My Last Sapanca Dinner -Summer 2007
ala..mcm nasik tomato kita la jugak...
cauliflower topped with bechamel sauce, sprinkled with white cheese and topsed with kaşar peynir (another type of cheese)
Oh last Sapanca dinner... Yum yum! we went there last wekend for 2 days n one nite only... I was really sad inside that saturday coz when we went for jungle trekking that one last time, the terrible heat that is affecting the whole turkey was affecting sapanca as well... my beloved berries though still loads of them red...were drying up due to the heat...i was really sad for the animals (even cows love to eat the berries.. honest! i had seen cows eating them last year) wouldnt be able to enjoy the berries... We left on sunday... and I suppose, perhaps it was due to the barakah of the nifsu Syaaban..the holy month perhaps.. Allah had sent rain for two days all over Turkey! Meaning... my berries r saved! Alhamdulillah...I am sure all the plants n animals were rejoicing the rain! I know i did!
Again... i havent been able to blog so sori... summer is definitely a difficult time to blog hop...
l will also be in hiatus...will be right back here again on the first of Ramadhan (12th).... dont forget me ok?
Ah...the freezing sea water... the pebbles...the fresh fish... my squid...perhaps octopus? *wink*
The kids n i cant wait to go there... And just the perfect place too to celebrate our wedding anniversary.. I wonder whether he will give me a stone or a leaf this year... hmmm..
Some people think that going to holidays with kids r so tiring... if given a choice they would rather leave the kids at home...
But for me... a holiday without my kids wont be a holiday at all!They r the reason why a holiday is such a holiday... when they r happy... everything is worth it...and i will be lost without them by my side...
My dearest tem... Thank u for such interesting, mind wretching.. heart breaking..never boring 8 years... for the best gift of all from this union is these two angels...May Allah bless our life together till death do us part..Amin..
Labels: sapanca-summer 2007
Happy wedding anniversary simah semoga kekal hingga ke cucu-cicit:)
1. Sedapnya dinner tu.. but the cauliflower attracts me the most!
2. Happy Anniversary ti Simah & hubs. Semoga kekal selamanyaa.. Aminn...
3. Selamat menyambut Ramadhan Al-Mubarak!
Simah dear,
Happy anniversary! May you have lovely days ahead together! Cherish the times you spent so far and look forward for more beautiful days. :-)
hugs n kisses,
ps: me n my girl got sun burn! the price we paid for going to the beach at noon!! :P of course, we were the only ones there (well, plus some european tourists).
Ms I
next summer kat malaysia kan..jom pi langkawi..
happy anniversary..semoga happy dan ceria selalu..
selamat menyambut ramadhan
simahhhh lama tak jenguk ke sini. Sori yer...
Habis dah sapanca. Bebudak pun dah nak start skolah dah. Cam kejaop jer summer ni rasanya.
Happy anniversary to both of u!
Your bbq is superkellyfragelistic delicious!!!
Simah, balik sini nanti, buat satu bbq and jemput kita org ek?
bestnya simah.... nak jugak rpt apa yang dith cakap. balik next year u kena masak BBQ mcm ni untuk kitaorang. ;)
... dan happy wedding anniversary. salam to your hubby. May Allah bless you and your family.
hi! bumped into your blog and i couldnt help myself drooling over those food!!
and happy anniversary to you and your husband! may there will be plenty of fond memories, love and laughter to come!
warm regards and selamat berpuasa,
Tiba2 lapar lak:) Especially tengok daging and cauliflower tu...
selamat ulang tahun ke - 10 ke? or 9? Apa2 pun semoga hang dan Halil + anak2 sentiasa dirahmati Allah selalu :)
p/s: sedap je tgk makanan tu... aku lapaq la plak
selamat ulang tahun ke - 10 ke? or 9? Apa2 pun semoga hang dan Halil + anak2 sentiasa dirahmati Allah selalu :)
p/s: sedap je tgk makanan tu... aku lapaq la plak
HaPPy anniversary!!! Semoga kekal dunia akhirat bahagia bahagia gitu...:)
bbQ cara sana sungguh menarik dgn kaler dan creative food presentation....waduhhhh mcm mana la nak diet kalau mcm gitew ek...hehehe
ur anak2 menten jek comel mereka....mesti ikut ibunya nie.. :)
happy Ramadhan to u and family too...
Hi Simah,
Wah wah seronoknya cuti-cuti, makan-makan & etc..ishh jeles nye.
Anyway, Happy Anniversary.
Sori, lama tak drop by..busy jugak & taktau nk tulis apa pun ye jugak ;)
happy anniversary dear simah ooii..
semoga berkekalan hidupmu hingga ke akhirnya bersama dia yang kau cintai..
maakkk eehhh.. leleh liur nengok sume food2 tu.. esp cauliflower wth david beckham sauce & cheese tu..
selamat sambut pose & bulan yang mulia.. Ramadhan Al Mubarak..
salam SImah,
err..saya ada email awak tadi :D
sedapnya makanan2 tu..
saya ni baru start blog ni :D
That Lipton Green Tea is our fave drink in the Netherlands! ;-)
Have a happy anniversary, enjoying the warm sea breeze with your loved ones!
simah, saya dah email awak tadi, tp nak bagitau kat sini, saya dah terima tau!!! tq so much :D. kat dlm email tu ada citer detail hehe. 2 emails saya antar kat awak.
