Raya 2007
Raya...or Bayram in Turkey..... Well... If u were born in Malaysia.... or at least have stayed in Malaysia....for Hari Raya Aidilfitri or Ramazan Bayram... u will of course get used to eating (or at least being served (depending on the states u r in or ur family background)..........

Of course.... living in Turkey... with raya (bayram) food generally (am not complaining)....
or sweets or lokum (turkish dessert)
One type of dessert ..ie baklava..

or sweets or lokum (turkish dessert)

will come a bit less festive...(again... am not complaining hehehe only that i am salivating everytime raya is here n i think of Malaysian food)...
But one thing is precious of course is the visiting of each other....be it in Turkey or in Malaysia..the young visist the older generation....the young visit each other... in the spirit of celebration which is prominent every eid mubarek everywhere around the world...
But one thing is precious of course is the visiting of each other....be it in Turkey or in Malaysia..the young visist the older generation....the young visit each other... in the spirit of celebration which is prominent every eid mubarek everywhere around the world...
But of course...in Malaysia... we are so used to say... Maaf Zahir Batin... u apologize to each other as u *salam* (shake hands) with each other in Malaysia...this is the time when previous disagreements r put behind... angers..hate ...being put aside...i havent been able to shake hands with anybody Malaysians here...my maaf zahir dan batin is only penned off thru letters n phone calls...
So what did we do this bayram? Well... Meşe n family decided to *escape* the zaim family this bayram (heheheh) n so they went to Gaziantep to visit a close friend...(tabiki yanık etli nohut da bize biraktı mese ya hahahaha şaka şaka..eline sağlık meşe... guzel olmus)...and so on the first day and the second day of Bayram... trying to be a menantu mithali that i am (perasan hahaha)...i sit house at baba on those two days... serving whatever needed to be served...
Meşe came back to istanbul on the second day.. n since that second day of raya nite, there was a football match, we left the fort of serving the guests at baba to meşe hehehe... I was not so lucky though... i was attacked by a violent tummy pain that whole nite... leaving halil scared to his wit that nite... him insisting that we went to the hospital which i refused (i had that same pain when i was teaching in sarawak more than 8 years ago.. they hospitalised me.. this second time.. i didnt want to take that chance of being hospitalised again)....started antibiotics the next day.. and Alhamdulillah..i am fine now :0)
Bayram celebration is only 3 days in turkey unlike in Malaysia which can last a month... and so... on the fourth day... school resumes.... and life goes on...
My digital camera is still broken of course...i had to snap using my old non digital camera... had problem uploading the photo.. so in the end... i asked for help from my sisters in law regarding the photos.. n funda sent me some photos of the bayram..esp the family photo (of all the zaims)...(THANKS FUNDA..i owe u one)...the rest i painstakingly scanned the pictures one by one (malasnya..sebab tu lama nak masukkan entry ni).....so here we were during the eid mubarak 2007....
Ramadhan...pergimu akan kembali (tahun depan)
Syawal... iyea la..iyea la... akan ku cuba posa 6
Bulan yg selainnya... posaku akan ku cuba ganti secepat mungkin (ala pompuan la katakan heheh)
Jom kengkawanku sayang... Posaaaaaaaaa ..:0)
amboi..dah besar dah minah ni..dengan subang gantung dia lagi.... pandai berfesyen tau! Sekarang dia suka sangat beli subang..
2 siblings who love each other... though baddin always drive her crazy hehehe
umur 6 thn tapi dia suka sangat baju tu (utk budak 8 tahun).. jadi terpaksa la anne dia beli jugak...
well..at least 2 tahun tak yah beli shirt kat mamat ni hahahaha

