Afif...Perjalanan Terakhir...

" Assalamualaikum w.b.t
untuk pengetahuan simah,Allayarham Muhammad Afif pergi meninggalkan kita dengan mukanya yang tenang dan senyum dikala kita semua bersedih mengenangkannya,untuk simpanan simah abi telah menghantarkan gambar terakhir yang Abi sempat rakamkan sebelum pemergiannya pada hari khamis..gambar yang abi hantar ini diambil pada tarikh 3.6.2007 dan 4.6.2007
semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat
insyaAllah,kami akan terus memberi sokongan sepenuhnya kepada Johari
So here r the pictures of Afif snapped using my younger brother's handphone the last time afif went back to my mom's house...
untuk pengetahuan simah,Allayarham Muhammad Afif pergi meninggalkan kita dengan mukanya yang tenang dan senyum dikala kita semua bersedih mengenangkannya,untuk simpanan simah abi telah menghantarkan gambar terakhir yang Abi sempat rakamkan sebelum pemergiannya pada hari khamis..gambar yang abi hantar ini diambil pada tarikh 3.6.2007 dan 4.6.2007
semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat
insyaAllah,kami akan terus memberi sokongan sepenuhnya kepada Johari
So here r the pictures of Afif snapped using my younger brother's handphone the last time afif went back to my mom's house...

Afif n my mom..

