League's Champion

Dear Zaim Ladies..... dont kill me yet... dont boikot my blog yet heheheheh i am after all a neutral. U know i dont support any teams....i dont like football to begin with :0
Oh yeah..mother's day.... what a day.... what a night should i say??
Türks... R NUTS...They r NUTS about everything football. I mean if the zaim guys start talking about the matches.... they can talk for hours and hours...no other topic needs to be introduced. The weekend programs r also made so that the guys can watch the matches... that hatice always said... *uh baba..match match..match!*...*o haklı* (she's right)...
It just so happened that on the day at 7pm..there was the fenerbahçe vs trabzonspor match...u see the zaim men (except kerim) r supporters of Fenerbahçe.. while the ladies (except me)support Galatasaray
That night... that match was the match that would decide whether Fenerbahçe would be the league's champion.... and yup they did!! We were all watching the match at baba's. After the match we all rushed to the car and went straight home....
Coz u see.... If we didnt, we would be stuck in the traffic... after the match everybody who r Fenerbahçe supporters rushed to Bağdat Caddesı..that is where baba lives... along that rows of streets in bağdat caddesı towards Fenerbahçe stadium.... humans became ants.... too many..too crowded... everybody shouted....everybody pressed the honks of their cars...the last time i checked the tv at 1am.. people were like nuts shouting..singing... celebrating...u bet those living in bağdat caddesi didnt get their sleep that night hehehehe...
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time
p.s... the photos of halil n my kids were in my july 4 th entry last year..
simah like u I pun tak minat lansung abt this football thing....hehe
my dad everyday will be watching it on cable channel and I subscribe that specially 4 him,he will anything on sports from tennis,golf sampai football!!!
I'd say, Turks' passion for football is comparable to the french eh? They'd go rowdy in an instant.
Tapi ajzie sukaaaaa..hihii tak kena langsung eik.. Selalu teman kan my dear husband tengok MU games... Sampai semua player MU pun i tahu..hihihi.
Tp kami tak ke stadium tengok kat tv aje..hihihi.
wah dah besar la anak simah, sihat!
sorry ya, lama tak ziarah
ooo.. i akan tido kalo hubby tengok futbal! u pun sama i.. hubby & rizq ada the same jersey. i org kasi free pun tak nak... he.. hee...
selamat hari ibu SImah...
hehe..saya pun kureng minat bola.
Saya minat French team especially masa ada Zidan dulu..sekarang pun minat jugak..
Jom kita main footsal nak?
Siap dengan uniform, hehe...mana uniform u?:p
Actually I pun don't like football at all. LOL!
minat football tapi tak larat nak sengkang mata tunggu EPL malam malam masa kat mesia dulu. Sini plak tak suscribe channel sports.
Masa team turkey masuk world cup dulu sure halil excited kan.
simah, terimakasih banyak2 sebab menjawab pertanyaan akak... nanti kalau akak ada pertanyaan lagi akak e-mail simah lagi k... harap2 jangan bosanlah ye...
akak ogy
Me too. I'm not a football fan....
To think of it, I'm not a fan of any sports.
Does that make me boring? Hehe
Sounds like a swell time watching football with the whole Zaim clan, nonetheless!
saya cuma tengok world cup aje. lain league semua tak tengok
tapi tengok gambar anak anak you pakai jersey pun ok kan?
happy belated mother's day.. semoga diberkati & dirahmati Allah selamanya..
mana maknya tak pakai jersey kaa dulu...?
Wah, sembang2 bola pulak dah...mana maknya ni? Pengsan lepas main bola ke?
Ckp pasal bola ni, you tak rasa ke yg Malaysian agak taksub dgn MU (overrated)? (ampun kpd MU fans)
Did you follow the news regarding the MU coming visit to Malaysia clashes (in July) with the AFC championship? They’re (from the country of our colonial master) coming over as part of our 50th Independence Day celebration. Ironic don’t you think? Why MU of all things? Where’ the sovereignty of Malaysia? padahal yg anjurkan AFC tu pun Malaysia gak...
I klu nak tngok bola kena sit-down & kenal players dulu..which I don't have the time right now.
Hey, are you ok?
Simah kak lady pun tak minat bab bola ni...yang minat hubby, anak2 lelaki tu...sakit jiwa bila ada game bola live kat astro....habis tak dpt tengok semua cerita kegemaran akak...sabar je lah...
