Summer Holiday
I had been eyeing the hasema swimsuit wear for years...but the price was out of range.. i didnt have the heart to ask halil for it.... but this year... as our financial situation got better... the devil in me told me to try my chance... who knows? he might just say yes....
It was that last time we went to collect my permanent resident card in Fatih that i tried my chance... i got the addy (there is only one shop in specific selling hasema swimwear...we searched high n low for that shop.. n yes...though i felt guilty for asking for such an expensive swimming suit.... my sweet sweet hubby bought it for me....thank u tem! This year i can swim much much easier in the sea! me n my fish girl hasema model...
Oh yes!..
15th of this month....n it will be the last day of school... :=) happy happy students all over turkey definitely ..
GOOD LUCK to Merve who will be sitting the ÖSS (university entrance exam) on the 17th!
Our prayers will always be with u...u have worked so hard all these while... If Allah is willing, u will get the result u have been dreaming for...
Ahhhhhhh... 3 months of pure leisure (n parents going crazy coz they have to deal with their kids 24/7 hahahaah..... summer school registration? trust me.. many parents may wanna sign their kids up for these *chuckles*)...
Last day of school will be on Friday... but for my daughter... Tuesday will be her last day since her parents decided that they would start the holiday early :0)... she wto miss school for a few days, i know...... but well... .. dear dear daughter... the deep blue sea is waiting for us to jump into... dont u miss the sea??
The weather skipped spring this year n went straight into summer... i cant imagine what mother nature has in store for us for this summer... the people who would be happy most i am sure would be the air cond sellers.....n worse, istanbul is expecting water crisis this summer... i suppose the chances of us escaping to sapanca..immersing ourselves inside the pool....would be really high....the bad news is.. i may have to stay in Sapanca without halil.. he has to work....
And u know what? i recieved a call from Kak Ogy of Singapore (a blogger friend) who is already in istanbul with her family... we talked for quite some time... i couldnt really hear what she was saying coz i was at Selim's place where we were celebrating Zeynep n Elo's birthday n the noise was ..... indescribable! heheh n at Kak Ogy's side... her daughter was crying...probably due to exhaustion... i am sorry that i cannot come to see u akak... Hatice has a fever n was crying from the headache...schedule is really tight till Tuesday n i still have loads of ironing to do...(n the clothing is still not dry!).. i hope u will have a wonderful time in turkey alongside ur family n ur friend's family... :0) But she was impressed by the cherry n the strawberry heheheh yup! eat them as much as u can akak.. coz they r really in the season right now :0)
but i think i remember one thing though... she asked me..
Bila simah nak keluar cuti?
*when r u going for ur holiday?*
and i think i answered her...
*when r u going for ur holiday?*
and i think i answered her...
kitaorang keluar pagi pagi hari çarşamba kot
(we will go very early on Wednesday)
only later... i realised that.. i should have said *rabu*..but instead i said *çarşamba* which is the turkish word for Wednesday! sorry kak ogy.. i dah terassimilate terlampau sangat dengan bahasa turki..tak sedar saya tersalah pakai perkataan! hahaha
Yes... we will be leaving insyaAllah for çeşme on Wednesday morning... if Allah allows me the chance, i will be meeting a fellow blogger alinlai at the conference place as well... and guess what i ordered from her? a rice cooker! hahahahah ..typical malaysian huh? There will be 11 Malaysians joining the conference all in all..
My fish girl model..the one i just bought is out of season this year...well.. still... it doesnt matter... because it was out of season, i got to buy it for a cheaper price (still expensive for my standard)...
Here r the Hasema Collection this Summer 2007!
u can order online if u want...

(almost similar to my fish girl..only mine is blue)

If u r interested to buy, u can straight order from her website ( or write an email to her..
to ask for the discount

The conclusion is... Help local industry and i'll see ya whenever i get back here!
Please pray that we will have a Safe Journey.. n the weather will be kind to us...
I am sp in need of a vacation... this will my first time going on vacation without needing to cook at all!
Will miss u guys...Ah... a holiday.. just halil, the kids n i...
i miss this kind of private time together....
P.s..for all the still unanswered emails.. please forgive the delay...
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: My daily life
erm.. bestnya nak gi coti coti. kalo hang jumpa *alinlai* kata kat dia achik kim salam. sombong balik semenanjung tak contact!
swimming suit tu kalau gi jalan jalan pun comel. Heheheh.
Tapi kita tak tau swim ah. tau float ajer. masuk kelas swimming pun tak pass...camner??
Achik... w'salam :) ke ke ke.... simah ada orang merajuk kat aku tu... tak pa balik lain kali aku contact dia plak ke ke ke....
