Edremit 2007
Hatice..posing with the olives
I just cant believe my eyes when i see the last time i updated this blog... this is really a record time! i really have missed u all... But then..well.... i was away for the holiday for 2 weeks.. and after we came back..well....got hit by the flu..etc... was not really in the mood to do anything computer related....:0)
The holiday was wonderful Alhamdulillah... We went there earlier than the usual date (we usually go to edremit 2 weeks later)....so the squid season was not in yet... no big squids for me this year...n very less squid i had eaten... still....it was a relaxing holiday...n yup! we ate loads of fish too...bought fresh from the fishermen's boat
That first day we reached Edremit, after lunch n a bit of rest, we went straight to the beach.Baddin had promised us that he wont be demanding the arm float while swimming in the sea this year (he learned swimmming properly only this year)... and he had held on to his words...hatice? well... she is a good swimmer... she worried us not.... but what made me beamed that day most was....the four of us that day swam together into the deep blue sea...!! I mean my first time that i had actually swim like that was 4 years ago!! and my kids... at the age of 5 n a half and 6 and a half... they have started swimming in the deep sea despite the waves etc!!...That really made the sea swimming much more worthwhile ...halil.. hatice.. baddin n i...as a family..u bet everybody was looking at us :0)
And after 8 years in turkey... i was finally reunited with my childhood love....the waterfall... i can still imagine the durian perangin... the lubuk sembilang and the telaga tujuh water fall weekends i used to have with my mom n neighbours while i was living in langkawi years back... and we discovered the existence of waterfalls at edremit! The trip was quite dangerous of course since the road was so steep and small.....2 waterfalls.. but they were worth it! It was the first time Hatice and baddin ever see a waterfall... n hatice in particular..despite the freezing water of the fall..she loved it to her very core! Baddin loved the waterfall too...but he gets cold much easier than hatice... Am sooo glad that there is the Malay in my kids still despite being brought up in istanbul....
I love nature..i love green... i was getting worried that my kids wont share my sentiment... the wild nature for adventure wont be within them... i am sooo glad that the genetic transfer from me to them includes the love for nature....
I wont mumble much today... i promise that i will update this blog more often after this... just give me some time to blog hop... rindunyaaa kat koranggggggg....enjoy the snaps :0)
Halil n the kids..
This is halil's favourite picture...coz he snapped it hahahahaha
To be hills as the background and the olive trees on his left n right
The view on the way to the waterfall
A fresh fig tree
On the way to the waterfall
2 freezing male species n one very happy girl :0)
due to the draught, the water is not much....but wait till spring....
At the second waterfall area...
A cute pose from 2 cute kids
The swimming suit was upstairs (quite far)...
Anne.. baba.. can we please soak our feet inside the water? just a little bit?
Can u understand now why i think he is cute? :0)
An overburnt skin simah (as if i need to tan myself at all in the first place eh? hehehe
u have to climb up to get back to the car.... a hotel on top (still under construction)
From the little bit of leg wetting... they started to wet themselves (after hatice agreed to change her t-shirt)
Anne.. baba.. can we please soak our feet inside the water? just a little bit?
baddin was wearing hi normal t-shirt n pants underneath... with athick windbreaker and topped with halil's t-shirt on top (n he was still freezing! ) hahaha
Hatice was wearing her normal t-shirt n pant ... and her windbreaker on top and my own windbreaker on top of her windbreaker...
very fashionable eh? hehehehe
more stories coming up later :0)
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: My Holidays
Hosgeldin Simah,selamat kembali ke alam siber!Amboi!bercuti sakan awak ye!Love your tan,cantik!Kami anak-beranak ke Bodrum hujung August lepas,gelap sikitlah,best dapat matahari,kat sini mendung je!hayirli olsun!untuk Hatije,dah masuk darjah satu,dan utk Baddin utk ana okul!Terima kasih berkongsi gambar2 dgn kami.Selamat berpuasa.
