Thee Shall be Remembered
It was wonderful to see the kids saying...
*bu dede... bu dede...bu dede*
(this is dede (grandpa..this s grandpa..this is grandpa)
Sabahaddin, Keremcan, Nur Hatice
Halil, Kerim, Halim
whoever he maybe to some.. to me he is simply..baba..
Evet.. Nevzat Bey...
When his one and only daughter was called upon to the stage to talk about him, she was basically trembling. Being an educator at a university with whom she had faced thousands of students over the years didnt helpat all. This is a special occasion.... She knew too that she would cry while talking about him. Having such a tender sweet heart that is rare... Even for a smple thing, her tears can flood the world.. and to talk on such a dear person at heart? I was expecting more than just simple flood! hahahahha...She was gracious.. she was polite.. she held herself very well... him proud to see her manarism..... proud to have a daughter like her... and at one point when she could take it no more... she cried in front of the audience... making most of the ladies in the hall (not me ... i was laughing at her heheheeh)... burst into tears!.. Well... now she is paying for it of course for she is non stop being teased by her siblings! hahahaha
And then the youngest son was called upon.... again, another nervous one. But he spoke well of him, impressing everyone at the way he spoke, at his word choice...of his description of him... the honoured one... Of course, The youngest son's son upon seeing his dad on stage, asked the mom's permission to go on stage as well... and so... 2 generations were on giving the speech... and one hoovering around , even making actions only kids do...but someone who bears the name of the honoured one....
I will put the video of their speeches later in my photo blog... next week perhaps... inşaAllah cd da gelecek size..... ama biraz vakit alır...kusurabakma..
What a night it was. It was a really nice night really..coz it was that night (Tuesday night) that the Uskudar Belediyesi (Uskudar Municipal Authority) decided to honour baba (my dad in law) by holding the Sabahattin Zaim Gecesi (Sabahattin Zaim Night) at the Uskudar Kültür Merkezi. It was a wonderful gesture on behalf of the belediyesi... to honour a man like that... We were also impressed by the Uskudar Belediye Başkanı for he was one very gentleman...who did not put *air* around for the position he holds...Çok effendi bir adam...maşaAllah..
Towards the end, there was the photo session... we all went to the stage of course... it was definitely nice particularly for the grandchildren to be around.. true they were tired coz it was so long and it was really late... hatice even fell asleep while watching while baddin ran all around the place (but he's the grandson of the honoured nobody scolded him hehehe)... n keremcan was zaman bitecek? (when will this be over?)... but they stayed patient till the end.. i particularly wanted my kids to see their dede being honoured.. baddin may not remember it much.. but it should be an experience they should remember... ..
and what was i wearing?.. i think my costume was quite strikingly different from the rest of the people there because i was wearing our traditional dress (baju kurung) ..white n pink color.....
The last two weeks, they were happening weeks. This week is no less. I wont bore u with the details... but i am puffing still :0) As some of u may have known.. a fellow blogger *ibu* is here in istanbul for a meeting... she is also the one who is holding my asam *hostage* at the hilton hotel *wink*... insyaAllah... ibu n her sweetheart will be staying over at our humble place... that means from friday till sunday... i will be playing host...
And that same sunday, hatice will have the end of the year school show... she will be involved in several activities...
1. drama (turkish)
2. drama (english)
3. halk oyun (basically traditional dance)
4. choir...
she will also be saying something and something in turkish... and one in english... i cant wait to see her show though i have seen all those when we practice at home..
Isteyenlar... pazar akşam saat 1900, Maltepe Coşkun Lisesi... davetlisınız...
That also means that i will be missing till Sunday from the net...will try to update on Monday...(if i have the strength hahaha)... i miss blog hopping..but these is a luxury i cant really indulge myself in much...
And yes! I am FİNALLY a LEgAL ResiDENt of Turkey! I cant say i am looking forward for the next renewal... But u know what? i was only 3 years late in my renewal.... there was one person who had not renewed the PR for 15 years! hahahhaa..... But looking at the process needed to renew the PR.. i dont blame that person... it is a nightmare!
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: My Zaim family
simah congrats to baba for being honoured.The Zaims must be very proud of the youngest tu Halil kan?
Give my salam to ibu when you have her at your place .... tak tahan menuggu asam tu kan?
Tahniah buat baba...
Tahniah jugak to Baba....&..alhamdulillah simah dah bkn pendatang haram lagik..hehhehe...
