Do u dare try?
Will you drink your juice if it contains......

water,fruits and vegetables puree and concentrate (apple, orange,guava,passionfruit,pineapple,mango,apricot,banana, grape, lemon, kiwi,carrot,celery root,cucumber, lime, cabbage, beetroot,onion, chilli) natural fragrant
water,fruits and vegetables puree and concentrate (tomatoes,carrot,chilli,beetroot,cucumber, salary root, black grape,lemon, cabbage, onion, green salad), salt, vinegar,spice mix,natural frangrant, oil and basil abstract
Oh yeah.. Kerim (my bro in law) was the one responsible for discoring these juices from a mini market in Sapanca called *küçük ev*....
water,fruits and vegetables puree and concentrate (apple, orange,guava,passionfruit,pineapple,mango,apricot,banana, grape, lemon, kiwi,carrot,celery root,cucumber, lime, cabbage, beetroot,onion, chilli) natural fragrant
This market is really special coz if u wanna find newly produced products (the ones u cant even find in most supermarkets in istanbul ).. u can find them in küçük ev...
He made halil n i tried all the 3 flavours... i practically almost couldnt stomach 2 of the reddish flavours! it was really terrible! (unless u like to drink turşu suyu..pickled veggie water!)... but the green one... the second ingredients out of the three (the middle one) tasted kinda is still sour tasting but a nice one...(with ice of course! :0)
So what about you? looking at the ingredients.. do u think u will be able to stomach any of the juices?
U decide
As in friday nite.. i will be off again to the usual gateaway place...will be staying there insyaAllah for a week...
See ya when i get back here! muahhhhhhh miss ya already :0)
The truth is getting too hot for all of us (it was 38 celcius yesterday)...hatice is getting headache from the heat... n i do have to say.. splashing inside the pool n doing the jungle trekking (i am sure the wild black cherries r ripe by least some)... sapanca is the obvious choice...
Please pray for our safe journey...take care!
(good luck to me.. i havent packed, ironed the clothes, cook etc even! help!)
And for the dear one who will be undergoing an operation this Monday.. our prayers will always be with u...
On the other hand, i have just recieved a call from Meşe.. the Sapanca's house fridge is broken!!! THAT will determine whether we will al be going to sapanca AT ALL coz without a fridge, there is no use going there... Mıstık has called a fixer to fix the fridge but if the guy cannot fix the fridge... we may have just cancel the sapanca trip for some other day...frankly speaking.. that fridge is just counting its time to *die* anyway.. i think we need a new fridge in Sapanca..
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: sapanca-summer 2007
Have a good trip and have fun splashing in the pool:)
Enjoy your break!!! Have fun!
p/s I don't think I dare to drink the juices.
nampak macam best je jus tu...tengah panas-panas ni kalau bubuh ais, rasanya nak jugak try...hehe.
holiday lagi.... ENJOY !!!!
I would try it if minus the spices.
Erk!! Air jus apa tu Simah...rasanya akak tak berani cuba...takut bukan perut aje yang tak boleh terima..tekak yang penting...belum masuk perut dah keluar...
Have a safe journey simah...harap2 fridge kat sapanca tu dpat diperbaiki...
gulp...nampak mcm tak sanggup nak try..
have a good time in sapanca simah..
i think kalau tak boleh repair, a new fridge is definitely deserving. what more with the heat (even though i think 38C is nothing compared to 50+ in qatar heh heh) and also hiking and pool.
salam simah,
tengok air ni ingatkan akak kat turki...akak tengok driver kita minum satu botol besar mcn sedap gitu..akak pun order tiga botol...bila akak minum tak blh nak telan langsung...akak tak tahu air apa tu sebab ckp dng driver ni mcn ayam itik...rasanya mcn pedas2 masin...
k, simah slmt jln...take care.
kak ogy
I'd gladly give these drinks a pass. Thank you very much. Too many good thing can spoil the broth, or so goes the saying ;-)
Have fun in Sapanca, albeit sans a working fridge!
lama tak masuk sini...
rindu lama tak baca cerita simah..
maklang kena hangin malas ni..
enjoy your stay...
sedap nampak air tu...nak sepacket!
hmmm macam mana la rasanya ...
