His Birthday
Last Saturday, it was his birthday. Normally we would have celebrated it at our home..
but baba is not well...it was only logical for us to do it at baba's. We invited everyone for tea..at around 4pm... and my plan was to have a simple tea gathering....with loads of chat...
And so i woke up that saturday morning thinking that next to the tea, i would serve the family a simple.....
and next to it ...

This zeytinyağlı lahana dolması (stuffed rice in cabbage with olive oil)
But then...i thought to myself... the kids would be there as well... they might like...
This small sandwich bread filled with garnitur (mixed veggies) and hot dog mixed in mayonaise
as well.. and so i prepared it...
But Wait!! Why dont i just add another thing?
This salty biscuits with poppy seeds sprinkled on it (hopefully the poppy seeds did not drug them all hehhe)
And there i was thinking to myself....hmmmm
kısır (pounded wheat salad) is almost a necessity in each gathering..everybody loves it i think...
Yup! Kısır it was....
Hmm... i feel like adding something... well.. i could see a bit of tomatoes right here...
Maybe i will make a potato salad?
Oh yeah.. i did boiled the potatoes to make the typical potato salad.. but of course.. my thinking mind couldnt stop there.. and so i experimented with the potato salad.. and....
added kidney beans and pomogranade (nar aka buah delima) as well in the salad! hahahaha
Well.. everybody tasted... they didnt actually said that it was delicious but could only mutter..*not bad*.. still..not many of the salad was left in the end anyway...
and What is the one thing everybody likes (even merve!) ?
Yup! this rus Salata...mixed veggies n cucumber pickles with mayonaise...
At around 1pm.. kerim called.... asking what i was planning to serve for my beloved's birthday...
He then suggested we added some more food.. and so by 1.15pm.. halil,- kerim n the kids went out to the pastry shop and bought..
this su böreği... (trust me...this particular börek is difficult to cook.. easier to buy)..
They also bought some eggs and mıstık boiled them up...
Yes.. nice looking boiled eggs..
Mıstık also boiled 2 chickens... and since halil was quite late in picking me up from home.... Meşe had the tough job of separating the bones and the meat heheheheh Sağol meşe!
and here we have chicken meat.. :0)
The kids love hot dog ...
Yup! that too became part of the menu....and so all the food altogether were like this...
on baba's long dining table...
This zeytinyağlı lahana dolması (stuffed rice in cabbage with olive oil)
But then...i thought to myself... the kids would be there as well... they might like...
as well.. and so i prepared it...
But Wait!! Why dont i just add another thing?
And there i was thinking to myself....hmmmm
Yup! Kısır it was....
Hmm... i feel like adding something... well.. i could see a bit of tomatoes right here...
Maybe i will make a potato salad?
Oh yeah.. i did boiled the potatoes to make the typical potato salad.. but of course.. my thinking mind couldnt stop there.. and so i experimented with the potato salad.. and....
Well.. everybody tasted... they didnt actually said that it was delicious but could only mutter..*not bad*.. still..not many of the salad was left in the end anyway...
and What is the one thing everybody likes (even merve!) ?
At around 1pm.. kerim called.... asking what i was planning to serve for my beloved's birthday...
He then suggested we added some more food.. and so by 1.15pm.. halil,- kerim n the kids went out to the pastry shop and bought..
They also bought some eggs and mıstık boiled them up...
Mıstık also boiled 2 chickens... and since halil was quite late in picking me up from home.... Meşe had the tough job of separating the bones and the meat heheheheh Sağol meşe!
The kids love hot dog ...
But Wait! it was a birthday after all eh? where's the cake???
Here it is..all the way from magnolia pastanesi...
Of course, i was scolded for not informing them that i would cook a lot that day...The rest of the brides would have contributed something as well...
Well.. i didnt know i would cook that much myself!! if i had known i would do sch a thing.. i would have lavish more food on the table hehehe what i came up was what my food stock could come out with...and so.. here we were.. at baba...celebrating his son's birthday...
