Çeşme...we got burnt happily :0)
It was not enough that they were told NOT to come to the place before 2 Pm on monday..and upon reaching the place... the host only served them *biskut kering* (biscuits)..... to add to the situation........ they were thrown out of the place on Tuesday and Wednesday by 9am..only to be told to come back only after 3 pm on both days....
Well, if u think that was bad enough... the victims were told to heat their own dinner which was left on the stove and had to eat on their own as the host was busy somewhere else that night n was only back at 12.30 midnight on Wednesday!
Yet... they could still smileeeeeeeeeeeeee like this in the pictures!
One of the victims with cute eyes cover (hahaha)
Both victims with the host's children
The place where we stayed
Frankly speaking, before i came to turkey, i only knew that snakes change their skins. It was only after i came here that i see that homosapien too do that.. and how happy it was for the dad to see that the son has turned into his type!! hhahaha Oh yeah... all these years, baddin didnt get burnt under the sun... he had not endured any red ... but this Çeşme proved otherwise... burnt skin all over.. and one very very HappY HALİL! hahahaha
Baddin's skin in the process of peeling into the new skin...it is a painful experience..
How was Çeşme?
Well.. what can i say? it was wonderful! No cooking... s0mebody to come n tidy up n clean the room... the air condition was on at all times... thus *kicking* away the tremendous çeşme heat...it was indeed heaven...
To wake up early in the morning.... breakfast all ready...many many options to choose from...
------then.... the salt water pool... and the sea....-------
------lunch in çeşme town-------
-----one hour rest in the cool room...------
-----again the pool and the beach-----
----a walk at the hotel or the çeşme town----
5 days n 4 nights of pure pleasure... total sea n pool... it was really awesome! it was no wonder of course when towards the end of the stay somebody thought that i was an indian girl and tried to greet me the indian way! hahahahaha.. *namaste* indeed! hahahah
We had fun definitely... Alhamdulillah... n the kids loved the room we were staying... we had to go for a longggg walk to reach our room....just imagine... our room was in the third floor. the wing where our room was started with the number 6063..and our room number was 6125!! total walking exercise i should say :0)
God! it is good to be home... today is thursday.. alinlai n her hubby took a taxi to the airport an hour ago after spending their time at our place for a couple of days......it had been such havoc days esp after the holiday...but it was and is also always nice to have someone from my homeland... with hatice n baddin practising their English ...
Here r some of the photos i snapped (not sensored ones hahaha)...
my angels on the bed..
my new hasema fish girl swimming suit...i have lost that fair skin after only 4 days in çesme hehehe
The sea water pool... very salty la... :0)
The sea water is not deep...totally perfect for kids
sand castle time! :0)
the view from the castle..
2 burnt skinned kids
The most expensive picture of all time... both kids xtremely tired..sleeping in the car on the way home from çeşme to istanbul....
Well, if u think that was bad enough... the victims were told to heat their own dinner which was left on the stove and had to eat on their own as the host was busy somewhere else that night n was only back at 12.30 midnight on Wednesday!
Yet... they could still smileeeeeeeeeeeeee like this in the pictures!
Well... that is definitely NOT the way to treat ur guests esp when they come from so far away hahahah but YES... it was what they got from us since the timing was really bad n we had things to be done.... n having such ungracious hosts.... the guests had to basically *mind their own business!!* hehehehehehe
That was the experience i am sure they had rarely encounter often hehehehe...
Dear Alinlai n Hubby.. thank u for coming over... kalau ada yg terkurang layan tu.. harap harap dimaafkan...thank u for the rice cooker...bukan senang nak dapat beli rice cooker size tu for only 26 dollar! :0)
i hope u both will have a safe journey till KK...
Oh yes... that was the after experience after amongst our happiest holiday!we reached istanbul that Sunday night....

Frankly speaking, before i came to turkey, i only knew that snakes change their skins. It was only after i came here that i see that homosapien too do that.. and how happy it was for the dad to see that the son has turned into his type!! hhahaha Oh yeah... all these years, baddin didnt get burnt under the sun... he had not endured any red ... but this Çeşme proved otherwise... burnt skin all over.. and one very very HappY HALİL! hahahaha
How was Çeşme?