Hi Simah, nope, I will not drink those juices, infact I don't drink anything I cannot see, so its strictly from bottles only.
What I miss most is fresh coconut water...itu la best!
Wa, you there 30'c? We too la. But its okay, another tiga bula it'll be cold again, then -30'c, opposite.
You have a good holiday, don't get burned too much. UL.
simah.. kasik angkat fridge kat umah hang bawak balik sapanca ler....
salatalik tu timun ka?
Melady Simah:
Though this is unrelated to what you wrote, I gift it to you as a gift with a wish, present it to your spouse, significant others, children, brothers and/or sisters. Let them know that you love them much. Their smiles are my reward and prayers for my loved ones.
This place of yours is a mecca for good souls, and this pilgrim is blessed to have encountered it.
Thank you, and forgive me for the trouble.
worry not when it rains,
close your eyes and let go your pains,
and let all tears be slain,
happiness is yours to gain,
brought down by the my midnight saint,
helping this hands that have long been waned,
tugging away your nightmares chains.
hate you not the chilling winds,
let free yourself and feel it caress your chin,
put away all the ale and the gin,
welcome it with a great wide grin,
let not your mind dance in a spin,
for the winds come with a hint,
that haven is colored with my love as the paint.
When it comes to drinks and food I am game for anything edible and halal!
I like turşu, yes but turşu suyu? I don't want to try that. Maybe it is good for slimming.
kak elle
thanks... :0) dah terjun dah... tapi balik istanbul peluh balik hehehe
thanks :0)
kalau akak try air tu gamaknya lepas tu akak bermalam kat toilet kot? hahaha
thanks :0)
kalau sapa yg suka air masam suka kot air ni akak... mai la sini nanti saya beli :0)
u dont even feel the spices... sepatutnya very healthy..tapi eeeeeeee.... oh tidakkkkkkkk
tak sanggup nak minum banyak :0)
kak lady
let us just stuck to air tebu ka..air soya ka air cicau ka..lagi selamat kan? hehehe
berkerut muka we all try ari tu hehehehe
fridge dah beli baru..yippie!
try sue..try..gerenti u sembur balik heheheh
qatar 50 ka? amboi mak aiiiii...boleh masak telur by letak pan atas tanah panas tak?
so u all pakai air cond terus ker?
in hot weather..a pool.. or at least a bath tub pon jadi laa... memang heavennnn...
kak ogy
jgn jangan air salgam kot akak? ker air jeruk hahahahah padan la akak tak boleh abis! hahah saya pun tak sanggup minum air tu...
tapi experience kan akak? :0)
take a pass.. that will be the best decision :0) sapa la yg suka minum air tu memang terrer la...:0)
thanks.. the new fridge is definitely working (except that i everyday mesti tumpahkan olive oil (tak sengaja) dalam fridge tu.. terukkkk nak cuci...aaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiii
mak lang
boleh...takut mak lang minum nanti muntah ajer hehehehe
heheh biasa la hangin malas ni..saya pun kena jugak sekali sekala.. terima kasih la sebab dalam malas pun masuk jugak mak lang sini :0)
aku gerenti hang tak mau try hehehe
uncle lee
fresh coconut milk? dengan air.. tu tarak sapa boleh lawan la uncle.. n i love tebu yg baru kena squeezed..manisssssssss
-30? habis tu budak budak tak pi sekolah ker in that weather uncle?
mummy rizq
oh tidakkkkkkk aku tak sanggup share fridge aku hehehehehe
long time no see...
yup..salatalık tu timun...
anak anak sihat=?
thank u for the beautiful poetry :0)
it is definitely halal.. but r u game for the masak taste? hehehehe mai la sini akak :0) jom try...
ku keng
türks love turşu suyu despite the taste... i first tried it masa mengandung..terus bloating! hahahah too much salt content... rasanya malaysians takkan suka kot minum pickled water tu :0)
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