My thoughts today...
Father-in-law.... Thatz the word u use to refer to the father of the man u got married to.By law, the guy becomes ur father. True of course...
But in real life... the term is more than that... when u marry someone... u marry his family too. His mother becomes urs (next to ur own mom)...his father becomes urs (next to ur own dad)... the same goes to the rest of his family members......the same goes to him... he should feel the same about ur family members...the unwritten rule applies to him too... he should accept and love ur family as his own..
I am a foreigner to death...My first death experience was when Anne (my mom in law) died....Then,last summer, my own nephew died....with the high probabilities of another death lurking around.... i keep reminding myself... Allah, made us all and to him we shall return,eventually. I only pray that the eventual end will not be accompanied with unbearable intense pain...
I could not visit my nephew's grave...and so the pictures of his grave came to me in picture form... thanks joe...Ur pain of loss is still very deep... i can sense that...Afif is in the best hands.. in the hands of Allah...May u rest in peace...

But in real life... the term is more than that... when u marry someone... u marry his family too. His mother becomes urs (next to ur own mom)...his father becomes urs (next to ur own dad)... the same goes to the rest of his family members......the same goes to him... he should feel the same about ur family members...the unwritten rule applies to him too... he should accept and love ur family as his own..
I am a foreigner to death...My first death experience was when Anne (my mom in law) died....Then,last summer, my own nephew died....with the high probabilities of another death lurking around.... i keep reminding myself... Allah, made us all and to him we shall return,eventually. I only pray that the eventual end will not be accompanied with unbearable intense pain...
I could not visit my nephew's grave...and so the pictures of his grave came to me in picture form... thanks joe...Ur pain of loss is still very deep... i can sense that...Afif is in the best hands.. in the hands of Allah...May u rest in peace...
Labels: The heart speaks
al fatihah untuk arwah afif....
betul simah bila kita berkawin kita dlm glongan satu family menerima antara satu sama lain.
salam simah,
al fatihah utk arwah anak sedara.
AL fatihah..moga2 dicucuri rahmatNya...
funny to think that the bond between my MIL and I have grown stronger despite the loss of the one that connected us together...
kak elle
:0) betul tu akak....
thanks :0)
mak lang
ada hikmah disebalik kehilangan...takecare dear d..
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