Sapanca 3
I really am glad to be home...i have missed u guys!
What happened after my last entry?? did i go to sapanca...??? Well... That friday, the hot news from Sapanca was the fridge was was not working.. the repairman would only come the next day (saturday) what to do?
I was in no mood to go definitely.. i mean come on.... no fridge???? all my life i cannot live without the luxury of a fridge (BUT HOW DO THE OLDER GENERATİON LİVE WİTHOUT FRİDGE::any idea?).. me a spolit brat..but that is God's truth.. Sapanca without a fridge was not inviting at all...Furthermore, i had tons of things to do at home.. the clothes had not been ironed... the house needed to be tidied up vacuumed... I worked out all my energy that day till i was almost drop dead..still not in the mood to go to fact wishing that by the time halil came back from his night lecture that nite (10.30pm) , he too would see my point...BUT MEşelar were already there...n hatice n baddin were looking at me pleadingly... saying that they had missed sapanca very much n the pool was inviting to the max in contrast to the istanbul heat....
And at 11 plus pm... after dinner...we all packed out bags n left our home...
Of course what we didnt know was... what meşe didnt tell us was... the other * better working tv* was dead as well.. the *old.. very hard to watch tv* was back on...huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Saturday was a gloomy day as well for me n meşe... we didnt know what to do... the thing is... if the fridge could not be fixed, we would all return to istanbul on Sunday... and well..well.. what do u know? we waited for the fridge repair man to come.... they said they would come in the morning... noon passed... still no news....
Meşe and i was in dilemma... what were we supposed to do? Bengong ja we all.. what do we cook? but no fridge... how much should we cook? should we go shopping for the veggies etc..etc..the supermarket etc..etc...
we were both at loss on what to do...
I for one didnt bring too many clothing for all of us.. i was very confident that we would all be returning to istanbul the next day.. i was hoping for it too coz frankly speaking... with no fridge.. and no halil (he was planning to return to istanbul on monday)... there was no point in staying... we couldnt keep the yogurt or the milk or cheeses in the *dead* fridge... it was not logical to stay..
it was after 3.30pm that a guy came... he told us that to fix the fridge would cost a lot of money and to buy a new fridge was a better choice...we all discussed the matter with baba... (i was hoping he would say get the fridge fixed... then we would be returning to istanbul heheheh)...
but of course, baba is brighter than i.. he wanted to stay in sapanca for that one week...(if he stayed, i have to stay as well)..and so in the end... he instructed all the children to go down to sapanca town n buy a new fridge! hehehehe and so this is the story of how i stayed in Sapanca for 10 days this third time around...
I melompat mcm budak budak tau bila fridge tu sampai hehehe memang rasa nak balik istanbul tapi bila sampai ja fridge baru tu seronok pulak terubat jugak la hati sebab tak boleh balik istanbul ikut halil....shhhh.... jgn citer kat sesapa tau heheheh
(av revoir)
the new fridge with some of baba's grandchildren posing with is bigger of course... we had to move the new fridge to the living room instead of putting it inside the kitchen......
And guess what? my ginger (zencefil) plant is alive!! i thought it wouldnt be alive but it did!..
i just pray that it will be able to withstand the harsh sapanca winter...we will see... if it is alive next summer, i will get my own fresh ginger right from sapanca's garden :0)
weiiii.. mana ada pokok ginger kat turki oo... kalau mau carik halia kena pi beli kat carrefour...
tu pun dah lama..tak fresh..
A lot of interesting things had happened... i wont bore u all with them :0).. but i will bore u for sure with these pictures.... for the first time ever,my kids have abandoned being beautiful n handsome in front of the camera... and they have decided to ACT LİKE A KİD!
so here r my kids ...

And guess what? my ginger (zencefil) plant is alive!! i thought it wouldnt be alive but it did!..
i just pray that it will be able to withstand the harsh sapanca winter...we will see... if it is alive next summer, i will get my own fresh ginger right from sapanca's garden :0)
tu pun dah lama..tak fresh..
A lot of interesting things had happened... i wont bore u all with them :0).. but i will bore u for sure with these pictures.... for the first time ever,my kids have abandoned being beautiful n handsome in front of the camera... and they have decided to ACT LİKE A KİD!
so here r my kids ...
