Bear with me :0)
It was past their bed time...was it 10.30pm? i am not so sure... We just got back from baba... a superb dinner at baba's prepared by Kerim...
As we reached the outside part of the apartment, halil and i (n the kids) parted ways.. he needed to go to the bank....Well.. well.. and i couldnt find my key! Searched i did my totally full to the brim sling bag...... but after twice looking at every crook n nook of the bag.. i gave up n gave halil a call... *I will be right there soon*... and so we waited outside the apartment entrance door at the stairs...waiting peacefully...
3 cars suddenly stopped in front of the apartment. One guy came out rushing.. practically jumping over the fence of the apartment while the 2 guys from the other 2 cars was saying...*yapma* (dont) as they tried to calm the angry guy... they were right next to we were sitting as the guy started to bang the door..etc..etc...
I got scared. I knew somone was going to be in a fight. I couldnt ring the door of özlem n halim coz the 3 guys were exactly in front of the apartment door.. i didnt want them to enter the apartment...
so i told the kids to wait outside the apartment fence near the road ...Hatice i saw was scared..really scared... she has still not gotten over the thief experience in izmir... and i dont think she will...
The angry guy in question started to bang the window (ground floor place) of the person he was angry with ... that left the front door of the apartment free...
I didnt know why i didnt try to go to the next door apartment.. the zaim brothers r there too...i guess like hatice, i too was remembering the izmir experience... i was not able to think straight...
Luckily özlem(my sis in law) was in the balcony... she saw us n asked what happened...i asked her to open the apartment door lock n we went straight to their place... Hatice started to cry as soon as she entered özlem's place...we all then went to the balcony to see what was happening...
The people involved were gathering... the angry guy was shouting... a lady was screaming her head off...angry... people were trying to calm each other....bla bla bla.. it was not a nice thing to see.. Thankfully, the angry guy didnt bring a gun coz according to özlem, the last time he was there, he was with a gun...
Halil came to özlem n halim's place 5 minutes later... and later we all went back to our place...
Hatice is reliving her fears... she is sleeping in our bed for tonite... she is sensitive to these things..easily affected... i am strong but i am afraid too....fear this time paralysed my logics. That was a grave mistake.. i could have endangered my kids... Allah korusun...
while putting her to bed, i tried to explain to her what was happening... but what touched my heart was....when she asked me....
*Anne bana söz ver... onlara gibi... boşanma*
(Anne, promise me... dont get divorced like them)
I reassured her that *divorce* is not a vocabulary i toy with...that i love her father with all my heart and might.. as i am confident that he ..i..
*söz veriyorum*
(i promise)
as i said that to her... i just couldnt imagine the child of the couple who is stuck in between the fight of her parents... how deep r her scars... how traumatic her life will be...May Allah help her... *****************************************************
Yes.. i know.. i am guilty as charged... i have been missing for a long time... i have been trying to write this entry about sapanca since ..well..u can see the date of this entry... many many days ago....
but.... i dunno... i just dont feel much of the zest of life these days... am i subconciously still grieving after the death of my nephew? it is possible... there is this feeling of nothingness in me... like i dont feel like doing anything... i am not even contacting anyone much from the blogland these days..nor do i visit their blogs... this is a stage of life i suppose will pass.. soon hopefully..
Sapanca was....well... it was Sapanca... but the main highlight would be when everybody got together and we all spent the day together...even Funda's mom was there too... n we celebrated meşe's birthday that was nice.... I wont waste my time much with words... here r some of the d snaps taken in Sapanca... some by me and some by Funda...
At the sapanca lake...n believe it or not.. i just sort of sprained my ankle half an hour before that..and for half an hour, halil n i cycled the boat at the lake.
This year, minik mustafa came to Sapanca for the first time...
Halil was in mıstık, the kids n i went on the big tour *jungle trekking* together
(and my was still sort limping still hehehehe)
After the jungle trekking...before the pool...a glass of milk and a banana each for strength
It was past their bed time...was it 10.30pm? i am not so sure... We just got back from baba... a superb dinner at baba's prepared by Kerim...