Well.. what can i say? it was wonderful! No cooking... s0mebody to come n tidy up n clean the room... the air condition was on at all times... thus *kicking* away the tremendous çeşme heat...it was indeed heaven...
To wake up early in the morning.... breakfast all ready...many many options to choose from...
------then.... the salt water pool... and the sea....-------
------lunch in çeşme town-------
-----one hour rest in the cool room...------
-----again the pool and the beach-----
----a walk at the hotel or the çeşme town----
5 days n 4 nights of pure pleasure... total sea n pool... it was really awesome! it was no wonder of course when towards the end of the stay somebody thought that i was an indian girl and tried to greet me the indian way! hahahahaha.. *namaste* indeed! hahahah
We had fun definitely... Alhamdulillah... n the kids loved the room we were staying... we had to go for a longggg walk to reach our room....just imagine... our room was in the third floor. the wing where our room was started with the number 6063..and our room number was 6125!! total walking exercise i should say :0)
God! it is good to be home... today is thursday.. alinlai n her hubby took a taxi to the airport an hour ago after spending their time at our place for a couple of days......it had been such havoc days esp after the holiday...but it was and is also always nice to have someone from my homeland... with hatice n baddin practising their English ...
Here r some of the photos i snapped (not sensored ones hahaha)...
and did i see Malaysians there... well.. there was alinlai n her hubby of course... there was of course that guy from unimas... and a really pleasant suprise...was when this one Malaysian lady n hubby approached us to convey the salams of Kak Ogy (another internet friend) whom they met in istanbul n whom asked her to find me n say hii... Suryanti.. That was really so sweet of u....and kak ogy sent her salam as well... u made my day that day! :0)
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
and guess what? i will be MİA (missing in Action) from this Sunday insyaAllah... where? Clue: Where do my family always hang around in summer where we all can slpash splash to our hearts' content?
Labels: My Holidays
Looks like you all enjoyed yourselves to the extent of getting sunburned. The weather over here is getting hot and humid but I am no chance to go to the beach or pool yet.
hello kak simah. ive always just read your blog but never wrote. i live in th euk and my friends and i are planning a holiday to bodrum in turkey for a week. we got ourselves quite a good deal, but i was just wondering if u cud tell me the cost of food/transport over there in summer.. thank you.keep up the good work ;)
simah welcome home...wah wah enjoy betul nampak:)
kalau tau u nak gi holiday mmg I extend my stop kat Isntanbul and jadi lamp post.....haha
salam dear simah,
glad that you are back and really enjoy your time at Cesme, cantiknya tempat tu.... harap baddin dah ok sebelum you pergi holiday lagi... cantiklah swimsuit you tu..cute .
senyum akak tengok 'glasses' yang you 'beli' untuk your guests tu...
ha ah lah simah, kelakar betul the shades you made for your tetamu. colourful gitu.
tobat tak mau jumpa simah. nanti i pun dapat sunglasses free!!!
tempat tu nampak sangat cantik!!! adoiii kesian baddin kulit dia mengelupas. mesti sakit
Baddin's sunburn looks baaaaaaad! Pakai sunblock lotion tak? I don't think I've ever seen kulit menggelupas as bad as that ... tapi kita orang Melayu selalunya jadi tanned aje, kan?
Seronoknye your holiday Simah. That's the best kind - where you don't have to cook yet still get to enjoy good food (buffet lagi!). Lepas ni pi Sapanca pulak ye?
Jealous jealous jealous!!! (I think I wanna be a SAHM once again and enjoy 'holiday' all year long (NOT!)
You shud have posed by yourself with that fishgirl suit, hehe...the blue color really blended well with the wall! :p
Ahh! What a bliss eh, no work, no cook, no washing, just laze around in splendid freedom! If only ....
aduhh..ngerinya tgk kulit baddin. camtu teruk sekali mengelupasnya? sian kat dia. harap2nya dah abih dah. letak ubat tak nak hilangkan sakitnya tu?
ohh..padanlah alinlai lama tak update blog dia, lupa dia ada conference kat turki nun..
ha..dapat sunglasses chap aper plak tu simahhh???
amboi bergaya dengan swimming suit muslimah gitu. Kelasss akak turki sorang nih.
posing la satu bagi tengok. Ini main sorok belakang hatice plak. MAner achi lagu ni
Simah...dah balik dari holiday ke...alamak cantik lah fish swimsuit tu...hehehe...
