Sayang Anne
Today being Friday n Mıstık not in İstanbul made it necessary for baddin to skip his friday prayer...I was in the i went into the living room only to be told...
*anne lutfen gider mısın?*
(anne, can u please go)
That would only mean one thing.... he was up to something naughty. He didnt want me around. I went into the kitchen of course, curious... But hey! even a young kid needs a space of his own eh?... 5 minutes later, i quietly entered the living room again... only to find him..... like this...
anak baba dia la katakan... cepat betul muka merah...
poor baddin..
last week n this week had been 2 very tiring weeks for me... i just simply forgot that whatever i did,wherever i went... i dragged him along too... there is a limit to how much a 5 year old can take...
Staying at home today, i am feeling xtremely tired as well... he no different..
unless he is sick, he practically never sleep during the day...
today is an exception.. he fell asleep at 1 pm... only to wake up at 4.30pm.. when hatice got back from school...these 2 weeks had taken their tolls on him...
yesterday i went to a shop.... the lady working in the shop noticed baddin... she asked me.. *bu sizin mı?* (is this urs?)...when i said yes... she looked at brown skin me and then she looked at the flaming red faced fair skin baddin... she didnt say anything... i left the shop to leave her with her own conclusions ..i stop to care about what people think of me...
ur choice..
am i a maid?
or am i a babysitter?
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: Sabahaddin
adoi cute nya baddin tu...!!! kalau i la kat kedai mokcik tu, i jegil biji mata kat dia..!!!
hahaha kalau u jegil i pun takut la! hahahahahahaha
You are my sister.
You are always ready to offer your hand.
You are in the heart of the family.
You are such a perfect mother.
You are a very good friend.
You are very talented and cheerful young woman.
Who cares the others? Just forget those.
Love, door.
eh, baddin tu demam ke or kepenatan? nampak nyenyak betul dia tidur. ptg2 pun tidur pakai selimut? ke sbb on aircond?
Simah, den nak ajar ekau ni, lenkali kalau orang tanyo baddin atau hatice ni anak ekau ko bukan, jwab ya sobab bapak eyy local people hehehe. nanti kuranglah diaorang jogil2 an mato tu
Hi Simah, I have a surprise for you. When free drive over to my place in your Porche Turbo.
How is Baddin? Wa, muka dia betul merah. Is he okay? You keep well, Simah. UL.
baddin besar nanti mesti handsome..
sabar simah, they can think whatever they hubby pun sama, dapat reaction..the same look from people when he's holding sufiya...
simah he looks flushed looks like a fever.
to hack with all those stupid questions and staring u get from aunty2 kolot kat sana...betul kata mulan jegil mata dia tapi kalau I plaster aje mulut dia.....haha
dear sis... u flatter me with ur words.. i love u too.. i hope pınar will get well soon..our prayers will always be with u... n i am always free if u need a hand... :0)
kak long
baddin tu kepenatan... nampak mcm ada high temperature kan dengan muka merah mcm tu?..tapi tu la..sejak dua menjak ni...sejak cuaca dah makin panas..memang mukadia cepat betul merah..even while sleeping...
eh mana lak saya ada air cond syikin hehe selimut tu memang selalu dia pakai..selimut spiderman dia.. memang orang turki masa tido (kecuali musim terlampau panas) dia orang selimutkan badan
..dah terbiasa..lagipun selimut baddin tu nipis ja...kalaau winter baru pakai toto..
hehehe terima kasih atas ajaran syikin... saya malas nak layan org mcm tu sebenarnya... ala dia jugak yg rugi.. i was planning to buy something from her shop lepas tu terus cancel hehe
unlce lee
that was such a nice suprise la uncle! u made me laugh at this early morning hahha
baddin is fine... he is rested...chatting happily with his sister in the living room..he slept at 1pm..woke up at 4.30 n later he slept again at 10pm n is definitely well restedn happy :0)
thanks 4 asking
sabar je la yea sue... so how is ur liltle princess?
kak elle
hahahah plaster mulut? mesti terkejut minah tu nanti hahahh
yea..baddin looks flushed..but no fever Alhamdulillah..that was him n his exhaustion...
memang cutelah baddin tu...
simah jng peduli apa org lain long as u n ur family happy no one else matters...take care.
kak ogy
Seronok klu dpt menyakat baddin - sure muka merah gila2!
Regarding your experience - biarq pi la, tak luak apa2 pun...tapi sesekali kena ajarq mereka tu! So, you should get yourself ready with short quips to get back at them (in a nice way)!
Pray that Funda's pinar getting better too.
Simah, one of these days, try la buat macam Uncle Lee buat kat Mat Salleh tu...baru best! Hahaha..
Mak oi, merahnya muka! Poor thing... looks really, really kepenatan...
Budak putih mmg cepat muka jadik merahkan..lebih2 lagi kalau kena panas matahari...sama la cm Wafeeq..
p/s:Simah,hang suka makan mussel ye..saya pun suka..kat Istanbul apa specialite dia?
Simah. *Wink* on this post. Hint! hint!
Hi Simah,
Hope Baddin will get well soon. Poor one. Yes, exhaustion gets one down.
Simah, all around the world is filled with helpers from the phillipines and Indonesia. It is something we can't blame them, for mistaking us as helpers. Ha ha. Thats how things are. Sad but true. Takpe lah asal kan kita tahu the truth.
yayyyy. way to go simah. apa yang orang tu nak fikir lantaklah dia.
Hope you know what I meant by the hint. Waiting for your next chapter....
he he he simah..
kalau gi pasar kat M'sia plak mcm mana eik?...tapi baddin mmg hensem beb! kulit merah2..
syok nya dia tidur.. zino dengan baby dah dua malam tak tidur.. dia demam.. abah dia pun dah naik demam di buat nya..
memang suka tengok wajah baddin tido, comel and amat tenang.. lagi panas lagi merah pipi dan mukanya...
happy weekend !!
Poor Baddin! He looked so exhausted!
Must be some hectic 2 weeks...and he's only 5! He looks tall for a 5-year-old....
Just ignore those *toot* people...Allah is Our Ever-Lasting Judge, so who are they to judge you?
Chin up Simah!
i suka tengok muka bebudak time tengah tido... so the peaceful eh!
kak ogy
thanks... i have learnt not to peduli dah pon..malas nak layan sebenarnya :0)
oit..sakat budak tu kang nanti habis la dia menangis...hehe budak tu dah la budak manja :0)
short quips? will do.. tak da idea la waktu ni..
on behalf of funda.. thanks :0)
i am not bold like uncle lee tu.. dia memang cool n lawak heheh
pi bani
heheh budak tu kepengsanan dah hehe
heheh merah mcm udang terbakar... comel tu comel..kekadang kesian lak..
kat sini ka? like i said la.. stuffed mussel n mussel goreng dengan tepung...
*wink*..iyea la.. nanti nanti..tengah tercungap ni :0)
yeahy to more feeling hurt.. indifference this time kot :0)thanks :0)
*************interesting question.. mesti kalau balik malaysia orang akan pandang baddin.. kalau hatice mesti tak sangat sebab dia kulit sawo ...
ni kena tunggu balik malaysia..wait n see :0)
aiii kesiannya baby.... zino makan la ubat..jangan sampai sakit... insyaAllah baby dah baik..
happy belated weekend to u too akak! :0)
exhausted baddin? yup.. totally :0)
tall? well..if u let baddin stand next to hatice (15 months gap)..he looks so short actually.. but in truth.. he is normal in height for his age... gambar ajer kot nampak panjang :0)
thanks :0)
mummy rizq
sleeping kids look like angels la... memang comellllllllll
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