For more pictures of the family... please cick to
of course u wont be seeing me in the picture hehehe the only romantic picture of me n halil (snapped by funda..thanks sis!) there is not for public viewing...i have only shown it to kak elle so far heheh
THank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: Special Wishes
Simah, Oh Simah,
What a spread! Kalau aku, tak laratlah masak banyak tu!
wow u cook all that macam tak percaya adik ku terror memasak kan?Good job simah next time I tau sama nak panggil tolong buat tu semua....hehehe
ps...that romantic picture macam dua sejoli/// romeo and juliet:)
haiii simah, meleleh air liur datang kat sini. tak sabar nak belajar masak makanan turki dari you! hehe. i nak cuba buat börek dengan baklava, tapi tak confident walaupon resepi didepan mata.
oh btw dia tinggal kat yeşilköy. its on the european side kan? dia cakap dekat dgn atatürk airport. quite far from your place is it? ehh cakap nak send email tak ter-send2, sebab seronok datang kat blog you ni. hehehehe!
The food spreead looks fantastic!
Was the cake chocolate-cream or coffee-cream? I like them either way! ;-)
salam..ni bukan tea, or high tea ..kenduri apaaa...byk foood..yum2
The white cheese thing and rice in cabbage thing looks tempting. Bila la nak boleh rasa your cooking ni:)
Apa tunjuk gambar kat Kak Elle aje? Tak aci la:p
banyak sungguh makanan....isk isk isk awat hang tak masak rendang seperiuk bawa pi situ... makan dgn roti macam Halil buat tu... :)
byknya masak...terer simah masak masakan turki yek..
p.s:bila nak update blog resepi..?
wei..simah! hang masak sebanyak itewww? macam tak percaya aku laa.. hee.. hee.. mentang mentang aku tak bleh masak banyak, tak nak percaya org lain bleh masak pulak errhh..!
apa apa pun congrats... and hepi birthday to HIM!
woah!!... u cook all that??? nampak teramatlah sedapnye.. hm.. drooling ni!! boleh kasi resipi tak.. that stuffed rice looks yummy..
-k. wani-
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Banyaknya food!!! Bertuah keluarga Zaim dapat menantu macam Simah!
Masyallah! How long did you take to make all that??
*drroza watches the food spread with great wonder*
Simah...banyaknya makanan...semua u buat ke? Rajinnya...Makanan tu semua nampak sedap....especially the stuffed rice with cabbage & olive oil
hahaha ko boleh masak punya... eh u sure dah terrer masak jepun kan?
kak elle
siap semua ingredients.. no problem saya gerenti boleh masak.. yg saya tak boleh masak ialah masakan melayu! hahaha tu kena belajar dulu dari mak...:0)
kak elle
ada ada ajer akak ni! hahahaha
dekat airport? adoi..kat situ traffic jam teruk... i duduk kat asia...
a word of advice .. JANGAN cuba nak buat baklavan borek lagi... itu kena ambik course kat mak dia coz nak buat pastry sheets senipis tissue bukan senang.. i still prefer beli...
still...good luck!
choc all the way! coffee i tak tahan..so memang dia takkan beli coffee flavour :0)
kenduri buah hati birthday :0)
hehehe aci memang aci..
nak rasa makanan i..mai la sini.. wei.. buku dah pos ke belum? pos la cepat..tak sabar nak baca ni :0)
daripada aku bawak kat depa baik aku makan sorang sorang! hahahaha
depa bukan reti makan ponnnnnnnn
the singa
ala boleh la sikit sikit...
bab update resepi blog tu... bila sempat saya update yek... ramai mintak resepi stuffed rice in cabbage n olive oil..i will probably update resepi tu...tak sempat lagi..banyak blog betul nak kena manage..
mummy rizq
alaa hang kan pandai terrer... lagipun kan hang career woman... mana nak sempat nak masak semua tu kan?
resepi?nanti nanti..next week kot saya bagi resepi yek.. with pics to illustrate..
Queen of the House
hehehe kerja saya dalam family ni memang asyik dok masakkkkkkkkkkk ponnnnn...tu yg badan mcm hippo tu! haha masa masak mulut pun suap sekali hahah
well..i started at about 10am...till 3pm...senang aja semua tu nak buat akak...u campak itu n u campak ini... tapi non stop cooking la...
drool pls.. mai la sini... :0)
kak lady
disebabkan semua on impuşse.. sebenarnya tak banyak yg saya boleh buat (barang tak cukup)..kalau saya memang plan nak buat mcm tu... lagi elaborate the food...memangkeluarga zaim tau saya ni jenis mcm tu...
resepi cabbage tu insyaAllah next week masuk blog ..tungguuuuuuuuu
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