Happy summer holidays!
Simah, which swimwear did you get? Kat sini I senang aje - terjun laut pakai t-shirt and seluar, and pakai anak tudung (tudung pun dah melayang!)
Happy holidays .... syoknya summer holidays :-)
(Is Hatice feeling better? Kesian dia ...)
Bestnya..I'm sure cuti2 Turki ni lagi menarik dari cuti2 Msia kan? hahaha...Bawak la baju yg takyah iron:p. As always, ambik gambar banyak2:)
Swimsuits tu macam pernah tengok kat someone's blog many months ago. Yr blog jugak kot? I nowadays swimming on ladies nite aje, so takpe la pakai sexy2, hehe..
yeayyyy... bertambah sayang hang kat halil kan. bagus betul dapat present ni. anyway, enjoy your holiday.
and hope hatice is much better now.
Fish girl? :p
Anyway, happy hols! So what conference is it?
Busy nya nak berholiday - jeles kiter!
Make sure you plan everything nicely- travel, clothes, emergency kit etc. so that everything go on smoothly & you get to enjoy your real no-need-to-cook holidays!
Thanks for the link on burqini (burqa +bikini). lama dah dok intai2 tapi tak jumpa kat sini - ada report dlm newspaper kata made in indonesia tapi my indo friends kata quality no good. So,I'll check out ur friend's site after this.
Have fun with your family simah! If you don't know how to swim (like me) but love to be in water - learn swimming fast!
mummy rizq
tu alinlai dah jawab soalan ha g tu hehehehe..cepat merajuk kat dia cepat hehehehe
kalau nak belajar berenang kena terus masuk laut.. kat kolam renang selalunya memang susah nak belajar.. i know i tried for many years..lepas tu kat turki laki aku terus ajak masuk laut hhehehe setttt terus berani berenang..
hahahaha aku tak campoq masalah rumah tangga hangpa hahahahah
thanks..n thanks 4 hopping by.. lepas cuti i masuk blog u yea? tak sempat lagi.. am in a hurry..
queen of the House
hahahaha akak ..kalau pakai tudung masa berenang memang gerenti terbang melayang punya! saya masa duduk langkawi dulu pernah try.. last last..terus give least akak pakai jugak anak tudung.. saya dulu (masa muda trang trang tang la).. terus bukak tudung masa dalam air hehehe
saya punya swimwear tu ada la sipi sipi yg kaler hitam tu.. nanti la kalau teringat n kalau tak malu saya tangkap gambaq email kat akak.. :0)
hatice is much better.. walaupun dia tak berapa ok..saya hantar jugak dia pi sekolah hari ni sebab hari ni la last day dia pi sekolah...the rest 3 days dia ponteng...tapi of course.. equipped with all the necessary medicine... the last time i called her teacher, she said that she is enjoying herself with her friends.. n cikgu dia pulak cakap.. tak payah la ambik hatice hehehe nampak sangat dia tak nak lepas hatice cepat cepat... iyea la kan.. hatice tu semua cikgu dia sayang...model student la katakan...masyaAllah..
eh u pakai bikini ka?? heheheh
ala u tengok kat blog i la tu masa last year hehehe i tiap tahun memang akan tunjuk hasema collection punya... :0)
baju tak yah iron? hehehe haiza.. kalau baju teruk keromot pun i takkan iron masa holidaY! (selalunya i bawak iron pergi holiday :0))
mama sarah
compared to yesterday..Alhamdulillah she is better.. she is on antibiotics right now...
heheh memang at times like this memang terlampau sayangggggggggggggg i kat dia :0)
(mesti my friend mona termuntah baca nih hahaha)
yup akak.. fish girl heheheheeheh ni mesti imagination akak melewang jauh ni :0)
bukan mcm ikan duyung la akak! heheheh
conference tu.. international conference on business, management n economics...
memang from tomorrow ramai gila la warga negara asing kat çeşme tu :0)
thanks... sekarang ni my concern is to get all the medicines all ready.... baddin punya machine.....etc..etc.. u can guess la kan berapa beg i bawak hehehe kereta gerenti penuh punya :0)
i tengah mimpi nak swim n swim ni.. insyaAllah dapat mandi laut puas puas :0) n yup.. i tau swimming la .. thanks to the sapanca pool n halil n cesme n the sea years ago :0)
punya la cantik baju mandi tu, boleh buat pi kendori kawin jugak tu. simah, jom business nak? i supply baju mandi pompuan nak? sini murah..!! been lingering in my head ni..!! kat kl dah ada kepala..!!