Labels: my holiday-sapanca 2007
sure hang cover line je...kalau tidak melompat2 sakan juga kan? ke ke ke...sabaq saja le :)
brapa jauh umah hang dengan sapanca?? tapi best lah dpt berehat rehat in the place so called "kampung" kan..
aku melompat tak ingat dunia heheheh tapi aku melompat depan kak ipar aku ja hehehehe takkan la aku nak melompat depan orang jual peti ais tu kot? hehehehe oh tidakkk macho kena jaga jugak kan?
mummy rizq
ada la dalam sejam setengah...
iyea la..tu la kira *kampung* kami.. mana la nak jumpa kampung lin kat sini... esp bila ada pool.. memang kampung yg cool :0)
welcome back !!
Panjang akal simah, panjang lagi akal Baba..hehehe...anyway, best dapat cuti di suasana dan udara yang nyaman di laur Istanbul .
Selamat kembali Simah...hahahaha...akak boleh bayangkan Simah melompat macam budak2 dpt teddy bear bila fridge tu sampai...dpt jugak berkampung di sapanca ye...tertelan air liur akak tengok wild berries tu...
Simah dear,
Glad you had a great time! I heard it's very common to have summer house there - cost wise. Also, heard it's v hot nowdays. London baru jer panas last weekend. Otherwise, rain rain rain.
wild berries tu kalau buat tart sedap tuh...takpun buat muffin...takpun freeze dengan air jadik ice cubes...syokkkk
selamat pulang ke housework simahhhhhhhhhh.....hehehe
eh u pun macam budak2 suka dapapt barang baru eh?
Hehe... peti ais punya cerita:)
Gambar Hatice & Badin pakai camera apa tu Simah? Macam pro aje yang ambik gambar2 model several shots in only 1 min:p
Hello Simah, Glad to hear everything turned out well for you guys. You enquired from this "ancient uncle", in my pondok, ha ha, I like that, how we used to live without a fridge old days?
I remember back in the early 50's, I had to walk to a nearby kedai kopi and buy a block of ice, about a foot long by 6 inches thick. The shop would cover it with sawdust, then wrapped in old newspapers and I would run home with it, as it was COLD! to carry in my hands. (I was 7 or 8 years old then)
Then my job was to use the hammer and break it into several pieces, put in a box or big pail and my mother would put her fish, udang all wrapped in newspapers on it, then cover it up.
The block of ice cost 10 cents. Thus every other day it was my job pegi beli ice. Ohh, and my reward, dapat lima sen beli iceball with kachang inside and syrup, sedap isap and slurpppp, then quickly run home with the ice.
My school pocket money was 20 cents a day. 10 cents for noodles, 5 cents iced syrup, save 5 cents. Then end of week ada saved 25 cents, beli comics, ha ha.
It was only about 1956 my father had saved enough to buy a fridge, a Westinghouse.
It was a huge monster too. Neighbours all came to look. Wa...everyday ada ice water to minum, ha ha.
We had no telephone then. Anything urgent pergi Pejabat pos and send telegram. But everyone takut when the telegram man on his old noisy BSA motorcycle stops infront of the house. Sure bad news, "regret inform xxx passed away. Stop.".
TV and computers unknown, no such words too.
When telephones appeared, it was only 3 digits, and operator will answer, so we say, "number 123 please". When we had our first phone, my sisters and I would sit next to it waiting for it to ring, ha ha, then rush to answer it.
We had no oven, used firewood for cooking. Firewood would be delivered by an Indian man or a Malay man in a bullock cart. The firewood was from old rubber trees.
Simah, I did a post on this many months back. How centipedes, mice or snakes would pop out from the firewood and my monther wearing a sarong became an expert at climbing on tables and guess who she call to save her? Ha ha. I had learned to differentiate my monther's or the maid's screams when jumpa mice or snakes in the firewood. If snake, very loud scream, chairs all terbalek as both lari and climb on tables. If mice, the scream a long one. Ha ha. So knowing the kind of screams I take my time do rescue, bedok the centipede or snake...but kena scolding take my time, ha ha. And my mother on the table, holding up her sarong like about to do striptease show, ha ha.