Simah, is summer officially over yet? Youe summer BBQs are very very tantalising to the palettes ... yummy.
Happy belated anniversary - wishing you happiness always, dear Simah.
Happy wedding anniversary simah semoga kekal abadi...
Makanan sedap2.. teringat semasa diGErmany..
Simah...makan semua nampak sedap...seronok bila dapat berkumpul dan bersama-sama orang tersayang...
hi simah, summer's over and now ramadhan's looming aorund the corner. ramadhan mubarak to you and family :)
happy anniversary..and selamat menyambut ramadhan!
meriah makan makan tu..
selamat menyambut ramahdan dan happy anniversary..
My fav are İmam bayıldı and artichoke (what is it in Turkish? Forgotten it now!)
And to wish you and family and your baba, Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan.
Ramadhan mubarak to you dear. Sedapnya tengok gambar tu.
Happy anniversary to you & halil
Ramadan Kereem. I miss this blog. May you be in the best of health and gain great rewards this Ramadhan for all the motherly, wifely, doter-in-lawly work uv rendered Simah. Allah Bless
kak elle
thanks.. n thanks too for the sms... :0)
mummy rizq
1. ooo u suka cauliflower yek? i pun suka cauliflower masak mcm tu..cuba la :0)
2. aminnnnnnnnnn n thanks for the doa... insyaAllah makbul doa u :0)
3. Salam ramazan to u too :0)
miss i
to get sun burnt is the ultimate evidence of a holiday heheheh glad u have had a nice time there :0)
amin n thanks 4 the good wishes... one day u will find the right one...insyaAllah
salam ramadhan to u too...
amin n thanks :0)
i memang kalau next year nak balik pi langkawi tapi tak tau la bila... jom jom :0)
thanks :0) elamat berposa utk hang n family... ooooooooo hang dah lupa kat aku yek? :0) ala.. tak kisah..bila senang mai la... hang kan busy jaga anak n masak kek:0)
boleh...anytime.... masak no hal...tapi bab bakar tu...kita kerah lelaki buat hehehe
mai la sini akak.. kat sana buat bbq style lain.. eh baru teringat... *ibu* dah volunteer nak sponsor bbq bila we all balik mesia hehehehehe...:0)
ikelah n ikelah
thanks n aminnnnnnnnn.. selamat salamramazan to u too :0)
gamaknya bila la yea we all akan dapat jumpa? saya teringin esp nak jumpa dith..mesti sopan ajer just like ur 2 wonderful daughters.. :0) (saya lak jenis brutal hahaha)
aidan's mama n papa
dear zaza..thanks 4 coming over here... saja saja nak sakat u alll dengan makanan sini :0)
thanks for the well wishes.. aminnnnnn :0)
tak leh makan..posaa hehehe
aku segala doa hangpa..aminnnnnnnnn ja la..:0)
wei.. posa tak?
aminnnnnnnnn... n thanks 4 the well wishes..
salam ramadhan to u n ur family too...
ala tu biasa aja actually..selalunya kat sapanca bila ramai makanan tak cukup meja (n that meja is long! ) hehehe
eh lama yek kita tak chat? u apa khabar? salam bulan mulia to u n ur beautiful angels :0)
hehehe bab sakat memang i sukaaaaa..
aminnnnnnnn..anniversary dah lepas dah tapi insyaAllah jodoh tetap ke akhir hayat...
salam ramadhan to u n ur family too :0)
kak long
amin.. n thanks... syikin awak sihat?
salam bulan mulia to u too... berdebar tunggu hariiiiii ?:0)
lipton esp bila panas tterik tekak perit.. with ice... heaven :0)
thanks... n how r u dear?dah settle in dah?
queen of the House
sekolah dah start.. summer is officially over... salam ramadhan to u too akak... n thanks 4 the well wishes.. :0)
azie.. dah settle ker adaptation kat malaysia.. ? salam ramadhan yg mulia to u too..hugs n kisses to ur little one...
kak lady
memang seronok bila berkumpul ramai ramai akak (xcept bab nak kena masak hehehe)
thanks for all ur wishes n aminnnnn..
Salam RAmadhan to u too :0)
mama rock
salam ramadhan to u n ur family too mama... Keep rocking! :0)
mak lang
salam ramadhan to u too mak lang.. mesti dapur maklang ramazan ni berasap dengan juadah best best.. :0)
salam ramadhan to u too zino... best tak posa bila anak anak dah besar esp masa nak bukak posa?
ku keng
artichoke is enginar... love them too... :0)
salam ramadhan to u too on behalf of baba and all of us :0)
anggerik merah
thanks :0) aminnnnnn...
Salam ramadhan to u too.. :0)
count byron
amin n thanks count...
Salam ramazan to u n ur family too... :0)
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