Nanti amik gambar hattice tau masa school show tu...
Looks like a full few days ahead! Don't overexert yourself....
Congratulations on your father-in-law's tribute! Must be quite an event with all the Zaim clan.
By the way, I've tagged you for a meme thing. Kindly hop over once you have caught your breath ;)
Reading what you've written, it makes me think you are very Turkish now or rather your Malaysian heart is assimilated well in Turkish life. It makes the impression that you really enjoy your family life over in that part of the hemisphere. A part of me envy you for having that kind of opportunity to blend in a culture that foreign to us.
Have a good life SIMAH!
Hatice is quite talented, isn't she? I look forward to the video/pics on her drama, choir & dance:)
with all the correct documents in hand, do renew the PR on time. hihi, jgn kena fine lagi ok?!
I feel so proud reading such tribute to Baba. Who knows... in 20-30 years time, Halil will be sitting in the same chair and get the same tribute ;)
Your Baba is such an accomplished man and I am sure the whole family is very proud of him. What a blessing to be in such a good, loving family, Simah :-)
Hey, good luck to Hatice for all the school activities - looking forward to the videos. Mak Hatice nanti mesti gembira sangat-sangat ni, kan?
And congratulations for not being a PATI anymore (PATI=Pendatang Asing Tanpa Izin)!
congratulations to baba and the family..wah,..busy ye simah,
tak sabar nak tunggu video hatice.
I need to see you wearing the kurung, standing the odd one out!
Simah Hanim,
Tebrikler to Hocam for being gien such honor. I miss this kind of gestures as normally given in Turkey and I am proud to see my beloved hocam, Nevzat Bey as well there. We were hoping that he would be a candidate for presidency! Please convey my selam to them all. Thanks for putting the records of the event for all to see.
Congratulations to your Baba....
I would also cry if I were to pay tribute to my father....
Wah you're now a legal turkish resident...good for you and the family..
p/s I know a married couple in charge of MAS in Istanbul..they're nice.... you might wanna get in touch with them... YM me at
Hi Simah,
Congrats to 'baba' and the Zaim family.
Wow! Ibu is there? Lovely.
I can't wait to see your pix in the pink number. Oh the kids as usual they look gorgeous.
Tahniah berjaya renew PR. lain kali jangan lambat lagi taw!
Obviously - didn't have the opportunity to read this earlier b4 we ransacked your place. Pls convey our congratulations to 'Baba' - well deserved indeed!
How did Hatice show go? Ooooo... tak sabar nak tgk gambar!
Hugs for the kids & salam to Halil.
kak elle
thanks... yea.. halil is the youngest...asam? hehe i am in asam heaven! :0)
terima kasih atas ucapa azie.. :0)
kak lady
dah ambik dah akak..tengok la :0)
thanks..nanti bila i dah sempat bernafas i jawab tag u yek?
nak kemas rumah lagi hehehehüü
Thanks..n u have a good life too dear Gab...
after almost living here for 8 years.. one cant help but to bend into the culture one is living in.. ..
there is nothing special about my life here.. only it is just a bit different from my own :0)
cepat la tengk.. i dah letak dah kat dalam blog dia :0)
mama sarah
amin 40X.. hehe
ala pasal nak renew PR tu... hehehe rasanya mungkin akan terdelay lagi kot??
Queen of the House
Alhamduliilah..i am really blessed...
hehehe mesti la nervous akak.. anak buat show first time :0)
PATI? heheheheh for now :0)
thanks.. dah masuk dah..tengok la :0)
ok will try to.. nanti saya cuba ym akak..tak sempat lagi ni..
thanks :0)
ruby ahmad
thanks :0)
yeah..ibu was here..with my asam hahahaha
i dah masuk dah dalam blog hatice.. sila la tengok :0)
lain kali mcm lambat aja hahahah :0)
we miss u both too la...
check out her show at her blog :0)
how was the journey?
i missed out in answering ur comments.ampun..tak sengaja...
Doctor in the House
ala akak...gambar i pakai baju kurung tu tak ader... the guy yg i suruh tolong tangkap our pictures pakai kamera i tak pandai snap picture.. lain kali yea :0)
ku keng
the day before tht they honoured nevzat bey at istanbul university...
i am afraid... nevzat bey is not acceptable as a candidate in the election.. i assume it is because of his age...
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I still don't understand the difference between renewing a visa and a PR if you have to renew your PR annually. I am referring to the length of period of stay for visa and PR. Apa bezanya
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