Oh ya, have you heard of 'Mandi safar'? Once a year the Malays in Malacca would ride in their bullock carts, all decorated with flowers and streamers and there will be maybe 100 to 200 of them going to Tanjong in a convoy to spend a few days by the beach. And I sat in one following my Malay friends.
I think I'm one of the very few who have ridden in a bullock cart. Ha ha.
Alamak, so slow...few hours to arrive at Tanjong.
And then there was keronchong, pantuns, even dondang sayang at the beach celebrations.
Yes Simah, this "ancient uncle" have experienced all that.
It was fun. Best regards, UL.
Simah ....
Best nyer berries! And the fridge, see.. there's always a silver lining somewhere.
I tunjuk all the photos in both blogs to Hafiz and he said, dia pun suka berries and cats jugak. ehem, ehem.... hahahaha
hehe..teringat tak dpt bygkan camnerlah riuhnya keadaan bila fridge baru sampai tu :D..
the fresh air tu memang best akak..tapi masalahnya i am the homesick type... cepat rindu kat rumah sendiri.. kalau tak kerana baba n my kids..lama dah saya cabut... this summer we all kalau total up the days.. 30 hari we all duduk kat sapanca ..
kak lady
memang..melomnpat saya mcm budak budak.. selaluny saya melompat in private depan halil kalau dapat benda halil (mcm hari tu ibu kasi beg penuh asam.. n alinlai kasi rice cooker..rasanya nak melompat tapi terpaksa control macho hehehe)...tapi this time..hehehe
akak kalau happy dapat benda baru akak selalunya buat apa?
berries tu memang sedap...esp yg betul betul ripe.. kalau tak berapa ripe dia masam sikit.. n that is actually my favourite... :0)
ms istanbul
summer houses is common here...esp for those who can afford it... another option is the *devre mulk* concept where one person can own a place/house for let say 15 days a people go to these devre mulk in summer.... for eg.. baba has a lot of houses n devre mulk all over...tapi for halil n i..we all selalunya lepak kat sapanca (coz its nearer to istanbul)..n çesme (devre mulk) which we will go soon in 20 days time...
hehe we r all praying for rain in istanbul n u all r praying for sun.. insyaAllah rain n sun akan tukar tempat :0)
thanks 4 the photos :0) she looks so lovely :0)
tak sempat..semua masuk mulut hatice hehehehehee ..lepas hatice kenyang.. anne n baba dia pulak pelahap...sedappp..mai la :0)
kak elle..
thanks :0) housework tak habissssss.... n to add to the situation..the whole day i mual emacam..kerja pun tak jalann...
hehehe syok ooo dapat barang baru... :0)i kan young at bole la melompat lompat! hahaha
peti ais pon bole famous kan? hehehe
oo.. ni camera tok kadok yg memang tau kerja dia kalau tak snap gambar hatice n baddin memang tak sah :0)
uncle lee
the benefits of having an *ancient* uncle around hehehehe
thanks uncle 4 taking ur time to answer my question...ur stories r very enlighting..
uncle u tak teringin ker publish all these old stories..i mean in a book form? ur recollection r so precious la...
yeah..i remember sawdust covering the ice... saw that masa kecik kecik dulu..
that iceball dengan kacang n syurup.. i almost forgot about it!! i masa kecik dulu mesti pi area taman tun sardon..ada this one chinese lady akan jual this thing n we all bberatur beli...
i lupa semua tu n i am only half ur age... ur memory memang power la uncle! salute!
hahahahaha ..oit... mama dia.... budak kecik pun dah pandai nak match making kan yek? hahahaha
kesian kat hafiz menjadi mangsa mama dia punya adoration over hatice *wink*...ala.. angkat jer hatice jadi anak angkat u tu.. :0)
heheheh memang lega dapat fridge baru..the old one memang was not functioning properly for at least 2 years...n to cater the needs of us all with the kecik fridge..memang susah... sekarang..yippie! alhamdulillah..bigger fridge..tapi tak cukup jugak space! hahhahaha
kak long
masa orang fridge hantar fridge tu kan syikin semua control macho hahahaha lepas depa pi baru kes riuh dan lompatan bermula.. bila fridge dah boleh dipakai 4 hours after that...semua mata..dengan tepuk tangan semyum lebar.. kelakar betul masa tu heheh
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