Rain is good..
When i left my home at 8.15am,it was drizzling....it started to pour soon after.... the weather dropped 10 degree celcius from the day before....
Yeah... it rained..still raining outside in fact... the whole day long....... Turkey needs the rain...i dont mind the rain... i had stuffs i needed do at the other side of bridge (europe) today... and so...despite the rain... i was on my mission...out in the rain... :0)
Yes... i was soaking wet for sooo many hours... after i got home, i could actually squeeze my socks n got half a glass of water from that! hahahaha i was actually freezing and was starting to shake... but mission accomplished! I am tired ... and i am happy...-
Yup! Kak Elle... i hope u will like what i got for you! they r not much but they come from the heart...wait and see! hehehehhe ...ur last request tu.. insyaAllah the next time, ok? that i promise :0)
we should be thankful for what we have eh? these guys... the amount of money they get depends on the things they carry... still it is a halal way of living... they should be saluted
this is the place u must go... varieties of heads craves... but some r wholesallers...(most of them actually)
the same street of head scarves heaven...
in the end, i abandoned my umbrella n was wet all over hehehe
the bookstores around the ist uni...
the book seller hang this flag at his shop..thinking i was a tourist..he made the sign encouraging me to snap the flag pic....layaaaaaaaaaannn hehehe
while waiting for the ferry...2 lcd screens to take away the boredom
in the ferry... i deliberately made the color black hehehe
it stopped raining for a while and this guy took the chance to fish....
views from inside the mini bus..
YES! my beloved camera is back.. i was thinking of making Mıstık go and take the camera from the service centre but then i thought of baba...baba needs mıstık ..baba has not been feeling well even before bayram (raya)... and so taking instructions from mıstık on how to find the service centre... Yes! i have got back my beloved camera :0) Now my blog will be full of pictures again! yippie!
Today, i have just realised....after the kids started school.. this is actually the first time i went to europe using the minibus, ferry and train on my own....
I thought that i would enjoy a leisure breakfast at kadikoy... i mean..come on!! freedom!! no kids to tag along...just me and me...but i missed my kids so much that i only took a bite of poğaca and left it uneaten...there was no fun eating alone... But i did ordered my favourite freshly squeezed pomogranade (buah delima) juice...rahsia awek muda tau! hahahah
It was raining heavily by the time i reached the headscarves street.. i needed to buy somethings for halil n the kids there... drenched i was...and again... in my mind, i kept feeling as if baddin was next to me telling me...
*anne.. ben yorgunum*
(anne, i am tired)
or hatice asking...
*anne, işin bitti mi?*
(anne, r ur chores finished?)
believe it or not, i'd rather have the kids crying n complaining next to me rather than being up and on the go.. free but alone... i guess i am not over yet the empty nest syndrom eh?
I didnt eat my lunch as well even though my tummy was grumbling.... it was a matter of choosing the right place to eat for a single lady... i had to find a decent place... then it was the matter of the food choice.... can u believe that despite all those delicious food everywhere i couldnt make a choice???? hahahahahahah..pathetic eh?
i ended up going home and later had my breakfast, lunch and dinner all combined with the kids at 4.45pm! hahahah
The conclusion is... eat with ur kids! Dont try to eat alone!!
This is the translation of the song being played right now...
Yağmur (rain)
The hands of the Angels
carry all the raindrops
with great mercy they cover
all the leaves with abundance
Flowers drink the water
lamb drinks the water
children drink the water
they all thank for the blessings
Oh Allah send rain with your angel
please Allah give us some rain
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: My daily life
wow simah you went all the way to europe in the blessing rain:)one question why you not allowed into the uni with tudung?
The places you snap picture of looks very ancient and old but there's where the trading are done issit?
Like you when I am alone I am shy to eat alone at anywhere so I normally just get a drink.
Told you b4 please don't buy anything for me except for that souviner zippedbag for my camera and figs...yeah whilst in the cab home I remembered abt the prayers mat tu.
2 more days Simah 2 bags will be seeing youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu and Rudi will say this to you...*kak simah this is the hidden treasures*....hehehe
How I wish I was walking with you in that rain to the other side of the bridge! Very interesting outing albeit alone! But it is a good way to diet down , no?? hehe
perghhh masih teringat2 bab minibus, ferry and train... train, ferry and minibus... dah la driver kat sana bawa macam kat F1 ke kek e
kak elle
halil cakap kat i..*u r nuts to go out in that rain* hahaha..i am suprised he just noticed how mad i am :0)
ala akak.. dah niat...saya bila ada niat..kata hari isnin..come rain or snow... saya akan buat jugak....
pasal tudung tu.. biasa la... kat sini kalau pakai tudung tak boleh pi sekolah.. tak boleh masuk area uni.. dan tak boleh kerja kerajaan.. kerjaan sekarang cuba nak ubah this rule (at least masuk uni boleh pakai tudung) tapi orang yg berfikiran sekular terlampau kuat pengaruh...
ala..saya tak beli apa apa pun... benda benda kecik ajer..just wait n see..hopefully u will like them :0)
rudiiiiii mai sini cepat!!! :0)
walking under the rain is wonderful kan? saya pun suka...tapi tu la.. bila cuaca pun sejuk... heheh berjalan berjam jam dalam hujan..lepas tu cuaca pun sejuk.. memang kecuttttttt kaki..
oh yeah... walking n freeze.. lagi banyak lemak terbakar...esp with a hungry tummy... which makes me wonder... kenapa i susah sangat nak burn my fat? still, i will persevere :0)
hahahaha mana hang boleh lupa... F1 driver tu still ber racing!! jgn lupa tengok my blog entry esok (rabu) sebab aku ada satu entry yg akan membawa satu memory balik bab f1 mini bus racer hahahahaha tungguuuuuu
Larr simah...dalam hujan2 pun pegi jugak...kat tempat akak sekarang pun musim hujan...kejap hujan...kejap panas...