My nephew Afif telah selamat dikebumikan selepas sembahyang jumaat....his grave is quite near to my brother's house... in fact just now they had put him into the ground...
..I am sure there is no need for the angels munkar dan nakir to ask him questions much...he is an angel ....himself..a child who has no sin...
i just talked to my sister yana.... she said...
*Simah tau tak afif meninggal senyummmmm..lepas tu badan dia bau wangiiiiiiiiiii*
Afif died smiling....he smells so fragrant..wangi semerbaknyaaa....a clear indication that what he saw before his death was something truly wonderful.....waiting for him at the other end...that in a comfort to the living...
...*sayang simah tak dapat tengok afif*
(what a pity u cannot see afif the last time) sister said...
Her words struck the cord like my tears fall... this is for the first time in 8 years that i truly regret living so far away...that for such a matter like this.. i cannot be there...
The last time we went to Malaysia, hatice and afif were always fighting while playing..... we were planning to go back next year for a visit..i was really looking forward to see whether both will be able to play without a fight this time around.. i guess there is no such chance now, eh?
But he died happy.. that is the most important thing... even that last weekend, my sister along even brought afif to the zoo (while sending ayin -my other nephew to the college).. held his hands... snap his photos...
Afif may be sickly all his life.. but he was a very lincah (active) boy.....that will be the memory all those who love him shall have difficult time to deal with as they play the memory of him in their minds...
Afif... Mak Lang Simah mintak maaf tak dapat balik tengok afif untuk kali terakhir...
..I am sure there is no need for the angels munkar dan nakir to ask him questions much...he is an angel ....himself..a child who has no sin...
i just talked to my sister yana.... she said...
*Simah tau tak afif meninggal senyummmmm..lepas tu badan dia bau wangiiiiiiiiiii*
Afif died smiling....he smells so fragrant..wangi semerbaknyaaa....a clear indication that what he saw before his death was something truly wonderful.....waiting for him at the other end...that in a comfort to the living...
...*sayang simah tak dapat tengok afif*
(what a pity u cannot see afif the last time) sister said...
Her words struck the cord like my tears fall... this is for the first time in 8 years that i truly regret living so far away...that for such a matter like this.. i cannot be there...
The last time we went to Malaysia, hatice and afif were always fighting while playing..... we were planning to go back next year for a visit..i was really looking forward to see whether both will be able to play without a fight this time around.. i guess there is no such chance now, eh?
But he died happy.. that is the most important thing... even that last weekend, my sister along even brought afif to the zoo (while sending ayin -my other nephew to the college).. held his hands... snap his photos...
Afif may be sickly all his life.. but he was a very lincah (active) boy.....that will be the memory all those who love him shall have difficult time to deal with as they play the memory of him in their minds...
Afif... Mak Lang Simah mintak maaf tak dapat balik tengok afif untuk kali terakhir...
Labels: The heart speaks
lagi sekali aku menangis...
simah...InsyaAllah..InsyaALlah Hafiz berada di bawah lindunganNya...
Dia pasti bahagia disana dan akan mendoakan mereka2 yang dikasihinya, InsyaAllah!
My heartfelt condolence to your loss. As I read your news, I got goosebumps.
My heart goes to your brother and his family.
I pray that he will rest amongst the righteous and the pious.
Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.
Simah dear,
He's in a better place.
Always cherish the wonderful times. :-)
U take care, k.
Hugs n kisses,
Ms I & mini Ms I
mummy rizq
oit! jangan nangis! nanti kl tu banjir kilat lak! hehehe
mak lang
amin...i am sure my bro n his wife esp appreciate ur doas cousin said that afif's mom was so devastated and heartbroken when my cousin saw her at the graveyard.... ajal..kepadaNYA kita kembali..
Miss İ n little Miss İ
That is the problem.. when i got married, afif was just a baby.. i didnt get the chance to know him then...
When we went back to Malaysia, i only got to know him briefly at the times we did get to see each other... and that was not much... i didnt get to know my own nephew well..
I love my nephews n nieces...I was planning to get to know all my nephews n nieces better next year... 2 nieces i have never met even...but i guess.. one of them i will never get to know much personally..... but he is indeed in a better place... sad as it is for everyone else.. but my nephew is lucky to escape the trials of life... he went as a pure soul..
simah I'm happy to hear he died smiling and smelling nice...yes an innocent child...
InsyaALlah Hafiz berada di bawah lindunganNya...
Salam Takziah.
Semoga Simah & family tabah hadapi dugaan.
Allah lebih menyayanginya dan insyaAllah rohnya bersama orang2 yg beriman.
Take care.
A tribute to Afiz.
A Dream I Had
The night was cold and dark,
so dark that it seems to swallow all spark,
so dark that it freightened when the dogs bark.
The only comfort that I have,
is a dream that that the lord gave,
that brought me to an angel's conclave,
behind the beard that you could never shave.
Simah....takziah pada your family.
No pain can compare to the lost of a child. For a mother to see her child to go first before her is unbearable. Only in Allah we'll find comfort
I feel her lost and sadness but Allah knows best. Everything happens for a reason.
Take care Simah.
Askum Simah
It's been so long since I got onto blogspot. So tied up at work. And today, when I finally got the opportunity to do so, only to be greeted by this news. Sedihnya....
Innalillah ... to be gone so soon at such tender age. Allah jua yang lebih mengetahui dan lebih menyayangi. Dah tau ke apa sakitnya? Apa pun, Ibu harap, Simah & family redha.
Take care! Wassalam
Takziah. I was bloghopping & terbaca ur blog. Sedih sgt baca ni.. Takziah again to your family for the loss.
salam takziah.
semoga simah & keluarga tabah menghadapi ujian ini... al fatihah untuk Afif.
take care..
kak ogy
mungkin dari satu kehilangan, akan tiba 1000 anugerah.
semoga ketabahan sentiasa mengiringi sekeluarga & redha Allah bersama kalian sumer.
salam takziah, kak simah.
simah, aku pun nak sob sob ni wei. Takziah dan yang pasti syurga pasti menantinya. tengok gambar arwah dan muka cheekynya tu aku pun tak tahan nak nangis. tak dapat imagine perasaan mak bapaknya.
Innalillahi Wainnailayhi rojiun dan Al Fatihah...
Semuga Simah dan lebih2 lagi ibu bapa adik Hafif tabah.Basiniz sagol olsun..
Dah tiba masanya. Kehendak ALlah, hanya setakat ini saja Dia meminjamkan Afif pada ayahbondanya.
InsyaAllah, ada rezeki 'bertemu' di negeri kekal abadi.
Takziah utk Simah n keluarga.
p.s. saya x dpt tahan air mata ni drp mengalir. baru semalam saya menangis krn sorang kawan blogger kita kematian bayi dlm kandungannya :(
takziah kepada keluarga Johari.
tumpang bersedih...
Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaaihi raajioon, I can't tell you how much I'm crying here.
May Allah grant your brother and his family patience in this difficult time.
May Allah grant us Sabr and constancy in all our trials in this world..Ameen! Ameen!
Bergenang air mata membaca apa yang simah tuliskan....memang anak2 adalah penghuni syurga....moga kakak & abang simah tabah menghadapi dugaan ini...Afif cuma dipinjamkan sekejap pada mereka untuk menggembirakan hidup mereka...Allah lebih menyayanginya...
simha...Al-fatehah. my prayers are with your family. take care.
:( Takziah ...
Again my condolences and may he rest in peace.
Salam Takziah, Simah. Looking at Afif's pictures broke my heart for his parents, siblings and family, but Insha'Allah we know that he is now in a much better place, close to his Maker. May Allah bless his soul, and may Allah help your entire family to heal, Insha'Allah.
3 entries in a row. It just shows how sad you are...take care.
salam ziarah, sayu rasa hati bila terdengar alunan surah yasin ini. apa pun musibah yg melanda, harap cik/puan bersabar ya..
salam takziah.
alfatihah... amin..
Takziah untuk ahli keluarga Afif. Syurga memang dah sedia menanti.
Er, I sort of lost my 'baby' too. Though I couldn't say I know how it
Simah, maaf kak teh lambat tahu berita sedih ni. Al Fatehah buat Afif. Tuhan lebih menyayanginya. Dan Simah juga harus bersabar. Takziah kepada simah sekeluarga dan ibu bapa Afif. Kak teh turut sedih.
Salam Simah,
Aduhai, sedih nya I baca this entry. My condolences. Al Fatihah.
I felt so touched when I read, 'for the first time in 8 years you regretted being so far away'. Takpe, Simah, semua ketentuan Tuhan. Insy your nephew berada bersama2 kekasih Allah.
behind every gray cloud they say there is always a silver lining.
hang in there.
take care.
thank u everybody for all ur wishes n doas.. berat mata memandang berat lagi bahu memikul... we can only pray that my brother n his wife will be able to face the challenges now and ahead... amin...
Ya Allah..please help them n many others out there (including me) who needs ur help...aminnn..
thanks :0)
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