İbu & Ayah in istanbul n Hatice's school Show
seeing *ibu*'s excitement when she showed me all these was like.... hahahha..i just dunno what to say... i wanted to jump in joy but i had to keep my cool...iyea la kang mcm budak budak pulak...u r an angel ibu!! i really owe u one on this! tak sangka dengan berblog..i dapat *merasa* hahahaha nanti bila i balik mesia i beli kat u geogmetri tudung yea? *wink*...
she even tried reading hatice's homework book n learned a few words of turkish..
ibu n i before they left
*ibu* n *ayah* in front of our apartment block..
The picture of all of us in beyazit... somewhere near kapalı çarşı
She woke up this morning and asked...
*Anne... gittilar mı?*(Anne, r they gone?)
When i said they were still in the bedroom, a wonderful smile spead over her face as she said that she would cry if she couldnt say goodby to them...
And the brother who was very shy towards them on Friday was even very happy to see them still here then......
Now...It is almost 10.50am.. a fellow blogger ibu n her sweetheart had left our humble shack about an hour ago...off to Aya Sofia n later to the airport for Malaysia...
Well.... from this blogging world, I had met our Doctor in the House's two beautiful daughters, I had also met our Mr. Idham and last but not least, our Kak Elle's nephew was here too to pass the wonderful goodies his favourite Wak had sent me thru him...... These people, i had met for a few hours only....
Having our fellow blogger *ibu* n *ayah* at our home was a real pleasure. They r such a cute sweet couple... (kurusnya diaorang compared to halil n i hahahaha)..the forever laughing ibu... n the sweet smiling ayah make u wanna be warm towards them...a lovely couple indeed... memang depa pasangan comel ..ehem... kembang kejap akak hahahahahaah..by the way...sorry la.. the scrambled egg masa breakfast tu masin ...bila lagi nak makan telur masin yek? :0)
My kids were happy to have them there.....as usual, as they left the apartment area...hatice asked me in Turkish...
*will they forget us?*
Indeed each of our visitors from the homeland is precious to them....and to me (definitely)... and as for Halil, he is expanding his international ties as well as making new friends...
I still remember when we were in the car... Halil was driving. *Ayah* was sitting at the front seat while *ibu*, the kids n i were at the back seat...
Halil said... *Sabahaddin* (he was referring to my son) and the *ayah* responded ... well.. that is what u get when two people share almost the same name eh? :0)
......and to *ibu* and *ayah*...thank u for coming... Kalau ada terkurang layan tersilap bahasa... tersalah laku... harap dimaafkan...and u r in the record of the first blogger to see the *real Simah n family* up close n personal ... kutuk jangan tak kutuk! hahahhahahah...remember my pic of halil in the kitchen? hahahahahaha shhhhhhhhhhhh...we miss u both already la...
hopefully u will have a safe journey... all the hugs n kisses to all ur 3 heroes...! Pls do come again :0)
Will update this blog again tonight after Hatice's show...i am over excited even right now! heheheh anak punya school show..mak dia pulak yg terexcited....heheh..ala u all pun terexcited kan kan kan? i nak pi tengok baju apa nak pakai ni... iskh..ada ka baju lawa ni?
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
She woke up this morning and asked...
*Anne... gittilar mı?*(Anne, r they gone?)
When i said they were still in the bedroom, a wonderful smile spead over her face as she said that she would cry if she couldnt say goodby to them...
And the brother who was very shy towards them on Friday was even very happy to see them still here then......
Now...It is almost 10.50am.. a fellow blogger ibu n her sweetheart had left our humble shack about an hour ago...off to Aya Sofia n later to the airport for Malaysia...
Well.... from this blogging world, I had met our Doctor in the House's two beautiful daughters, I had also met our Mr. Idham and last but not least, our Kak Elle's nephew was here too to pass the wonderful goodies his favourite Wak had sent me thru him...... These people, i had met for a few hours only....