Labels: bayram
selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin..
selamat hari raya juga dr sg...lain negri lain celebration nya kan?
Wah Hattice dah pandai bergaya ye?tak lama lagi bermake-up ler tu:)
The lil one loves this song!!! Beautiful girl.... :D Perasan laa budak kecik tuh.
Take care dear!
ps: Yup.. I prepared all the typical dishes. :D
nampaknya kita aje yang beraya sakan ya.
the kids all look happy.
Amboi, Mat Sallehnya baju raya, hehe...
Teruk juga u sakit perut ya? Sampai pernah hospitalised.
Selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin.
dengan ingatan tulus dan ikhlas dari ajzie sekeluarga..
Dear Simah,
Selamat Hari Raya & Maaf Zahir Batin
Sama la kita, I asyik dok teringat ketupat palas je..huwaaaaa...
Tp takpe..kat sini Malaysian ramai, so dpt le jugak mkn mknan malaysia masa raya haritu.
Selam Simah,memanglah raya kat TR tak macam negeri sendiri,tak rasa rayapun kan!Sejak dah lama tinggal kat obersea,inilah kali pertama saya masak makanan raya!Nasib baik jadi!Memanglah susah sikit,dari pagi sampai petang baru habis masak!Dapat juga rasa beraya!
Mashallah!anak2 Simah sihat dan Hatije abla bukan main bergaya!Inshallah tahun depan Simah sekeluarga dapat beraya kat kampung pula,bolehlah mengacau dodol/wajid!Iyi Bayramlar!
WAA.. RAYA KAT SANA TAK KURANG MERIAHNYA KAN.. AWAT YOUR SISTER (alamak caps pulak)tak kirim ketupat segera kaa?? Tapi tak pa la kan... best jugak makan baklava tu (aku suka!)
Bila hang nak mai balik beraya kat mesia nie??
aku pun sakit perut gak raya ke-4 tu...eiii silap makan gamaknya :(
apa2 pun sakan Raya hang nooo :)
Eid Mubarak to your family..meriah jugak kan ur celebration..
i suka photo Hatice yg first tu..nampak klasik
Simah...Selamat Hari Raya buat Simah & Famili...dimana2 jua kita berada...Hari Raya tetap membawa erti yang sama...
Bermaafan lah kita bersama ye Simah...
salam raya utk zino dan keluarga..maaf zahir dan batin dari kami di sini...
kak elle
org sg raya best tak?
hatice kalau i kasi memang lama nak bermake up! haha i ajer tak kasi.. tak mau la start make up awal.. nanti habis rosak kulit...:0)
ms istanbul
memang the lil one *beautiful* pun..biar la dia perasan kejap heheheh
lagu ni memang klasik gitu la! eh u tak suka ka? i gila lagu ni :0)
duduk lama oversea pandai jugak u masak yea...jelesnyaaaaaa
i rasa la orang yg paling meriah raya kat mana mana pun diaorang berada is orang malaysia...bestttttttttttt kan?
memang we all raya pakai baju biasa aja.. tak mampu la nak jahitkan baju kurung kat sini.. tailor mahalllllll.... tak cost effective :0)
azieeeeeeeeeee *hugs*..awak apa khabar? sihat? selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin dari kami di sini jugak..
selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin utk awak jugak..
wahh untung la awak..kat sini tarak pun orang yg i boleh pi makan benda tu..huwaaaaaaaaaa
kak nora
iyi bayramlar akak...
wahhhhhhhhh bekerja keras yek akak raya kali ini..i am sure berbaloi usaha akak tu..
eh suami akak n anak akak pandai ker makan makanan kita?
memang raya kat sini tak meriah.. tu yg bila raya posa ja otak direct teringat kat mesia... hujan emas kat negeri sendiri jugak kan?
mummy rizq
lepas raya baru hang cakap kat aku ada ketupat segera? huwaaaaaaaa hang ni la ina...bagi aku terkilan jap :0)
hang suka baklava? mai la sini!! awat hang tak cakap.. kalau tak boleh aku bagi satu kat si alinlai suruh pos kat hang masa depa mai sini dulu..
aku thn depan baik mesia tapi tak sempat kot nak raya kat sana..tak tau la...
aku raya tak sesakan hang heheheh :0)
thanks 4 barang yg hang hantaq tu :0)
thatz my fav pic jugak..gambaq tu kecik ja... masa tu dia tengah gomol dgn cousin dia hehehe.. i scan bagi tunjuk gambaq dia aja..
how was ur raya? banyak ur princess dapat duit raya?
kak lady
tapi kan akak.. raya kat mesia tak sama mcm raya kat turki... huwaa..
salam aidilfitri maaf zahir dan batin utk kakak ...
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