The News..
Yup! those two articles printed in a local English newspaper has got my name on it. Itz a section for expats like me to mumble.... and Yup! this simah didnt feel that it was enough to mumble n bore people in her blog..... she has to mumble in a newspaper too!! hahahahahaha
It was for fun in the still is just like writing in my blog..only i have to spell the words properly (which actually took the fun out of mumbling actually....i hate proper spelling n grammar...)..of course the audience is different... people living in turkey with english knowledge...well enough to want to buy an english newspaper....
Who r excited more of my writings? i think my beloved is the most excited... i can feel him grinning still..the same with my zaim family... all r very supportive of me...full of praises...i suppose i will probably mumble some more at another time in the least when my mind is not as numb as now or as angry at everything..when i shouldnt...... well... thatz what i become when i see how helpless baba is....
Baba...a funny guy he is... he read my articles.... and quietly said... *very good*... it is from someone else i hear his real comments about my writing... i heard it from meşe... from halil... but never from his own mouth....what he said to them is enough to make me wanna fly hehehehe oh yeah... his praises was high...YES!
How is baba? well..he looks better today... i went to his apt at noon till 3.30pm... his electronic bed that was rented from a local hospital came...he was also working from his bed... checking details of his autobiography...(soon to be published except for the few last details)... he looked better too..but it doesnt change the fact that his cancer is teminal.. that it has spread all over his body...still.. his moral is good...the operation will be done this thursday instead of tuesday...pls pray for him....
i am sorry that i may not be in the mood to blog hop much... in the midst of all this sorrow and test by Allah... at least the publishing of my second article... with the mention of his wise words n name at the beginning had managed to somehow add to his cheerfulness today..i am grateful for that...
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..Labels: The heart speaks
Waah...a published write/blogger lah you sekarang...Tabik lah...
Congrats and keep on writing/mumbling..
Take care Simah...our doa for you and family
First of all my doas for baba.
wei dah jadi writer for local english newspaper eh?thats good keep you busy and occupied and forget about rendang.....hahahaha
congrats! have made your name on the newspaper...
it's my dream to become a newspaper columnist...but my english is not good. But as an academician, tulis article dalam journal sajalah nampak gayanya.
Good luck to you, your hubby and the lovely kids.
Congrats! Wah, freelance journalist for a Turkish newspaper does look 'terrer' on one's CV, LOL!
Sad to hear about Baba, you hear a lot about terminal disease involving people from all ages these days, but you're still shock each time. All d best for d operation.
Simah jadi newspaper celebrity!!!! Whoo hooo, glamournya!
On a sadder note, sorry to hear about your baba's medical condition. I hope for the best and that he will be spared much pain.
Congrats Simah, you do your family in Turkey and back home proud. I am sure your fil cheered up on reading those articles. Keep writing, woman! I pray that all anxiety be taken away and your fil will be eased of his pain. Keep up the good spirit!
keep writing..!!! our doa to baba & all..
satu kemajuan.. bila penulisan di hargai dan di terbitkan..
menulis lah lagi..
You are indeed lucky to have married into that family who took you in with open hearts.
I am sorry that Baba is suffering from cancer but he is at the same time surrounded by caring family. A compensation.
And good for you that your articles get published and getting good comments from others plus Baba. (dpt cash tak? hehe)
My prayers for Baba that Allah swt ease him in this great test.
Simah...I love your mumbling in the newspaper. Thumds up...keep mumbling there plus blogging...much you could share..
WEnt thru your previous entry which I missed...sad to hear about yr baba's illness. Will pray for him..Keep us posted on his development. And you take care dear!
Simah I'm so sorry pasal lama tak join your blog...aku la nie dah tukaq tempat keje.Aku bertukar dari MRSM Langkawi ke MRSM Kepala Batas Pulau Pinang...
sad to hear about your baba..hope our family can cope up with this new test,...
and congrats to you...this is what you are good at simah...keep on mumbling and get published
Macam mana operation? harapnya semuanya baik-baik belaka..
Kalo Simah jadi columnist tetap dlm paper sini, rasanya saya akan jadi one of your fan reader..
My prayers for your father-in-law's operation. Hope everything will go well. InsyaAllah.
Congratulations on the publication of your columns. They are inspiring pieces. :)
thank you for ur doas.....
ala..i kan kuat bebel.. apa yg i tulis tu tak ader la grand apa pun...:0)
kak elle
terima kasih atas doa akak..
weeeeeeeeeiiii rendang mana bole lupa! hehehe yum yum.. saya la ni tengah perabihkan asam mo far ko.. minah kecik tu un dok suka i suka sorokkan dari dia! hahahahah tak baiknya mak diaaaa...
i am sure ur english is wonderful.. eh glamour aper tulis article dalam journal.. lagi ramai orang baca...dan ramai dapat faedah.. mcm saya ni membebel ajer.. menghabiskan ink pen ajer hehehe
terima kasih kerana sudi datang ke sini.. sila la datang lagi :0)
thanks :0)
heheheh memang grandddd..hahaha ...2 articles as part of the cv...tergelak interviewer tu heheh
queen of the house
thank u forur doa akak..aminn...
saya bukan glamous akak... saya gelama ajer hehehe...
thanks 4 ur prayers...
the 2nd article (developing potential) really affect my dad a lot... he kept telling everyone about it... malunyaaaa iiii tak tahu mana mau letak muka... he used to introduce me as his malaysian bride... now he introduces me as the bride who writes articles... layan ajer long as dia happy kan?stil, i wish he'd stick to the simple..this is my malaysian bride..
thank u mulan dear...i appreciate ur doas very much..aminnnnn
betul tu... terutamanya bila orang yg tersayang puji... kembanggg sikit hehehe
amin... thank u for ur doas...
akak..yup..i am lucky to be married into this family.... i cant ask for anything more...a wonderful man.. a oving family... lhamdulillah... is a compensation..and i think baba enjoys being pampered...biasa la.. dah tua tua ni bila lagi nak kena pamper kan?
hehehe tak ader cash ponnn... free jaaa.. the fun is when i see my name in print and to see the face of halil reading my article... i think he is a fan of my writing hehehehe..still.. he never read my blog! hahahaha
anggerik merah
thank u dear AM...i appreciate all ur doas...
i plan is fun... n thanks 4 ur compliment.. i just hope i wont run out of ideas...:0)
mat kie
wei! aku sekeh kang! aku memang dok bengang kat hang.. ntah hidup entah pi mana.. weiiiii hantaq la email weiiiiii..
tempat hang keja la ni aku rasa 10 minit kalau jalan kaki pi rumah mak aku... hang pi la lepak kat rumah aku sembang ngan mak aku... no tepon dia aku letak kat blog hang... dia ingat kot kat hang.. kan hang dulu tiap tahun mai raya rumah aku...cerita la bini hang adik mek ah.. bini cek ros.. mesti dia tak lupa mamat kering tinggi tu hehehe
thank u for ur doas...
unny that u said.. *this is what u r good at*...
i think u r right sue... i am good at mumbling arent i?..despite the fact that i deliberately refuse to use correct grammar even when i know certain usage is wrong ..
(my tesl friends mesti dah puas gelak tengok my grammar...esp that beST BUDY ever of mine hahaha)
the singa
Alhamdulillah..the operation went smoothly.. baba is better...
eh i boleh buka fan club la yek? hahahaha..i am flattered..
thank you for ur doas theta dear...
and to hear a compliment from u... kembangnya iiiiiii hahhhaha
(sah ada yg meluat baca my comments kat sini hahaha)
Big wows for your publication! Seriously dasat.
Prayersfor your baba too dear
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