As we reached the outside part of the apartment, halil and i (n the kids) parted ways.. he needed to go to the bank....Well.. well.. and i couldnt find my key! Searched i did my totally full to the brim sling bag...... but after twice looking at every crook n nook of the bag.. i gave up n gave halil a call... *I will be right there soon*... and so we waited outside the apartment entrance door at the stairs...waiting peacefully...
3 cars suddenly stopped in front of the apartment. One guy came out rushing.. practically jumping over the fence of the apartment while the 2 guys from the other 2 cars was saying...*yapma* (dont) as they tried to calm the angry guy... they were right next to we were sitting as the guy started to bang the door..etc..etc...
I got scared. I knew somone was going to be in a fight. I couldnt ring the door of özlem n halim coz the 3 guys were exactly in front of the apartment door.. i didnt want them to enter the apartment...
so i told the kids to wait outside the apartment fence near the road ...Hatice i saw was scared..really scared... she has still not gotten over the thief experience in izmir... and i dont think she will...
The angry guy in question started to bang the window (ground floor place) of the person he was angry with ... that left the front door of the apartment free...
I didnt know why i didnt try to go to the next door apartment.. the zaim brothers r there too...i guess like hatice, i too was remembering the izmir experience... i was not able to think straight...
Luckily özlem(my sis in law) was in the balcony... she saw us n asked what happened...i asked her to open the apartment door lock n we went straight to their place... Hatice started to cry as soon as she entered özlem's place...we all then went to the balcony to see what was happening...
The people involved were gathering... the angry guy was shouting... a lady was screaming her head off...angry... people were trying to calm each other....bla bla bla.. it was not a nice thing to see.. Thankfully, the angry guy didnt bring a gun coz according to özlem, the last time he was there, he was with a gun...
Halil came to özlem n halim's place 5 minutes later... and later we all went back to our place...
Hatice is reliving her fears... she is sleeping in our bed for tonite... she is sensitive to these things..easily affected... i am strong but i am afraid too....fear this time paralysed my logics. That was a grave mistake.. i could have endangered my kids... Allah korusun...
while putting her to bed, i tried to explain to her what was happening... but what touched my heart was....when she asked me....
*Anne bana söz ver... onlara gibi... boşanma*
(Anne, promise me... dont get divorced like them)
I reassured her that *divorce* is not a vocabulary i toy with...that i love her father with all my heart and might.. as i am confident that he ..i..
*söz veriyorum*
(i promise)
as i said that to her... i just couldnt imagine the child of the couple who is stuck in between the fight of her parents... how deep r her scars... how traumatic her life will be...May Allah help her... *****************************************************
Yes.. i know.. i am guilty as charged... i have been missing for a long time... i have been trying to write this entry about sapanca since ..well..u can see the date of this entry... many many days ago....
but.... i dunno... i just dont feel much of the zest of life these days... am i subconciously still grieving after the death of my nephew? it is possible... there is this feeling of nothingness in me... like i dont feel like doing anything... i am not even contacting anyone much from the blogland these days..nor do i visit their blogs... this is a stage of life i suppose will pass.. soon hopefully..
Sapanca was....well... it was Sapanca... but the main highlight would be when everybody got together and we all spent the day together...even Funda's mom was there too... n we celebrated meşe's birthday that was nice.... I wont waste my time much with words... here r some of the d snaps taken in Sapanca... some by me and some by Funda...
The end result?: i couldnt press my feet that nite.. n had to practically limp very painfully for a few days... but the fact that i stayed in the pool for many hours helped the ease the swelling...
just look how they hav grown up...
(and my was still sort limping still hehehehe)
..even safa joined in hehehe
Labels: My holiday
Hi SImah! Agaknya lepas lama seronok bercuti, memanglah malas nak write kot. Lovely Sapanca pics .... you guys looked like you had so much fun. Hatice & Baddin pun nampak tanned betul (Mak depa memang dah selalu tanned, hehehe) and they look so big now.
How's Hatice now? That was a scary episode - nasib baiklah that man did not get any more violent. Dia pernah bawa gun??? Takutnya ... alhamdulillah malam tu dia tak mengamuk habis, kan?