Kesian tengok belakang baddin...dah okay ke dia sekara...he's so cute & hensem...
Sebenarnya akak nak kluar ni...masuk kejap blog simah...tapi nak komen jugak...nanti akak balik baru baca abis cerita sima pegi bercuti ni...Jeles tengok orang cuti2 tau.... :)
to be in such *happenings* that is in ur life right now...it is a wonder if u can even go to the pool.. still pls do take care of urself.. dont overtax urself.. nanti sakit pulak *hugs*
u r going to bodrum? cool... kalau awak dapat package yg bagus tu ok la...
the thing is akaksendiri tak pernah pergi bodrum n will never pergi bodrum kot hehehe though the rest of the family memang ada yg pergi sana tiap tahun..
bodrum is totally a touristic place... ..hmm the food in turkey...semua mahal pun.. but if u r on budget... i would strongly suggest u guys not to go to fancy restaurants.. beli ja makanan kat bufe tepi jalan tu.. n if u r really really on budget... live on lahmacun....toasts (cheese filling... sucuk...etc) or plain burgers...
as for the transportation.. ada kot bus service kat sana...u just have to ask around...
hope u will have fun there.. n dont forget to bring the sun lotion coz it is expected an increase of 5 to 6 degree celcius soon (now is like 30 degree) pls do come prepared..:0)
kak elle
u nak jadi lamp post? hahahahahah i can just imagine it... hahahahahaah that is sooo cute hahaha
thanks :0)
hahahah dulu *ibu* dapat ninja turtle eye cover... this time *alinlai* dapat ni.. heheh cun kan kan? hahahhaha
baddin is better.. no pain..just skin peeling away now.. today halil pulak demam panas..... :0(
mama sarah
eh nisak...sunglasses free turki cun apa? hahahahaha tak pa nanti utk u i akan buat design yg lagi *canggih* dan ........ hahahhahhahh
masa hari dia kena burn teruk tu berjam jam dia menangis.... lepas sapu ubat tu ok la sikit..dah la masa tu la we all jumpa alinlai ...while the guys pi solat jumaat, i dragged her to the pharmacy sekali beli ubat :0)
bila u nak mai sini...? mynnnnnn bawak la bini hang mai sini wei... jepun nanti nanti la hehehe
Queen of the House
oh yeah... it was real leisureee.... jeles cepat akak cepat jeles :0)
akak jadi working mom holiday all day aper..at least u got to escape the kids masa kat dalam ofis :0)..tapi of course lepas balik rumah tu lain la cerita yek... buat kerja mcm headless chicken heheh
kita orang mesia kena matahari kulit gelap jadi orng india.. orang kat sini lak.. heheh terbakar macam kaler kulit tomato! lawak tengok kulit depa mengelupas macam kulit ular hehehe
tak pakai sun block tu yg jadi mcm tu akak.. *guilty mom *...cuma last day tu ja pakai lotion...
tak pa akak.... tak lama lagi turn akak la cuti pulak... insyaAllah.. after all the stress u had gone thru this year... u memang deserve a break..ie mai turki ka for example :0)
hehehehe pose on my own dengan my fish girl.. dan memalukan diri sendiri? hahahaha no thanks akak hhahahah bila dah gendut tu kena la menyorok belakang orang sikit biila snap gambar even though orang tu 2 budak kecik hehehe
kak long
sakit dah ok dah..cuma kulit tu takes time nak mengelupas...
ala si alinlai tu tahun ni cuti sakan la syikin..sebelum mai turki dia cuti balik bukit mertajam..lepas tu mai turki 2 minggu.. jalan tak habis minah tuuuuuuuuuu heheheheh
awak apa habaq?