Simah..selamat bercuti..Bonne Vacances yarr..
Cantik la swimsuits tu..ku nak beli jugak la..
Tapi kat france x boleh pakai swimsuit camtu..kena pakai yg seksi2 jugak...klu pakai camtu sure kena halau dari pool..:(
Simah ...cantik2 swimsuit tu...tapi kak lady pun samalah dengan queen...hehehe...pakai track...t-shirt & anak tudung...
Selamat Bercuti juga untuk simah...seronok bila anak2 cuti...mak2 pun cuti sama...hehehe
Askum Simah ...
I'm sure you are enjoying ur holidays right now. Hopefully Hatice dah baik demam.
I am imagining you in the swimwear la now ni. Heheh... Yg brown tu lawa la... Ibu la ni kalau gi beach, dok jaga picnic basket & hold on to the kite jer lah. Kalau gi swimming pool, dok cangkung tepi kolam macam kucing takut air. Hampeh!!
Well... enjoy your holidays dear! You deserve a BREAK.
p/s That kirem boy - hmm... he's gonna have an overseas rival soon. Dark & handsome - not tall yet - that's why now baru nak makan & minum susu banyak2 so that sama tinggi dgn hatice. hahaha...what a motivation!
simah happy holidays mungkin you dah balik pun dari your holiday ni....sayang tak dpt bercakap ngan you mlm tu...wondering juga apa sal you tak angkat phone ....
cantil sungguh swimwear tu tak macam swim wear pun.
Happy holidays !!!
Those swimsuits lawa lah , sini mak arab pakai bikini je kat swimming pool (for women only )...
Have fun at the seaside with your new glamorous swimwear =)
Take extra care to splatter on lots of sunscreen!
Hi Simah, wow! I love those Hasema swimwear. They are really beautiful!
I love that bronze color one, chantek betul tu!
You have a nice holiday, Simah. UL.
syok nya holiday..
shhh sape model tu? hehe
wah wah wah.. nak berenang2 nya...
happy holiday.. cik simah kita..
So berapa helai swimwear nak dibeli ni?
selamat bercuti
simah dear,
have a wonderful holiday.
simah, enjoy ur holiday..jgn lupa postkan gambar u with that lovely swimwear...yang mana pilihan hati?
hope hatice is getting better
Hope you enjoy the summer vacation holiday to the fullest. As for me, I am busier than ever, with my son
in the house the whole day and coupled with that, my father-in-law has passed away on June 10th night and we are busy with MIL's matters now.
ala cik kak.. bukan tak nak buat business...tapi masalahnya memang tak minat la.....why dont u buat site n jual online? i will definitely boleh tolong promotekan.. kat sana baju mandi diaorang type dia mcm mana lak?
ala biasa la.. kat turki ni pun bukan semua pool boleh pakai tutup tutup ni :0)
beli jgn tak beli :0)
kak lady
thanks akak.. heheh akak n kak queen boleh la join satu group yek :0)
cuti cuti cuti :0) memang best bila boleh cuti.. lebih lebih lagi kalau it involves bab berendam..lagi la best :0)
oit.. tak habis habis menpergunakan anak i yek :0)... so hero akak tu dah makin makan la yea? bagus la...:0)
yeah.. i really needed the break... tpi balik ja dari break sibuk jugak heheh ..lepas ni break lagiiiiiiiiii :0)
kak elle
memang hari tu saya tak dengar la akak.. maaf la yea.. masa malam tu hatice memang menangis betul.. n not to mention in between that nak kena packing nak pi holiday...
insyaAllah kalau ada rezeki kita tak yah main cal cal.. kita jumpa ja terus :0)
kat turki ni pun sama la jugak akak.. for women only pool....semua bikini hehehe
thanks... sunscreen..? we didnt n we got burnt! hahaha memangis baddin sebab terlampau sakit... mak dia memang rasa bersalah gila hahahaha ..tapi one hour after that.. armed with the sunscreen (finally) terjun jugak laut non stop for hours n hours :0)
Uncle Lee
thanks :0) memang bronze baju tu cantik tapi rasanya kalau nak swim.. mcm sayang ja pakai baju tu cantik sangat..:0)
mem zinooooooooooooooo hehehehe
terima kasih...awak summer ni tak pi mana mana ka?
mak lang
mak lang.. anak anak gadis ayu mak lang semua nak swimwear tu..termasuk la mak lang..wan pun nak sekali :0)
anggerik merah
thanks :0) how r u these days?
dah post dah :0)
thanks... :0)
i am so sorry to hear that... our condolences.. take care *hugs*
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