Seronok tengok blog simah dah banyak gambar2 semula...
Heheheh....tersenyum akak baca ni...
The conclusion is... eat with ur kids! Dont try to eat alone...
Memang betul kan...bila kita dah ada anak...makan sensorang rasa tercekik....terpikirkan anak kat umah....makan pun tak lalu...lagik pun nak masuk makan kat restoran rasa malu2 nak masuk sorang...
I still pelik part turki tak boleh pakai tudung ni. tak ramai pakai tudung ke, Simah?
Amboi, tulis pasal hujan.. macam ada bakat jadi pensyair aje, hehe...Jangan demam cukup la:P
Love your statement "eat with your kids!"
You know, someone mentioned to me that a family that dines together, stays together. I guess thats the only time you can catch up with the whole gang, kids abt school stuffs, parents abt work.
ps: I'm at work! I know.. I'm a workaholic. Feeling drowsy and high bcos of the medication. hehehhe....
camna pun lintang pukang jalan dgn anak2, pi mana pun, makan apa pun, mesti ingat kat depa punya lah..
awatnya takleh bertudung kat sana tu? tak bertamadun betol, sekolah international sini pun buleh pakai..
my hp kat msia, nanti kena register baru sbb dah expired..
Simah, I love the pictures ... the rain, the old and ancient buildings, the streets, the scenery, the atmosphere, and the PINK SHOES!!!!
I pun tak faham why pakai tudung tak boleh masuk the univ. You mean, they will actually deny you entry? Even kalau nak pi jalan-jalan tengok-tengok aje? Pelik kan, walhal negara 'Islam'.
Huhuhu, wish I boleh pi borong Turkish scarves kat sana .....
simah...baru hari ni ku boleh mengomel di sini..
alamak bestnyer pergi turki beli head scarves. Nak kirim satu...hihihih.
simah...the excitement of getting the spices beats the wet rain :)
nanti masak le puas-puas and makan le with the kids :)
Ello Simah...
Hey! I remember very well that Scarf Street. Maklumler... borong sakan haritu.
I often had the same feeling. Rasa mcm excited gi shopping sorang2, no rugrats tagging along. But after awhile, I will miss them heaps. Terdengar2 "nak ice cream!", "nak gi toilet!", "nak naik kereta tu!".... which are actually music to my ears after all.
Looking forward to your balik kampung to Msia next year! We are preparing our guest room just for you! Spesel .... hehehe
kat KL ni kalau hujan lebat selalu banjir dan jalan akan sesak.. hehe
kak lady
bila kejap hujan kejap panas ni kekadang bahaya kan? cepat ajer nak sakit nanti...
tu la akak..bila dah jadi ibu ni.. orak tak lepas kat anak... mesti rindu ajer...
hahah i penyair? lawak lawak..
eh tak ader la..kat sini ramai pakai tudung... cuma undang undang yg tak senonoh sikit...
tak leh comen lebih lebih..kang i lak yg kena tangkap...
ms istanbul
hey! cepat balik rumah! hopefully u r better by now...
take care!
wei.. jgn lupa contact tau dah balik mesia nanti!!
ala kat sini biasa la... nak ckp pun ntah la..*sigh*.. military yg berkuasa tu yg susah sikit...
bila dah mak tetap mak kat mana mana pun.. anakkuuuu sayangggggggg
------------------------------Queen of the House
ohyeah akak.. PİNK SHOES! hahahah remind me to buy u something pink if we ever get to meet one day! hahaha
mai la borong tudung kat sini akak.. *ibu* knows mcm mana..ari tu pi satu kedai ajer..dia borong amboiiiiiii hahaha memang tudung heaven...
memang kalu pakai tudung tak leh masuk kawasan uni...kalau nak kerja n belajar... selalunya orang sini sebelum masuk gate depa bukak tudung...bila keluar pakai balik..sebab tu i tak kerja kat sini... tak mau la bukak tudung unless kalau terpaksa..
wei..mai la sini..apa main kirim kirim tak main la wei... hang sihat?
mama rock
even with the things next to me..i am still excited as hell..will definitely enjoy them...rasa mcm kat syurga ajer :0)
the rugrats tu.. memang tanpa depa sunyi hidup kan?? its those times ygmasa depa memeningkan kepala kita tu la yg kita rindu sangat...
akak.. we all tak sampai mesia lagi akak dah plan mcm mcm heheh nak bbq la.. etc..etc..terasa mcm tetamu kehormat pulak hahaha
oh yeah akak.. istill remember masa u borong tudung ari tu... i tengok pun kecut! hahahaha
sama la mcm kat sini.. nasşb baik my area tak jenis banjir area..kalau tak memang susah ..
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