tu spek brand istanbul-ketam-bola hahahhahahah
mesti la bergaya abih... baju mandi baru wei... tapi aku terasa diri aku gemuk gemuk...so aku beli la size xxl.. tengok tengok panjangggggggggggggggg gila hehehe jenuh la aku lipat masa nak swim swim...
hang bayangkan la kat laut tu.. di antara bikini bikini..aku sorang ja anggun pakai baju mandi tutup hahahaha halil cakap...
ada payung kaler biru kat tengah laut :0)
dalam gemuk aku ni.. masa kat laut tu semua tengok aku hahahaha famous hang tau tak aku kejap hahaha
heheh mesti la main sorok... takkan nak tunjukkan kat hangpa kegendutan aku kot? hahahahaha :0)
kak lady
******dah balik dari holiday dah.. dan nak cabut balik insyaAllah ahad ni hehehe
bju fish girl ni kan akak memang comfortable..walaupun dia kaler biru..tapi kain dia berkuality so dia tak see thru... memang dia tutp bahagian punggul semua.. saya memang happy gila dengan swim suit ni...
Alhamdulillah.. baddin dah ok.... tu la..orang turki ni kulit fragile sangat hehehe
tak pa akak.. nanti cik abang balik sekali lagi akak pi la gateaway sekali dengan cik abang tu.. tinggalkan anak manja akak kat rumah..suruh la ude ker jaga (heheh mesti tensen uda).. buat honeymoon akak :0)
Cesmes pun nampak cantik jugak...sayanglah akak tak bnyk masa kat turki...walaupun perjalanan memakan masa berjam2 kesesuatu tmpt...akak rasa berbaloilah simah...turki ni memang cantiklah.
kak ogy
Hello Simah, wow! That place Cesme looks very nice. And it must be very hot your beautiful kids getting that bad sunburnt.
wa, terok the skin peeling, I think sure gatal pun.
You guys sure look good in the pics.
Have a good weekend, Simah. UL.
Amboi! Welcome back!:)
Apasal gambar tempat tu sikit sangat? Tak boleh nak imagine la:P
Share la gambar bilik, view yg cantik2 sama, hehe...
Yg sun burnt tu sebab berendam dlm sea water ke?
Eh, email la gambar fishgirl tu? Tak nampak la:P
maakk aaii.. ternganga anak ko tido..!! mak nya camna la pulak tu..?? tensen, tensen... sume org dah balik holiday, daku stuck lagi ni..!!!! prrggh.. hubby lak tak leh cuti 2 weeks, 10 days je lepas tu.
Hello dear!
Nice Hasema swimsuit on Simah...it is a nice rhyme too.
alamak tak pakai sunblock ke? part tu i rasa kulit melayu tahan eh. tapi jadi hitamlah. hu hu hu.
oohh i like your swimming suit
kak ogy
to see it is to enjoy it kan akak? glad u have had a great time..esp with the fruits! hahah
uncle Lee
uncle..tak gatal...sakit...but i kept teasing him.. baddin.. u anak ular! hahahah
i dah email dah...tengok la...
believe it or not.. nowadays la kan,i dah malas nak snap pics.. at least i tak berapa tunjukkan kat semua orang.. i feel like i want to enjoy the view of life more with my own eyes than thru the lenses...dah buang tabiat kot i ni haha
mak dia tido ayu! hahahaha
ala tak pa.. sabaq la yek.. nanti nanti boleh la hang pi holiday tu...*hugs*
long time no see..*hugs* how r u?
baju i tu boleh tenggelam dalam dinding kan kaler dia? matching to the wall! heheh
beli la hehe
www. hasema.com
la all these years, baddin kulit tak burn..entah apa entah tahun ni dia decide nak ikut kulit bapak dia..sodeh eden!
lepas ni memang sunblock all the way la hheh
whoaaa... great holidays! Ayu sungguh in that fish swim wear. You look really sweet! Blend with the clear blue water! hope baddin dah recover from the sun burn.
sadly... i'm slower than snail, still hv not updated my blog, due to work and then sheer laziness!! cannot help la ek?
Hugs to the kids, and salam to halil.
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