Comel si baddin & hattice tu...heheh...
cutenya sume dengan jc sama.... anak-anak akak minat MU...akak daripada tak tau bola jadi minat pulak...best dapat tonton 'live'..
Happy mother's day (belated ) !!
lovely photos!! boleg geng dgn abang idin yg tak habih2 cerita pasal bola. siap tanya ibu, nanti ibu pegi sana, tengok tak european cup final. like that huh? heheh...
i've dropped 'some' lines to your email.
jumpa di saaaannaaaa....
tgk gak bola ... temankan abang bulat, tapi biasanya....temankan sambil pejam mata ke ke ke....kroh kroh le
Hi Simah, I love watching football and badminton, but sini Canadians makan, tidur nothing else but ice hockey or baseball.
Even on honeymoon night ada big hockey game, poor new wife left alone to paint her fingernails or phone home chat with mother while hubby glued to tv.
Ahhh, bila world cup starts, I pun lupah my isteri, arhaaa ha ha. But I sure miss Thomas cup!
That pic of hubby and kids in football jerseys so cute la. UL.
THey are cute... your kids... and hey it's not wrong if I say your hubby is just as cute...right? wehehehe
Simah, lamanya diam, where are you?
Kat mana pun sama, dulu kat A/Star, we would know the football matches had ended when suddenly, there'd be a rush of traffic on the road in front of our house. Mula2 the motorcycles, and then the cars .... all honking away like crazy.
kak elle
only those loving football will know the value of football ...hehe i just cant understand that game's attraction :0)
yeah.. it can get scary...
hehehe wahhh MU supporter la ni yek? kalau ajzie dapat la pi stadium, azie akan menjerit mcm orang lain tak? halil kalu pi stadium.. balik mesti suara serak hehe
saya pun mintak maaf lama tak jenguk IV.. hopefully IV sihat
mummy rizq
kalau hubby bride dengan dşamond ring.. takkan stil tak nk kot? *wink * heheh
kak long
syikin minat apa..i mean selalin minat masak lauk yg sedap sedap utk family syikin?
hahaha i paling last main futball masa form 1..tu pın nak tendang bola tersalah tendang! hahaha u main dengan my kids jer la :0)
hehe i'd rather die than pakai uniform bola... u suka sport apa hazia?
memang kalau match time mesti waktu gila gila kan?
halil.. phew..turkish league ka.. world cup ka.. aku nak termuntah asyik tv bola bola... tolonglaaaaa..
kak ogy
kalau ada soalan lagi...kalau mampu saya jawabkan... :0)
thanks 4 writing in ..
the men watch the match.. the ladies pun kena dragged tengok..
i pun mcm u..tak suka sports.. that makes the two of us... :0)
ok la tu :0)
nasib baik world cup bukan every year... kalau tak kebanyakkan orang footbal fans memang glued to the tv la yek every year :0)
thanks... amin.. selamat hariibu to u too...
mak dia tak main la pakai menda tu.. e tak sukaaaa... mak dia snap snap ja :0)
i didnt know.. tapi memang pelik jugak kan... gamaknya orang yg organise that thing tu MU fanatic kot... :0)
i am still alive..cuma terkapai kapai cuba bernafas.. penat la... thanks for asking...sayang jugak u kat i yek?
kak lady
saya paham kesakitan jiwa akak tu hehehe saya mengalaminya hampir setiap masa..tensennnnnnnn :0)
akak u r back! *hugs*..MİA pulak aka ni..
so lepas ni anak akak kena beli kat akak jersey bola la yek? satu family pakai mesti comellll :0)
happy belated mother's day to u too :0)
dah baca..tak sempat balas lagi (nak fikir list banyak ni hahahahahahaha).. will reply whenever i can..memang tak cukup tangan sekarang.. letih..
hahahaha hang ni lawak betoi la... kalau tak tidoq tu tak sah :0)
uncle lee
laaa uncleee..kesiannya auntie... mesti dia habis komplain kat mak dia... memang uncle ni memang true fanatics betul hehehe
uncle..auntie lee chinese jugak ker or u kawin mat salleh?
knowing that u have a loving wife n wonderful kids...heheh sure.. can u cute for halil heheheheeh
Queen of the House
still hidup lagi saya akak.. tercungap aja from last week..
oo rumah akak dekat ngan stadium ka? akak dulu selalu tak pi tengok match?
Simah.. kami dah pergi last Xmas..hihihi
wei..tak aciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii best tak?
Hahaha...satu habuk sport pun tak suka...hahaha!
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