Having our fellow blogger *ibu* n *ayah* at our home was a real pleasure. They r such a cute sweet couple... (kurusnya diaorang compared to halil n i hahahaha)..the forever laughing ibu... n the sweet smiling ayah make u wanna be warm towards them...a lovely couple indeed... memang depa pasangan comel ..ehem... kembang kejap akak hahahahahaah..by the way...sorry la.. the scrambled egg masa breakfast tu masin ...bila lagi nak makan telur masin yek? :0)
My kids were happy to have them there.....as usual, as they left the apartment area...hatice asked me in Turkish...
*will they forget us?*
Indeed each of our visitors from the homeland is precious to them....and to me (definitely)... and as for Halil, he is expanding his international ties as well as making new friends...
I still remember when we were in the car... Halil was driving. *Ayah* was sitting at the front seat while *ibu*, the kids n i were at the back seat...
Halil said... *Sabahaddin* (he was referring to my son) and the *ayah* responded ... well.. that is what u get when two people share almost the same name eh? :0)
......and to *ibu* and *ayah*...thank u for coming... Kalau ada terkurang layan tersilap bahasa... tersalah laku... harap dimaafkan...and u r in the record of the first blogger to see the *real Simah n family* up close n personal ... kutuk jangan tak kutuk! hahahhahahah...remember my pic of halil in the kitchen? hahahahahaha shhhhhhhhhhhh...we miss u both already la...
hopefully u will have a safe journey... all the hugs n kisses to all ur 3 heroes...! Pls do come again :0)
Will update this blog again tonight after Hatice's show...i am over excited even right now! heheheh anak punya school show..mak dia pulak yg terexcited....heheh..ala u all pun terexcited kan kan kan? i nak pi tengok baju apa nak pakai ni... iskh..ada ka baju lawa ni?
oh yup! it was over n done with... i had a great time! my daughter was wonderful too! I strongly suggest u all see it... it was long definitely but it was worth it!
and for u......i have spent hours n hours to prepare this one entry...
but that entry is not here... i think hatice's blog should have the glory of presenting her own pre school end of the year show...
and i hereby invite u ladies and gentleman to her own very blog....
I'll see you there!
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: Friends in Turkey
Simah .... baru baca yr message on my mobile ... excited nak pi tengok Hatice punya showlah ni .... singgah sini dulu and glad to see you are in asam heaven!! That was very nice of Ibu. Bukan susah nak please cik Simah ni ... bagi saja asam and she's happy! Let me know when you run out, kalau -kalau I boleh post kat you :-) Nak pergi sana laaaaaaaammmmmbat lagi lah kot.
Kelakarlah cara u censored gambar dia org, hahaha...
1 thing for sure, kalau I duduk Turki la, tak payah kirim2 asam - sebab I kurang minat asam, haha...
Nak jengok blog pulak Hatice ni:)
Simah berapa lama agak asam2 tu bolih tahan ek?Ibu lain kali bawa lebih2 satu container gak baru cukup untuk Simah....hehe
Bila agak nya I bolih jadi ur guest pulak ah simah?
to Hatice's blog now.........
Simah..Hahahah....sampai asam jawa pun nak diratah nye! Hihihi....
Bestnya dapat asam...terliuq kejap!!
Went to hatice blog...hahahah....a proud mother you are Simah...bukan main dia gelek ye!!
Nanti kami gi Istanbul boleh ke jenguk you kat rumah?
It must a warm feeling having people from Malaysia stayed at your place. And how your children felt attached to them is so touching...
The yummy asams look inviting! *salivas running* ;D
Also, Hatice's year-end recital looked very lively and happening! You must feel very proud....
:) simah.....seronoknyeeeee!!!!!
how nice to have visitors datag rumah kan... agak agaknya kalo aku gi sana bleh pi umah hang jugak dak? janji..! aku bawak asam taik hidung kat hang. haa..haa..
When she uses the nick IBU, my mental image of her is and older lady but seeing the pic of her here, she is pretty young still. You may have covered her eyes but I have a way technologically to erase those, SIMAH. heheheh.
***And to IBU,
Sure it has been nice to have the opportunity to be with SIMAH & family, to experience upclose, esprcially when HATICE and BADDIN to grace your stay****
Back to SIMAH... I cannot help but imagine if I were to be in Istanbul, how would I "bother" SIMAH and family there. Is it enough for a drink at the hotel I'd be staying? Or may be lunch and dinner somewhere of her choice that known to have a good food? Or just a phone call saying that "I am here just for a while... I am afraid I cannot see you and family" !!!?