By the way, check your mailbox, Simah. Ada gambar (tak) cun!
Salam Simah...
Poor Hatice! That must be one unsightly experience. Hope she's ok now. Pls hug her for me!
What happened in izmir? Did i miss that posting?
Anyway, lovely photos you've got up there. Suka lah style baru rambut you. hahaha!!! And that photo of the cook... reminds me of the gambar of the newly wedd kat kitchen cabinet. Dare to post that one? Hehehehh
Take care!
Gosh if I am there I too will be scared stiff---hope Hatice overcome her fright.
Beautiful spanca with all the Zaims together.
Wei you masak apa to Simah?
Great pics of Sapanca:)
Yeah, pity d couple's kids. I hv a friend who's waiting for his 9-mth pregnant wife to give birth to their 4th child before divorcing her. They often fought in their kids' presence, that's not good at all:(
hmmm macam kenal je chef kat gambar last tu...tapi di mana ya??? ke ke ke....oits...jgn lasak sangat kaki hang tu dah OK ka?
Queen of the House
dah tengok gambar dah akak..that is soooooooooooooooooooooo sweeeeeeeet... semua posing sakan! hahaha co comel la...thanks 4 sharing them with me ..u nampak mcm mak datin lagi tu!
Alhamdulillah, the incident did not leave an everlasting effect (like the izmir experience) on her...cuma la ni i have to wait next to her while she tries to sleep in her own bed... i dont blame her :0)
hatice n baddin memang tanned gila...bukan sawo matang dah pun.. dah jadi kaler coklat!! bila depa duduk sebelah cusis depa nampak sangat beza depa..iyea la cousins depa kan putih melepak hehehe
i knew i should have hide that pic before u came to my place! hahahahahah banayk beza sungguh kan kan kan? hahahahaha i tak mcm u akak.. u dah ada 3 hero pun badan still kurus kering melidi hahahah
hugged her on ur behalf...thanks :0)she is ok now Alhamdulillah...
wah akak sejak dua menjak ni sibuk betul akak yea..lama betul akak lesap! :0)
oh... cerita izmir tu ka? it happened 2 years ago..nanti i cuba carik link entry should be in my second blog entitled *that night i wish to forget*...
kak elle
memang menakutkan ... serammmmmmm
i masak apa tu?...ntah..gamaknya meatball with mushroom in bolognaise tomato sauce kot...sedap dimakan dengan speghetti!
tapi kalau kat sapanca bila ramai ramai mcm tu..we all mkn barbeque aja..with varieties of cold dishes.. tak sempat tangkap gambar coz bila ramai mcm tu..we all ladies kerja tak habis habis! :0)
sapanca is always nice for a relaxing retreat :0)
eee kesiannya wife kawan u tu.... bini dia tau tak dia akan diceraikan lepas beranak?
heheheh kenai jgn tak kenai chef tu.... hahahah
kaki aku dah ok Alhamdulillah.. wei..aku hilang hang punya hp no..terhilang masa tukaq tepon ke tepon lama...
bole kasi sms satu kat aku tak minah..?
dah lepas dah rindu hang kat students? hahaha
I have a lot of things to catch up here. It has been a while. I took time to read (almost) all that I've missed. Well, plenty of things happening huh?
Have a good day ahead Simah and enjoy your life with the family.
thanks 4 coming here despite ur busy schedule :0)
thinkgs has been busy for everyone around i guess...
u take care too ..have fun!:0)
simah, I'm gald you guys are alright. some people are not right in their mind - kita yang susah.
looks like you guys had so much fun there...adik masak apa tu, dik?
Looks like a fantastic time by the lake in Sapanca!
How I wish for carefree days under the sun....just lazing about by the pool and the sand beneath my feet.....
Can't wait for a beach resort escapade!
mama rock
adik main masak masak pondok heheh.. maknan yg semua orang akan suka... köfte! (meatball)..:0)
memang gerunn bila ada orang yg otak tak betul nearbye.. simpang malaikat la mama..seram..esp for young kids like hatice... ...
from the way u can be derived that u have plans for a beach resort escapade...:0)
Go for it girl!... besttttt :0)
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