Allow me to share with u...
From the bottom of my heart, i thank you for lending me ur shoulder (in my precious entry).. now after ur insight, i think i am better prepared of what to do if the same thing happen to me again...
This weekend was one very painful weekend indeed... i had somehow strained my muscle and could not move my neck without having to wince... had to walk like a robot by just looking straight in front heheheh am much better though it still throbs like hell....
my sweet kids were sweet to me too this weekend... baddin was careful not to act his normal naughty crying baby self... he caused less problem too... and last night (sunday)i heard hatice asking her dad..
hatice: "baba,yarın okula gidiyor musun?" (r u going to school *university* tomorrow)
halil: "evet kızım" (yes, my daughter)
hatice: "ama yarın anne kim bakar?" (who will look after anne*mom* tomorrow?)
wahhhhhhhhhh...sejuk hati ibu mengandung..masyaAllah...
Dear blogging friends.... because u r all someone special, i wanna share with u these clips...a private insight of one of the zaim kids' activities during our last sapanca trip... please go to...
for the clips..just remember to pause the mariah carey song at the side bar before u attempt any listening of the clip... if u cant see it, email me n i will send u the adresses of these clips.
and remember the *agar agar* (seaweed jelly) that Kak Elle had sent to me thru rudi (see my 2 previous entries)?... well..upon hatice's request, i had made the green one using the jelly moulds that kak elle sent to me.. my kids love their agar agar plain... that was the reason why i didnt add any fruits or whatsoever... dah licin dah kak elle...hatice n i yg perabis heheheh cuma tinggal the japanese jelly... :0)
Nowit is time to clean my home... 3 hari tak kemas mcm sarang tebuan dah... berdebuuuu... with my painful neck lagi... huwaaaaaa wish me luck... !
love u guys loads!
P.s -latest news on hazia n ad (permission taken to announce this)
*Ad is on a wheelchair, slur speech, left half of body still cannot move. Senyap aje. Dia cuma jawap bila orang tanya e.g lapar ke,etc. He's on 6 mths medical leave & treatment. He'll be released earlier if he recovered earlier.*
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: They r My Life
wei simah 3 tray tak cukup eh...ok nanti bila2 Rudi ke sana I c/o him again with more agar2 powder ok?Zakiah dengar takkkkkkkkkk? hehee
hope your neck is better now:)
I am sorry to hear abt Ad my doa he will get a 99% recovery and to Hazia be strong ni semua tertulis.
Simah,Gecmis Olsun!Dah sapu minyak panas kat leher?Kalau tak ada vicks pun boleh,setakat bagi lega sikit.Sedapnya agar2,ellerine saglik.Affiyet olsun!
A perfect picture of a happy family:)
Kelakar tengok pakai tin cake...tak cukup mold? Hehe...
Next time, if org pandang rendah lagi, buat la macam Uncle Lee tu...LOL!
Hopefully your tengkuk cepat baik.
Kak Elle,
Thanks for your doa and encouragement. I appreciate it:)
Ya, semuanya dah tertulis.
Thanks to all too for your prayers & kind words. FYI, I wont be posting any more news for a while, out of respect for Ad. I rasa dia tak akan suka, it's too personal. Tapi if anybody wants to know, just email me at ok:)
Simah ...hope your neck dah okay...sianlah jalan cam robot...seksa tu....
Agar2 tu nampak mengiurkan...heheheh....kak lady suka agar-agar merah perasa ros...minat sgt...
Hope Ad will recover earlier....
kak elle
3 pun dah cukup dah akak.. cantik jugak kan pakai cake tin?
kiah... hang dengaq tak tu? heheh
sağol abla... daha iyiyim Allaha Şukur
kak lady
dah kurang dah siksa Alhamdulillah...depa semua dok sakat saya jalan mcm robot hehehe
kak lady
very interesting la agar2 tu..boleh buat warna warnikan...
semoga cepat sembuh ye simah..
simah,i hope you are better - we are in the same predicament - i not only hurt my back but yesterday i woke up with bad shoulder pulak! the shoulder pain is worse than the back. Thus, i have not been able to reply yr email yet - but will make the effort soon.
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