Love to be in Istanbul SIMAH.
punyalah banyak asam, kalau mengidam 3x pregnant rasanya tak habis lagi hehehe...
Bestnya dapat bersama ibu dan ayah yang sporting... mesti banyak ibu borong kat beyazit tu...
wah, si hatice and the performance oh la la :)
tumpang lalu,
gab, ajarlah I macamana u erase 'topeng' ibu and ayah tu, I pun jugak tengok the real wajah ibu & ayah .....
salams, had a nice visit eh:D enjoy the asam jawa...i dulu suka jugak....meratah..cecah gula sikit:D
simah, i think by now kalau tak kena gasthritis attack ni tak tau la...sure dok mengulum asam sebiji demi sebiji :)
that was very cute of hatice...pat on the back for her cool performance.
minah jajan la hang nih.
Aku pun nak pi Instanbul la lagu nih. Dapat free accomodation kan.Bleh ka. Dah dekat dah ni.
makan asam tu beringat sikit. Sat lagi sakit perut pulak ha. Lagi satu berjimat jimat la asam tuh. Ni sampai asam jawa pun nak telan. Hish...;)
Queen of the House
akak..i tunggu asam from u by hand post... ur hand :0)
ala..kecek kecek la pak king tu.. :0)
bila u nak ronda cuti cuti Malaysia ni?
take care..
oh yeahhh... i am in asam heaven! :0)
kalau u tak suka asam u suka apa? makanan manis ker? kalau u suka kopi..senang la kerja i.. kat sini i kan pro turkish coffee hehe
jom..mai sini.. :0)
kak elle
hahaha akak kalau akak bawak satu malaysia pun asam tu takkan cukup :0)
ala akak one day datang la sini... well.. at least jangan lupa sms me masa sampai kat istanbul airport tau! :0)
kalau u duduk sini boleh la kita share...tapi sebab jauh tu i makan utk u yea :0)..ala kan tak lama lagi u nak balik malaysia dah.... masa tu attack la semua yg patut :0)
asam jawa i memang suka ratah..dari kecik lagi.. heheheü
boleh.. sila la mai rumah i...no prob ..kalau tak cukup ruang, i suruh u tido kat bath tub jer la :0)
i am really proud of my daughter..masyaAllah... she was really good..
u datang la sini.. nanti kita share asam :0)
yeah..my kids always love those who come from the homeland...kesian jugak tengok diaorang bila those visitors balik..sedih ja diaorang tu..
memang seronok.. hehehev :0)
mummy rizq
setttttt.. mai mai... :0)
u one very naughty naughty man ... jgn ..kang mengamuk ibu kang hehehe
gab to ibu... tu ibu kena jawab sendiri.. now dia tengah tenggelam dalam overload work... hehehe
"I am here just for a while... I am afraid I cannot see you and family" !!!?
SEE iF U DARe!! kang ada yg kena ketuk kang :0)...
banyak kan asam tu akak? mesti lepas shopping asam tu si ibu bangkrap heheheh
ibu memang sporting..tapi kesian jugak..diaorang tak dapat buat full shopping... dah tak sempat masa tu dah...tapi dalam tak sempat tu.. tak la kurang pun dia shopping hehehe mesti si ayah lega sebab tak la duit dia melayang banyak sangat :0)
ahhhh a lady after my own heart... jom kita makan asam jawa cicah gula sama sama :0)
mama rock
thanks... she was enjoying herself.. that was the most important thing :0)
ala mama... jgn la doakan i kena gastrik :0)... i tak makan biji dia..so boleh escape gastrik kot? hmmm ni kena tanya doctor in the house kitA NİH :0)
jom..mai la... boleh aku cium peluk anak hang tu heheh
ala aku memang dah sakit perut dah... makan asam..lepas tu makan cherry... 2 combination yg memang akan directttttttttt ke tandas! hahaha
hahaha.... macam ninja turtle! and karer purple lagi. matching dgn scarf you ek? tenkiu for covering my eyes. pemalu la konon ibu ni. i'm waiting for ayah to transfer the pics from his notebook so that boleh post story from my end. tunggguuuuuu .....