Assalamualaikum Simah or should I say Efandem ( betol ke ejaan ? )
Just bloghopping and stumbled upon your blog. Your kids cantek cantek belaka !
Are you in Istanbul now ?
I lived in Ankara about 6 years ago, and I have been to Istanbul. Such a nice place. Teringat me and my husband drove from Ankara to Istanbul on Hari Raya Haji, and we stopped at Bolu to eat fresh grilled kambing, teramat sedap !
And, the turks bread yang dip in honey & butter ..walla !
take care
Simah dear,
lovely pics of very happy family..and the scenary is WOW! Emm...I lost the right word for scenary.
I was trying to figure out...Hatice look like you and Baddin more like the father.
Wish you & family great Ramadhan
welcome back simah rindu teramat....wah best nya holiday amongst the greeneries.
selamat berpuasa.
I tried searching for info of edremit, it's location etc but failed.
Edremit sure looks fun! You are lucky Simah!
p.s. I was getting worried why you didnt blog for such a long time, hehe
catik tempat bercuti tu...
selamat berpuasa..
kak Nora
hoş bulduk...yaz akak... tatil zamanı hehehe ama yaz bitti... okul zamanı...ödev zamanı..imdatttttttttt :0)
amacam bodrum akak? best tak? akak duduk hotel ker atau akak ada devre/ev sendiri kat sana?
anak u dah anak dara akak.. mine still kecik... still ...çok heyecanlı bir şey ya... anak masuk sekolah..mak pak lak yg nervous hehehe
salam.. thanks for blog hopping here...
*efendim* tu selalunya utk lelaki.. kalau perempuan selalunya *hanım effendi* tapi tu kalau nak terlampau sopan la...
yup.. saya kat istanbul sekarang...
6 tahun kat ankara? lama tu...ur hubby kerja kat sana ker? do u by any chance kenal kak nora (yg kasi comment kat atas u ni)?
sekarang u tinggal kat negara mana?
roti turki esp kalau yg panas panas baru keluar dar fırın tu... memang mengancam :0)
anggerik merah
After the bircks of istanbul.. memang these scenery is a very fresh thing to the eyes... even baddin pun comment..eh baba..hijaunyaaaaaaaaaa kat sini (in turkish la of course:0)) ..i think this area is quite famous for the mountains among the turks...
i pun tak sure baddin muka sapa..tapi i rasa dia mcm muka my younger brothers ajer with halil's fair skin.. tengok la nanti besar dia muka sapa...(tapi halil tetap cakap anak lelaki dia muka dia hehehehe)
happy ramadhan to u too AM! (hugs)
kak elle
ala tempat yg i pi tu tempat kampung nelayan ajer..tapi memang besttttttttttttt... laut dia sejukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk :0)
posa yang yok tak akak? wink
hehehe masa summer memang malas nak pegang pc akak..lebih lebih lagi bila satu badan sakit gila :0)...ada jugak orang sayang kat i yek sampai risau tak update blog *wink*
OO... edremit tu ..cuba akak carik kat area *balikesir*...dia somewhere dekat dengan izmir...edremit tu dekat dengan akçay....maybe tak ader dalam map sebab ni kampung nelayan ajer... this area selalunya international tourists tak datang... sebab laut dia sejuk....still fresh with green... ada thermal water source... (meaning air paip dia kalau minum memang tak sedap langsung..air kena beli)...left right kat sini semua pokok olive pun...tapi selalunya ıorang mai sini masuk *turkish hamam* dan mandi pakai thermal water..memang berfaedah... kat tempat we all duduk masa holiday pun ada..but i prefer the sea... sebab selalunya thermal water tu diaorang ada salurkan kat ur room atcertain hours... so berendam dalam bath tub lagi senang.... boleh la beromantik sikit hahahahaha
mai la :0) bawak mem datang sini
Yess. I can see it. Still very much in love! And I pray that Allah will strengthen your love for each other as time goes by.
