reduction challenge. Keep it up dear! Beat it okay!!

Kat sini raya sebulan kan? So still not too late to wish you Salam Aidilfitri. Salam to Halil & Hugs for hatice & baddin.

October 28, 2007 at 6:19:00 PM GMT+2  
Blogger Kak Elle said...

Simah batik always stay alive in whatever you wear it...I pun suka batik.

October 29, 2007 at 1:32:00 AM GMT+2  
Blogger Alinlai said...

dah pi hantar kedai ke kain tu? ke ke ke....buat baju raya Haji le... aku terlambat pos hari tu, ter'busy' plak... apa2 pun nanti balik M'sia bawa je minah kecik tu pi Jalan TAR bleh pilih batik cantik2... sure dia suka :)

October 29, 2007 at 3:10:00 AM GMT+2  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amboi orang Turki berbaju batik. Org Msia pun takde, hehe...:P

October 29, 2007 at 8:12:00 AM GMT+2  
Blogger Mama Rock said...

simah, i am in batik everyday - practically the batik kaftan is my daily housecoat! simply comfy and sempoi being at home :)
i'm sure you look gorgeous in your new batik attire - with your new "slimmer" look nanti :)

October 30, 2007 at 5:19:00 AM GMT+2  
Blogger aNIe said...

Batik memang cantik especially yang handmade...tapi harga boleh tahan lah jugak...

Cantik batik pink tu...

October 30, 2007 at 5:16:00 PM GMT+2  
Blogger simah said...

phewitttttttttt amboi..sibuknyaa orang tu... hilang terus dari alam cyber! :0)
eh..i pompuan yg dalam gambar yg paling kurus tu la..tak perasan ker? heheheh

will covey ur salams... salam aidilfitri maaf zahir batin to ur, saba n ur boys as well.. kami sini raya 3 hari ajer la akakkkkkkkk :0)

kak elle
sama la dengan i ...cantik kan?

aku tak mau bawak minah tu pi TAR.. pokai la akuuuuuuu minah tu mata rambang wei hahahah

baju tu tak beli lagi la kain lining..anak anak aku sejak bukak sekolah ni asyik tak sihat ajer... kalau sempat nanti aku nak buat utk baju raya haji..nanti aku tangkap gambaq n pos kat hang (ntah bila la nak hantaq kain tu pi jahit! hahaha)

tu la org malaysia... cepat support traditional industry! hehehe

mama rock
wei mama..perli ka? hahahah oh... i can imagine my slimmer look (bila la tu.. mkn banyak jugak still)..

wahhhh akak suka baju batik ka? memang sempoi dan selesa kan akak? ceria selalu la akak dlm baju batik tu...wahhhhhhhh :0)

kak lady
memang harga boleh tahan... saya pun terkejut bila sampai kat tangan saya kain batik tu... alinlai terlupa nak keluarkan pricetag....saya tengok harga dia... seumur hidup takkan saya mampu nak beli handmade batik... berpeluh nak bayar! hahaha

October 30, 2007 at 8:19:00 PM GMT+2  
Blogger simah said...

phewitttttttttt amboi..sibuknyaa orang tu... hilang terus dari alam cyber! :0)
eh..i pompuan yg dalam gambar yg paling kurus tu la..tak perasan ker? heheheh

will covey ur salams... salam aidilfitri maaf zahir batin to ur, saba n ur boys as well.. kami sini raya 3 hari ajer la akakkkkkkkk :0)

kak elle
sama la dengan i ...cantik kan?

aku tak mau bawak minah tu pi TAR.. pokai la akuuuuuuu minah tu mata rambang wei hahahah

baju tu tak beli lagi la kain lining..anak anak aku sejak bukak sekolah ni asyik tak sihat ajer... kalau sempat nanti aku nak buat utk baju raya haji..nanti aku tangkap gambaq n pos kat hang (ntah bila la nak hantaq kain tu pi jahit! hahaha)

tu la org malaysia... cepat support traditional industry! hehehe

mama rock
wei mama..perli ka? hahahah oh... i can imagine my slimmer look (bila la tu.. mkn banyak jugak still)..

wahhhh akak suka baju batik ka? memang sempoi dan selesa kan akak? ceria selalu la akak dlm baju batik tu...wahhhhhhhh :0)

kak lady
memang harga boleh tahan... saya pun terkejut bila sampai kat tangan saya kain batik tu... alinlai terlupa nak keluarkan pricetag....saya tengok harga dia... seumur hidup takkan saya mampu nak beli handmade batik... berpeluh nak bayar! hahaha

October 30, 2007 at 8:19:00 PM GMT+2  
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June 28, 2020 at 12:53:00 PM GMT+2  

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