ooohhhh... control macho la ek masa I dok selongkar bag to unload the asam & maggie? i was really eager to show you the powder jelly sbb memang betul2 terkejut bila found out there are so many variations on the hypermarket shelf sampai tak tau nak pilih yg mana satu. so grab ajer lah one each. and sorry for the mamee mawi yg dah terbongkar tu - dibaham ayah sbb boring makan hotel food. ahaha... MELAYU jati.
weei.... apa you ingat ini IBU mertua mu?! Not so young, but not that old either. But IBU tetap IBU la, regardless of age. Anyway, Simah cover mata tu dapat lah cover a few eye wrinkles too. HAHA!! Lupa nak pesan kat Simah to cover the untimely jerawat too - yg masa tu jugak lah dia nak keluar - jerawat pun nak jumpa Simah kot? hehe. but if you managed to erase that ninja turtle eye mask, jgn re-post the naked eye la pulak. pemalu la I ni kan? hahha... gelak la simah, gelak!
simah..kami ada hajat nak p istanbul..klu ada rezeki next yr of summer..u balik msia ke?
bertuah badan dapat bertemu asam. kalau i agaknya, sekelip mata dah habis!
ibu and ayah are so kind!
Cant wait to meet you. Bila agaknya ye?
Halllooo simah,
Dok pekena asam seharian - kenyang ke? Heheheh...tak pandang kiri kanan dah.
Bangganya jadi mak & ayah Hatice - berbakat besar.
Seronok tgok gambar ibu & ayah - shopping sampai tak menang tangan -tu baru sekejap. Hm...now, everybody is wanting to go to Turkey!
bior betol simah gatah asam jawa..!! sini pokok asam jawa tengah bandar je tau, kot u mai sini, kita panjat ramai2.. tapi memang syok la time2 ada visitor, sape la nak jengok i kat sini??? ok la, lepas ni nak pi jengok blog hatice lak.. ieeyyy geram nya anak dara comel tu..
seronoknye simah..kaya la tauke mor far kor tu kalau mcm ni...
Share asam? Nak! Nak! *but budget not permitting*
InsyaAllah, will make it to Turkey one day....
More importantly, I am really curious to drink Turkish coffee now, thanks to your glowing praises!
I'm confident you'd be able to brew me an aromatic cuppa.... ;D
akak pemalu?? hahahahaahahahahah *simah gelak sambil terguling atas lantai* hahahahahaha tak laratttttttttt..
akak..tunggu punya tunggu tak jugak keluar entry tu akak.. tak sabar nak dengar akak kutuk we all hehehe
next summer susah sikt kot nak jumpa coz insyaAllah we all kalau tak ada aral melintang plan nak balik kampung next summer..lagipun selalunya masa summer we all selalu out of town ... tapi kalau ada rezeki we all jumpa insyaAllah..
mama sarah
ibu n ayah memang kind...
hehe asam tu la ni i dengan susahnya tahan diri jangan habiskan lagi..sebab tak tau bila the next batch akan sampai..bila new batch nak sampai baru i habiskan heheheh..
akak..insyaAllah satu hari nanti kalau Allah izinkan kita jumpa... ala boogey pun mesti nak mai punya..buat la plan dengan dia :0)
heheh ibu tak sempat puas lagi shopping tu kan kan ibu?
rad..orang yg dok comment tu tak mau mai sini ka?... tak teringin ka sakat hatice n baddin hehehe
kira hang panjat pokok asam ka kat sana? hehehe
eh ramai nak sampai sana la..ie.. i... :0) kan sana lebih dekat kat malaysia.. so lagi la senang diaorang sampai sana :0)
i pun sejak dua menjak ni aja diaorang mula datang...ehem..terasa glamer lak hahaha
hehehe rasanya i sorang ja kot suka asam mo far kor ni.. gamaknya depa dapat iklan free mo far ko kat blog ni hehehe :0)
insyaAllah one day sampai la... for sure lepas makan..a turkish coffee with froth esp for u :0)
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