That waterfall break will do wonders for you and your family. The indelible pictures they etch in your minds would see the family love bonds stronger.
Salam Ramadhan to you and your family Simah. Keep on smiling courageous lady.
ramai yg dah risau bila u hilang lama2 ni..
mesti dah terubat rindu nak mandi waterfall kan..
salam ramadhan...
p/s lubuk semilang dah tak best mcm dulu, pokok dah tak banyak
Nyamannya, d air terjun was d 1st thing I saw:)
U pernah duduk Langkawi?
Simah, glad you're back!! Tentu seronok your cuti, ye, sampai tak teringin nak blog! The kids look so happy, the scenery very refreshing, and you and Halil .... cute and happy together!!
How are the kids with their fasting?
a delight to see the smiles of your family :)
the waterfall scenes are a beau...
ramadan mubarak kak simah!
simah's back.. welcome home!
memang yr kids tu suka dengan air ler.. berendam jer erk!
waterfall tu cantik.. nampak cam tempat kat kampung kampung laa...
Simah dear,
OMG!!! You really had a lovely holiday. The pictures are beautiful. Jelesnya! ;-)
I simply love olive! Always make to order it whenever I'm having dinner outside.
I'm seriously thinking twice to go back to Msia next year and do what the Europeans do during the long summer holiday. Bring my girl to Turkey for 3 weeks and just relax....... what a bliss.
U take care and keep writing dear. miss u lots!
ps: my girl pose tapi until 3pm laa.
whoaaaa.... best nyer!! I told saba about your holiday ni and dia envious sungguh!
how far is Izmir from Istanbul?
amboi lamanya cutiiii...!! sume2 rindu kat cik simah ni. u had such a wonderful holiday ya gitu..!! jelesnya esp nengok waterfall tu. sini waterfall air sama color dengan teh tarik tau..!! yellkkk...
ramadhan kareem to u..
hah berendam lagi noooo...isk isk isk :) hang ambik la gambar juadah berbuka posa hang tu...berapa la jenis menu yang ada atas meja hang tu :)
amboi, sakan cuti... hope you had a good time and salam ramadhan
welcome back simah...seronoknya cuti-cuti Turkey...bgmn berpuasa di sana? tentu seronok berpuasa dgn suami dan anak2 kan... tapi mesti simah ada rindu sikit2 kat malaysia ni bila time puasa..hurm...kat shah alam nih, yg paling ketara ialah pasar ramadhan lah...sana-sini orang berjual..kalau malas masak, pergi beli jek...
welcome back simah...seronoknya cuti-cuti Turkey...bgmn berpuasa di sana? tentu seronok berpuasa dgn suami dan anak2 kan... tapi mesti simah ada rindu sikit2 kat malaysia ni bila time puasa..hurm...kat shah alam nih, yg paling ketara ialah pasar ramadhan lah...sana-sini orang berjual..kalau malas masak, pergi beli jek...
Mealdy Simah:
Forgive me for this intrusion to this discussion.
Dedicated to Little Nurin
from a father of none
On this day that I saw your dried tears,
I pledge my vows and lifted my spears,
and let loose a war cry so all could hear,
I paint my eyes black and pay homage to the devil’s lair,
and wage my soul to barter this unjust despair,
I ask him unto me he would give the hideous of stare,
so that I find this son of an unholy night mare,
and hunt him down with out any care,
once he lays under my anger snare,
I will gnaw his heart bare,
while life still dangles in sinful hair,
and I will drink his blood in cups of pair,
then I will pluck each and every one of his beastly hair,
and make a lace out of that bastard stare,
so all bestial man be aware,
this world shall never be his damned soul's lair.
Hi Simah, wow! I really love your beautiful, well taken photographs and the scenery is breathtaking.
That Olive tree and olives is very nice, and your smiling girl too.
The waterfall is certainly beautiful, so serene and peaceful.
And you look good, with that million dollar smile of yours, Simah. Your hubby a Turkish actor? He is not cute, but ladykiller good looks, ha ha. Boleh masuk Hollywood, ha ha.
Keep well Simah, UL.
simah....:) my o my.....wonderful holiday u n ur family had.....and Hatice and Baddin hae grown so much since I met them....and Hatice is more and more taking after ur look...especially her smile tu....sweet!
welcome back.....jangan la tinggalkan lama-lama.
selamat berpuasa...
Dear Simah,
A great getaway at the beach and waterfalls, I see!
As for the tan, the winter months will get rid of it in no time at all! :)
Ramadan Kareem and hope to hear more of your wild (nature) adventures ;-)
count byron
Aminnnn.... semoga doa count menjadi kenyataan :0)
yeah..the waterfall was wonderful... it was truly special.i just cant believe that only this year we discovered the falls and we have been going to edremit every year eversince hatice was 7 years old!
*ter* menangis i tau bila tak dapat terjun at the second waterfall.. we planned to go there again on our anniversary so that i boleh terjun..tapi that day the kids caught fever n flu...huwaaaaaa
lubuk sembilang dah tak mcm dulu? alaaa kesiannyaaaaaa
yup.. for many many years...my dad moved to penang again when i was in my 3rd year kat uni...langkawi will always be a special place for me.. i gre up there :0)
Queen of the House
heheheh tersedak i baca segala pujian u tu akak hahaha...
memang sejak summer ni.. nak penang pc pun liiiiiatttttt...holiday mood la katakan..
the kids n fasting? not so good... cuma half days on weekends... but by the 3rd grade i dah warning kena posa full day... what about urs?
the wailer
Salam Al mubarak to u too adik.. u take care! i love the pics u snapped in ur blog too...serene betulll:0)
mummy rizq
thanks... ala budak budak memang kalau dapat terjun airr... tak kira la ayaq hangat ka ayaq sejuk ka... tibai jaaaa :0)
ni waterfall kat tengah tengah bukit... lain dari yg lain... masa journey tu..pokok zaitun left n right..besttt..
ms istanbul
wah... congrats la ur daughter posa sampai 3pm... bukan senang ooo for kids...
i rasa la kan... klau pi holiday at one place la kan..seminggu sikit sangat..2 minggu just ok...tapi kalau 3 minngu tu kalau jalan merata rata as in pi bodrum..lepas tu mai istanbul.. memang just nice... mai la 3 minggu next year... tapi next year i think i nak balik malaysia ot insyaAllah.. nak makan rojak buah puas puas :0)
heheh bestnya dapat bagi saba jeles...
akak..edremit tu kat balikesir... tapi dia divert masuk gunung way... so the journey (dengan kereta kitaorang yg dah sarat n tua tu)...kalu jln slow slow ada la dalam 8 jam...
salam ramadhan to u too..
eeee air terjun kaler teh tarik? tu sebab campur dengan pasir ker or sebab pollution tu mulan?
tungguuuuu mingguuuu depannnnn :0)
salam ramadhan to u too...bila ada peluang jalan memang jalannnnn..nanti bila bulanposa mai masa summer susah lak nak jalan kan?
rindu posa kat malaysia tu jangan cakap la akak.. angau saya... lebih lebih lagi pasar ramadhan...yong tau fuuuuuu...dan segala hantu jenis makanan n air... terliurrrrr...orang malaysia bertuah..kat sini tak ader pasar mcm tu :0(
dearest.. forgive my ignorance... who is litte nurin? May u do the honor of elaborationg for this unimformed me?
uncle lee
shhhh jgn cakap mcm tu..nanti my hubby baca dia perasannn :0)
my kids have definitely grown up esp in height... hatice tu lagi 2-3 thn gamaknya akan melepasi my height kot hehehe
take care ! :0)
Oh yeah... come winter n we will all be back to our normal color... :0)
thanks.... and u too..salam ramadhan and good luck with ur toshi! :0)
read the story of adik nurin.... betapa kejamnya!! soo soso saddd
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